Esempio n. 1
 public function session()
     if (Request::segment(2) == 'facebook') {
         $provider = OAuth2::provider('facebook', array('id' => '494491330565385', 'secret' => '1dd38781d55ed1825724e433ef1ce6e3'));
     // if(Request::segment(2) == 'twitter'){
     // 	$provider = OAuth2::provider('twitter', array(
     //     'id' => '494491330565385',
     //     'secret' => '1dd38781d55ed1825724e433ef1ce6e3',
     // 	));
     // }
     if (Request::segment(2) == 'google') {
         $provider = OAuth2::provider('google', array('id' => '', 'secret' => 'ZOGyJqHOl5xMfGVQ-wTInqUs'));
     if (Request::segment(2) == 'github') {
         $provider = OAuth2::provider('github', array('id' => '67d050b4c06ad12d95be', 'secret' => '4a03507448e3ffd9904eaa7b6fc7d3d75c373739', 'scope' => 'user:email'));
     // if(Request::segment(2) == 'stackexchange'){
     // 	$provider = OAuth2::provider('stackexchange', array(
     //     'id' => '494491330565385',
     //     'secret' => '1dd38781d55ed1825724e433ef1ce6e3',
     // 	));
     // }
     if (!isset($_GET['code'])) {
         // By sending no options it'll come back here
         return $provider->authorize();
     } else {
         // Howzit?
         try {
             $params = $provider->access($_GET['code']);
             $token = new Token_Access(array('access_token' => $params->access_token));
             $data = $provider->get_user_info($token);
             // Here you should use this information to A) look for a user B) help a new user sign up with existing data.
             // If you store it all in a cookie and redirect to a registration page this is crazy-simple.
             // return $data;
             $user_id = $this->checkAndSave($data);
             if ($user_id == false) {
                 return Redirect::back()->with('error', 'Your email was not public. Please join with another provider.');
                 //return Response::json(array());
         } catch (OAuth2_Exception $e) {
             show_error('That didnt work: ' . $e);
     // return Redirect::to('auth/signin')->with('oauth', $data);
     // return Response::json(array('success' => Lang::get('auth/message.signin.success')));
     // return Redirect::to('devs/'.$user_id);
     // return Redirect::back(); //breaks some times
     //check for any pending posts and assign then to the signed in user
     $redirect = All::completePosting();
     $redirect = !empty($redirect) ? $redirect : Session::get('loginRedirect', 'account');
     return Redirect::to($redirect);
     // so you can complete creating the post you were creating. temp solutin