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Static dictionary implementation for PHP.


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Static dictionary implementation for PHP


PHP needs to be a minimum version of PHP 7.4.


The recommended way to install is via Composer:

composer require webinarium/php-dictionary


To create custom dictionary you have to extend StaticDictionary class and override the $dictionary static array. After that you can use StaticDictionaryInterface to work with your dictionary.

Example dictionary:

namespace Dictionary;

class Color extends StaticDictionary
    public const BLACK   = 'Black';
    public const BLUE    = 'Blue';
    public const GREEN   = 'Green';
    public const CYAN    = 'Cyan';
    public const RED     = 'Red';
    public const MAGENTA = 'Magenta';
    public const YELLOW  = 'Yellow';
    public const WHITE   = 'White';

    protected static array $dictionary = [
        self::BLACK   => '#000000',
        self::BLUE    => '#0000FF',
        self::GREEN   => '#00FF00',
        self::CYAN    => '#00FFFF',
        self::RED     => '#FF0000',
        self::MAGENTA => '#FF00FF',
        self::YELLOW  => '#FFFF00',
        self::WHITE   => '#FFFFFF',

Input sanitizing:

public function setColor($color)
    if (Dictionary\Color::has($color)) {
        $this->color = $color;

Symfony validation:

use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints;

class Settings
     * @Constraints\NotNull()
     * @Constraints\Choice(callback = {"Dictionary\Color", "keys"})
    public $color;

Symfony form:

class ColorType extends AbstractType
     * {@inheritdoc}
    public function buildForm(FormBuilderInterface $builder, array $options)
        $builder->add('color', ChoiceType::class, [
            'label'   => 'color',
            'choices' => array_flip(Dictionary\Color::all()),

Please note, if you try to get a value from your dictionary using non-existing key, you will get NULL without any failures or warnings. Sometimes it's useful to have a default fallback value to be returned instead of NULL. This can be done by defining a FALLBACK constant in your dictionary class:

class Shell extends StaticDictionary
    public const FALLBACK = self::UNITY;

    public const XFCE  = 1;
    public const KDE   = 2;
    public const GNOME = 3;
    public const LXDE  = 4;
    public const UNITY = 5;
    public const MATE  = 6;

    protected static array $dictionary = [
        self::UNITY => 'Unity',
        self::GNOME => 'Gnome',
        self::KDE   => 'KDE',
        self::LXDE  => 'LXDE',
        self::XFCE  => 'Xfce',
        self::MATE  => 'MATE',

// This returns 'Gnome'

// This returns 'Unity'

If your dictionary should be built in run-time, you may skip the $dictionary static array and overload dictionary() static function instead of that:

class Timezone extends StaticDictionary
    const FALLBACK = 'UTC';

    protected static function dictionary(): array
        return timezone_identifiers_list();


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