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Image Manipulation with GD - a Laravel Bundle


git clone imwg

Or just download your copy from github and locate it in bundles folder.

Then you need to auto-load the bundle, and if you like to use the route based image manipulation, tell laravel to handle that route in bundles.php:

return array(
	'imwg' => array(
    	'auto'      => true,
    	'handles'   => 'imwg'


Then you can easily start to manipulate images in your code.

$img = Imwg::open(path('public').'img/tests/yosemite.jpg')
->ttftext('My polaroid title')

In this cas, $img is an array which holds some information about the createt image.

	[width] => 170
	[height] => 173
	[type] => JPG
	[attr] => width="170" height="173"
	[bits] => 8
	[channels] => 3
	[mime] => image/jpeg

Working with route based image manipulation

Edit config/settings.php or copy this to application/config/imwg.php to fit your needs.

return array (
 * Path, where the images can be found if Imwg routing is used
 * Example: You call the route like 
 * Your image_path ist set to path('public').'img/'
 * then the full path to the image is somtehing like:
 * /var/www/html_public/laravel/public/img/cute_images/image.jpg
'image_path' => path('public').'img/',
 * Default font, used for Imwg::ttftext()
 * Can be changend in runtime
'ttf_font' => path('public').'fonts/TalkingToTheMoon.ttf',
 * Should images, modified via route, been cached?
'use_cache' => true,
 * Path, where the images should be cached 
 * Here we need read/write access
'cache_path' => path('storage').'cache/',
 * Default cache lifetime in seconds
 * 1 hour = 3600
 * 1 day  = 86400
 * 1 week = 604800
 * 1 month = 2419200
'cache_lifetime' => 2419200,
 * The folder to put your custom routes in your application/config folder
'routes_folder' => 'imwg_routes',

Create an options file in application/config/imwg_routes/ as defined in your settings file, or use config/route_options/ as default location.

Example file polaroid.php:

* Every option, that should be parsed by Imwg needs an array as value 
return array(
	// Create a square from the full image
	'square' => array(),
	// add a watermark in the top left corner
	'watermark' => array(path('public').'img/tests/bad.png',Imwg::NW),
	// create the polaroid
	'polaroid' => array(),
	// write some text inside the white polaroid field
	'ttftext' => array('Just a test',null,14,null,null,null,array(255,0,0),true),
	// disable caching for testing purpose
	'use_cache' => false,

Now every image, called via the route will be polaroided ^-^

myimage.jpg must be located in 'image_path' previous defined in config/settings.php

List of all possible methods and their defaults


* Increase or decrease an image.
* if only 1 parameter is given, the image will be reiszed proportional, 
* otherwise not.
* @param int width the new width
* @param int height the new height
* @param bool min if true, the shortest edge length will be $width
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg
resize($width = null, $height = null, $min = false)


* Increase or decrease an image.
* Shortest edge is $length
* Shorthand for resize($length, null, true);
* @param int lenght longest edge for the image
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg
* @see \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg::resize()
resizeMin($length = null)


* Increase or decrease an image.
* Longest edge is $length
* Shorthand for resize($length, null, false);
* @param int lenght shortest edge for the image
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg
* @see \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg::resize()
resizeMax($length = null)


* Cuts out a region from the image
* X is the result
*         $posX
*       +---+--------------+
*       |   |              |
* $posY +---+---+          |
*       |   | X | $height  |
*       |   +---+          |
*       |    $width        |
*       |                  |
*       +------------------+
* @param int $width Width of the cut out image
* @param int $height Height of the cut out image
* @param int $posX Point X where we start cutting from top
* @param int $posY Point Y where we start cutting from left
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
cut($width = null, $height = null, $posX = 0, $posY = 0)


* Cuts rectangles out of the original
* @param int $with the width of the rectangle
* @param int $height the height of the rectangle
* @param int $pos the cutting position
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg
cutout($width, $height, $pos = Imwg::M)


* Cuts out an square
* If size is not given, the result can be an rectangle, because it cuts the
* image from a 3x3 field
* @param int $size the length of edges. If you cut from the fullimage 
* ( F, FN, FE, FW, FS ), the result image will be resized to $size
* @param int $pos the postion where the image will be cuttet. Can be one of
* Const     Name    Integer Value
* Imwg::N = North, (int 2)
* Imwg::E = East, (int 6)
* Imwg::S = South, (int 8)
* Imwg::W = West, (int 4)
* Imwg::NW = Nortwest, (int 1)
* Imwg::NE = Northeast, (int 3)
* Imwg::SE = Southeast, (int 9)
* Imwg::SW = Southwest, (int 7)
* Imwg::M = Middle, (int 5)
* Imwg::FN = Fullimage North, (int 10)
* Imwg::FS = Fullimage South, (int 12)
* Imwg::F = Fullimage, (int 11)
* Imwg::FE = Fullimage East, (int 12)
* Imwg::FW = Fullimage West, (int 10)
* +----+---+----+
* | NW | N | NE |
* +----+---+----+
* | W  | M | E  |    <-- The Image
* +----+---+----+
* | SW | S | SE |
* +----+---+----+
* FN,FW and FE,FS has internal the same int value. so they return the 
* same result
* +--------+---+  +--+------+--+  +---+-------+ 
* |        |   |  |  |      |  |  |   |       |
* |   FW   |   |  |  |   F  |  |  |   |  FE   |  <-- The Image
* |        |   |  |  |      |  |  |   |       |
* +--------+---+  +--+------+--+  +---+-------+ 
* +--------+  +--------+  +--------+
* |        |  |        |  |        |
* |   FN   |  +--------+  |        |
* |        |  |   F    |  +--------+   <-- The Image
* +--------+  |        |  |        |
* |        |  +--------+  |   FS   |
* |        |  |        |  |        |
* +--------+  +--------+  +--------+
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg
square($size = null, $pos = Imwg::F)


