Esempio n. 1
  * Execute the job.
  * @param JPushClient $client
 public function handle(JPushClient $client)
     $error = '';
     try {
         if ($this->download($this->url)) {
             $package = Package::createFromFile($this->tmpFile, basename($this->url), $this->user->id);
             $result = Push::send($this->devices, $package, $this->user->id);
             try {
                 if ($this->devices->count() > 1) {
                     $msg = "已在向{$this->devices->count()}台设备发出推送...";
                 } else {
                     $msg = "已向{$this->devices->first()->alias}发出推送...";
             } catch (\Exception $e) {
                 Log::error('[PushApk Job]推送失败' . $e->getMessage());
         } else {
             $error = trans('errors.download_failed');
             Log::error('[PushApk Job]下载文件失败: ' . $this->url);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         $error = $e->getMessage();
         Log::error('[PushApk]' . $e->getMessage() . '  ' . $this->url);
     $installIds = $this->devices->pluck('install_id')->toArray();
     try {
         $result = $client->push()->setPlatform(M\all)->setAudience(M\registration_id($installIds))->setNotification(M\notification('出现错误,请检查URL是否正确'))->send();
     } catch (Exception $ignored) {
Esempio n. 2
  * Execute the console command.
  * @return mixed
 public function handle()
      * @var Package $package
     $package = Package::all()->random();
     $devices = Device::all();
     $installIds = $devices->pluck('push_id')->toArray();
     $this->info('App: ' . $package->app_name . '(' . $package->apk . ')');
     $this->info('Devices: ' . $devices->pluck('alias'));
     $result = $this->client->push()->setPlatform(M\all)->setAudience(M\registration_id($installIds))->setMessage(M\message($package->toJson(), null, "package"))->send();
     $this->info('Push success');
     //        print_r($result->response->body);
     //        $msg_ids = $result->msg_id;
     //        $report = $this->client->report($msg_ids);
     //        print_r($report->received_list);
     $push = new Push();
     $push->package_id = $package->id;
     $push->user_id = 4;
     $push->sendno = $result->sendno;
     $push->msg_id = $result->msg_id;
     $push->is_ok = $result->isOk;
Esempio n. 3
 public static function send($devices, Package $package, $user_id)
     $client = app('JPush\\JPushClient');
     $installIds = $devices->pluck('install_id')->toArray();
     if (count($installIds) == 0) {
         throw new \Exception(Lang::get('errors.device_required'), 400);
     try {
         $result = $client->push()->setPlatform(M\all)->setAudience(M\registration_id($installIds))->setMessage(M\message($package->toJson(), null, "package"))->send();
     } catch (\Exception $e) {
         throw new \Exception(Lang::get('errors.push_failed'), 500);
     if ($result->isOk) {
         $push = new Push();
         $push->package_id = $package->id;
         $push->user_id = $user_id;
         $push->sendno = $result->sendno;
         $push->msg_id = $result->msg_id;
         $push->is_ok = $result->isOk;
         foreach ($devices as $device) {
             $pd = new PushDevice();
             $pd->device_id = $device->id;
             $pd->push_id = $push->id;
             $pd->status = 1;
             //				$pd->user_id = Auth::id();
         return $push;
     throw new \Exception(Lang::get('errors.push_failed'), 500);
Esempio n. 4
  * android,按id识别发送;
  * @param $title string 消息内容
  * @param $registration_ids array 设备id列表;
 public function sendByIds($title, $registration_ids)
     $this->setPlatform = M\platform('android');
     $this->setAudience = M\registration_id($registration_ids);
     $this->setNotification = M\notification($title);
     return $this->send();
Esempio n. 5
  * 推送 push_message
 public function push_message_registration($ids = array(), $notification = array())
     if ($ids && $notification) {
         $app_key = C('API_PUSH_JPUSH.key');
         $master_secret = C('API_PUSH_JPUSH.secret');
         $client = new JPushClient($app_key, $master_secret);
         $client->push()->setPlatform(M\all)->setAudience(M\registration_id($ids))->setNotification(M\notification($notification['title'], M\android($notification['title'], $notification['title'], NULL, $notification['extras']), M\ios($notification['title'], 'default', 1)))->setOptions(M\options(NULL, NULL, NULL, true))->send();
Esempio n. 6
 public function testPayload()
     $array = array("platform" => array("android", "ios", "winphone"), "audience" => array("tag" => array("tag1", "tag2"), "tag_and" => array("tag3"), "alias" => array("alias1", "alias2"), "registration_id" => array("id1", "id2")), "notification" => array("alert" => "notification alert", "ios" => array("alert" => "ios alert", "sound" => "happy", "badge" => 1, "content-available" => 1, "extras" => array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")), "android" => array("alert" => "android alert", "title" => "android title", "builder_id" => 1, "extras" => array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")), "winphone" => array("alert" => "winphone alert", "title" => "winphone title", "_open_page" => "/friends.xaml", "extras" => array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"))), "message" => array("msg_content" => "message msg content", "title" => "message title", "content_type" => "message content type", "extras" => array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")), "options" => array("sendno" => 654321, "time_to_live" => 60, "override_msg_id" => 123456, "apns_production" => false));
