/** * Activate filter */ function activate() { core::dprint('Activate RSS'); tpl_loader::set_template('rss'); core::lib('renderer')->set_content_type('text/xml'); // 'application/rss+xml' }
function run() { $posts = core::module('sat')->get_news_handle()->set_order('created_at DESC')->set_limit(10)->where('active', true)->with_deps(array('category'))->load()->render(); $parser = tpl_loader::get_parser(true); $parser->assign('site', core::module('sat')->get_current_site()->render()); $parser->assign('posts', $posts); header('Content-Type: text/xml; charset=UTF-8'); // display appends smarty_debug echo $parser->fetch('partials/sat/news/xml.tpl'); core::selfie()->halt(); }
/** * Set root */ static function set_template($template) { if (defined('IN_EDITOR')) { self::$template_dir = loader::get_root() . loader::DIR_EDITOR . loader::DIR_TEMPLATES; } else { self::$template_dir = loader::get_root() . loader::DIR_TEMPLATES . $template; } self::$parser->template_dir = self::$template_dir; /* * If using template, compile directory must exists /cache/tpl/{template} */ $c_postfix = defined('IN_EDITOR') ? 'editor/' : $template . '/'; self::$parser->compile_dir = loader::get_root() . loader::DIR_TEMPLATES_C . $c_postfix; self::$parser->cache_dir = loader::get_root() . loader::DIR_TEMPLATES_C . $c_postfix; }
/** * Set root */ static function set_template($template) { if (core::in_editor()) { self::$template_dir = loader::get_public() . loader::DIR_EDITOR . loader::DIR_TEMPLATES; } else { self::$template_dir = loader::get_public() . loader::DIR_TEMPLATES . $template; } self::$parser->template_dir = self::$template_dir; /* * If using template, compile directory must exists /cache/tpl/{template} */ $c_postfix = core::in_editor() ? 'editor/' : $template . '/'; self::$parser->compile_dir = loader::get_root(loader::DIR_TEMPLATES_C . $c_postfix); self::$parser->cache_dir = loader::get_root(loader::DIR_TEMPLATES_C . $c_postfix); if (!file_exists(self::$parser->compile_dir)) { mkdir(self::$parser->compile_dir, 0777, true); // chmod this right } /* if (!file_exists(self::$parser->cache_dir)) { mkdir(self::$parser->cache_dir, 0777, true); // chmod this right } */ }
/** * INIT0 - call right after create an instance of core * create basic stuff * @throws core_exception */ public function init0() { if ($this->initialized) { throw new core_exception('Already initialized'); } $this->initialized = self::IS_LOADING; self::dprint(array("core::init0 %s", loader::with_composer() ? '+composer' : ''), self::E_DEBUG2); // templates setup self::register_lib('tpl_parser', function () { return tpl_loader::factory(core::selfie()->cfg('lib_tpl_parser')); }); // renderer self::register_lib('renderer', function () { return 0 ? new \SatCMS\Modules\Core\Base\ObjectMock() : new tf_renderer(core::selfie()->cfg('template'), core::lib('tpl_parser')); }); // database setup (database-`mysql`) $this->configure_database($this->cfg('database')); // set default timezone $tz = $this->cfg('default_timezone'); date_default_timezone_set($tz ? $tz : 'Europe/Moscow'); // load core config $this->dyn_config = $this->model('config', array('render_by_key' => true))->load()->merge_with($this->config); // content-types $ctype_config = loader::get_docs() . 'ctypes.cfg'; $ctype_array = fs::file_exists($ctype_config) ? parse_ini_file($ctype_config, true) : array(); $this->_ctypes = $this->get_ctype_handle(); $this->_ctypes->from_array($ctype_array); // add libs self::register_lib('logger', function () { return tf_logger::get_instance()->enable(!core::get_instance()->cfg('disable_logs', false)); }); self::register_lib('manager', new tf_manager()); self::register_lib('request', new tf_request()); $modules_config = array(); if ('file' == $this->cfg('modules_config', '') && ($modules_config_file = loader::get_docs() . 