* Sets the Quality of the new image for JPG and PNG
* JPG between 0 (worst) and 100 (best)
* PNG between 0 (best) and 9 (worst)
* @param int $quality
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
setQuality($quality = 92)


* Creates an image, that looks like a polaroid with a white border
* @param int $size the size of the result image
* @param int $borderTopLeftRight the top, left and right border
* @param int $borderBottom the bottom border
* @param array $polaroidColor backgroundcolor default white array(255,255,255)
* @param array $bordercolor bordercolor default black array(0,0,0)
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
polaroid($size = null, $borderTopLeftRight = 10, $borderBottom = 50, $polaroidColor = array(255, 255, 255), $bordercolor = array(0, 0, 0))


* Writes text into the image
* Uses GD internal fonts
* You should, if possible, use Imwg::ttftext() because GD text is ugly :)
* @param string $message The message to display. 
* Newline (\n) makes... tadaa a newline :)
* @param int $fontType The internal GD font. Integer between 1 and 5
* @param int $posX X-Position where the text starts
* @param int $posY Y-Position where the text starts
* @param array $color Textcolor, default black array(0, 0, 0)
* @param array $shadowColor Textshadowcolor, default array(185, 211, 238)
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
text($message = null, $fontType = 3, $posX = 0, $posY = 0, $color = array(0, 0, 0), $shadowColor = array(185, 211, 238))


* Writes text into the image with a TTF Font
* @param string $message The Message to display.
* Newline (\n) makes... tadaa a newline :) hopefully ^_^
* @param string $fontFile Path to your favorite TTF-Fontfile (path/to/example.ttf)
* @param int $fontSize The fontsize in... hmm px? i have no idea
* @param int $rotate Rotates the $essage in $rotate degrees 
* @param int $posX X-Position of the $message
* @param int $posY Y-Position of the $message
* @param array $color Text color, default black array(0,0,0)
* @param bool $center true centers the message horizontal
* @param bool $middle true centers the message vertical
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
ttftext($message = null, $fontFile = null, $fontSize = 12, $rotate = 0, $posX = 0, $posY = 0, $color = array(0, 0, 0), $center = false, $middle = false)


* Copys an image to another, also known as watermark.
* The watermark image should be an png with alpha channel, otherwise
* you dont see anything from the original behind the watermark
* The watermark will be resized to fit the position
* @param string $imageWatermark Path to the watermark image
* @param int $pos Position of the watermark image. Can be one of
* For positions, see Imgw::square()
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
watermark($imageWatermark, $pos = Imwg::F)


* Rotates the image
* @param int $degrees Rotation in degrees 0 - 360, default 180
* @param array $bgcolor Specifies the color of the uncovered zone after the rotation
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
rotate($degrees = 180, $bgcolor = -1)


* Creates a reflection under the image
* @param int $reflectionSize The size of the reflection
* @param array $bgcolor Color of the reflection background 
* default white array(255, 255, 255)
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
reflection($reflectionSize = 30, $bgcolor = array(255, 255, 255))


* This, of course, mirrors the image
* @param string $type h, v, b or	HORIZONTAL, VERTICAL, BOTH
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg
mirror($type = 'BOTH')


* Applies a filter to an image
* @param int $filter For available filters and their params take a look in
* the php documentation for imagefilter.
* Default filter is some kind of SEPIA
* @param int $arg1
* @param int $arg2
* @param int $arg3
* @param int $alpha
* @see
* @see
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
filter($filter = 999, $arg1 = 0, $arg2 = 0, $arg3 = 0, $alpha = 0)


* Converts an image to another type
* @param string $filetype JPG, PNG, GIF
* @param array $bgcolor for converting PNG whith transparency to JPG
* @return \ImageManipulationWithGd\Imwg 
convert($filetype = null, $bgcolor = array(255, 255, 255))


* Gives information about the image
* static call, so you can use it without loading an image to Imwg
* $info = Imwg::getImageInfo('path/to/image.jpg');
* @param string $file Path to the Image
* @return array An array with: width,height,type,attr,bits,channels,mime


* Saves an Image
* @param string $file_name The new Filename
* @param bool $override True to override existing files
* @param bool $destroy True to destroy the Imwg instance
* @return array with infos about the image. See Imwg::image_info()
save($file_name, $override = true, $destroy = true)


* Displays the image
* @param bool $header true sends the imageheader
display($header = true)


Laravel Bundle - Image Manipulation with GD






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