Esempio n. 1
			// Let's remove BLOB and BINARY for now...
			//if ((strpos(strtolower($field_type), 'char') !== false) || (strpos(strtolower($field_type), 'text') !== false) || (strpos(strtolower($field_type), 'blob') !== false) || (strpos(strtolower($field_type), 'binary') !== false))
			if ((strpos(strtolower($field_type), 'char') !== false) || (strpos(strtolower($field_type), 'text') !== false))
				//$sql_fields = "ALTER TABLE {$db->sql_escape($table)} CHANGE " . $db->sql_escape($field_name) . " " . $db->sql_escape($field_name) . " " . $db->sql_escape($field_type) . " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin";

				$sql_fields = "ALTER TABLE {$db->sql_escape($table)} CHANGE " . $db->sql_escape($field_name) . " " . $db->sql_escape($field_name) . " " . $db->sql_escape($field_type) . " CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_bin " . (($field_null != 'YES') ? "NOT " : "") . "NULL DEFAULT " . (($field_default != 'None') ? ((!empty($field_default) || !is_null($field_default)) ? (is_string($field_default) ? ("'" . $db->sql_escape($field_default) . "'") : $field_default) : (($field_null != 'YES') ? "''" : "NULL")) : "''");

				echo("\t&nbsp;&nbsp;&raquo;&nbsp;Field&nbsp;<b style=\"color: #4488aa;\">$field_name</b> (in table <b style=\"color: #009900;\">$table</b>) converted to UTF-8<br />\n");
		echo("<br />\n");


echo("<br />\n<br />\n<br />\n<b style=\"color: #dd2222;\">Work Complete!!!</b><br />\n");



function UpdateAddConEmail( $oldemail='', $newemail='', $contactid, $addconid = 0 )
global $db;
global $lang;
global $dbname;
global $dbhost, $supportdb, $dbuser, $dbpasswd;
$dbsupport = new sql_db( $supportdb, $dbuser, $dbpasswd, 'nizex_support', false, true );

$newemail = trim( $newemail );
$oldemail = trim( $oldemail );
//after talking with GHH I am changing this function in the following way
//first check to see if there is a userid on the addcon we are editing, if not then
//we allow them to add, edit or clear, we don't care what they do
//if they have a userid then we make sure that who they are changing the email adress to
//is not in the support tables under a different userid, if so then we error and exit;
$query	= "select UserID from conAdditionalContacts where UserID > 0 and 
				EmailAddress = '".$oldemail."' and AdditionalContactID = ".$addconid;

if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
	LogError( 9255, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error(), false );
	return false;

if ( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 )
	//first make sure they are not changing the email address to one that already exists on the same contact
	$query	= "select EmailAddress from conAdditionalContacts where EmailAddress = '".$newemail."' and
					ContactID = ".$contactid;
	if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
		LogError( 9141, $query .$dblang[ "ErrorInSQL" ]."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
		return false;

	if ( $db->sql_numrows( $result ) == 0 )
		$query	= "update conAdditionalContacts set EmailAddress = '".$newemail."' where AdditionalContactID = ".$addconid;

		if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
			LogError( 9142, $query .$dblang[ "ErrorInSQL" ]."<br>".$db->sql_error() );
			return false;
	}//end of editing for addcon with no userid
	//TKS 06.12.2012 noticed if trying to save an add con without an email on a user
	//they no longer set to login, it would enter here becuase of the userid then error
	//due to invalid email. So if the email was blank before and blank now, we just return
	if ( $oldemail == '' && $newemail == '' )
		return true;
	//if the current email is hooked to a userid they cannot clear out the email address
	//TKS 01.25.2012 I moved this to the top of this else so that if they have a userid
	//and trying to clear out the email, we just return
	if ( !validEmail( $newemail ) || empty( $newemail ) || $newemail == '' )
		LogError( $lang[ "ErrEmailValid" ], false );
		return false;

