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=== WP Query Generator ===
Contributors: anjan011
Tags: code,generator
Requires at least: 3.0.1
Tested up to: 4.3
Stable tag: 4.3
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

This plugin generates WP_Query parameters code from a list of supported parameters and lets the user preview data based on the parameters provided.

== Description ==

This plugin focuses on building [query parameters]( for WP_Query object and preview data based on the generated parameters. This is done through various UI component that the plugin provides.


* <a href="" target="_blank">WQ Query Generator on github</a>

== Installation ==

**PHP Version required: 5.4.x or later**

If you have installed the plugin directly from plugins repository through wordpress backend then all you need is just to activate it.

If you have downloaded the plugin as .zip file, then extract the zip file content and upload the directory inside your wp-content/plugins dir. Once done, go to your plugins page on wp backend, and you will then be able to activate the plugin.

Once activated you can then access the plugin fetures through Tools > WP_query generator menu item

== Screenshots ==

1. Screenshot 1: Showing the parameters UI
2. Screenshot 2: Showing the generated codes sample
3. Screenshot 3: Displaying sample data preview

== Upgrade Notice ==

= 1.0 =
This is the insitial version. Newer versions with any fixes applied or featured added will be listed here.

== Support ==

Got questions? Stuck with an issue? drop me an email at


A wordpress plugin to generate WP_Query object parameters with some other features including preview data generated by the query






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