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This directory contains Java and PHP libraries for using as a client. The libraries are simple enough that the
code should be self-documentating, if you've learned enough about Loom
to use them.

The PHP library is in the file LoomClient.php. There's an example web
form that uses it in grid-tutorial.php. They require the files:
Diceware.php, LoomRandom.php, and bcbitwise.php. Put those files in a
source directory for a PHP-enabled web server, and aim a browser at
grid-tutorial.php, and you'll see the tutorial.

The Java library is in java/cc/loom/ and as the class
cc.loom.LoomClient in loom.jar. You can test it from the command line
as follows:

  java -cp loom.jar cc.loom.LoomClient command arguments...

Where command and arguments are docmented by the usage line printed if
you just execute:

  java -cp loom.jar cc.loom.LoomClient

The loomclient shell script packages up calling the client so you can

  loomclient command arguments...

This is safe to use with real locations, since all communication with is done with an encrypted (https) link.

The makeloomjar script compiles and creates
loom.jar. It must be run from within this directory. currently requires Java 5 generics. There is a comment
at the top of the file telling you how to change it to work with Java
4 (untested).