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=== Pricing Deals for WooCommerce ===
Contributors: vark
Donate link:
Tags: ecommerce, e commerce, e-commerce, commerce, WooCommerce, wordpress ecommerce, store, sales, promotion, advertising, sell, shop, shopping, cart, checkout, configurable, variable, widgets, reports, marketing, deals, price, discount, dynamic pricing, group pricing, wholesale, membership, role, promotion, bogo
Requires at least: 3.3
Tested up to: 4.2.2
Stable tag:
License: GPLv2 or later
License URI:

Dynamic Pricing, Wholesale Pricing,  BOGO Deals and more - Pricing Deals can do any kind of deal you can think of!   

== Description ==

Power your store to greater success with pricing deals and sales promotions! Just about any type of pricing deal you can think of, Pricing Deals for WooCommerce is your one-stop shop to accomplish it.

= What can you do with Pricing Deals? =

*   Dynamic Pricing
*   Wholesale pricing
*   Category Pricing
*   Pricing Tiers
*   Buy one, Get one deals
*   Quantity bulk discounts
*   Group pricing
*   Product and Variation Pricing
*   Schedulable
*   Works with WooCommerce 2.3+

= New Features =

*   Create rules by Product + Logged-in Role, or Variation + Logged-in Role (pro).
*   Show a Cart Rule dynamic discount directly in the Unit Price, or as an automatic Woo Coupon
     - Select Unit Price discount, and you can show the dynamic discount with or without an original price crossout
*   Catalog (Wholesale) Pricing Additional Messages - add a message after the price - "Save 25%"
*   "Wholesale Tax Free" Role now available, as well as a "buy_tax_free" Role Capability

= Unparalleled Customer Service =

*   Customer Service is as important as the plugin functionality itself
*   [Support]( is open 7 days for questions and 1-on-1 assistance.

= A Complete Discount Marketing Package =

Pricing Deals does more than offer discounting functions:

1. *Create the discount rule* .. in your admin area
1. *Award the discount* .. in the website checkout and shopping cart, when a discount is generated
1. *Show the deal description* .. in your checkout and shopping cart, when a Cart deal discount is generated (optional)
1. *Advertise the deal on your site* .. (using optional Shortcodes )  

= Offer Deals Like: =

*   Buy one, get one free
*   Buy two of these, get 10% off of both
*   Buy two of these, get 10% off another purchase
*   Buy 5 of these at a group price
*   Pricing Deals of any sort, by Role/Membership
*   Pretty much any deal you can think of, you’ll be able to do!

[Visit the Documentation](

= Pricing Deals is the Swiss Army Knife of Deals...  to focus on the basic functionality, try these plugins: =
1. [Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce]( .. (wholesale only - skinnier pricing deals plugin)
1. [Cart Deals for WooCommerce](  .. (just the basic Cart discounts, please - skinnier pricing deals plugin)
1. (Pricing Deals itself **already contains** the Wholesale Pricing and Cart Deals functionality)

[Visit the Pro Version](

= The Details =
Pricing Deals is many plugins in one!

*   *Catalog Pricing*
     - Show the discount in the catalog pricing. (by Logged-in Role (Wholesaler, Membership), Category, and others). 
*   *Sale Pricing*
     - Use a single rule to put an entire Category (or other group) on sale.  Just like having a sale price on a product, except
     -    a single rule can apply to a big group, without updating each product individually!!!      
*   *Cart Discounts*
     - Dynamic pricing in the cart, by just about any grouping or deal you can think of. 
*   *Marketing*
     - Advertise your Deals using Shortcodes!
*   *by Category*
     - Example: "T-Shirts 10% off - 1 day sale"  
*   *by Group*
     - Example: "Buy 3 Carrots for $5" 
*   *Buy One, Get One*
     - Example: "Buy a Laptop, get 2nd Laptop 20% off"
*   *Role Pricing*
    - Example: "Members get 20% off"
*   *Customer Limits*
     - Example: "One per customer"

