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The Jitsu\StringUtil class is a collection of static methods for dealing with strings in PHP.

Why? Because many of PHP's built-in string functions are poorly named, have awkward interfaces, and treat arguably valid edge cases as errors.

StringUtil addresses these issues, providing a more intuitive interface to the standard PHP string functions while offering capabilities which are lacking in the built-in library.

This package is part of Jitsu.


Install this package with Composer:

composer require jitsu/string


Run the unit test suite as follows:

composer install
./vendor/bin/phpunit test/


The class is defined under the namespace Jitsu.


class Jitsu\StringUtil

A collection of static methods for dealing with strings.

Case-insensitive methods are named after their case-sensitive counterparts by prefixing the letter i.


Return the length of a string.

This is equivalent to the number of bytes in the string.

$s string
returns int


Alias of length. See \Jitsu\StringUtil::length().

$s string
returns int


Determine whether a string is empty.

$s string
returns bool

StringUtil::equal($a, $b)

Return whether two strings are equal.

$a string
$b string
returns bool

StringUtil::iEqual($a, $b)

Like equal but case-insensitive.

$a string
$b string
returns bool


Return the characters of a string as an array.

$s string
returns string[]

StringUtil::chunks($s, $n)

Split a string into chunks of $n characters.

Each chunk is a sequential array. The last chunk may have between 1 and $n characters.

$s string
returns string[]

StringUtil::split($s, $delim = null, $limit = null)

Split a string by a delimiter into an array of strings.

Type Description
$s string
$delim `string null`
$limit `int null`
returns string[]

StringUtil::tokenize($s, $chars)

Split a string into tokens.

Type Description
$s string
$chars string A string listing the delimiting characters.
returns string[]

StringUtil::join($sep, $strs = null)

Join array elements into a single string with a separator.

Type Description
$sep string The separator string.
$strs string[] The list of strings.
returns string

StringUtil::trim($s, $chars = null)

Strip characters from the beginning and end of a string.

Type Description
$s string
$chars `string null`
returns string

StringUtil::rtrim($s, $chars = null)

Strip characters from the end of a string.

$s string
$chars `string
returns string

StringUtil::ltrim($s, $chars = null)

Strip characters from the beginning of a string.

$s string
$chars `string
returns string


Convert a string to lower case.

$s string
returns string


Convert a string to upper case.

$s string
returns string


Convert a string's first character to lower case.

$s string
returns string


Alias for lcfirst. See \Jitsu\StringUtil::lcfirst().


Convert a string's first character to upper case.

$s string
returns string


Alias for ucfirst. See \Jitsu\StringUtil::ucfirst().


Alias for ucfirst. See \Jitsu\StringUtil::ucfirst().


Capitalize all words in a string.

Converts any alphabetic character that appears after whitespace to upper case.

$s string
returns string


Alias for ucwords. See \Jitsu\StringUtil::ucwords().

StringUtil::replace($s, $old, $new)

Replace all instances of a substring with another.

Replaces only non-overlapping instances of the substring.

$s string
$old string
$new string
returns string

StringUtil::replaceAndCount($s, $old, $new)

Replace a string and return the number of replacements.

Type Description
$s string
$old string
$new string
returns array The pair array($result, $count).

StringUtil::iReplace($s, $old, $new)

Like replace but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::replace().

$s string
$old string
$new string
returns string

StringUtil::iReplaceAndCount($s, $old, $new)

Like replaceAndCount but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::replaceAndCount().

Type Description
$s string
$old string
$new string
returns array The pair array($result, $count).

StringUtil::replaceMultiple($s, $pairs)

Peform multiple substring replacements at once.

Allows one to perform multiple replacements at once, which may be a better alternative to performing successive single-string replacements.

Replaces all non-overlapping instances of the keys of $pairs with their corresponding values.

Type Description
$s string
$pairs string[] An array mapping the substrings to be replaced to their replacements. Longer keys have precedence.
returns string

StringUtil::translate($s, $old, $new)

Re-map the characters in a string.

