  * @return Template
 protected function createTemplate($file = null)
     $template = new Template($file);
     $template->baseUrl = \Nette\Environment::getHttpRequest()->url->baseUrl;
     $template->basePath = rtrim($template->baseUrl, '/');
     $template->interface = $this;
     return $template;
  * Generates control
  * @return Html
 public function getControl()
     $this->setOption('rendered', TRUE);
     // Create control
     $control = Html::el('div class=MultipleFileUpload')->id($this->getHtmlId());
     // <section token field>
     $tokenField = Html::el('input type=hidden')->name($this->getHtmlName() . '[token]')->value($this->getToken());
     // </section token field>
     $fallbacks = array();
     $interfaces = self::getUIRegistrator()->getInterfaces();
     $num = count($interfaces);
     $cnt = 1;
     foreach ($interfaces as $interface) {
         $html = $interface->render($this);
         $init = $interface->renderInitJavaScript($this);
         $desctruct = $interface->renderDestructJavaScript($this);
         $id = $this->getHtmlId() . "-MFUInterface-" . $interface->reflection->name;
         $fallback = (object) array("id" => $id, "init" => $init, "destruct" => $desctruct);
         $fallbacks[] = $fallback;
         $container = Html::el("div");
         $container->id = $id;
         if ($cnt == $num) {
             // Last (will be rendered as JavaScript-disabled capable)
             $container->style["display"] = "block";
         } else {
             $container->style["display"] = "none";
     $template = new UI\Template();
     $template->setFile(dirname(__FILE__) . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . "RegisterJS.latte");
     $template->id = $this->getHtmlId();
     $template->fallbacks = $fallbacks;
      // <section without JavaScript>
      $withoutJS = Html::el("div class=withoutJS");
      $standardFileInput = Html::el("input type=file")
      ->name($this->getHtmlName() . '[files][]');
      // </section without JavaScript>
      // <section with JavaScript>
      $withJS = Html::el("div class=withJS");
      $uploadifyID = $this->getHtmlId() . "-uploadifyBox";
      $withJS->add($this->createSectionWithJS($uploadifyID, $this->getToken()));
      // </section with JavaScript>
     // Pokud už byla volána metoda handleUploads -
     /* if(self::$handleUploadsCheck){
     	  $control->add(Html::el('script type=text/javascript')->add(
     	  'jQuery("#' . $uploadifyID . '").uploadify(' . json_encode($this->uploaderOptions) . ');'
     	  }; */
     return $control;