     $json = json_encode($array);
     $payload = new M\PushPayload(null);
     $result = $payload->setPlatform(M\platform('android', 'ios', 'winphone'))->setAudience(M\audience(M\tag(array("tag1", "tag2")), M\tag_and(array("tag3")), M\alias(array("alias1", "alias2")), M\registration_id(array("id1", "id2"))))->setNotification(M\notification('notification alert', M\ios('ios alert', 'happy', 1, true, array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")), M\android('android alert', 'android title', 1, array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")), M\winphone('winphone alert', 'winphone title', '/friends.xaml', array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2"))))->setMessage(M\message('message msg content', 'message title', 'message content type', array("key1" => "value1", "key2" => "value2")))->setOptions(M\options(654321, 60, 123456, false))->getJSON();
     $this->assertEquals($json, $result);
Esempio n. 7
if (isset($uid) && isset($msg) && isset($role)) {
    $rs_arr = $d2b->select("user_main", ["channelid"], ["uid" => $uid]);
    $channelid = $rs_arr[0]['channelid'];
    switch ($role) {
        case 1:
            $client = new JPushClient($app_key_c, $master_secret_c);
            try {
                $result = $client->push()->setPlatform(M\platform('ios', 'android'))->setAudience(M\audience(M\registration_id(array($channelid))))->setNotification(M\notification($msg, M\android($msg), M\ios($msg, 'happy', 1, true, null, 'THE-CATEGORY')))->setMessage(M\message($msg, null, null, array('key' => 'value')))->setOptions(M\options(123456, null, null, false, 0))->send();
                $return_arr = ["channelid" => $channelid];
                include "../include/return_data.php";
            } catch (APIRequestException $e) {
                echo 'code : ' . $e->code;
        case 2:
            $client = new JPushClient($app_key_p, $master_secret_p);
            try {
                $result = $client->push()->setPlatform(M\platform('ios', 'android'))->setAudience(M\audience(M\registration_id(array($channelid))))->setNotification(M\notification($msg, M\android($msg), M\ios($msg, 'happy', 1, true, null, 'THE-CATEGORY')))->setMessage(M\message($msg, null, null, array('key' => 'value')))->setOptions(M\options(123456, null, null, false, 0))->send();
                $return_arr = ["channelid" => $channelid];
                include "../include/return_data.php";
            } catch (APIRequestException $e) {
                echo 'code : ' . $e->code;
            echo json_encode(0);
} else {
    echo json_encode(0);
Esempio n. 8
 public function testSendByTagRegistrationID_0()
     $client = new JPushClient($this->appKey, $this->masterSecret);
     $response = $client->push()->setPlatform(M\all)->setAudience(M\audience(M\tag(array($this->tag_no)), M\registration_id(array($this->registration_id1))))->setNotification(M\notification($this->alert))->send();
     $this->assertTrue($response->isOk === true);
Esempio n. 9
    echo 'code : ' . $e->code . $br;
    echo 'Error Message : ' . $e->message . $br;
    echo 'Response JSON : ' . $e->json . $br;
    echo 'rateLimitLimit : ' . $e->rateLimitLimit . $br;
    echo 'rateLimitRemaining : ' . $e->rateLimitRemaining . $br;
    echo 'rateLimitReset : ' . $e->rateLimitReset . $br;
} catch (APIConnectionException $e) {
    echo 'Push Fail: ' . $br;
    echo 'Error Message: ' . $e->getMessage() . $br;
    //response timeout means your request has probably be received by JPUsh Server,please check that whether need to be pushed again.
    echo 'IsResponseTimeout: ' . $e->isResponseTimeout . $br;
echo $br . '-------------' . $br;
//full push
try {
    $result = $client->push()->setPlatform(M\platform('ios', 'android'))->setAudience(M\audience(M\registration_id(array('0802f1b5895'))))->setNotification(M\notification('Hi, JPush', M\android('Hi, android'), M\ios('Hi, ios', 'happy', 1, true, null, 'THE-CATEGORY')))->setMessage(M\message('msg content', null, null, array('key' => 'value')))->setOptions(M\options(123456, null, null, false, 0))->printJSON()->send();
    echo 'Push Success.' . $br;
    echo 'sendno : ' . $result->sendno . $br;
    echo 'msg_id : ' . $result->msg_id . $br;
    echo 'Response JSON : ' . $result->json . $br;
} catch (APIRequestException $e) {
    echo 'Push Fail.' . $br;
    echo 'Http Code : ' . $e->httpCode . $br;
    echo 'code : ' . $e->code . $br;
    echo 'message : ' . $e->message . $br;
    echo 'Response JSON : ' . $e->json . $br;
    echo 'rateLimitLimit : ' . $e->rateLimitLimit . $br;
    echo 'rateLimitRemaining : ' . $e->rateLimitRemaining . $br;
    echo 'rateLimitReset : ' . $e->rateLimitReset . $br;
} catch (APIConnectionException $e) {
    echo 'Push Fail: ' . $br;