Characters listed in $old are changed to the corresponding characters listed in $new.

$s string
$old string
$new string
returns string

StringUtil::substring($s, $offset, $length = null)

Get a substring of a string given an offset and length.

Type Description
$s string
$offset int The offset at which to begin the substring. If greater than the length of the string, the result will be an empty string. A negative offset denotes an offset from the end of the string.
$length `int null`
returns string

StringUtil::replaceSubstring($s, $new, $offset, $length = null)

Replace a portion of a string with another.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::replace().

Type Description
$s string
$new string The replacement string.
$offset int
$length `int null`
returns string

StringUtil::slice($s, $i, $j = null)

Get a slice of string given two offsets.

Gets a substring of a string given an inclusive beginning index and a non-inclusive ending index. Negative indexes denote offsets from the end of the string.

Type Description
$s string
$i int If this occurs after the end index, an empty string is returned.
$j `int null`
returns string

StringUtil::replaceSlice($s, $new, $i, $j = null)

Replace a slice of a string with another string.

If the starting index comes after the ending index, the replacement is inserted at the starting index.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::slice().

$s string
$new string
$i int
$j `int
returns string

StringUtil::insert($s, $new, $offset)

Insert a string at a given offset in another string.

Type Description
$s string
$new string
$offset int A negative offset denotes an offset from the end of the string.
returns string

StringUtil::pad($s, $n, $pad = ' ')

Pad the beginning and end of a string with another string.

Symmetrically pads a string with another so that the result is $n characters long.

$s string
$n int
$pad string
returns string

StringUtil::lpad($s, $n, $pad = ' ')

Pad the beginning of a string with another string.

$s string
$n int
$pad string
returns string

StringUtil::rpad($s, $n, $pad = ' ')

Pad the end of a string with another string.

$s string
$n int
$pad string
returns string

StringUtil::wrap($s, $cols, $sep = "\n")

Wrap a string to a certain number of columns.

This "wraps" a string to a fixed number of columns by inserting a string every $cols characters. Inserts newlines by default.

$s string
$cols int
$sep string
returns string

StringUtil::repeat($s, $n)

Repeat a string $n times.

$s string
$n int
returns string


Reverse a string.

@param string

$s string

StringUtil::startingWith($s, $substr)

Return the part of a string starting with another string.

The result includes the specified substring.

Type Description
$s string
$substr string
returns `string null`

StringUtil::iStartingWith($s, $substr)

Like startingWith but case-insenstive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::startingWith().

$s string
$substr string
returns `string

StringUtil::rStartingWith($s, $char)

Return the last part of a string starting with a certain character.

Unlike startingWith, this only works for single characters.

Type Description
$s string
$char string A single character.
returns `string null`

StringUtil::startingWithChars($s, $chars)

Return the last part of a string to start with one of a number of characters.

Type Description
$s string
$chars string Lists the characters to look for.
returns `string null`

StringUtil::preceding($s, $substr)

Return the part of a string up until a certain substring.

Type Description
$s string
$substr string
returns `string null`

StringUtil::iPreceding($s, $substr)

Like preceding but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::preceding().

$s string
$substr string
returns `string

StringUtil::words($s, $chars = null)

Split a string into words.

What constitutes a word character is defined by the current locale.

Type Description
$s string
$chars `string null`
returns string[]

StringUtil::wordCount($s, $chars = null)

Count the number of words in a string.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::words().

$s string
$chars `string
returns int

StringUtil::findWords($s, $chars = null)

Locate the words in a string.

Returns an array mapping the starting indexes of the words in the string to their corresponding words.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::words().

$s string
$chars `string
returns string[]

StringUtil::wordWrap($s, $width, $sep = "\n")

Word-wrap a string.

Word-wraps a string to a fixed number of columns. Words longer than the maximum width are split.

Type Description
$s string
$width int
$sep string Optionally provide a character other than newline to terminate lines.
returns string

StringUtil::compare($a, $b)

Lexicographically compare two strings.

Returns a negative number if $a comes before $b, 0 if they are the same, and a number greater than 0 if $a comes after $b.

