Esempio n. 1
  * @Then I should be notified that my review is waiting for the acceptation
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatMyReviewIsWaitingForTheAcceptation()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Your review is waiting for the acceptation.', NotificationType::success());
  * @Then I should be notified that it cannot be deleted
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatItCannotBeDeleted()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Cannot remove currently logged in user.', NotificationType::failure());
Esempio n. 3
  * @Then I should be notified that the address has been set as default
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatAddressHasBeenSetAsDefault()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Address has been set as default', NotificationType::success());
Esempio n. 4
  * @Then I should be notified that my password has been successfully changed
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatMyPasswordHasBeenSuccessfullyChanged()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('has been changed successfully!', NotificationType::success());
  * @Then I should be notified that this zone cannot be deleted
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatThisZoneCannotBeDeleted()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Error Cannot delete, the zone is in use.', NotificationType::failure());
  * @Then I should be notified that it has been successfully deleted
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatItHasBeenSuccessfullyDeleted()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('has been successfully deleted.', NotificationType::success());
Esempio n. 7
  * @Then I should be notified that the product has been successfully added
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatItHasBeenSuccessfullyAdded()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Item has been added to cart', NotificationType::success());
  * @Then I should be notified that it has been successfully generated
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatItHasBeenSuccessfullyGenerated()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Success Product variants have been successfully generated.', NotificationType::success());
  * @Then I should be notified that it is in use
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatItIsInUse()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Cannot delete, the shipping method is in use.', NotificationType::failure());
Esempio n. 10
  * @Then I should be notified that email with reset instruction has been send
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatEmailWithResetInstructionWasSend()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('If the email you have specified exists in our system, we have sent there an instruction on how to reset your password.', NotificationType::success());
  * @Then I should be notified that it cannot be deleted
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatItCannotBeDeleted()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification("The channel cannot be deleted. At least one enabled channel is required.", NotificationType::failure());
Esempio n. 12
  * @Then I should be notified that the verification email has been sent
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatTheVerificationEmailHasBeenSent()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('An email with the verification link has been sent to your email address.', NotificationType::success());
Esempio n. 13
  * @Then I should be notified that promotion coupon is not valid
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatPromotionCouponIsNotValid()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Your promotion coupon is not valid.', NotificationType::failure());
  * @Then I should be notified that it is in use and cannot be deleted
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedOfFailure()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification("Cannot delete, the promotion is in use.", NotificationType::failure());
  * @Then /^I should be notified that it has been successfully (accepted|rejected)$/
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatItHasBeenSuccessfullyUpdated($action)
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification(sprintf('Product review has been successfully %s.', $action), NotificationType::success());
Esempio n. 16
  * @Then I should be notified that it has been successfully updated
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedAboutItHasBeenSuccessfullyCanceled()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Order has been successfully updated.', NotificationType::success());
Esempio n. 17
  * @Then I should be notified that new account has been successfully created
 public function iShouldBeNotifiedThatNewAccountHasBeenSuccessfullyCreated()
     $this->notificationChecker->checkNotification('Customer has been successfully created.', NotificationType::success());