** With the Pricing Deals plugin *all of these actions can be applied and managed in one place, and requires no product database updates!* ** 

[Visit the Documentation](
**The free version gives you:**
*   Deal Types
	*   BOGO (Buy One, Get One) [across the store]
	*   Sale Pricing [across the store]
	*   Group Pricing [across the store] ("Buy 5, get them for the price of 4") 
	*   Dynamic Pricing [across the store]
*   Begin date / End date scheduling
*   Discount info *both* at Checkout and in the Cart Widget for Cart Discounts
*   Theme *Sales and Promotions Marketing* by displaying the Rule message via shortcode ("One Day Sale!) 
*   Price reductions can show as the product displays, for display Rule type
*   "Old Price" and "You Save $$" can show as the product displays (for Catalog discounts)
*   Audit Trail log of purchases made with Pricing Deal Rule discounts

The Pro version  gives you incredible control over rule groups - by category, product and more!

**The Pro version  *also* gives you: (*group power*!)** 

*   For All deal types, the  [Pro version](   gives you group power - the additional flexibility of applying Sales and Promotions to:
	*   *Whole Store, Wholesaler or Membership or Role (Display different prices for logged in users), Product Category and Pricing Deal custom Category, Product or Variation*
*   Deal Types
	*   BOGO (Buy One, Get One) [for any product, variation, category or role]
	*   Sale Pricing  [for any product, variation, category or role]
	*   Group Pricing ("Buy 5 Laptops, get them for the price of 4") [for any product, variation, category or role]
	*   Dynamic Pricing  ("One-Day Sale on Laptops, 10% Off!") [for any product, variation, category or role]
*   Product-level Deal Exclusion
*   Per Customer Discount limit
*   Pricing Deal Custom Categories (a custom Product taxonomy, allowing custom product groups)
*   and more!

*[Vist the Pro Version](*

[Documentation]( | 
[Shameless E-Commerce](

= Additional Plugins by =
1. [Wholesale Pricing for WooCommerce]( .. (skinnier pricing deals plugin)
1. [Cart Deals for WooCommerce]( ..  (skinnier pricing deals plugin)
1. [Minimum Purchase for WooCommerce](
1. [Maximum Purchase for WooCommerce]( 
1. [Min or Max Purchase for WooCommerce](   

== Installation ==

= Minimum Requirements =

*   WooCommerce 2.0.14+
*   WordPress 3.3+
*   PHP 5+

= Install Instructions =

1. Upload the folder `pricing-deals-for-woocommerce` to the `/wp-content/plugins/` directory of your site
1. Activate the plugin through the 'Plugins' menu in WordPress

== Frequently Asked Questions ==

Please review the documentation, which has lots of helpful hints and examples.


Direct support requests can be made here on the support tab, or at the [Support]( page at  We try to respond to all posts within 12 hours.      

== Screenshots ==

1. Pricing Deals - Add New Rule Basic Lower Area
2. Pricing Deals - Add New Rule Top Area
3. Pricing Deals - Cart Widget with Discount
4. Pricing Deals - Checkout with Discount

== Changelog ==

= - 2015-07-07 =
* Fix - Auto add free item function. 
* Enhancement - Auto add free item function:
		- Can now add multiple free items using the Get Group Amount count.
		- New Filter ==> $0 Price shown as 'Free' unless overridden by filter:
			(in your theme's functions.php file)

= - 2015-05-22 =
* Fix - Older email clients dropping strikethrough, added css strikethrough
* Fix - Obscure PHP computation issue (floating point comparison)
* Enhancement - New Template Tag
		vtprd_the_discount() ==> Show the formatted total discount
		Template code: if ( vtprd_the_discount() ) { echo vtprd_the_discount();}
* Enhancement - Shortcode ==> pricing_deal_msgs_standard
		new functionality
		Sample template code:
      			$product_id = get_the_ID();
      			echo do_shortcode( '[pricing_deal_msgs_standard  
* Enhancement - Cleanup if last rule deleted (admin/..rules-delete...)