$a string
$b string
returns int

StringUtil::iCompare($a, $b)

Like compare but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::compare().

$a string
$b string
returns int

StringUtil::nCompare($a, $b, $n)

Like compare but only checks the first $n characters.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::compare().

$a string
$b string
$n int
returns int

StringUtil::inCompare($a, $b, $n)

Like nCompare but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::nCompare().

$a string
$b string
$n int
returns int

StringUtil::localeCompare($a, $b)

Like compare but dependent on the current locale.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::compare().

$a string
$b string
returns int

StringUtil::humanCompare($a, $b)

Like compare but uses a human-sensible comparison.

Orders strings in a way that seems more natural for human viewers (numbers are sorted in increasing order, etc.).

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::compare().

$a string
$b string
returns int

StringUtil::iHumanCompare($a, $b)

Like humanCompare but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::humanCompare().

$a string
$b string
returns int

StringUtil::substringCompare($a, $b, $offset, $length = null)

Like compare but uses only a substring of the first string.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::compare().

Type Description
$a string
$offset int Starting offset of where comparison with $a should start. A negative offset counts from the end of the string.
$length `int null`
returns int

StringUtil::iSubstringCompare($a, $b, $offset, $length = null)

Like substringCompare but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::substringCompare().

$a string
$offset int
$length `int
$b string
returns int

StringUtil::contains($s, $substr, $offset = 0)

Determine whether a string contains a certain substring.

Type Description
$s string
$substr string
$offset int Optionally provide a starting offset.
returns bool

StringUtil::iContains($s, $substr, $offset = 0)

Like contains but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::contains().

$s string
$substr string
$offset int
returns bool

StringUtil::containsChars($s, $chars)

Determine whether a string includes one of a number of characters.

Type Description
$s string
$chars string A list of characters.
returns bool

StringUtil::containsChar($s, $char)

Determine whether a string contains a character.

Type Description
$s string
$char string A single character.
returns bool

StringUtil::beginsWith($s, $prefix)

Determine whether a string begins with a certain prefix.

$s string
$prefix string
returns bool

StringUtil::iBeginsWith($s, $prefix)

Like beginsWith but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::beginsWith().

$s string
$prefix string
returns bool

StringUtil::endsWith($s, $suffix)

Determine whether a string ends with a certain suffix.

$s string
$suffix string
returns bool

StringUtil::iEndsWith($s, $suffix)

Like endsWith but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::endsWith().

$s string
$suffix string
returns bool

StringUtil::removePrefix($s, $prefix)

Remove a prefix from a string.

Type Description
$s string
$prefix string
returns `string null`

StringUtil::iRemovePrefix($s, $prefix)

Like removePrefix, but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::removePrefix().

$s string
$prefix string
returns `string

StringUtil::removeSuffix($s, $suffix)

Remove a suffix from a string.

Type Description
$s string
$suffix string
returns `string null`

StringUtil::iRemoveSuffix($s, $suffix)

Like removeSuffix, but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::removeSuffix().

$s string
$suffix string
returns `string

StringUtil::find($s, $substr, $offset = 0)

Determine the location of a substring within another string.

Type Description
$s string
$substr string
$offset int Optionally provide a starting offset.
returns `int null`

StringUtil::iFind($s, $substr, $offset = 0)

Like find but case-insensitive.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::find().

$s string
$substr string
$offset int
returns `int

StringUtil::rFind($s, $substr, $offset = 0)

Like find but starts from the end of the string.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::find().

Type Description
$s string
$substr string
$offset int The optional offset is the number of characters from the end of the string.
returns `int null`

StringUtil::before($s, $substr)

Get the part of a string before a certain substring.

Returns the whole string if it does not contain the substring.

$s string
$substr string
returns string

StringUtil::after($s, $substr)

Get the part of a string after the last occurrence of a certain substring.

Returns the whole string if it does not contain that substring.

