Esempio n. 1
  * @throws SMSConfigurationException
  * @version :  v0.1
 public function setup()
     $fileNamespace = $this->getXMLFileNamespace();
     $vendor = RootClassLoader::getVendor($fileNamespace);
     $libPath = RootClassLoader::getLoaderByVendor($vendor)->getRootPath();
     $basePath = str_replace('\\', '/', RootClassLoader::getNamespaceWithoutVendor($fileNamespace));
     $filename = $this->getXMLFilename();
     $fullPath = $libPath . (empty($basePath) ? '' : '/' . $basePath) . '/' . $filename;
     if (!file_exists($fullPath)) {
         throw new SMSConfigurationException('[SMSXMLMapper::setup()] XML file "' . $filename . '" in namespace "' . $fileNamespace . '" could not be found. (Full path: "' . $fullPath . '").', E_USER_ERROR);
     $this->XML_DOMDocument = new \DOMDocument();
     // we need to validate the document, to let the DTD be parsed and the id attribute be recognized as id by DOMDocument::getElementById().
     // do not care about failures this time
Esempio n. 2
 public function testGetNamespaceWithoutVendor()
     $this->assertEquals('core\\loader', RootClassLoader::getNamespaceWithoutVendor('APF\\core\\loader\\StandardClassLoader'));
     $this->assertEquals('core', RootClassLoader::getNamespaceWithoutVendor('APF\\core\\StandardClassLoader'));