= - 2015-05-01 =
* Fix - Sale Price Discount exclusion switch issue resolved

= - 2015-04-28 =
* Enhancement - Unit Price Discount subtotal crossouts now on Checkout and Thankyou pages,
	and also on Customer Email.

= - 2015-04-25 =
* Fix - Woo Points and Rewards + regular coupons

= - 2015-04-23 =
* Fix - Compatability issue with other Coupon-based plugins resolved,
	in particular Woo Points and Rewards
* Enhancement - New notification of mismatch between Free and Pro versions

= 1.1 - 2015-04-19 =
* Enhancement - In the Buy Group Filter, added Logged-in Role to Single product and single product with variations:
	By Single Product with Variations   (+ Logged-in Role) 
	By Single Product    (+ Logged-in Role)          

= - 2015-04-19 =
* Fix - Catalog rule variation discounts (from-to) *crossout* value had a rare issue

= - 2015-04-14 =
* Fix - Catalog rule variation discounts (from-to) changed to only show a single price, when all
	variation prices are the same.

= - 2015-04-11 =
* Fix - Widget Catalog discount pricing for variations had an issue.
* Fix - Variation Catalog Discount pricing showing least-to-most expensive had an issue 
	when the actual variations were not in ascending sequence by price.  
	Now sorted for least/most expensive.
* Fix - Different decimal separator for Unit Price discount crossout value in cart/mini-cart.

= - 2015-04-10 =
* Fix - Cart issue if only Catalog discount used.

= - 2015-04-09 =
* Enhancement - Redux - Added **Settings Switches** to SHOW DISCOUNT AS:
		- "Unit Cost Discount" discounts the unit price in the cart immediately
			- Old price crossed out, followed by discounted price is the default
			- can show discount computation for testing purposes
		- "Coupon Discount" places the discount in a Plugin-specific Woo coupon
		- "Unit Cost Discount" is the new default
* Enhancement - Added Settings Switch to show *Catalog Price discount suffix*, with wildcards.
		So you can represent "Save xx" 
		by putting in "Save {price_save_percent} or {price_save_amount}" 
		and the plugin will automatically fill in the saved percentage as "25%".

* Fix - For Catalog Rules, price crossout for variable products now fully controlled
		using Settings switch

= - 2015-01-23 =
* Fix - Release Rollback - A small but significant number of clients continue to have
		issues with release v and fix release . Rather than
		leaving users with issues while a fix is being identified,  
		Release rolls all the code back to v1.0.8.9, 
		prior to the code changes and the issues
		these customers are experiencing.

= - 2015-01-23 =
* Fix - pricing issue - for some installations, no discounts made it to checkout. Fixed.

= - 2015-01-22 =
* Enhancement - Added Settings Switch to SHOW DISCOUNT AS:
* Enhancement - Added Settings Switch to show *Catalog Price discount suffix*, with wildcards.
		So you can represent "Save xx" by putting in "Save {price_save_percent} {price_save_amount}" 
		and the plugin will automatically fill in the saved percentage as "25%".

= - 2014-11-11 =
* Fix - pricing issue - doing_ajax
* Fix - pricing issue - login on the fly at checkout
* Fix - is_taxable Issue
* Fix - Product-level rule include/exclude list
* Enhancement - Shortcode Standard version now produces messages 'in the loop' only 
		when matching the product information 
* Enhancement - Shortcode Standard version now sorts msgs based on request
* Fix - 'excluding taxable' option in subtotal reporting.
* Fix - 'cheapest/most expensive' discount type sometimes would not remain selected - JS.

= - 2014-10-19 =
* Enhancement - Added "Wholesale Tax Free" Role.  Added "buy_tax_free" Role Capability.
		Now **Any** User logged in with a role with the "buy_tax_free" Role Capability 
		will have 0 tax applied
		And the tax-free status will apply to the **Role**, regardless of whether a deal is currently active!!