$s string
$substr string
returns string


Determine whether all characters in a string are lower case.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are upper case.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are alphanumeric.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are alphabetic.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are control characters.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are decimal digits.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are hexadecimal digits.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are visible characters.

Whitespace and control characters are not visible characters.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string have printable output.

Control characters do not have printable output.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are punctuation.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.


Determine whether all characters in a string are whitespace.

Type Description
$s string
returns bool Returns false if $s is empty.

StringUtil::count($s, $substr, $offset = 0, $length = null)

Count the number of times a string contains a substring.

Excludes overlaps.

Type Description
$s string
$substr string
$offset int Optionally provide a starting offset.
$length `int null`
returns int

StringUtil::characterRun($s, $chars, $begin = 0, $end = null)

Count a number of matching characters at the beginning of a string.

Determines the length of the initial segment of a string which contains only the characters listed in $chars.

Type Description
$s string
$chars string A list of characters.
$begin int Optionally provide a starting offset.
$end `int null`
returns int


Escape a string C-style.

Escapes a string by adding backslashes in front of certain characters and encoding non-printable characters with octal codes, just like in C string literals.

$s string
returns string


Un-escape the contents of a C-style string literal.

$s string
returns string


Escape a string PHP-style.

Escapes a string by placing backslashes before special characters as required by PHP.

$s string
returns string


Remove all backslash (\) escape characters from a string.

Note that this does not interpret \n as a newline, \t as tab, etc., but as the literal characters n, t, etc.

$s string
returns string

StringUtil::parseInt($s, $base = null)

Parse a string as an integer according to a certain base.

If $base is null, the base is deduced from the prefix of the string (0x for hexadecimal, 0 for octal, and decimal otherwise). Ignores any invalid trailing characters.

$s string
$base `int
returns string


Parse a floating-point value.

Type Description
$s string
returns string
throws RuntimeException Thrown if $s is not a valid float string.


Convert a binary string to a hexadecimal string.

$s string
returns string


Parse a hexadecimal string into binary data.

$s string
returns string


Encode a binary string in base 64.

$s string
returns string


Decode a base 64 string to binary.

$s string
returns string


Convert an ASCII codepoint to the corresponding character.

Type Description
$n int
returns string A single character.


Alias for fromASCII.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::fromAscii().

$n int
returns string


Convert a character to its ASCII codepoint.

Type Description
$c string A single character.
returns int


Alias for toASCII.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::toAscii().

$c string
returns int


Tally the occurrences of the 256 possible byte values in a string.

Type Description
$s string
returns int[] Maps each byte value (0-255) to the number of its occurences in $s.


List all of the unique byte values in a string.

$s string
returns string


List all byte values which do not occur in a string.

$s string
returns string

StringUtil::encodeHtml($s, $noquote = false)

Escape special HTML characters with character entities.

Type Description
$s string
$noquote bool Whether double quotes (") will be left un-escaped.
returns string

StringUtil::escapeHtml($s, $noquote = false)

Alias of encodeHtml.

See \Jitsu\StringUtil::encodeHtml().

$s string
$noquote bool
returns string


Inverse of encodeHtml.

The term "unencode" is used here as opposed to "decode" to emphasize the fact that this function is not suitable for decoding arbitrary HTML text, but rather HTML encoded by encodeHtml using only a minimal set of named character entity codes. This function does not recognize named entities except for those encoded by encodeHtml as well as '. It will decode numeric entities except for those corresponding to non-printable characters, which it will leave encoded.

$s string
returns string

StringUtil::encodeHtmlDict($noquote = false)

Generate a minimal replacement dictionary for escaping special HTML characters using their HTML5 character entities.

Type Description
$noquote bool Whether the double quote (") will be omitted.
returns string[]


Replace characters in a string with their equivalent HTML5 named character entities wherever possible.

This ability is not particularly useful, and encodeHTML should be preferred instead for efficiency.

$s string
returns string


Generate the (fairly large) replacement dictionary for encoding characters to named HTML5 character entities wherever possible.

Type Description
returns string[] Maps characters to character entities.


Strip HTML and PHP tags from a string.

