Esempio n. 1
 public function __construct($cmsPage = null)
     if (!$cmsPage) {
         // Retrieve page instance from controller
         $cmsPage = \Cms\Classes\Controller::getController()->getPage();
     $this->haircutTiles = $cmsPage->settings['haircut_tiles'];
     $this->productTiles = $cmsPage->settings['product_tiles'];
Esempio n. 2
 protected function playerPartialExists($name)
     if (array_key_exists($name, $this->playerPartialFlags)) {
         return $this->playerPartialFlags[$name];
     $controller = Controller::getController();
     if (!$controller) {
         throw new ApplicationException('Media tags can only be processed for front-end requests.');
     $partial = Partial::loadCached($controller->getTheme(), $name);
     return $this->playerPartialFlags[$name] = !!$partial;
Esempio n. 3
 public function launchGreenhouse()
     $controller = Controller::getController() ?: new Controller();
     if (isset($_POST['lti_message_type'])) {
         $this['messageType'] = $_POST['lti_message_type'];
         switch ($this['messageType']) {
             case "ContentItemSelectionRequest":
                 //Present text editor dialog to select a component
                 $this['return_url'] = $_POST["content_item_return_url"];
             case "basic-lti-launch-request":
                 //load requested component
     } else {
         //return xml configuration file for LTI tool
Esempio n. 4
  * Handler for the pages.menuitem.resolveItem event.
  * Returns information about a menu item. The result is an array
  * with the following keys:
  * - url - the menu item URL. Not required for menu item types that return all available records.
  *   The URL should be returned relative to the website root and include the subdirectory, if any.
  *   Use the URL::to() helper to generate the URLs.
  * - isActive - determines whether the menu item is active. Not required for menu item types that 
  *   return all available records.
  * - items - an array of arrays with the same keys (url, isActive, items) + the title key. 
  *   The items array should be added only if the $item's $nesting property value is TRUE.
  * @param \RainLab\Pages\Classes\MenuItem $item Specifies the menu item.
  * @param \Cms\Classes\Theme $theme Specifies the current theme.
  * @param string $url Specifies the current page URL, normalized, in lower case
  * The URL is specified relative to the website root, it includes the subdirectory name, if any.
  * @return mixed Returns an array. Returns null if the item cannot be resolved.
 public static function resolveMenuItem($item, $url, $theme)
     $result = null;
     if ($item->type == 'cms-page') {
         if (!$item->reference) {
         $page = self::loadCached($theme, $item->reference);
         $controller = Controller::getController() ?: new Controller();
         $pageUrl = $controller->pageUrl($item->reference, [], false);
         $result = [];
         $result['url'] = $pageUrl;
         $result['isActive'] = $pageUrl == $url;
         $result['mtime'] = $page ? $page->mtime : null;
     return $result;
Esempio n. 5
  * Helper that makes a URL for a page in the active theme.
  * @param mixed $page Specifies the Cms Page file name.
  * @return string
 public static function url($page, $params = [], $absolute = true)
      * Reuse existing controller or create a new one,
      * assuming that the method is called not during the front-end
      * request processing.