	$temprow	= $db->sql_fetchrow( $result ); 
	$userid = $temprow['UserID'];
	//I spoke with Noel and he said to add Training DB and Demo and exit if they are editing a record with
	//a userid in either of those DBs because we have a bunch of customers and employees editing and messing with data
	// and it screwed up people's login ability. SO these 2 dbs, if oldemail has userid, they cannot edit it, they
	//will have to login to their individual DB to edit the record
	//05.14.2013 naj - added trial databases to the list of databases you cannot edit from.
	if ( ( $dbname == 'nizex_training' || $dbname == 'nizex_demo' || preg_match('/nizex_trial/', $dbname)) && ( $newemail != $oldemail ) )
		LogError( $lang[ "ErrDBEmail" ], false );
		return false;

	//first see if the email addresses are different
	if (  $newemail != $oldemail )
		//first check to see if the new address is in the optUsers table, under a different userid if so we return false
		$query	= "select UserID from optUsers where EmailAddress = '$newemail' and UserID != $userid";

		if ( !$result = $dbsupport->sql_query( $query ) )
			LogError( 9136, $query ."<br>".$dbsupport->sql_error(), false );
			return false;

		if ( $dbsupport->sql_numrows( $result ) > 0 )
			LogError(  $lang[ "ErrEmailExists" ], false );
			return false;

			//grab all company DBs linked to this user
			$query	= "select optUserCompany.DBName, DBHost from optUserCompany, optUserLinks where optUserLinks.UserID = $userid
							and optUserLinks.CompanyID = optUserCompany.CompanyID";

			if ( !$result = $dbsupport->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 9138, $query ."<br>".$dbsupport->sql_error(), false );
				return false;

			//04.09.2013 naj - changed everything to use a transaction, so we can roll this back if it fails
			$dbarray = array();
			while ( $dbrow	= $dbsupport->sql_fetchrow( $result ) )
				$tempdb = new sql_db( $dbrow[ "DBHost" ], $dbuser, $dbpasswd, $dbrow[ "DBName" ], false, true );
				if ( $tempdb->db_connect_id )
					//04.09.2013 naj - add the current database to the db array.
					$dbarray[] = $tempdb;
					if ( !$tempresult = $tempdb->sql_query( '', 'BEGIN'))
						LogError (12118, $query."<br>".$tempdb->sql_error());
						foreach ($dbarray as $tempdb)
							$tempdb->sql_query('', 'ROLLBACK');
						return false;

					$query	= "update conAdditionalContacts set EmailAddress = '".$newemail."' where EmailAddress = '".$oldemail."' and UserID = $userid";
					if ( !$tempresult = $tempdb->sql_query( $query ) )
						LogError( 9139, $query."<br>".$tempdb->sql_error() );
						foreach ($dbarray as $tempdb)
							$tempdb->sql_query('', 'ROLLBACK');
						return false;

			//now update the optUsers record
			$query	= "update optUsers set EmailAddress  = '".$newemail."' where UserID = $userid";

			if ( !$result = $dbsupport->sql_query( $query ) )
				LogError( 9140, $query ."<br>".$dbsupport->sql_error(), false );
				foreach ($dbarray as $tempdb)
					$tempdb->sql_query('', 'ROLLBACK');
				return false;

			//04.09.2013 naj - if we made it this far, then the update is complete.
			foreach ($dbarray as $tempdb)
				$tempdb->sql_query('', 'COMMIT');

		//12.09.2013 naj - this is to ensure that the current database gets updated to in the event that the user was allowed to login in the past but now is not.
		$query	= "update conAdditionalContacts set EmailAddress = '".$newemail."' where EmailAddress = '".$oldemail."' and UserID = $userid";
		if ( !$result = $db->sql_query( $query ) )
			LogError(13858, $query ."<br>".$db->sql_error(), false );
			return false;

return true;
}//end of UpdateAddConEmail