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It was a web library I started back in 2004 and it did a lot to teach me how to make things efficient, but as you can imagine over 15 or so years it's been deprecated. Also, it was a startup when I built this (I like startups) so it was all super rushed and "just get it working before money runs out" and stuff.

Common Functions

  • dev_control_var('global_variable_name'); // get the value of a global or request variable matching the string passed and returns the value
  • dev_set_cookie('name', 'value', ['timeout']); // Sets a cookie set the second value to an empty string to delete
  • `dev_dbconn('db_user', 'db_name', 'db_password', 'db_host'); // opens a php.mysql connection
  • dev_dbclose([$link]); // closes a connection
  • dev_href([$url]); // formats the url passed, or returns the url of the page if no value is given
  • dev_draw_form($action_href); // returns the open tag html of a POST form
  • dev_draw_form_field('field_type', 'field_name', 'field_label', 'field_value'); // returns an html form field
  • dev_close_form(); // closing tags of an html form
  • dev_redirect($href); // http redirect of a page so long as no headers have been sent to the browser yet


This is the database class I developed. It was TOTALLY BOSS until the php.mysql extension was deprecated. It was also crazy hard to maintain.

$variable = new DevObject('database_table_name'); The code above makes $variable an object that can run queries against the table 'database_table_name' The most common operations I created are

  • $variable->loadPostVars(); // Loads variables from global variables ($_POST)
  • $variable->setField('database_field', $value); // sets a value to the database field. Not set until saved (write)
  • $variable->getField('database_field'); // gets the value currently assigned to the field
  • $variable->setCondition('database_field', '=', $value); // like DevObject::setField() but with conditional logic. Second argument can be =,>,<,<>, or LIKE
  • $variable->writeObject(); // creates or updates the object(s) to the database ( same as DevObject::save() )
  • $variable->delete(); // deletes all records matching the set fields
  • $variable->read(); // Selects the first record matching the set fields
  • $variable->clearMembers(); // clears all fields to default value ( same as DevObject::clear() )
  • $variable->getRecordSet(); // runs a select query for all rows matching the set fields and conditions
  • $variable->getStatusMessage(); // last database status or update success/error message
  • $variable->drawForm([$type_array], [$header_array]); // Generates dev_draw_form_field() fields for each database column. $type_array is an associative array of field types, $header_array contains field labels. Both optional


This is the template class I developed. $template = new DevTemplate('file_location.html'); This code creates a variable '$template' which loads a plain text file with replaceable tokens. For Example, if the file loaded was index.html and had a line like <title>{page_title}</title> the following code $template = new DevTemplate('index.html'); $template->set('page_title', 'Hello, World'); $template->publish();Would produce the output<title>Hello, World</title>`

  • $template->render(); // returns the formatted template file
  • $template->publish(); // renders the template then echos it
  • $template->set('token', $value); // Immediately updates the token {token} in the template file
  • $template->assign('token', $value); // Queues the token {token} in the template file to be update to $value when DevTemplate::render() is called
  • $template->renderRecordSet($recordset); // iterates the template file over each set of values in an associative array
  • $template->renderRecordSetFormatted($recordset); // same as DevTemplate::renderRecordSet but escapes strings and process htmlentities


Deprecated family of PHP helper functions






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