     $controller = Controller::getController();
     if (!$controller) {
         $controller = new Controller();
     return $controller->pageUrl($page, $params, true, $absolute);
Esempio n. 6
 public function boot()
     Event::listen('cms.router.beforeRoute', function ($url) {
         return Controller::instance()->initCmsPage($url);
     Event::listen('', function ($controller, $page) {
          * Before twig renders
         $twig = $controller->getTwig();
         $loader = $controller->getLoader();
         Controller::instance()->injectPageTwig($page, $loader, $twig);
          * Get rendered content
         $contents = Controller::instance()->getPageContents($page);
         if (strlen($contents)) {
             return $contents;
     Event::listen('', function ($controller, $page) {
         Controller::instance()->initPageComponents($controller, $page);
     Event::listen('cms.block.render', function ($blockName, $blockContents) {
         $page = CmsController::getController()->getPage();
         if (!isset($page->apiBag['staticPage'])) {
         $contents = Controller::instance()->getPlaceholderContents($page, $blockName, $blockContents);
         if (strlen($contents)) {
             return $contents;
     Event::listen('pages.menuitem.listTypes', function () {
         return ['static-page' => 'rainlab.pages::lang.menuitem.static_page', 'all-static-pages' => 'rainlab.pages::lang.menuitem.all_static_pages'];
     Event::listen('pages.menuitem.getTypeInfo', function ($type) {
         if ($type == 'url') {
             return [];
         if ($type == 'static-page' || $type == 'all-static-pages') {
             return StaticPage::getMenuTypeInfo($type);
     Event::listen('pages.menuitem.resolveItem', function ($type, $item, $url, $theme) {
         if ($type == 'static-page' || $type == 'all-static-pages') {
             return StaticPage::resolveMenuItem($item, $url, $theme);
     Event::listen('backend.form.extendFieldsBefore', function ($formWidget) {
         if ($formWidget->model instanceof \Cms\Classes\Partial) {
     Event::listen('', function ($controller, $template, $type) {
     Event::listen('cms.template.processSettingsBeforeSave', function ($controller, $dataHolder) {
         $dataHolder->settings = Snippet::processTemplateSettingsArray($dataHolder->settings);
     Event::listen('cms.template.processSettingsAfterLoad', function ($controller, $template) {
     Event::listen('cms.template.processTwigContent', function ($template, $dataHolder) {
         if ($template instanceof \Cms\Classes\Layout) {
             $dataHolder->content = Controller::instance()->parseSyntaxFields($dataHolder->content);
     Event::listen('backend.richeditor.listTypes', function () {
         return ['static-page' => 'rainlab.pages::lang.menuitem.static_page'];
     Event::listen('backend.richeditor.getTypeInfo', function ($type) {
         if ($type === 'static-page') {
             return StaticPage::getRichEditorTypeInfo($type);
Esempio n. 7
 protected function makeUrl()
     $controller = Controller::getController() ?: new Controller();
     return $controller->pageUrl($this->getUrlPageName(), $this->getUrlParams());
Esempio n. 8
  * Parses the static page markup and renders snippets defined on the page.
  * @param string $pageName Specifies the static page file name (the name of the corresponding content block file).
  * @param \Cms\Classes\Theme $theme Specifies a parent theme.
  * @param string $markup Specifies the markup string to process.
  * @return string Returns the processed string.
 public static function processPageMarkup($pageName, $theme, $markup)
     $map = self::extractSnippetsFromMarkupCached($theme, $pageName, $markup);
     $controller = CmsController::getController();
     $partialSnippetMap = SnippetManager::instance()->getPartialSnippetMap($theme);
     $controller = CmsController::getController();
     foreach ($map as $snippetDeclaration => $snippetInfo) {
         $snippetCode = $snippetInfo['code'];
         if (!isset($snippetInfo['component'])) {
             if (!array_key_exists($snippetCode, $partialSnippetMap)) {
                 throw new ApplicationException(sprintf('Partial for the snippet %s is not found', $snippetCode));
             $partialName = $partialSnippetMap[$snippetCode];
             $generatedMarkup = $controller->renderPartial($partialName, $snippetInfo['properties']);
         } else {
             $generatedMarkup = $controller->renderComponent($snippetCode);
         $pattern = preg_quote($snippetDeclaration);
         $markup = mb_ereg_replace($pattern, $generatedMarkup, $markup);
     return $markup;
Esempio n. 9
  * {@inheritDoc}
 public function getReceiptUrl()
     if ($this->return_page) {
         $controller = Controller::getController() ?: new Controller();
         return $controller->pageUrl($this->return_page, $this->getUrlParams());
     return $this->getUrlAttribute();
Esempio n. 10
  * Helper that makes a URL for a page in the active theme.
  * @param mixed $page Specifies the Cms Page file name.
  * @param array $params Route parameters to consider in the URL.
  * @return string
 public static function url($page, $params = [], $absolute = true)
     /* @deprecated remove if year >= 2016 -- remove 3rd argument */
     if ($absolute !== true) {
         traceLog('Deprecated warning: Third argument of Page::url() has no affect, consider removing it.');
      * Reuse existing controller or create a new one,
      * assuming that the method is called not during the front-end
      * request processing.
     $controller = Controller::getController();
     if (!$controller) {
         $controller = new Controller();
     return $controller->pageUrl($page, $params, true);