Esempio n. 1
            $cache_filename = Filecache::retrieveValidFilename($image, $options);
            if (Filecache::has($cache_filename, $lifetime)) {
                // The cache has our file, get the full filepath
                $cached_image = Filecache::getPath($cache_filename);
                return Resp::inline($cached_image, basename($image), $lifetime);
            } else {
                // File is not cached, lets get a path
                $cache_image_path = Filecache::getPath($cache_filename);
                $imwg = Imwg::open($image);
                parseOptions($imwg, $opt);
                return Resp::inline($cache_image_path, basename($image), $lifetime);
        } else {
            // caching is disabled
            $imwg = Imwg::open($image);
            parseOptions($imwg, $opt);
            return $imwg->display();
    // No config file
    // Check if the image exists
    if (File::exists($image)) {
        return Resp::inline($image);
    // No config and
    // no image found
    return Response::error('404');