decode() public method

Decode GIF into array of data for easy use in PHP userland.
public decode ( GifByteStream $bytes ) : array
$bytes GifByteStream Decode byte stream into array of GIF blocks.
return array Array containing GIF data
Esempio n. 1
  * Load a GIF image.
  * @param string $imageFile
  * @return Image
  * @throws \Exception
 private static function _createGif($imageFile)
     $gift = new GifHelper();
     $bytes = $gift->open($imageFile);
     $animated = $gift->isAnimated($bytes);
     $blocks = '';
     if ($animated) {
         $blocks = $gift->decode($bytes);
     $gd = @imagecreatefromgif($imageFile);
     if (!$gd) {
         throw new \Exception(sprintf('Could not open "%s". Not a valid %s file.', $imageFile, ImageType::GIF));
     return new self($gd, $imageFile, imagesx($gd), imagesy($gd), ImageType::GIF, $blocks, $animated);