Esempio n. 1
 public function step1()
     echo L_UPDATE_USERS_MIGRATION . "<br />";
     # On génère le fichier XML
     $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . PLX_CHARSET . "\"?>\n";
     $xml .= "<document>\n";
     foreach ($this->plxAdmin->aUsers as $user_id => $user) {
         $salt = plxUtils::charAleatoire(10);
         $password = sha1($salt . $user['password']);
         $xml .= "\t" . '<user number="' . $user_id . '" active="' . $user['active'] . '" profil="' . $user['profil'] . '" delete="' . $user['delete'] . '">' . "\n";
         $xml .= "\t\t" . '<login><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['login']) . ']]></login>' . "\n";
         $xml .= "\t\t" . '<name><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['name']) . ']]></name>' . "\n";
         $xml .= "\t\t" . '<infos><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['infos']) . ']]></infos>' . "\n";
         $xml .= "\t\t" . '<password><![CDATA[' . $password . ']]></password>' . "\n";
         $xml .= "\t\t" . '<salt><![CDATA[' . $salt . ']]></salt>' . "\n";
         $xml .= "\t\t" . '<email><![CDATA[' . $user['email'] . ']]></email>' . "\n";
         $xml .= "\t\t" . '<lang><![CDATA[' . $user['lang'] . ']]></lang>' . "\n";
         $xml .= "\t</user>\n";
     $xml .= "</document>";
     if (!plxUtils::write($xml, PLX_ROOT . $this->plxAdmin->aConf['users'])) {
         echo '<p class="error">' . L_UPDATE_ERR_USERS_MIGRATION . ' (' . $this->plxAdmin->aConf['users'] . ')</p>';
         return false;
     return true;
Esempio n. 2
  * Méthode qui édite le fichier XML de configuration selon le tableau $global et $content
  * @param	global	tableau contenant toute la configuration PluXml
  * @param	content	tableau contenant la configuration à modifier
  * @return	string
  * @author	Florent MONTHEL
 public function editConfiguration($global, $content)
     # on mémorise l'état actuel de l'urlrewriting
     $urlrewrinting = isset($global['urlrewriting']) ? $global['urlrewriting'] : 0;
     # Tableau des clés à mettre sous chaîne cdata
     $aCdata = array('title', 'description', 'racine', 'feed_footer');
     # Début du fichier XML
     $xml = "<?xml version='1.0' encoding='" . PLX_CHARSET . "'?>\n";
     $xml .= "<document>\n";
     foreach ($content as $k => $v) {
         $global[$k] = $v;
     # On teste la clef
     if (empty($global['clef'])) {
         $global['clef'] = plxUtils::charAleatoire(15);
     foreach ($global as $k => $v) {
         if (in_array($k, $aCdata)) {
             $xml .= "\t<parametre name=\"{$k}\"><![CDATA[" . $v . "]]></parametre>\n";
         } else {
             $xml .= "\t<parametre name=\"{$k}\">" . $v . "</parametre>\n";
     $xml .= "</document>";
     # On réinitialise la pagination au cas où modif de bypage_admin
     $_SESSION['page'] = array();
     # Si la réécriture d'urls est demandée, on mets en place le fichier .htaccess
     if (isset($content['urlrewriting']) and $content['urlrewriting'] == 1 and $urlrewrinting == 0) {
         $this->htaccess('new', $global['racine']);
     } else {
         $this->htaccess('update', $global['racine']);
     # On écrit le fichier
     if (plxUtils::write($xml, PLX_CONF)) {
         return plxMsg::Info('Configuration modifi&eacute;e avec succ&egrave;s');
     } else {
         return plxMsg::Error('Erreur dans la modification du fichier ' . PLX_CONF);
Esempio n. 3
function install($content, $config)
    # gestion du timezone
    # Création du fichier de configuration
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '"?>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<document>' . "\n";
    foreach ($config as $k => $v) {
        if (is_numeric($v)) {
            $xml .= "\t<parametre name=\"{$k}\">" . $v . "</parametre>\n";
        } else {
            $xml .= "\t<parametre name=\"{$k}\"><![CDATA[" . plxUtils::cdataCheck($v) . "]]></parametre>\n";
    $xml .= '</document>';
    plxUtils::write($xml, path('XMLFILE_PARAMETERS'));
    # Création du fichier des utilisateurs
    $salt = plxUtils::charAleatoire(10);
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '"?>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "<document>\n";
    $xml .= "\t" . '<user number="001" active="1" profil="0" delete="0">' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t\t" . '<login><![CDATA[' . trim($content['login']) . ']]></login>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t\t" . '<name><![CDATA[' . trim($content['name']) . ']]></name>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t\t" . '<infos><![CDATA[]]></infos>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t\t" . '<password><![CDATA[' . sha1($salt . md5(trim($content['pwd']))) . ']]></password>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t\t" . '<salt><![CDATA[' . $salt . ']]></salt>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t\t" . '<email><![CDATA[]]></email>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t\t" . '<lang><![CDATA[' . $config['default_lang'] . ']]></lang>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t</user>\n";
    $xml .= "</document>";
    plxUtils::write($xml, path('XMLFILE_USERS'));
    # Création du fichier des categories
