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Roadiz CMS

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Roadiz is a modern CMS based on a polymorphic node system which can handle many types of services and contents. Its back-office has been developed with a high sense of design and user experience. Its theming system is built to live independently from back-office allowing easy switching and multiple themes for one content basis. For example, it allows you to create one theme for your desktop website and another one for your mobile, using the same node hierarchy. Roadiz is released under MIT license, so you can reuse and distribute its code for personal and commercial projects.



The following instructions are a summary for our documentation Getting started section.


Roadiz uses advanced PHP features and needs to run on a recent version of PHP with a op-code cache.

  • Nginx or Apache server
  • PHP 5.4.3+
  • php5-gd extension
  • php5-intl extension
  • php5-curl extension
  • PHP cache (APC/XCache) + Var cache (strongly recommended) or Memcached
  • Be sure that PHP has a read/write access to:
    • /cache folder
    • /conf folder
    • /files folder
For Apache users
  • Requires mod_rewrite extension. Once Roadiz files and vendor are ready you’ll be able to generate .htaccess files for you Apache server configuration:
bin/roadiz config --generate-htaccess

But it’s better if you can directly define rules in your virtual host configuration. Use one of our templates in /samples folder.

  • Requires mod_expires for managing your assets caching lifetime.

Install from bundle

Here is a simple install process if you already have a ready webserver. For the moment no automatic update tool is available, if you want to regularly update Roadiz against Github, prefer install from sources.

  • Download Roadiz ZIP bundle from our website or from github releases section.
  • Unzip it into your server root folder (eg. www/)
  • Go to your web-browser to launch Install wizard.

Install from sources

This process needs an SSH connexion to your server with Git and Composer. It will enable you to make Roadiz updates more easily than with the bundle version. This is the recommended method if you are expert.

  • Clone current repository to your web root
  • Install dependencies with Composer: composer install --no-dev
  • Copy conf/config.default.yml to conf/config.yml. After this command, bin/roadiz executable is available.
  • Create an Apache or Nginx virtual host based on files in samples/ folder. If you don’t have any permission to create a virtual host, execute bin/roadiz config --generate-htaccess to create .htaccess files.
  • Go to your web-browser to launch Install wizard.

Once you’ve installed Roadiz, just type /rz-admin after your server domain name to reach backoffice interface.

Database connexion

To connect manually to your database, you can add this to your config.yml:

    driver: pdo_mysql
    host: localhost
    user: null
    password: null
    dbname: null
    port: null

If you prefer socket:

    driver: pdo_mysql
    unix_socket: "/path/to/mysql.socket"
    user: null
    password: null
    dbname: null

You can specify a table prefix adding prefix:"myprefix" if you can’t create a dedicated database for your project and you need to use Roadiz side by side with other tables. But we strongly recommend you to respect the 1 app = 1 database motto.

For more options you can visit Doctrine website:

Apache Solr

Roadiz can use Apache Solr search-engine to index nodes. Add this to your config.yml to link your Roadiz install to your Solr server:

            host: "localhost"
            port: "8983"
            path: "/solr"
            core: "mycore"
            timeout: 3
            username: ""
            password: ""

Run self tests

  • Install dev dependencies: composer update --dev
  • PHPUnit tests:
bin/phpunit -v --bootstrap=tests/bootstrap.php tests/
  • Code quality, use PHP_CodeSniffer with PSR2 standard:
# Check
bin/phpcs --report=full --report-file=./report.txt \
                --extensions=php --warning-severity=0 \
                --standard=PSR2 \
                --ignore="*/node_modules/*,*/.AppleDouble,*/vendor/*,*/cache/*,*/gen-src/*,*/tests/*,*/bin/*" \
                -p ./
# … and correct
bin/phpcbf --report=full --report-file=./report.txt \
                --extensions=php --warning-severity=0 \
                --standard=PSR2 \
                --ignore="*/node_modules/*,*/.AppleDouble,*/vendor/*,*/cache/*,*/gen-src/*,*/tests/*,*/bin/*" \
                -p ./

Migrating with an existing database

When you import your existing database, before performing any database migration, you must regenerate first all node-sources PHP classes.

bin/roadiz core:sources --regenerate

This will parse every node-types from your existing database and recreate PHP classes in gen-src/GeneratedNodeSources folder.

Upgrading database schema

If you just updated your Roadiz sources files, you shoud perform a database migration. First be sure your node-types sources classes exist. If you did not generate them just have a look at Migrating with an existing database section. Then you can perform migration :

bin/roadiz orm:schema-tool:update --dump-sql

Be careful, check the output to see if any node-source data will be deleted! Doctrine will parse every node-type classes to see new and deprecated node-types. Then when you are sure to perform migration, just do:

bin/roadiz orm:schema-tool:update --force
bin/roadiz cache --clear-all;

The cache --clear-all command force Doctrine to purge its metadata cache. Be careful, this won’t purge APC or XCache. You will need to do it manually.

Managing your own database entities

You can create a theme with your own entities. Just add your Entities folder to the global configuration file.

    - src/Roadiz/Core/Entities
    - src/Roadiz/Core/AbstractEntities
    - gen-src/GeneratedNodeSources
    - add/here/your/entities/folder

Verify if everything is OK by checking migrations:

bin/roadiz orm:schema-tool:update --dump-sql;

If you see your entities being created and no system database erased, just --execute your migration. If Doctrine send some error, you probably need to clear metadata cache:

bin/roadiz cache --clear-all;

Problem with entities and Doctrine cache?

After each Roadiz upgrade you should upgrade your node-sources entity classes and upgrade database schema.

bin/roadiz core:sources --regenerate
bin/roadiz orm:schema-tool:update --force
bin/roadiz cache --clear-all;

If you are using a OPCode var cache like APC, XCache, you should purge it as Roadiz stores doctrine configuration there for better performances.


  • Roadiz is released under MIT licence
  • RZ Icons font-icon is released under MIT licence too
  • Roadiz Sans font family is released under GPL+FE licence and is edited by Nonpareille type foundry


Roadiz is a polymorphic CMS based on a node system which can handle many types of services.







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  • PHP 67.9%
  • HTML 14.8%
  • CSS 10.4%
  • JavaScript 6.9%