public function __construct(Level $level, FullChunk $chunk) { $this->state = true; $this->levelId = $level->getId(); $this->chunk = $chunk->toFastBinary(); $this->chunkClass = get_class($chunk); }
protected function parsePreset($preset, $chunkX, $chunkZ) { $this->preset = $preset; $preset = explode(";", $preset); $version = (int) $preset[0]; $blocks = isset($preset[1]) ? $preset[1] : ""; $biome = isset($preset[2]) ? $preset[2] : 1; $options = isset($preset[3]) ? $preset[3] : ""; preg_match_all('#^(([0-9]*x|)([0-9]{1,3})(|:[0-9]{0,2}))$#m', str_replace(",", "\n", $blocks), $matches); $y = 0; $this->structure = []; $this->chunks = []; foreach ($matches[3] as $i => $b) { $b = Item::fromString($b . $matches[4][$i]); $cnt = $matches[2][$i] === "" ? 1 : intval($matches[2][$i]); for ($cY = $y, $y += $cnt; $cY < $y; ++$cY) { $this->structure[$cY] = [$b->getId(), $b->getDamage()]; } } $this->floorLevel = $y; for (; $y < 0xff; ++$y) { $this->structure[$y] = [0, 0]; } $this->chunk = clone $this->level->getChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ); $this->chunk->setGenerated(); $c = Biome::getBiome($biome)->getColor(); $R = $c >> 16; $G = $c >> 8 & 0xff; $B = $c & 0xff; for ($Z = 0; $Z < 16; ++$Z) { for ($X = 0; $X < 16; ++$X) { $this->chunk->setBiomeId($X, $Z, $biome); $this->chunk->setBiomeColor($X, $Z, $R, $G, $B); for ($y = 0; $y < 128; ++$y) { $this->chunk->setBlock($X, $y, $Z, ...$this->structure[$y]); } } } preg_match_all('#(([0-9a-z_]{1,})\\(?([0-9a-z_ =:]{0,})\\)?),?#', $options, $matches); foreach ($matches[2] as $i => $option) { $params = true; if ($matches[3][$i] !== "") { $params = []; $p = explode(" ", $matches[3][$i]); foreach ($p as $k) { $k = explode("=", $k); if (isset($k[1])) { $params[$k[0]] = $k[1]; } } } $this->options[$option] = $params; } }
public function __construct(Level $level, FullChunk $chunk) { $this->state = true; $this->levelId = $level->getId(); $this->chunk = $chunk->toFastBinary(); $this->chunkClass = get_class($chunk); for ($i = 0; $i < 9; ++$i) { if ($i === 4) { continue; } $xx = -1 + $i % 3; $zz = -1 + (int) ($i / 3); $ck = $level->getChunk($chunk->getX() + $xx, $chunk->getZ() + $zz, false); $this->{"chunk{$i}"} = $ck !== null ? $ck->toFastBinary() : null; } }
public function __construct(FullChunk $chunk, Compound $nbt) { if ($chunk === null or $chunk->getProvider() === null) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid garbage Chunk given to Tile"); } $this->timings = Timings::getTileEntityTimings($this); $this->server = $chunk->getProvider()->getLevel()->getServer(); $this->chunk = $chunk; $this->setLevel($chunk->getProvider()->getLevel()); $this->namedtag = $nbt; $this->name = ""; $this->lastUpdate = microtime(true); $this->id = Tile::$tileCount++; $this->x = (int) $this->namedtag["x"]; $this->y = (int) $this->namedtag["y"]; $this->z = (int) $this->namedtag["z"]; $this->chunk->addTile($this); $this->getLevel()->addTile($this); $this->tickTimer = Timings::getTileEntityTimings($this); }
public function generateChunkCallback($x, $z, FullChunk $chunk) { Timings::$generationCallbackTimer->startTiming(); if (isset($this->chunkPopulationQueue[$index = Level::chunkHash($x, $z)])) { $oldChunk = $this->getChunk($x, $z, false); for ($xx = -1; $xx <= 1; ++$xx) { for ($zz = -1; $zz <= 1; ++$zz) { unset($this->chunkPopulationLock[Level::chunkHash($x + $xx, $z + $zz)]); } } unset($this->chunkPopulationQueue[$index]); $chunk->setProvider($this->provider); $this->setChunk($x, $z, $chunk, false); $chunk = $this->getChunk($x, $z, false); if ($chunk !== null and ($oldChunk === null or $oldChunk->isPopulated() === false) and $chunk->isPopulated() and $chunk->getProvider() !== null) { $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent(new ChunkPopulateEvent($chunk)); foreach ($this->getChunkLoaders($x, $z) as $loader) { $loader->onChunkPopulated($chunk); } } } elseif (isset($this->chunkGenerationQueue[$index]) or isset($this->chunkPopulationLock[$index])) { unset($this->chunkGenerationQueue[$index]); unset($this->chunkPopulationLock[$index]); $chunk->setProvider($this->provider); $this->setChunk($x, $z, $chunk, false); } else { $chunk->setProvider($this->provider); $this->setChunk($x, $z, $chunk, false); } Timings::$generationCallbackTimer->stopTiming(); }
