  * Translates provided locator into XPath.
  * @param mixed $locator Current selector locator.
  * @return string
  * @throws ElementException When used selector is broken or not implemented.
 public function translateToXPath($locator)
     if (!$locator || !is_array($locator)) {
         throw new ElementException('Incorrect Selenium selector format', ElementException::TYPE_INCORRECT_SELECTOR);
     list($selector, $locator) = each($locator);
     $locator = trim($locator);
     if ($selector == How::CLASS_NAME) {
         $locator = $this->_handler->xpathLiteral(' ' . $locator . ' ');
         return "descendant-or-self::*[@class and contains(concat(' ', normalize-space(@class), ' '), " . $locator . ')]';
     } elseif ($selector == How::CSS) {
         return $this->_handler->selectorToXpath('css', $locator);
     } elseif ($selector == How::ID) {
         return 'descendant-or-self::*[@id = ' . $this->_handler->xpathLiteral($locator) . ']';
     } elseif ($selector == How::NAME) {
         return 'descendant-or-self::*[@name = ' . $this->_handler->xpathLiteral($locator) . ']';
     } elseif ($selector == How::TAG_NAME) {
         return 'descendant-or-self::' . $locator;
     } elseif ($selector == How::XPATH) {
         return $locator;
     /*case How::LINK_TEXT:
     		case How::PARTIAL_LINK_TEXT:*/
     throw new ElementException(sprintf('Selector type "%s" not yet implemented', $selector), ElementException::TYPE_UNKNOWN_SELECTOR);
Esempio n. 2
 public function testXpathLiteral()
     $handler = new SelectorsHandler();
     $this->assertEquals("'some simple string'", $handler->xpathLiteral('some simple string'));
     $this->assertEquals("'some \"d-brackets\" string'", $handler->xpathLiteral('some "d-brackets" string'));
     $this->assertEquals("\"some 's-brackets' string\"", $handler->xpathLiteral('some \'s-brackets\' string'));
     $this->assertEquals('concat(\'some \',"\'",\'s-brackets\',"\'",\' and "d-brackets" string\')', $handler->xpathLiteral('some \'s-brackets\' and "d-brackets" string'));
Esempio n. 3
  * @dataProvider getSelectorTests
 public function testSelectors($fixtureFile, $selector, $locator, $expectedExactCount, $expectedPartialCount = null)
     $expectedCount = $this->allowPartialMatch() && null !== $expectedPartialCount ? $expectedPartialCount : $expectedExactCount;
     $dom = new \DOMDocument('1.0', 'UTF-8');
     $dom->loadHTMLFile(__DIR__ . '/fixtures/' . $fixtureFile);
     // Escape the locator as Mink 1.x expects the caller of the NamedSelector to handle it
     $selectorsHandler = new SelectorsHandler();
     $locator = $selectorsHandler->xpathLiteral($locator);
     $namedSelector = $this->getSelector();
     $xpath = $namedSelector->translateToXPath(array($selector, $locator));
     $domXpath = new \DOMXPath($dom);
     $nodeList = $domXpath->query($xpath);
     $this->assertEquals($expectedCount, $nodeList->length);
Esempio n. 4
  * @group legacy
 public function testXpathLiteral()
     $handler = new SelectorsHandler();
     $this->assertEquals("'some simple string'", $handler->xpathLiteral('some simple string'));
Esempio n. 5
 public function testXpathLiteral()
     $handler = new SelectorsHandler();
     $this->iniSet('error_reporting', -1 & ~E_USER_DEPRECATED);
     $this->assertEquals("'some simple string'", $handler->xpathLiteral('some simple string'));