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Add the dependency to the composer.json

    "require": {
        "ilis/payment-bundle": "dev-master"

Since the bundle is not in packagist (yet) you should also add the repository into the repositories section

    "repositories": [

Download the bundle using composer

  $ php composer.phar update ilis/payment-bundle

Enable the bundle in the AppKernel

  // app/AppKernel.php
  public function registerBundles()
      $bundles = array(
          // ...
          new Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\IlisPaymentBundle(),

Update the db in your application

We plan to create a Command to install the bundle that will include creating the needed db tables, loading fixtures etc. Since this is still not available, please follow the next steps to update the database

  $ php app/console doctrine:schema:update

Configure the Payment Methods

The available payments methods can be enabled and configured editing the methods section of the bundle's configuration.

In order to use the bundle you have to configure at least one payment method. So far the only available method are redsys_webservice and paypal_payments_standard

Redsys Webservice

Here is an example configuration:

           merchant: <your_merchant_id>
           secret_key: <your_secret_key>
           terminal: <your_terminal>
           environment: "testing"

This makes the redsys_webservice method available to be used in your application. Possible values for the environment parameter are: "testing", "integration", "production", being "production" the default value.

Of course you can always dump the configuration reference and get more info about the default/required paramenters using your application console

php app/console config:dump-reference IlisPaymentBundle

Even though it doens't make much sense now that only one payment method is available, but keep in mind that already configured payment methods can be disabled in two ways:

  • By removing the corresponding node from the methods section
  • setting the enabled parameter to false. This is particulary useful if you want temporary disable the method but keep the configuration value to re-enable later.
           enabled: false
           merchant: <your_merchant_id>
           secret_key: <your_secret_key>
           terminal: <your_terminal>
           environment: testing

Paypal Payments Standards

Here is a typical Paypal configuration

           business: <paypal-merchant-identifier>
           rm: "0"
           return: "payment_success"
           cancel_return: "payment_cancel"
           sandbox: true


  • business is the your Paypal Business acccount identifier (you can you the email)
  • rm The FORM METHOD used to send data to the URL specified by the return variable. Possible values are:
    • 0 – all shopping cart payments use the GET method
    • 1 – the buyer's browser is redirected to the return URL by using the GET method, but no payment variables are included
    • 2 – the buyer's browser is redirected to the return URL by using the POST method, and all payment variables are included
  • return The route to which PayPal redirects buyers' browser after they complete their payments.
  • cancel_return A route to which PayPal redirects the buyers' browsers if they cancel checkout before completing their payments.
  • sandbox Set this to true if you are testing

You will finally need to load the route in your application (you can prefix with whatever makes sense for you)

    resource: "@IlisPaymentBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
    prefix:   /ilis-payment


The main service you will use is the Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Service\Manager that provides you with the methods to:

  • Get available payment methods
  • Get payment methods configurations
  • Process Transactions

The service is labeled ilis.payment.manager

Here is an example of a typical usage in a Controller to process a CreditCard AUTH Transaction

    // ...
    use Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Entity\Transaction\CreditCard as CreditCardTransaction;
    use Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Form\Type\CreditCardType;
    use Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Service\Manager as TransactionManager;
    // ... 
    // Inside your controller action
    /** @var $manager  TransactionManager */
    $manager = $this->get('ilis.payment.manager');

    // Retrieve available payment methods
    $methods = $manager->getPaymentMethods(true);
    // Since we only have one method integrated, just use that
    $method = $methods->first();

    /** @var CreditCardTransactoin  */
    $transaction = new CreditCardTransaction;
    // Setup transaction

    // Create the form
    $form = $this->createForm(new CreditCardType(), $transaction);

    $request = $this->getRequest();

    // Process form submission
    if ($request->isMethod('POST'))

        if ($form->isValid())

            if ($transaction->getStatus() === CreditCardTransaction::STATUS_SUCCESS)
                return $this->redirect($this->generateUrl('payment_success'));

            else $form->addError(new FormError(sprintf(
                'We were unable to process this transaction. Error code is %s',

    // Render the view
    return $this->render(
        'PaymentBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array(
            'form'  => $form->createView()


Here an example for a Paypal Buynow Button.


// ... 
use Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Form\Type\Paypal\BuyNowType;

// ... 

$paypalButton = new BuynowButton();
$paypalForm = $this->createForm(
    new BuyNowType(), 

// ... 

return $this->render(
    'PaymentBundle:Default:index.html.twig', array(
        'paypalForm' => $paypalForm->createView(),

In the view:

<form action="{{ path('ilis_payment_paypal_buynow') }}" method="POST" {{ form_enctype(paypalForm) }}"
{{ form_widget(paypalForm) }}
<input type="image" src="" border="0" name="submit" alt="PayPal - The safer, easier way to pay online!">
<img alt="" border="0" src="" width="1" height="1">

Transaction identifier

Since most of the payment providers require to send an unique transaction identifier when a transaction is initiated, we use a special field of the transactions table, that is the "identifier".

The indentifier is nothing else than a string made by the <TRANSACTION_ID> and a <TRANSACTION_IDENTIFIER_SUFFIX>

By default we use the kernel.environment global container parameter as identifier so that, for example, in your dev environment the transaction identifiers will look like this


In addiction the suffix can be set in the bundle configuration for complete control over it.

Here is how you the configuration of you config.yml should look like if you want to use "LOCAL" as transaction identifier prefix:

    transaction_identifier_suffix: "LOCAL"

Please note that in production environment the suffix will NOT take effect and no suffix is going to be used.

Transaction Events

During the transaction processing there are couple of events that are fired:

  • ilis.payment.transaction.created
  • ilis.payment.transaction.updated
  • ilis.payment.transaction.processed

This allow you to register listeners for these events. Here is some example code on how to do that in your application.


namespace Acme\PaymentBundle\EventListener;

use Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Event\TransactionCreatedEvent;
use Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Event\TransactionProcessedEvent;
use Monolog\Logger;

class Transaction

     * @var Logger
    private $logger;

    public function __construct(Logger $logger)
        $this->logger = $logger;

     * @param \Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Event\TransactionCreatedEvent $event
    public function onTransactionCreated(TransactionCreatedEvent $event)
        $transaction = $event->getTransaction();

                'Notified %s  (Identifier: %s)',

     * @param \Ilis\Bundle\PaymentBundle\Event\TransactionProcessedEvent $event
    public function onTransactionProcessed(TransactionProcessedEvent $event)
        $transaction = $event->getTransaction();

                'Notified %s  (Identifier: %s)',

     payment.transaction_listener.class: Acme\PaymentBundle\EventListener\Transaction


        class: %payment.transaction_listener.class%
        arguments: [@logger]
              - { name: ilis.payment.event_listener, event: ilis.payment.transaction.created, method: onTransactionCreated }
              - { name: ilis.payment.event_listener, event: ilis.payment.transaction.processed, method: onTransactionProcessed }


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