'modules.cfg') && fs::file_exists($modules_config_file)) { $modules_config = parse_ini_file($modules_config_file, true); } else { try { $modules_config = $this->module('modules', array('key' => 'tag'))->as_array(); } catch (module_exception $e) { // misconfigured modules, some of modules not exists throw new core_exception($e->getMessage(), tf_exception::CRITICAL); } } // site init %domain% // config/%domain%/init.php $site_config = array(); $site_config_path = $this->cfg('site_config'); if (!empty($site_config_path)) { $host = @$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST']; if ('%domain%' == $site_config_path) { $site_config_path = strpos($host, 'www.') === 0 ? substr($host, 4) : $host; } $mod_config_file = loader::get_docs() . $site_config_path . '/init.php'; if ($site_config_path && file_exists($mod_config_file)) { $site_config = (include $mod_config_file); } } // import module config `mod_{module}` // allow overrides modules.cfg foreach ($this->config as $cfg_key => $cfg) { if (strpos($cfg_key, 'mod_') === 0) { $cfg_key = substr($cfg_key, 4); $modules_config[$cfg_key] = @$modules_config[$cfg_key] ?: array(); $modules_config[$cfg_key] = functions::array_merge_recursive_distinct($modules_config[$cfg_key], $cfg); } } // module manager self::$modules = new core_modules($modules_config, $site_config); // finish core init0 proccess parent::init0(); // check bans if (!$this->cfg('no_bans_check') && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && ($_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && !empty($_uri)) { if ($this->get_bans_handle()->check_spam($_uri)) { throw new core_exception(i18n::T('you_are_banned'), tf_exception::CRITICAL); } } self::register_lib('auth', new tf_auth(loader::in_shell()))->start_session(); if (self::in_editor()) { // editor kickstart $this->lib('editor'); } register_shutdown_function(array($this, 'halt')); $this->initialized = true; }
/** * INIT0 - call right after create an instance of core * create basic stuff * @throws core_exception */ public function init0() { // templates setup self::register_lib('tpl_parser', tpl_loader::factory()); // renderer self::register_lib('renderer', new tf_renderer($this->get_cfg_var('site_url') . loader::DIR_TEMPLATES . $this->get_cfg_var('template') . '/', self::lib('tpl_parser'))); // database setup self::register_lib('db', $db_test = db_loader::get($this->get_cfg_var('database'))); if (!$db_test && !defined('TF_TEST_INFECTED')) { throw new core_exception('Database connection problem', tf_exception::CRITICAL); } // set default timezone $tz = $this->get_cfg_var('default_timezone'); date_default_timezone_set($tz ? $tz : 'Europe/Moscow'); // load core config $this->dyn_config = $this->class_register('config', array('render_by_key' => true)); $this->dyn_config->merge_with($this->config); // add libs self::register_lib('logger', tf_logger::get_instance()); // ->enable(!$this->get_cfg_var('disable_logger', false)); if (!defined('TF_TEST_INFECTED')) { set_error_handler(create_function('$x, $y', 'if (0 != ini_get("error_reporting")) throw new system_exception($y, $x);'), E_ALL & ~E_NOTICE); } self::register_lib('manager', new tf_manager()); self::register_lib('validator', new tf_validator()); self::register_lib('request', new tf_request()); $modules_array = array(); if ('file' == $this->get_cfg_var('modules_config', '') && ($modules_config = loader::get_docs() . 'modules.cfg') && fs::file_exists($modules_config)) { $modules_array = parse_ini_file($modules_config, true); } else { try { $modules_array = $this->class_register('modules', array('key' => 'tag'))->as_array(); } catch (modules_exception $e) { // probably misconfigured modules table, some of modules not exists throw new core_exception($e->getMessage(), tf_exception::CRITICAL); } } // modules manager self::$modules = new modules_factory($modules_array); // finish core init0 proccess parent::init0(); // check bans if (!$this->get_cfg_var('no_bans_check') && isset($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && ($_uri = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']) && !empty($_uri)) { if ($this->get_bans_handle()->check_spam($_uri)) { throw new core_exception($this->get_langword('you_are_banned'), tf_exception::CRITICAL); } } /* content type in autoload so convert it to object an destroy it */ if (self::in_editor()) { self::register_lib('editor', new tf_editor()); } // register auth if ($musers = $this->module('users')) { self::register_lib('auth', new tf_auth($musers, loader::in_shell())); } $this->initialized = true; }
/** * @param $template * @return $this */ function set_layout($template) { $core = core::get_instance(); // template fs-root $tpl_root = $core->cfg('site_url') . loader::DIR_TEMPLATES . $template . '/'; $this->template_url = $tpl_root; tpl_loader::set_template($template); $this->template_root = $this->get_template_root($template); $this->_layout = new tf_layout($this->template_root); return $this; }