Esempio n. 1
 public function generate($url_name, $parameters = [])
     $routes = Application::Router()->getRoutes();
     $translator = Application::Translator();
     if (!isset($routes[$url_name])) {
         return $url_name;
     // Ha szükséges be kell rakni a nyelvet is a paraméterek közé
     if ($translator != null && $translator->getStrategy() != Translator::STRATEGY_ONLY_COOKIE && !$routes[$url_name]["locale"] == LanguageRouter::LOCALE_NOT_ALLOWED) {
         $parameters["locale"] = $translator->getLocale();
     $url = $routes[$url_name]["url"];
     $resultUrl = "";
     $index = 0;
     while (($firstPos = strpos($url, "{", $index)) != false) {
         $lastPos = strpos($url, "}", $firstPos);
         $name = explode(":", substr($url, $firstPos + 1, $lastPos - $firstPos - 1))[0];
         $resultUrl .= substr($url, $index, $firstPos - $index) . (isset($parameters[$name]) ? $parameters[$name] : "");
         $index = $lastPos + 1;
     if ($index != strlen($url)) {
         $resultUrl .= substr($url, $index);
     // Ha nincs semmi, akkor nem volt paraméter, másoljuk az egész url-t.
     if ($resultUrl === "") {
         $resultUrl = $url;
     return $resultUrl;
Esempio n. 2
  * @param $method
  * @param $uri
  * @return array
  * @throws HttpNotFoundException
 public function findRoute($method, $uri)
     $routes = $this->getRoutes();
     //Hozzá kell még adni a nyelvi url-t, ha van.
     $translator = Application::Translator();
     if ($translator != null) {
         $langRoute = $translator->getCookieSetUrl();
         if ($langRoute != null) {
             $routes["langSetRoute"] = ["method" => $langRoute["method"], "url" => $langRoute["url"], "handler" => $langRoute["handler"]];
     $this->dispatcher = simpleDispatcher(function (RouteCollector $r) use($routes) {
         foreach ($routes as $route) {
             $r->addRoute($route["method"], $route["url"], $route["handler"]);
     // Strip query string (?foo=bar) and decode URI
     if (false !== ($pos = strpos($uri, '?'))) {
         $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos);
     $uri = rawurldecode($uri);
     $routeInfo = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($method, $uri);
     switch ($routeInfo[0]) {
         case RouterInterface::NOT_FOUND:
             throw new HttpNotFoundException();
         case RouterInterface::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
             throw new HttpNotFoundException();
         case RouterInterface::FOUND:
             foreach ($routes as $route) {
                 if ($route["handler"] == $routeInfo[1]) {
                     $this->actualRoute = $route;
             return ["handler" => $routeInfo[1], "params" => $routeInfo[2]];
             return [];
Esempio n. 3
  * Visszaadja a paraméterben megadott adatok alapján, a megfelelő handler-t és az ahhoz tartozó esetleges
  * paramétereket.
  * Ha nem talál egyezést abban az esetben HttpNotFoundException hibát dob.
  * @param $method
  * @param $uri
  * @return array
  * @throws HttpNotFoundException
 public function findRoute($method, $uri)
     // Strip query string (?foo=bar) and decode URI
     if (false !== ($pos = strpos($uri, '?'))) {
         $uri = substr($uri, 0, $pos);
     $uri = rawurldecode($uri);
     $routeInfo = $this->dispatcher->dispatch($method, $uri);
     switch ($routeInfo[0]) {
         case RouterInterface::NOT_FOUND:
             throw new HttpNotFoundException();
         case RouterInterface::METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED:
             throw new HttpNotFoundException();
         case RouterInterface::FOUND:
             $params = $routeInfo[2];
             //Ha van locale, akkor azt beállítjuk és töröljük a paraméter listából
             if (isset($params["locale"])) {
             foreach ($this->routes as $route) {
                 if ($route["handler"] == $routeInfo[1]) {
                     $this->actualRoute = $route;
             return ["handler" => $routeInfo[1], "params" => $params];
             return [];
Esempio n. 4
  * Alkalmazás indítása
  * @param ApplicationConfiguration $configuration
  * @throws HttpAccessDeniedException
 public function run(ApplicationConfiguration $configuration)
     try {
         if (!$configuration) {
             throw new HttpInternalErrorException("Missing configuration");
         //Csekkolni kell, hogy kell-e erőltetni a https-t
         if ($this->environment["force_https"] && $_SERVER['HTTPS'] != "on") {
         $httpMethod = $_SERVER['REQUEST_METHOD'];
         $uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         //Jogosultság ellenőrzése, ha van definiálva security
         $security = self::Security();
         if ($security != null && !$security->checkPermissions($uri)) {
             throw new HttpAccessDeniedException();
         //Routeból lekérdezni, hogy mit kell futtatni
         $router = self::Router();
         $routingResult = $router->findRoute($httpMethod, $uri);
         $controllerParts = explode("::", $routingResult["handler"]);
         $controllerName = $controllerParts[0];
         $controllerMethod = $controllerParts[1];
         if ($controllerName === "Translator") {
             $translator = Application::Translator();
             $result = $translator->{$controllerMethod}($routingResult["params"]);
         } else {
             //Megfelelő controller betöltése
             if (!$this->loadController($controllerName) && $controllerName != "Translator") {
                 throw new HttpInternalErrorException($controllerName . " has been not found!");
             $controllerFullName = $this->environment["controller_namespace"] . $controllerName;
             $controller = new $controllerFullName();
             $result = $controller->{$controllerMethod}($routingResult["params"]);
         //Eredmény printelése
         print $result;
     } catch (HttpException $e) {
         $handler = $this->callableErrorHandler;
         print $handler($e);
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         print "Unhandled exception!\n";
         if (Application::isDevelopmentEnv()) {
             print $e->getMessage() . "\n";
             print str_replace("#", "<br>#", $e->getTraceAsString());