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Lead KPI Dashboard Application


This application presents an (S)CRUD administrative interface for storing, viewing, relaying and submitting commerical driver applications to different 3rd Party Web Services and/or email depending on client account.


a. Generate the schema

./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:schema-tool:create

b. Validate the schema against the generate database structure

./vendor/bin/doctrine-module orm:validate-schema


The application uses ZF-OAuth2 for API access control and authorization, and ZFCUSer and BjYAuthorize for front-end access control, Doctrine2 for ORM mapping and Elastica for variable field searching.

Web server setup

The APPLICATION_ENV environment variable is used to determine development vs production environments.
Using the SetEnv directive, add the APPLICATION_ENV variable to your VirtualHost configuration for Apache.


Application - Dashboard


Lead - Lead

CRUD operations and submit lead information to API/Email.

  • Lead - main CRUD Controller
  • Attribute - SCRUD Controller for lead attributes
  • Import - Import Controller handling lead import wizard
  • REST - REST Endpoint Controller
  • Services - Central API Operations Controller
  • Email - Email Leads Controller (List only)
  • TenStreet - TenStreet Leads Controller (List/Submit)
  • Source - Leads Referrer Management Controller (Edit/Merge)
  • Report - Leads Advanced Search Controller (Search/Result/Export)

Account - Account

CRUD operations for Client Accounts

Agent - ElasticSearch

Implementation of ElasticSearch Query and Filter functionality for data search.

API - Api

CRUD Operations for APIs

Application - REST

REST Endpoint providing interface between data sender and Dashboard.

Event - Event

CRUD Operations and ORM Entities for eventing functionality.

TenStreet - SoapClient

SOAP Client for data submission to TenStreet API.

Email - SendMail

SendMail Service for email functionality.

Reports - Search

Provides UI && business logic for Search Agent

WebWorks - CURL

CURL client for data submission to WebWorks API.

User - User

ORM Entities and configuration for user access and role capability.


Zend KPI Dashboard Application v.2







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