entityManager() public method

Entity manager class for storing information and meta-data about entities
public entityManager ( ) : Manager
return Spot\Entity\Manager
Esempio n. 1
  * Migrate create schema
  * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema
 public function migrateCreateSchema()
     $entityName = $this->mapper->entity();
     $table = $entityName::table();
     $fields = $this->mapper->entityManager()->fields();
     $fieldIndexes = $this->mapper->entityManager()->fieldKeys();
     $schema = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema();
     $table = $schema->createTable($table);
     foreach ($fields as $field => $fieldInfo) {
         $fieldType = $fieldInfo['type'];
         $table->addColumn($field, $fieldType, $fieldInfo);
     // PRIMARY
     if ($fieldIndexes['primary']) {
     // UNIQUE
     foreach ($fieldIndexes['unique'] as $keyName => $keyFields) {
         $table->addUniqueIndex($keyFields, $keyName);
     // INDEX
     foreach ($fieldIndexes['index'] as $keyName => $keyFields) {
         $table->addIndex($keyFields, $keyName);
     return $schema;
  * Taken given field name/value inputs and map them to their aliased names
 public function dataWithFieldAliasMappings(array $data)
     $fields = $this->mapper->entityManager()->fields();
     $fieldMappings = [];
     foreach ($data as $field => $value) {
         $fieldAlias = $this->escapeIdentifier(isset($fields[$field]) ? $fields[$field]['column'] : $field);
         $fieldMappings[$fieldAlias] = $value;
     return $fieldMappings;
Esempio n. 3
  * Get field name with table alias appended
  * @param string $field
  * @param bool $escaped
  * @return string
 public function fieldWithAlias($field, $escaped = true)
     $fieldInfo = $this->_mapper->entityManager()->fields();
     // Determine real field name (column alias support)
     if (isset($fieldInfo[$field])) {
         $field = $fieldInfo[$field]['column'];
     $field = $this->_tableName . '.' . $field;
     return $escaped ? $this->escapeIdentifier($field) : $field;
Esempio n. 4
  * Add foreign keys from BelongsTo relations to the table schema
  * @param Table $table
  * @return Table
 protected function addForeignKeys(Table $table)
     $entityName = $this->mapper->entity();
     $entity = new $entityName();
     $relations = $entityName::relations($this->mapper, $entity);
     $fields = $this->mapper->entityManager()->fields();
     foreach ($relations as $relationName => $relation) {
         if ($relation instanceof BelongsTo) {
             $fieldInfo = $fields[$relation->localKey()];
             if ($fieldInfo['foreignkey'] === false) {
             $foreignTableMapper = $relation->mapper()->getMapper($relation->entityName());
             $foreignTable = $foreignTableMapper->table();
             $foreignSchemaManager = $foreignTableMapper->connection()->getSchemaManager();
             $foreignTableObject = $foreignSchemaManager->listTableDetails($foreignTable);
             $foreignTableColumns = $foreignTableObject->getColumns();
             $foreignTableNotExists = empty($foreignTableColumns);
             $foreignKeyNotExists = !array_key_exists($relation->foreignKey(), $foreignTableColumns);
             // We need to use the is_a() function because the there is some inconsistency in entity names (leading slash)
             $notRecursiveForeignKey = !is_a($entity, $relation->entityName());
             /* Migrate foreign table if:
              *  - the foreign table not exists
              *  - the foreign key not exists
              *  - the foreign table is not the same as the current table (recursion check)
              * This migration eliminates the 'Integrity constraint violation' error
             if (($foreignTableNotExists || $foreignKeyNotExists) && $notRecursiveForeignKey) {
             $onUpdate = !is_null($fieldInfo['onUpdate']) ? $fieldInfo['onUpdate'] : "CASCADE";
             if (!is_null($fieldInfo['onDelete'])) {
                 $onDelete = $fieldInfo['onDelete'];
             } else {
                 if ($fieldInfo['notnull']) {
                     $onDelete = "CASCADE";
                 } else {
                     $onDelete = "SET NULL";
             // Field alias support
             $fieldAliasMappings = $this->mapper->entityManager()->fieldAliasMappings();
             if (isset($fieldAliasMappings[$relation->localKey()])) {
                 $localKey = $fieldAliasMappings[$relation->localKey()];
             } else {
                 $localKey = $relation->localKey();
             $fkName = $this->mapper->table() . '_fk_' . $relationName;
             $table->addForeignKeyConstraint($foreignTable, [$localKey], [$relation->foreignKey()], ["onDelete" => $onDelete, "onUpdate" => $onUpdate], $fkName);
     return $table;
Esempio n. 5
  * Migrate create schema
  * @return \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema
 public function migrateCreateSchema()
     $entityName = $this->mapper->entity();
     $table = $entityName::table();
     $fields = $this->mapper->entityManager()->fields();
     $fieldIndexes = $this->mapper->entityManager()->fieldKeys();
     $schema = new \Doctrine\DBAL\Schema\Schema();
     $table = $schema->createTable($table);
     foreach ($fields as $field => $fieldInfo) {
         $fieldType = $fieldInfo['type'];
         $table->addColumn($field, $fieldType, $fieldInfo);
     // PRIMARY
     if ($fieldIndexes['primary']) {
     // UNIQUE
     foreach ($fieldIndexes['unique'] as $keyName => $keyFields) {
         $table->addUniqueIndex($keyFields, $keyName);
     // INDEX
     foreach ($fieldIndexes['index'] as $keyName => $keyFields) {
         $table->addIndex($keyFields, $keyName);
     // Add foreign key constraints if necessary.
     $relations = call_user_func(array($entityName, 'relations'), $this->mapper, new $entityName());
     // Skip, if there are no relations added.
     if (count($relations)) {
         foreach ($relations as $name => $relation) {
              * Since OneToMany and ManyToMany are at the inverse side
              * of the relations, their purpose is to return a collection
              * of entities/objects and there are no foreign keys on this side.
              * So, we skip those entities, and expect a ManyToOne relation to be
              * defined on the owning side.
             if ($relation instanceof Relation\HasMany || $relation instanceof Relation\HasManyThrough) {
             $parentEntity = $relation->entityName();
             $foreignTable = call_user_func([$parentEntity, 'table']);
             $localKey = $relation->localKey();
             $foreignKey = $relation->foreignKey();
              * Create an empty array that would hold our constraint options.
              * By default we can create a foreign key without having to
              * passing onDelete/onUpdate clauses, so at the very least,
              * an empty array is required.
              * This array structure should be pairs of "column" => "option"
              * <code>
              * 	array("onDelete" => "CASCADE", "onUpdate" => "CASCADE")
              * </code>
             $constrains = [];
              * Check if onUpdate clause is been added.
              * If there is, add it to $constraints array.
             if (isset($fieldIndexes['constraints']['onUpdate'])) {
                 if (array_key_exists($localKey, $fieldIndexes['constraints']['onUpdate'])) {
                     $constrains['onUpdate'] = $fieldIndexes['constraints']['onUpdate'][$localKey];
              * Check if onDelete clause is been added.
              * If there is, add it to $constraints array.
             if (isset($fieldIndexes['constraints']['onDelete'])) {
                 if (array_key_exists($localKey, $fieldIndexes['constraints']['onDelete'])) {
                     $constrains['onDelete'] = $fieldIndexes['constraints']['onDelete'][$localKey];
             // Create the foreign key.
             $table->addForeignKeyConstraint($foreignTable, [$localKey], [$foreignKey], $constrains);
     return $schema;