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Mandolin is a web application written in Javascript with a PHP backend, that lets you browse and stream your music collection on demand. You can create playlists and save them under your profile, in the future you will be able to share your playlists with other people. Branch master has tags for the different versions. Master/HEAD is not stable,…



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Thank you for downloading Mandolin.


Mandolin is a web application, to use it you need a web server. You will also need PHP 5.2 or later.
Copy the files you just downloaded to your webserver root directory and follow the steps below.

1 - Rename the install folder from 'install--' to 'install'
2 - Delete the data/mandolin.db file if is there as it contains dummy data used during development.
3 - Set the appropiate permissions for your files on the server. IMPORTANT: the data/ folder and the settings.json file within need to be writable by the user where the webserver runs (for apache is usually www-data)
4 - Browse to the aplication and the install script will start, follow the screens to configure the system.
5 - After the install is complete you have to delete the 'install' folder and follow the last instructions from the install page.
6 - Add your music library folder in the admin page and you should be all set to use Mandolin.

If you have any questions, suggestions, critiques or if you want to help leave me a message in github.


Mandolin is licensed under the GPL v2.
There is a HACKING file that you should read to understand how the code is setup and what is the logic behind it.
There is also a TODO file with known problems and things I have planned to do in the near future.



Mandolin is a web application written in Javascript with a PHP backend, that lets you browse and stream your music collection on demand. You can create playlists and save them under your profile, in the future you will be able to share your playlists with other people. Branch master has tags for the different versions. Master/HEAD is not stable,…






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  • PHP 57.9%
  • JavaScript 26.2%
  • CSS 15.9%