Esempio n. 1
	 * Create an URI starting with /, regarding the current request
	 * By default, the controller will stay the same
	 * @param string|array $prm URL Parameters:
	 *  - bool absolute If the url should be absolute
	 *  - string sep Seperator if needed (default: cfg config empty)
	 *  - strong controller
	 *  - string lang (if not valid it will be ignored)
	 *  - string module
	 *  - string action
	 *  - array paramA
	 *  - string param (using only if paramA doesn't exist)
	 *  - string text
	 *  - string out (if not valid it will be ignored)
	 * @return string the URL
	public static function uri($prm = array()) {
		if (!is_array($prm))
			$prm = self::uriString($prm);

		if (self::isAbsolutizeAllUris() && !isset($prm['absolute']))
			$prm['absolute'] = true;

		$sep = array_key_exists('sep', $prm)? $prm['sep'] : self::$cfg->sep;

		$tmp = array_fill(0, 4, self::$cfg->empty);

		if (array_key_exists('moduleScaffold', $prm) && !empty($prm['moduleScaffold']))
			$tmp[0] = utils::urlify($prm['moduleScaffold']);
		else if (array_key_exists('module', $prm) && !empty($prm['module']))
			$tmp[0] = utils::urlify($prm['module']);

		if (array_key_exists('action', $prm) && !empty($prm['action']))
			$tmp[1] = $prm['action'];

		if (array_key_exists('paramA', $prm) && is_array($prm['paramA']))
			$tmp[2] = self::createParam($prm['paramA'], false);
		else if (array_key_exists('param', $prm) && !empty($prm['param']))
			$tmp[2] = $prm['param'];

		if (array_key_exists('text', $prm) && !empty($prm['text']))
			$tmp[3] = utils::urlify($prm['text']);

		while(count($tmp) > 0 && (empty($tmp[count($tmp) - 1]) || $tmp[count($tmp) - 1] == self::$cfg->empty))

		$out = (array_key_exists('out', $prm) ?
				(self::isOut($prm['out'])? $prm['out'] : null)
				: self::getRequested('out'));
		if (is_null($out) && (!isset($prm['out']) || is_null($prm['out'])))
			$out = self::$cfg->defaultOut;
		if ($out) {
			if (false && empty($tmp))
				$tmp[] = self::$cfg->empty.'.'.$out;
			else if (!empty($tmp) && $out != self::$cfg->noOut)
				$tmp[count($tmp) - 1] .= '.'.$out;

		$forceLang = self::$cfg->forceLang ? (self::$cfg->forceLang === true ? self::$cfg->lang : self::$cfg->forceLang) : null;
		if (array_key_exists('lang', $prm)) {
			if (self::isLang($prm['lang']))
				array_unshift($tmp, $prm['lang']);
			else if ($forceLang)
				array_unshift($tmp, $forceLang);
		} else if (self::getRequested('lang'))
			array_unshift($tmp, self::getRequested('lang'));
		else if (self::$cfg->lang != self::get('lang'))
			array_unshift($tmp, self::get('lang'));
		else if ($forceLang && count($tmp))
			array_unshift($tmp, $forceLang);
		if ($forceLang && count($tmp) == 1 && $tmp[0] == $forceLang)
			$tmp = array();

		$prefix = array_key_exists('absolute', $prm) && $prm['absolute']? request::get('domain') : null;
		$prefix.= self::get('path');
		if (array_key_exists('controller', $prm)) {
			if ($prm['controller'])
				array_unshift($tmp, $prm['controller']);
		} else if (self::get('pathWithController'))
			$prefix.= request::get('controller').'/';

		foreach($tmp as &$t)
			$t = str_replace(array(' ', '/'), self::$cfg->empty, $t);

		return $prefix.implode($sep, $tmp);
Esempio n. 2
  * Create a filename to not erease existing files
  * @param string $name Filename
  * @return string Filename useable
 protected function safeFileName($name)
     $name = strtolower(utils::urlify($name, '.'));
     $ext = file::getExt($name);
     if ($ext) {
         $ext = '.' . $ext;
     $initName = substr($name, 0, -strlen($ext));
     $i = 2;
     while (file::exists($this->dir . DS . $name)) {
         $name = $initName . '-' . $i . $ext;
     return $name;
Esempio n. 3
function clean_filename($filename){
	return utils::urlify($filename, '.');
    $filename = preg_replace('/^\W+|\W+$/', '', $filename); // remove all non-alphanumeric chars at begin & end of string
    $filename = preg_replace('/\s+/', '_', $filename); // compress internal whitespace and replace with _
    return strtolower(preg_replace('/\W-/', '', $filename)); // remove all non-alphanumeric chars except _ and -