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '"?>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<document>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t" . '<categorie number="001" active="1" homepage="1" tri="' . $config['tri'] . '" bypage="' . $config['bypage'] . '" menu="oui" url="' . L_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_URL . '" template="categorie.php"><name><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::strRevCheck(L_DEFAULT_CATEGORY_TITLE) . ']]></name><description><![CDATA[]]></description><meta_description><![CDATA[]]></meta_description><meta_keywords><![CDATA[]]></meta_keywords><title_htmltag><![CDATA[]]></title_htmltag></categorie>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '</document>';
    plxUtils::write($xml, path('XMLFILE_CATEGORIES'));
    # Création du fichier des pages statiques
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '"?>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<document>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t" . '<statique number="001" active="1" menu="oui" url="' . L_DEFAULT_STATIC_URL . '" template="static.php"><group><![CDATA[]]></group><name><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::strRevCheck(L_DEFAULT_STATIC_TITLE) . ']]></name><meta_description><![CDATA[]]></meta_description><meta_keywords><![CDATA[]]></meta_keywords><title_htmltag><![CDATA[]]></title_htmltag></statique>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '</document>';
    plxUtils::write($xml, path('XMLFILE_STATICS'));
    plxUtils::write(file_get_contents(PLX_CORE . '/lib/html.static.txt'), PLX_ROOT . $config['racine_statiques'] . '001.' . L_DEFAULT_STATIC_URL . '.php');
    # Création du premier article
    $html = explode('-----', file_get_contents(PLX_CORE . '/lib/html.article.txt'));
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '"?>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<document>
	<title><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::strRevCheck(L_DEFAULT_ARTICLE_TITLE) . ']]></title>
		<![CDATA[' . $html[0] . ']]>
		<![CDATA[' . $html[1] . ']]>
    plxUtils::write($xml, PLX_ROOT . $config['racine_articles'] . '0001.001.001.' . date('YmdHi') . '.' . L_DEFAULT_ARTICLE_URL . '.xml');
    # Création du fichier des tags servant de cache
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '"?>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<document>' . "\n";
    $xml .= "\t" . '<article number="0001" date="' . date('YmdHi') . '" active="1"><![CDATA[PluXml]]></article>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '</document>';
    plxUtils::write($xml, path('XMLFILE_TAGS'));
    # Création du fichier des plugins
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '"?>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<document>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '</document>';
    plxUtils::write($xml, path('XMLFILE_PLUGINS'));
    # Création du premier commentaire
    $xml = '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' . PLX_CHARSET . '"?>' . "\n";
    $xml .= '<comment>
		<content><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::strRevCheck(L_DEFAULT_COMMENT_CONTENT) . ']]></content>
    plxUtils::write($xml, PLX_ROOT . $config['racine_commentaires'] . '0001.' . date('U') . '-1.xml');
Esempio n. 4
  * Méthode qui édite le fichier XML des utilisateurs
  * @param	content	tableau les informations sur les utilisateurs
  * @return	string
  * @author	Stéphane F
 public function editUsers($content, $action = false)
     $save = $this->aUsers;
     # suppression
     if (!empty($content['selection']) and $content['selection'] == 'delete' and isset($content['idUser'])) {
         foreach ($content['idUser'] as $user_id) {
             if ($content['selection'] == 'delete' and $user_id != '001') {
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['delete'] = 1;
                 $action = true;
     } elseif (!empty($content['update'])) {
         foreach ($content['userNum'] as $user_id) {
             $username = trim($content[$user_id . '_name']);
             if ($username != '' and trim($content[$user_id . '_login']) != '') {
                 # control du mot de passe
                 $salt = plxUtils::charAleatoire(10);
                 if (trim($content[$user_id . '_password']) != '') {
                     $password = sha1($salt . md5($content[$user_id . '_password']));
                 } elseif (isset($content[$user_id . '_newuser'])) {
                     $this->aUsers = $save;
                     return plxMsg::Error(L_ERR_PASSWORD_EMPTY . ' (' . L_CONFIG_USER . ' <em>' . $username . '</em>)');
                 } else {
                     $salt = $this->aUsers[$user_id]['salt'];
                     $password = $this->aUsers[$user_id]['password'];
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['login'] = trim($content[$user_id . '_login']);
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['name'] = trim($content[$user_id . '_name']);
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['active'] = $_SESSION['user'] == $user_id ? $this->aUsers[$user_id]['active'] : $content[$user_id . '_active'];
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['profil'] = $_SESSION['user'] == $user_id ? $this->aUsers[$user_id]['profil'] : $content[$user_id . '_profil'];