    		**Setup needed - Requires the addition of a  "Zero Rate Rates" tax class in the wp-admin back end 
    		*(1) go to Woocommerce/Settings
    		*(2) Select (click on) the 'Tax' tab at the top of the page
    		*(3) You will then see, just below the tabs, the line     
    		    "Tax Options | Standard Rates | Reduced Rate Rates | Zero Rate Rates (or Exempt from Vat)" 
    		*(4) Select (click on) "Zero Rate Rates (or Exempt from Vat) " 
    		*(5) Then at the bottom left, click on 'insert row' .  
    		* Done.
* Fix - Crossout original value in Catalog discount, in a rare situation

= - 2014-09-04 =
* Fix - Rare Discount by each counting issue
* Fix - Onsale Switch for Catalog Rules

= - 2014-08-16 =
* Fix - Rare variation categories list issue
* Enhancement - Variation Attributes

= - 2014-08-13 =
* Enhancement - Coupon Title 'deals' translated via filter - see languages/translation directions.txt 
* Fix - Variation taxable status

= - 2014-08-6 =
* Enhancement - Pick up User Login and apply to Cart realtime 
* Enhancement - Upgraded discount exclusion for pricing tiers, when "Discount Applies to ALL" 
* Enhancement - Pick up admin changes to Catalog rules realtime for all customers
* Fix - JS and/or initialization on Group

= - 2014-08-3 =
* Fix - "Apply to All" rare issue 

= - 2014-07-30 =
* Fix - Auto Insert free product name in discount reporting
* Fix - Fine-tune Admin resources

= - 2014-07-27 =
* Fix - Refactored "Discount This" limits
	If 'Buy Something, Discount This Item' is selected,
	Get Group Amount is now *an absolute amount* of units/$$ applied to
	working with the Get Group Repeat amount 

= - 2014-07-25 =
* Fix - Customer Limits
* Enhancement - Settings System Buttons

= - 2014-07-21 =
* Enhancement - Custom Variation Usage
* Enhancement - Variation Reporting in receipts
* Enhancement - Woo Customer tax exempt

= - 2014-07-15 =
* Fix - variation usage  ...

= - 2014-07-03 =
* Fix - backwards compatability:: if pre woo 2.1 ...

= - 2014-06-30 =
* Enhancement - Group Pricing math
* Enhancement - Percentage discount now defaults to 'all in group'
* Enhancement - Package Pricing now defaults to currency

= - 2014-06-27 =
* Enhancement - backwards compatability
* Fix - mini-cart discount subtotal excluding tax
* Enhancement - rule schedule default - "on always"

= - 2014-06-19 =
* Enhancement - use WC  coupon routine
* Enhancement - VAT pricing - include Woo wildcard in suffix text
* Enhancement - Taxation messaging as needed in checkout
* Enhancement - Auto add 'Wholesale Buyer' role on install
* Enhancement - Coupon Individual_use lockout
* Fix - PHP floating point rounding

= - 2014-06-05 =
* Fix - post-purchase processing
* Fix - intermittent issue with variable product name 
* Fix - use_lifetime_max_limits defaults to 'yes'

= - 2014-05-29 =
* Fix - Package Pricing in same group 
* Fix - Settings update repair
* Fix - update show help functions
* Fix - user role change in cart discount
* Fix - apply rule free catalog product issue repaired
* Fix - group pricing rounding issue

= - 2014-5-23 =
* Enhancement - Admin improvements
* Fix - Include/Exclude box on Product wp-admin screen
* Fix - Cart Updated  woocommerce addressability issue

= 1.0.7 - 2014-5-14 =
* Fix - Include 'price display suffix' in Catalog pricing, as needed
* Enhancement - Pro version check from Free version

= 1.0.6 - 2014-5-10 =
* Enhancement - VAT pricing uses regular_price first, but if empty, looks at _price.