public function onChunkChanged(FullChunk $chunk) { $this->loadQueue[Level::chunkHash($chunk->getX(), $chunk->getZ())] = abs(($this->x >> 4) - $chunk->getX()) + abs(($this->z >> 4) - $chunk->getZ()); }
public function setChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ, FullChunk $chunk) { if (!$chunk instanceof Chunk) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid Chunk class"); } $chunk->setProvider($this); self::getRegionIndex($chunkX, $chunkZ, $regionX, $regionZ); $this->loadRegion($regionX, $regionZ); $chunk->setX($chunkX); $chunk->setZ($chunkZ); if (isset($this->chunks[$index = Level::chunkHash($chunkX, $chunkZ)]) and $this->chunks[$index] !== $chunk) { $this->unloadChunk($chunkX, $chunkZ, false); } $this->chunks[$index] = $chunk; }
public function writeChunk(FullChunk $chunk) { $this->lastUsed = time(); $chunkData = $chunk->toBinary(); if ($chunkData !== false) { $this->saveChunk($chunk->getX() - $this->getX() * 32, $chunk->getZ() - $this->getZ() * 32, $chunkData); } }
/** * @param FullChunk $chunk */ public function __construct(FullChunk $chunk) { parent::__construct($chunk->getProvider()->getLevel()); $this->chunk = $chunk; }
public function __construct(FullChunk $chunk, Compound $nbt) { if ($chunk === null or $chunk->getProvider() === null) { throw new ChunkException("Invalid garbage Chunk given to Entity"); } $this->timings = Timings::getEntityTimings($this); $this->isPlayer = $this instanceof Player; $this->temporalVector = new Vector3(); if ($this->eyeHeight === null) { $this->eyeHeight = $this->height / 2 + 0.1; } $this->id = Entity::$entityCount++; $this->justCreated = true; $this->namedtag = $nbt; $this->chunk = $chunk; $this->setLevel($chunk->getProvider()->getLevel()); $this->server = $chunk->getProvider()->getLevel()->getServer(); $this->boundingBox = new AxisAlignedBB(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0); $this->setPositionAndRotation($this->temporalVector->setComponents($this->namedtag["Pos"][0], $this->namedtag["Pos"][1], $this->namedtag["Pos"][2]), $this->namedtag->Rotation[0], $this->namedtag->Rotation[1]); $this->setMotion($this->temporalVector->setComponents($this->namedtag["Motion"][0], $this->namedtag["Motion"][1], $this->namedtag["Motion"][2])); if (!isset($this->namedtag->FallDistance)) { $this->namedtag->FallDistance = new Float("FallDistance", 0); } $this->fallDistance = $this->namedtag["FallDistance"]; if (!isset($this->namedtag->Fire)) { $this->namedtag->Fire = new Short("Fire", 0); } $this->fireTicks = $this->namedtag["Fire"]; if (!isset($this->namedtag->Air)) { $this->namedtag->Air = new Short("Air", 300); } $this->setDataProperty(self::DATA_AIR, self::DATA_TYPE_SHORT, $this->namedtag["Air"]); if (!isset($this->namedtag->OnGround)) { $this->namedtag->OnGround = new Byte("OnGround", 0); } $this->onGround = $this->namedtag["OnGround"] > 0 ? true : false; if (!isset($this->namedtag->Invulnerable)) { $this->namedtag->Invulnerable = new Byte("Invulnerable", 0); } $this->invulnerable = $this->namedtag["Invulnerable"] > 0 ? true : false; $this->chunk->addEntity($this); $this->level->addEntity($this); $this->initEntity(); $this->lastUpdate = $this->server->getTick(); $this->server->getPluginManager()->callEvent(new EntitySpawnEvent($this)); $this->scheduleUpdate(); }