/** * This is the part where we actually create the tables and then populate them */ function doAction() { global $lang, $config, $db, $q, $inserts, $connect; $prefix = $connect['prefix']; $errors = 0; $db = DblFactory::getConn(); foreach ($q as $key => $value) { $qu = $db->query(str_replace('{0}', $prefix, $value)); if ($qu) { $content .= greenIt(ucfirst($key) . $lang->message('step1', 'wasAdded')) . '<br/>'; } else { $content .= redIt(ucfirst($key) . $lang->message('step1', 'wasNot')) . '<br/>'; $errors++; } } $content .= '<p/>'; foreach ($inserts as $key => $value) { $qu = $db->query(str_replace('{0}', $prefix, $value)); if (!$qu) { $errors++; } } if ($errors == 0) { $content .= '<p/>' . $lang->message('general', 'continue') . '<p/>'; } else { $content .= '<p/>' . $lang->message('step1', 'fix') . '<p/>'; } return array($content, $errors, true); }
function doAction() { global $lang, $config, $db, $connect; $prefix = $connect['prefix']; $db = DblFactory::getConn(); if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['repeatPass']) { $pass = md5($_POST['password']); $template = <<<END <table>\t \t<tr> \t\t<td>{subject}</td> \t\t<td>{time}</td> \t</tr> \t<tr> \t\t<td colspan="2">{news}</td> \t</tr> \t<tr> \t\t<td><a href="mailto:{email}">{news}</a></td> \t\t<td>{category}</td> \t</tr> </table> END; $db->query('insert into ' . $prefix . '_user ( user, pass, userLevel ) values ( \'' . $_POST['userName'] . '\', \'' . $pass . '\', \'3\' )'); $db->query('insert into ' . $prefix . '_template ( template, user ) values ( \'' . $template . '\', 0 )'); header('Location: ../index.php'); } else { header('Location: index.php?page=5&error=There%20was%20an%20error.%20Please%20try%20again.'); } return array($content, $errors, true); }
public function __construct($class, $defaultNull = null) { if (!is_null($defaultNull)) { $this->defaultNull = $defaultNull; } $this->class = $class; $this->db = DblFactory::getConn(); }
public function __construct($name, $pass) { global $connect; $this->prefix = $connect['prefix']; $this->db = DblFactory::getConn(); $this->user = $name; $this->pass = $pass; }
/** * Initializes the database connection, and the configuration connections, * and then makes a call to an abstract method that must be defined in the * child classes in order to initialize the template system * * Contains the only statically called query in the entire application, as it * resides in an abstract class and the preparedQueryHandler depends on the fact * that it can derive the name of the class at run time and load those queries. */ public function __construct() { $this->db = DblFactory::getConn(); $this->config = ConfigFactory::getConfig(); /** STRONG AUTHENTICATION */ if (isset($_COOKIE['uName']) && isset($_COOKIE['pass'])) { $this->user = UserFactory::getUser($_COOKIE['uName'], md5($_COOKIE['pass'])); } else { // login as a dummy user who is only able to see news $this->user = ''; } $this->init(); }
public static function getUser($name, $password) { global $connect; $prefix = $connect['prefix']; if ($name == NULL) { return new Reader(null, null); } else { $db = DblFactory::getConn(); $level = $db->query('select userLevel from ' . $prefix . '_user where user=\'' . $name . '\' and pass=\'' . $password . '\'')->fetchObject(); switch ($level->userLevel) { case 1: return new Poster($name, $password); break; case 2: return new Moderator($name, $password); break; case 3: return new Administrator($name, $password); break; default: throw new Exception('Cannot create an instance of invalid user level ' . $level->userLevel . '!'); } } }
<?php use blargon\display\News; use blargon\lang\Language; use blargon\factory\ConfigFactory; use blargon\factory\DblFactory; require_once dirname(__FILE__) . '/config.php'; $db = DblFactory::getConn(); ConfigFactory::setDb($db); $config = ConfigFactory::getConfig(); $lang = new Language('login'); if (isset($_POST['submit']) && $_POST['submit']) { $result = $db->query('SELECT id, pass FROM ' . $config->get('prefix') . '_user WHERE user=\'' . $_POST['user'] . '\'')->fetchObject(); if ($db->query('select * from ' . $config->get('prefix') . '_attempts where userId=\'' . $result->id . '\'')->rowCount() >= 5) { header('Location: login.php?error=' . $lang->message('general', 'locked') . '.'); die; } if (md5($_POST['pass']) == $result->pass) { $id = $db->query('SELECT id FROM ' . $config->get('prefix') . '_user WHERE user=\'' . $_POST['user'] . '\'')->fetchObject(); $db->query('delete from ' . $config->get('prefix') . '_attempts where userId=\'' . $id->id . '\'') or die(mysql_error()); $level = $db->query('SELECT userLevel FROM ' . $config->get('prefix') . '_user WHERE user=\'' . $_POST['user'] . '\'')->fetchObject(); if (isset($_POST['stayLogged']) && $_POST['stayLogged']) { setcookie('pass', $_POST['pass'], time() + 29030400); setcookie('uName', $_POST['user'], time() + 29030400); setcookie('uLevel', $level->userLevel, time() + 29030400); } else { setcookie('pass', $_POST['pass']); setcookie('uName', $_POST['user']); setcookie('uLevel', $level->userLevel); } header('Location: index.php');
public function __construct() { $this->db = DblFactory::getConn(); $this->config = ConfigFactory::getConfig(); }