= 1.0.5 - 2014-5-08 =
* Fix -VAT inclusive for Cart pricing
* Fix -Warnings and move vtprd_debug_options to functions
* Enhancement - hook added for additional population logic
* Fix -$product_variations_list

= 1.0.4 - 2014-5-01 =
* Fix - if BCMATH not installed with PHP by host, replacement functions
* Fix - add in missing close comment above function in parent-cart-validation.php
* Fix - framework, removed (future) upcharge... , fix pricing-type-simple for catalog
* Fix - framework, pricing-type discount by catalog Option renamed
* Fix - js for cart simple discount was disallowing discount limits in error

= 1.0.3 - 2014-04-26 =
* Fix - warnings on apply
* Fix - cartWidget print option corrected
* Fix - Get group repeat logic
* Enhancement - e_notices made switchable, based on 'Test Debugging Mode Turned On' settings switch
* Enhancement - debugging_mode output to error log
* Change - cumulativeSalePricing switch default now = 'Yes - Apply Discount to Product Price, even if On Sale' - UI + JS chg

= 1.0.2 - 2014-04-14 =
* Fix - warnings on UI update error
* Enhancement - improved edit error msgs in UI
* Fix - Change to collation syntax on install
* Fix - shortcode role 'notLoggedIn'

= 1.0.1 - 2014-04-10 =
* Fix - warning on install in front end if no rule
* Fix - removed red notices to change host timezone on install
* Fix - removed deprecated WOO hook
* Fix - BOGO 'discount this' fix
* Fix - replace bcdiv with round
* Fix - BOGO missing method in free apply
* Enhancement - reformatted the rule screen, hover help now applies to Label, rather than data field 

= 1.0 - 2014-03-15 =
* Initial Public Release

== Upgrade Notice ==

= - 2015-07-07 =
* Fix - Auto add free item function. 
* Enhancement - Auto add free item function:
		- Can now add multiple free items using the Get Group Amount count.
		- New Filter ==> $0 Price shown as 'Free' unless overridden by filter:
			(in your theme's functions.php file)

= - 2015-05-22 =
* Fix - Older email clients dropping strikethrough, added css strikethrough
* Fix - Obscure PHP computation issue (floating point comparison)
* Enhancement - New Template Tag
		vtprd_the_discount() ==> Show the formatted total discount
		Template code: if ( vtprd_the_discount() ) { echo vtprd_the_discount();}
* Enhancement - Shortcode ==> pricing_deal_msgs_standard
		new functionality
		Sample template code:
      			$product_id = get_the_ID();
      			echo do_shortcode( '[pricing_deal_msgs_standard  
* Enhancement - Cleanup if last rule deleted (admin/..rules-delete...)

= - 2015-05-01 =
* Fix - Sale Price Discount exclusion switch issue resolved

= - 2015-04-28 =
* Enhancement - Unit Price Discount subtotal crossouts now on Checkout and Thankyou pages,
	and also on Customer Email.

= - 2015-04-25 =
* Fix - Woo Points and Rewards + regular coupons

= - 2015-04-23 =
* Fix - Compatability issue with other Coupon-based plugins resolved,
	in particular Woo Points and Rewards
* Enhancement - New notification of mismatch between Free and Pro versions

= 1.1 - 2015-04-19 =
* Enhancement - In the Buy Group Filter, added Logged-in Role to Single product and single product with variations:
	By Single Product with Variations   (+ Logged-in Role) 
	By Single Product    (+ Logged-in Role)          

= - 2015-04-14 =
* Fix - Catalog rule variation discounts (from-to) changed to only show a single price, when all
	variation prices are the same.

= - 2015-04-11 =
* Fix - Widget Catalog discount pricing for variations had an issue.
* Fix - Variation Catalog Discount pricing showing least-to-most expensive had an issue 
	when the actual variations were not in ascending sequence by price.  
	Now sorted for least/most expensive.
* Fix - Different decimal separator for Unit Price discount crossout value in cart/mini-cart.

= - 2015-04-10 =
* Fix - Cart issue if only Catalog discount used, now fixed.

