The object contains : - the order : the related order - the transaction_id : the transaction token from the bank - the state : the current state of the transaction, only OK or KO - the status : the current status of the transaction - the error code : the current error code of the transaction from the payment handler
Esempio n. 1
  * Retrieves the order matching $transaction and adds it to $transaction
  * @param TransactionInterface $transaction The request's transaction (will be linked to the order in the process)
  * @return \Sonata\Component\Order\OrderInterface
  * @throws \Doctrine\ORM\EntityNotFoundException
  * @throws InvalidTransactionException
 protected function getValidOrder(TransactionInterface $transaction)
     $payment = $this->getPayment($transaction->getPaymentCode());
     // retrieve the related order
     $reference = $payment->getOrderReference($transaction);
     if (!$reference) {
         throw new InvalidTransactionException();
     $order = $this->orderManager->findOneby(array('reference' => $reference));
     if (!$order) {
         throw new EntityNotFoundException(sprintf('Order %s', $reference));
     // control the handshake value
     if (!$payment->isRequestValid($transaction)) {
         throw new InvalidTransactionException($order->getReference());
     return $order;
Esempio n. 2
  * @param  TransactionInterface $transaction
  * @return void
 public function applyTransactionId(TransactionInterface $transaction)
Esempio n. 3
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function isRequestValid(TransactionInterface $transaction)
     return $transaction->get('check') === $this->generateUrlCheck($transaction->getOrder());
Esempio n. 4
  * return the order reference from the transaction object
  * @param  TransactionInterface $transaction
  * @return string
 public function getOrderReference(TransactionInterface $transaction)
     $order = $transaction->get('order', null);
     if ($this->getLogger()) {
         $this->getLogger()->notice(sprintf("[BasePaypalPayment::loadOrder] order=%s", $order));
     return $order;
  * @param TransactionInterface $transaction
  * @throws \RuntimeException
  * @return array
 private function getResponseData(TransactionInterface $transaction)
     $cmd = sprintf('cd %s && %s pathfile=%s message=%s ', $this->getOption('base_folder'), $this->getOption('response_command'), $this->getOption('pathfile'), $this->encodeString($transaction->get('DATA')));
     $this->logger->debug(sprintf('Response Command : %s', $cmd));
     $process = new Process($cmd);
     if (!$process->isSuccessful()) {
         throw new \RuntimeException(sprintf('Error %d when executing Scellius command: "%s".', $process->getExitCode(), trim($process->getErrorOutput())));
     //Sortie de la fonction : !code!error!v1!v2!v3!...!v29
     //  - code = 0  : la fonction retourne les données de la transaction dans les variables v1, v2, ...
     //              : Ces variables sont décrites dans le GUIDE DU PROGRAMMEUR
     //  - code = -1 : La fonction retourne un message d'erreur dans la variable error
     $data = explode('!', $process->getOutput());
     if (count($data) != 33) {
         throw new \RuntimeException('Invalid data count');
     return array('code' => $data[1], 'error' => $data[2], 'merchant_id' => $data[3], 'merchant_country' => $data[4], 'amount' => $data[5], 'transaction_id' => $data[6], 'payment_means' => $data[7], 'transmission_date' => $data[8], 'payment_time' => $data[9], 'payment_date' => $data[10], 'response_code' => $data[11], 'payment_certificate' => $data[12], 'authorisation_id' => $data[13], 'currency_code' => $data[14], 'card_number' => $data[15], 'cvv_flag' => $data[16], 'cvv_response_code' => $data[17], 'bank_response_code' => $data[18], 'complementary_code' => $data[19], 'complementary_info' => $data[20], 'return_context' => $data[21], 'caddie' => $data[22], 'receipt_complement' => $data[23], 'merchant_language' => $data[24], 'language' => $data[25], 'customer_id' => $data[26], 'order_id' => $data[27], 'customer_email' => $data[28], 'customer_ip_address' => $data[29], 'capture_day' => $data[30], 'capture_mode' => $data[31], 'data' => $data[32]);
Esempio n. 6
  * @param TransactionInterface $transaction
 public function report(TransactionInterface $transaction)
     if (!$this->logger) {
     if ($transaction->getState() == TransactionInterface::STATE_KO) {
         $method = 'crit';
     } else {
         $method = 'info';
     foreach (explode("\n", $transaction->getInformation()) as $message) {
         call_user_func(array($this->logger, $method), $message);
Esempio n. 7
  * {@inheritdoc}
 public function sendConfirmationReceipt(TransactionInterface $transaction)
     if (!$transaction->isValid()) {
         return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response('');
     $params = $transaction->getParameters();
     $params['cmd'] = '_notify-validate';
     // retrieve the client
     $client = $this->getWebConnectorProvider()->getNamedClient($this->getOption('web_connector_name', 'default'));
     $client->request('POST', $this->getOption('url_action'), $params);
     if ($client->getResponse()->getContent() == 'VERIFIED') {
         $transaction->getOrder()->setValidatedAt(new \DateTime());
     } else {
         // TODO error in status -> setting payment status to an order status value
         if ($this->getLogger()) {
             $this->getLogger()->emergency('[Paypal::sendAccuseReception] Paypal failed to check the postback');
     return new \Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response('');