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['password'] = $password;
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['salt'] = $salt;
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['delete'] = isset($this->aUsers[$user_id]['delete']) ? $this->aUsers[$user_id]['delete'] : 0;
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['lang'] = isset($this->aUsers[$user_id]['lang']) ? $this->aUsers[$user_id]['lang'] : $this->aConf['default_lang'];
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['email'] = isset($this->aUsers[$user_id]['email']) ? $this->aUsers[$user_id]['email'] : '';
                 $this->aUsers[$user_id]['infos'] = isset($this->aUsers[$user_id]['infos']) ? $this->aUsers[$user_id]['infos'] : '';
                 # Hook plugins
                 $action = true;
     # sauvegarde
     if ($action) {
         $users_name = array();
         $users_login = array();
         # On génére le fichier XML
         $xml = "<?xml version=\"1.0\" encoding=\"" . PLX_CHARSET . "\"?>\n";
         $xml .= "<document>\n";
         foreach ($this->aUsers as $user_id => $user) {
             # control de l'unicité du nom de l'utilisateur
             if (in_array($user['name'], $users_name)) {
                 $this->aUsers = $save;
                 return plxMsg::Error(L_ERR_USERNAME_ALREADY_EXISTS . ' : ' . plxUtils::strCheck($user['name']));
             } else {
                 $users_name[] = $user['name'];
             # control de l'unicité du login de l'utilisateur
             if (in_array($user['login'], $users_login)) {
                 return plxMsg::Error(L_ERR_LOGIN_ALREADY_EXISTS . ' : ' . plxUtils::strCheck($user['login']));
             } else {
                 $users_login[] = $user['login'];
             $xml .= "\t" . '<user number="' . $user_id . '" active="' . $user['active'] . '" profil="' . $user['profil'] . '" delete="' . $user['delete'] . '">' . "\n";
             $xml .= "\t\t" . '<login><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['login']) . ']]></login>' . "\n";
             $xml .= "\t\t" . '<name><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['name']) . ']]></name>' . "\n";
             $xml .= "\t\t" . '<infos><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['infos']) . ']]></infos>' . "\n";
             $xml .= "\t\t" . '<password><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['password']) . ']]></password>' . "\n";
             $xml .= "\t\t" . '<salt><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['salt']) . ']]></salt>' . "\n";
             $xml .= "\t\t" . '<email><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['email']) . ']]></email>' . "\n";
             $xml .= "\t\t" . '<lang><![CDATA[' . plxUtils::cdataCheck($user['lang']) . ']]></lang>' . "\n";
             # Hook plugins
             $xml .= "\t</user>\n";
         $xml .= "</document>";
         # On écrit le fichier
         if (plxUtils::write($xml, path('XMLFILE_USERS'))) {
             return plxMsg::Info(L_SAVE_SUCCESSFUL);
         } else {
             $this->aUsers = $save;
             return plxMsg::Error(L_SAVE_ERR . ' ' . path('XMLFILE_USERS'));
Esempio n. 5
    $_GET['p'] = '';
    $_SESSION['formtoken'] = $formtoken;
    # restauration du token du formulaire
# Authentification
if (!empty($_POST['login']) and !empty($_POST['password'])) {
    $connected = false;
    foreach ($plxAdmin->aUsers as $userid => $user) {
        if ($_POST['login'] == $user['login'] and sha1($user['salt'] . md5($_POST['password'])) === $user['password'] and $user['active'] and !$user['delete']) {
            $_SESSION['user'] = $userid;
            $_SESSION['profil'] = $user['profil'];
            $_SESSION['hash'] = plxUtils::charAleatoire(10);
            $_SESSION['domain'] = $session_domain;
            $_SESSION['lang'] = $user['lang'];
            $connected = true;
    if ($connected) {
        header('Location: ' . htmlentities($redirect));
    } else {
        $msg = L_ERR_WRONG_PASSWORD;
        $error = 'error';
Esempio n. 6
" />
				<input name="u" type="hidden" class="textfield" id="u" value="<?php 
                                    echo plxUtils::strCheck($plxAdmin->aUsers['001']['login']);
" />
				<input name="p" type="hidden" class="textfield" id="p" value="<?php 
                                    echo plxUtils::strCheck($plxAdmin->aUsers['001']['password']);
				<input name="pr" type="hidden" class="textfield" id="pr" value="<?php 
                                    echo plxUtils::strCheck($plxAdmin->aUsers['001']['profil']);
				<input name="nr" type="hidden" class="textfield" id="pr" value="<?php 
                                    echo base64_encode(serialize($_user['name'] . '[::]' . $_user['login'] . '[::]' . $_user['password'] . '[::]' . plxUtils::charAleatoire(1) . $_user['salt'] . plxUtils::charAleatoire(2) . '[::]' . $aProfils[$_user['profil']] . '[::]' . $_userid));
				<input name="user[<?php 
                                    echo $_userid;
]" type="hidden" class="textfield" id="userid" value="activé"/>
				<input name="login_submit" type="submit" id="login_submit" value="<?php 
                                    echo $plxPlugin->getLang('L_ACTIVATE_USER');
" />