= - 2015-04-09 =
* Enhancement - Redux - Added **Settings Switches** to SHOW DISCOUNT AS:
		- "Unit Cost Discount" discounts the unit price in the cart immediately
			- Old price crossed out, followed by discounted price is the default
			- can show discount computation for testing purposes
		- "Coupon Discount" places the discount in a Plugin-specific Woo coupon
		- "Unit Cost Discount" is the new default
* Enhancement - Added Settings Switch to show *Catalog Price discount suffix*, with wildcards.
		So you can represent "Save xx" 
		by putting in "Save {price_save_percent} or {price_save_amount}" 
		and the plugin will automatically fill in the saved percentage as "25%".

* Fix - For Catalog Rules, price crossout for variable products now fully controlled
		using Settings switch

= - 2015-01-23 =
* Fix - Release Rollback - A small but significant number of clients continue to have
		issues with release v and fix release . Rather than
		leaving users with issues while a fix is being identified,  
		Release rolls all the code back to v1.0.8.9, 
		prior to the code changes and the issues
		these customers are experiencing.

= - 2015-01-23 =
* Fix - pricing issue - for some installations, no discounts made it to checkout. Fixed.

= - 2015-01-22 =
* Enhancement - Added Settings Switch to SHOW DISCOUNT AS:
* Enhancement - Added Settings Switch to show *Catalog Price discount suffix*, with wildcards.
		So you can represent "Save xx" by putting in "Save {price_save_percent} {price_save_amount}" 
		and the plugin will automatically fill in the saved percentage as "25%".
	and the plugin will automatically fill in the saved percentage as "25%".
= - 2014-11-11 =
* Fix - pricing issue - doing_ajax
* Fix - pricing issue - login on the fly at checkout
* Fix - is_taxable Issue
* Fix - Product-level rule include/exclude list
* Enhancement - Shortcode Standard version now produces messages 'in the loop' only 
		when matching the product information 
* Enhancement - Shortcode Standard version now sorts msgs based on request
* Fix - 'excluding taxable' option in subtotal reporting.
* Fix - 'cheapest/most expensive' discount type sometimes would not remain selected - JS.

= - 2014-10-19 =
* Enhancement - Added "Wholesale Tax Free" Role.  Added "buy_tax_free" Role Capability.
		Now **Any** User logged in with a role with the "buy_tax_free" Role Capability 
		will have 0 tax applied
		And the tax-free status will apply to the **Role**, regardless of whether a deal is currently active!!

    		**Setup needed - Requires the addition of a  "Zero Rate Rates" tax class in the wp-admin back end 
    		*(1) go to Woocommerce/Settings
    		*(2) Select (click on) the 'Tax' tab at the top of the page
    		*(3) You will then see, just below the tabs, the line     
    		    "Tax Options | Standard Rates | Reduced Rate Rates | Zero Rate Rates (or Exempt from Vat)" 
    		*(4) Select (click on) "Zero Rate Rates (or Exempt from Vat) " 
    		*(5) Then at the bottom left, click on 'insert row' .  
    		* Done.
* Fix - Crossout original value in Catalog discount, in a rare situation

= - 2014-09-04 =
* Fix - Rare Discount by each counting issue
* Fix - Onsale Switch for Catalog Rules

= - 2014-08-16 =
* Fix - Rare variation categories list issue
* Enhancement - Variation Attributes

= - 2014-08-13 =
* Enhancement - Coupon Title 'deals' translated via filter - see languages/translation directions.txt 
* Fix - Variation taxable status

= - 2014-08-6 =
* Enhancement - Pick up User Login and apply to Cart realtime 
* Enhancement - Upgraded discount exclusion for pricing tiers, when "Discount Applies to ALL" 
* Enhancement - Pick up admin changes to Catalog rules realtime for all customers
* Fix - JS and/or initialization on Group

= - 2014-08-3 =
* Fix - "Apply to All" rare issue 

= - 2014-07-30 =
* Fix - Auto Insert free product name in discount reporting
* Fix - Fine-tune Admin resources

= - 2014-07-27 =
* Fix - Refactored "Discount This" limits
	If 'Buy Something, Discount This Item' is selected,
	Get Group Amount is now *an absolute amount* of units/$$ applied to
	working with the Get Group Repeat amount 

= - 2014-07-25 =
* Fix - Customer Limits
* Enhancement - Settings System Buttons

= - 2014-07-21 =
* Enhancement - Custom Variation Usage
* Enhancement - Variation Reporting in receipts
* Enhancement - Woo Customer tax exempt

= - 2014-07-15 =
* Fix - variation usage  ...

