  * Provides a OK data to test cash collection.
  * @return array
 public function providerMockTransaction()
     $transaction = new TransactionEntity();
     $ipAddress = rand(1, 254) . '.' . rand(1, 254) . '.' . rand(1, 254) . '.' . rand(1, 254);
     $cookie = 'cookie_' . md5(rand(1000, 2000));
     $browsers = array('Safari', 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Opera', 'IE');
     $userAgent = $browsers[rand(0, count($browsers) - 1)];
     $paymentMethods = array(PaymentMethods::BAPRO, PaymentMethods::COBRO_EXPRESS, PaymentMethods::PAGOFACIL, PaymentMethods::RAPIPAGO, PaymentMethods::RIPSA);
     $paymentMethod = $paymentMethods[rand(0, count($paymentMethods) - 1)];
     $order = $transaction->getOrder();
     $order->setAccountId('accountId_' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setReferenceCode('referenceCode_' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setDescription('description_' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setLanguage('en')->setNotifyUrl('http://notifyurl-' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . '.com')->setSignature(sha1('signature'));
     $buyer = $order->getBuyer();
     $buyer->setFullName('person name ' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setEmailAddress('email' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . '@foo-bar.com')->setDniNumber(Cpf::random());
     //Additional values.
     $additionalValues = $order->getAdditionalValues();
     $additionalValues->addTax('TX_VALUE', PaymentCurrency::ARGENTINA, 100);
     //Additional values.
     $billingAddress = new BillingAddressEntity();
     $billingAddress->setStreet1('street1_' . rand(1, 1000))->setStreet2('street2_' . rand(1, 1000))->setCity('city_' . rand(1, 1000))->setState('state_' . rand(1, 1000))->setCountry(PaymentCountries::PANAMA)->setPostalCode('postalCode_' . rand(1, 1000))->setPhone('phone_' . rand(1, 1000));
     $payer = $transaction->getPayer();
     $payer->setFullName('person name ' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setEmailAddress('email' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . '@foo-bar.com')->setContactPhone(rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setDniNumber(Cpf::random())->setBillingAddress($billingAddress);
     return array(array($transaction));
  * @see RequestEntity::isEmpty()
 public function testIsEmptyFalse()
     $rs = $this->object->isEmpty();
Esempio n. 3
  * Provides a OK data to test authorization and capture.
  * @return array
 public function providerMockTransaction()
     $transaction = new TransactionEntity();
     $ipAddress = rand(1, 254) . '.' . rand(1, 254) . '.' . rand(1, 254) . '.' . rand(1, 254);
     $cookie = 'cookie_' . md5(rand(1000, 2000));
     $browsers = array('Safari', 'Chrome', 'Firefox', 'Opera', 'IE');
     $userAgent = $browsers[rand(0, count($browsers) - 1)];
     //Shipping address.
     $shippingAddress = new ShippingAddressEntity();
     $shippingAddress->setStreet1('street1_' . rand(1, 1000))->setStreet2('street2_' . rand(1, 1000))->setCity('city_' . rand(1, 1000))->setState('state_' . rand(1, 1000))->setCountry(PaymentCountries::PANAMA)->setPostalCode('postalCode_' . rand(1, 1000))->setPhone('phone_' . rand(1, 1000));
     //Shipping address.
     $order = $transaction->getOrder();
     $order->setAccountId('accountId_' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setReferenceCode('referenceCode_' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setDescription('description_' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setLanguage('en')->setNotifyUrl('http://notifyurl-' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . '.com')->setSignature(sha1('signature'))->setShippingAddress($shippingAddress);
     $buyer = $order->getBuyer();
     $buyer->setFullName('person name ' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setEmailAddress('email' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . '@foo-bar.com')->setDniNumber(Cpf::random())->setShippingAddress($shippingAddress);
     //Additional values.
     $additionalValues = $order->getAdditionalValues();
     $additionalValues->addTax('TX_VALUE', 'USD', 100);
     //Additional values.
     //Credit card.
     $creditCard = $transaction->getCreditCard();
     $creditCard->setNumber('4111111111111111')->setSecurityCode(rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setExpirationDate(rand(2015, 2020) . '/' . rand(10, 12))->setName('person name ' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9));
     //Credit card.
     $billingAddress = new BillingAddressEntity();
     $billingAddress->setStreet1('street1_' . rand(1, 1000))->setStreet2('street2_' . rand(1, 1000))->setCity('city_' . rand(1, 1000))->setState('state_' . rand(1, 1000))->setCountry(PaymentCountries::PANAMA)->setPostalCode('postalCode_' . rand(1, 1000))->setPhone('phone_' . rand(1, 1000));
     $payer = $transaction->getPayer();
     $payer->setFullName('person name ' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setEmailAddress('email' . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . '@foo-bar.com')->setContactPhone(rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9) . rand(1, 9))->setDniNumber(Cpf::random())->setBillingAddress($billingAddress);
     return array(array($transaction));