$s string
returns string


URL-decode and parse a query string.

Note that this assumes the PHP convention of parameter names ending with [] to denote arrays of values; in cases where parameters share the same name, only the last one is included.

Also note that this automatically URL-decodes the query string; it is incorrect to use this on a string which is not URL-encoded.

Type Description
$s string
returns string[] Maps parameter names to string values.

StringUtil::encodeStandardQueryString($data, $sep = '&')

Format and URL-encode data as a query string.

This adheres to the standard which does not encode spaces as +.

For compatibility reasons, encodeQueryString should be preferred. See \Jitsu\StringUtil::encodeQueryString().

Type Description
$data `array object`
$sep string Optionally provide a separator other than &, such as ;.
returns string

StringUtil::encodeQueryString($data, $sep = '&')

Format and URL-encode data as a query string, encoding spaces as +.

Type Description
$data `array object`
$sep string Optionally provide a separator other than &, such as ;.
returns string


URL-encode a string.

This adheres to the standard which does not encode spaces as +.

For compatibility reasons, encodeUrl should be preferred. See \Jitsu\StringUtil::encodeUrl().

$s string
returns string


Decode a URL-encoded string.

This adheres to the standard which does not encode spaces as +.

For compatibility reasons, decodeUrl should be preferred. See \Jitsu\StringUtil::decodeUrl().

$s string
returns string


URL-encode a string, using + to encode spaces.

$s string
returns string


Decode a URL-encoded string, treating + as space.

$s string
returns string

StringUtil::parseCsv($s, $delim = ',', $quote = '"', $escape = '\\')

Parse a CSV line into an array.

Type Description
$s string
$delim string Optional delimiter character. Default is ,.
$quote string Optional enclosure (quote) character. Default is ".
$escape string Optional escape character. Default is \\.
returns string[]


Compute the MD5 hash of a string as a 16-byte binary string.

$s string
returns string


Compute the MD5 hash of a string as a hex string.

$s string
returns string


Compute the SHA1 hash of a string as a 20-byte binary string.

$s string
returns string


Compute the SHA1 hash of a string as a hex string.

$s string
returns string


Apply rot13 encryption to a string.

$s string
returns string


Randomly shuffle the characters of a string.

$s string
returns string


Format a number as a currency value using the current locale.

Note that this requires setting the locale using setlocale(LC_ALL, $locale) or setlocale(LC_MONETARY, $locale) for some locale that is installed on the system.

$amount `int
returns string

StringUtil::formatNumber($number, $decimals = 0, $decimal_point = '.', $thousands_sep = ',')

Format a number with commas and a decimal point.

Type Description
$number `int float`
$decimals int Optional number of decimal places. Default is 0.
$decimal_point string Optional decimal point character. Default is ..
$thousands_sep string Optional thousands separator. Default is ,.
returns string

StringUtil::levenshtein($s1, $s2, $ins = null, $repl = null, $del = null)

Compute the Levenshtein distance between two strings.

The Levenshtein distance is the minimum number of character replacements, insertions, and deletions necessary to transform $s1 into $s2.

Type Description
$s1 string
$s2 string
$ins int Optional cost per insertion.
$repl int Optional cost per replacement.
$del int Optional cost per deletion.
returns int


Split a string in camel case into its components.

Runs of consecutive capital letters are treated as acronyms and are grouped accordingly.

For example, the string "XMLHttpRequest" would be split into "XML", "Http", "Request".

$s string
returns string


Convert an English word to its plural or "-s" form.

One could use this to form the plural form of a noun or the third person singular form of a verb.

This uses a naive algorithm which will not work for irregular forms and for certain other cases. However, it knows enough to convert common endings like "-y" to "-ies", "-s" to "-ses", and so on.

$s string
returns string


Capture all output printed in a callback.

Uses PHP output buffering to capture all of the output echoed in a callback. If the callback throws an exception, the output will be ignored, and the exception will be re-thrown.

Type Description
$callback callable
returns string
throws \Exception Whatever $callback throws.


A better API for PHP's string functions







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