Esempio n. 1

        <h2 class="rounded-heading">
            <span>Years Top Riders
        </span>  </h2>
        <div class="content-1-details">
          <div id="widgetdiv">
    $yearResults = queries::getYearTopRiders();
    for ($counter = 1; $counter <= count($yearResults); $counter++) {
        echo $counter . '.' . $yearResults[$counter] . ' ' . utils::getMileageString();
        echo "<br>";

    <div style="clear:both; height:78px;"></div>
} else {
    <H3>Welcome to CylceBrain!</H3>
    <p>We're just getting things up and running.  We hope to provide one place to record and manage all cycling related data.  We want to be your 'CycleBrain'.
        $url = "'equipment/deleteBikeEquipment?equip=" . $userEquipment->getEquipmentId() . "', {title:' Delete Equipment', width: 600});return false;";
        echo link_to_function(image_tag('/images/Delete.png'), $url);
                 <div id="<?php 
        echo $subDivName;
" style="display:none">
                    <div id="detailList">
                        Purchase Date: <?php 
        echo $userEquipment->getPurchaseDate();
                        Total Mileage: <?php 
        echo $userEquipment->getMileage() . " " . utils::getMileageString();
                        Cost: <?php 
        echo $userEquipment->getPurchasePrice();
Esempio n. 3

    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="title">Route Description:</label>
echo input_tag('route_desc', $route_desc);

    <div class="form-row">
        <label for="make">Distance(<?php 
echo utils::getMileageString();
echo input_tag('distance', $distance);

Esempio n. 4
            echo link_to_function(image_tag('/images/Add.png'), "'userstats/add', {title:' Add Ride', width: 600});return false;");
                            <div id="calInfo" >
        if ($statsByDay) {
            if (array_key_exists($day, $statsByDay)) {
                $stats = $statsByDay[$day];
                foreach ($stats as $s) {
                    $editUrl = "'userstats/view?statid=" . $s->getStatNo() . "', {title:' Ride Details', width: 400});return false;";
                    echo link_to_function(utils::getMileageFromMeters($s->getMileage()) . ' ' . utils::getMileageString(), $editUrl);
                            <div id="calInfo" >

Esempio n. 5
    echo $user_route->getDescription();
    $editUrl = "'userrides/edit?rideid=" . $user_route->getUserRideId() . "', {title:' Edit Route', width: 600});return false;";
    echo link_to_function(image_tag('/images/Modify.png'), $editUrl);
    $url = "'userrides/delete?rideid=" . $user_route->getUserRideId() . "', {title:' Delete Route', width: 600});return false;";
    echo link_to_function(image_tag('/images/Delete.png'), $url);
                        <p>Total Mileage: <?php 
    echo utils::getMileageFromMeters($user_route->getMileage()) . " " . utils::getMileageString();

        <div id="content-1-right">
            <h2 class="rounded-heading"><span>Route Details</span></h2>
            <div class="content-1-details">
                <div id="userrides"></div>
Esempio n. 6
    echo $user_bikes;
    $editUrl = "'userbike/edit?bikeid=" . $user_bikes->getUserBikeId() . "', {title:' Edit Bike', width: 600});return false;";
    echo link_to_function(image_tag('/images/Modify.png'), $editUrl);
    $url = "'userbike/delete?bikeid=" . $user_bikes->getUserBikeId() . "', {title:' Delete Bike', width: 600});return false;";
    echo link_to_function(image_tag('/images/Delete.png'), $url);
                        <p>Total Mileage: <?php 
    echo $user_bikes->getBikeMileage() . " " . utils::getMileageString();
                            Last Ride Date: <?php 
    echo $user_bikes->getLastRideDate();