= - 2014-07-03 =
* Fix - backwards compatability:: if pre woo 2.1 ...

= - 2014-06-30 =
* Enhancement - Group Pricing math
* Enhancement - Percentage discount now defaults to 'all in group'
* Enhancement - Package Pricing now defaults to currency

= - 2014-06-27 =
* Enhancement - backwards compatability
* Fix - mini-cart discount subtotal excluding tax
* Enhancement - rule schedule default - "on always"

= - 2014-06-19 =
* Enhancement - use WC  coupon routine
* Enhancement - VAT pricing - include Woo wildcard in suffix text
* Enhancement - Taxation messaging as needed in checkout
* Enhancement - Auto add 'Wholesale Buyer' role on install
* Enhancement - Coupon Individual_use lockout
* Fix - PHP floating point rounding

= - 2014-06-05 =
* Fix - post-purchase processing
* Fix - intermittent issue with variable product name 
* Fix - use_lifetime_max_limits defaults to 'yes'

= - 2014-05-27 =
* Fix - Package Pricing in same group 
* Fix - Settings update repair
* Fix - update show help functions
* Fix - user role change in cart discount
* Fix - apply rule free catalog product issue repaired

= - 2014-5-23 =
* Fix - Include/Exclude box on Product wp-admin screen
* Fix - Cart Updated woocommerce addressability issue

= 1.0.7 - 2014-5-14 =
* Fix - Include price display suffix in Catalog pricing, as needed
* Enhancement - Pro version check from Free version

= 1.0.6 - 2014-5-10 =
* Fix -VAT pricing uses regular_price first, but if empty, looks at _price.

= 1.0.5 - 2014-5-08 =
* Fix -VAT inclusive for Cart pricing
* Fix -Warnings fix
* Enhancement - hook added for additional population logic
* Fix -$product_variations_list fix

= 1.0.4 - 2014-05-01 =
* Fix - if BCMATH not installed with PHP by host, replacement functions
* Fix - add in missing close comment above function in parent-cart-validation.php
* Fix - framework, removed (future) upcharge... , fix pricing-type-simple for catalog
* Fix - framework, pricing-type discount by catalog Option renamed
* Fix - js for cart simple discount was disallowing discount limiits in error

= 1.0.3 - 2014-04-26 =
* Fix - warnings on apply
* Fix - cartWidget print option corrected
* Fix - Get group repeat logic
* Enhancement - e_notices made switchable, based on 'Test Debugging Mode Turned On' settings switch
* Enhancement - debugging_mode output to error log
* Change - cumulativeSalePricing switch default now = 'Yes - Apply Discount to Product Price, even if On Sale' - UI + JS chg

= 1.0.2 - 2014-04-14 =
* Fix - warnings on UI update error
* Enhancement - improved edit error msgs in UI
* Fix - Change to collation syntax on install
* Fix - shortcode role 'notLoggedIn'

= 1.0.1 - 2014-04-10 =
* Fix - warning on install in front end if no rule
* Fix - removed red notices to change host timezone on install
* Fix - removed deprecated WOO hook
* Fix - BOGO 'discount this' fix
* Fix - replace bcdiv with round
* Fix - BOGO missing method in free apply
* Enhancement - reformatted the rule screen, hover help now applies to Label, rather than data field 

= 1.0 - 2014-03-15 =
* Initial Public Release


No packages published


  • PHP 81.3%
  • JavaScript 14.4%
  • CSS 4.3%