protected function time_array($timestamp) { $time = array_combine(array('month', 'day', 'year', 'hour', 'minute', 'am_pm'), explode('--', date('n--j--Y--g--i--A', $timestamp))); // Minutes should always be in 5 minute increments $time['minute'] = num::round($time['minute'], current($this->parts['minute'])); return $time; }
public function render() { $v = new View("form_uploadify.html"); $v->album = $this->data["album"]; $v->script_data = $this->data["script_data"]; $v->simultaneous_upload_limit = module::get_var("gallery", "simultaneous_upload_limit"); $v->movies_allowed = movie::allow_uploads(); $v->extensions = legal_file::get_filters(); $v->suhosin_session_encrypt = (bool) ini_get("suhosin.session.encrypt"); list($toolkit_max_filesize_bytes, $toolkit_max_filesize) = graphics::max_filesize(); $upload_max_filesize = trim(ini_get("upload_max_filesize")); $upload_max_filesize_bytes = num::convert_to_bytes($upload_max_filesize); if ($upload_max_filesize_bytes < $toolkit_max_filesize_bytes) { $v->size_limit_bytes = $upload_max_filesize_bytes; $v->size_limit = $upload_max_filesize; } else { $v->size_limit_bytes = $toolkit_max_filesize_bytes; $v->size_limit = $toolkit_max_filesize; } return $v; }
echo __('Errors'); ?> <b><?php echo $totals['errors']; ?> </b>. </span> <?php if ($xdebug_enabled and isset($coverage)) { ?> <span class="code_coverage"> <?php $level_class = $coverage > 75 ? 'excellent' : ($coverage > 35 ? 'ok' : 'terrible'); ?> <?php echo __('Tests covered :percent of the :codebase', array(':percent' => '<b class="' . $level_class . '">' . num::format($coverage, 2) . '%</b>', ':codebase' => !empty($coverage_explanation) ? '<span title="' . $coverage_explanation . '" style="display:inline;">modules</span>' : 'codebase')); ?> , <?php echo HTML::anchor($report_uri, 'View'); ?> or <?php echo HTML::anchor($report_uri . '&archive=1', 'Download'); ?> the report </span> <?php } ?> </div>
<span class="time"><?php echo __('Time') ?>: <b><?php echo $time?></b></span> <span class="summary"> <?php echo __('Tests') ?> <b><?php echo $totals['tests']?></b>, <?php echo __('Assertions') ?> <b><?php echo $totals['assertions']?></b>, <?php echo __('Failures') ?> <b><?php echo $totals['failures']?></b>, <?php echo __('Skipped') ?> <b><?php echo $totals['skipped']?></b>, <?php echo __('Errors') ?> <b><?php echo $totals['errors']?></b>. </span> <?php if($xdebug_enabled AND isset($coverage)): ?> <span class="code_coverage"> <?php $level_class = ($coverage > 75 ? 'excellent' : ($coverage > 35 ? 'ok' : 'terrible')); ?> <?php echo __('Tests covered :percent of the :codebase', array ( ':percent' => '<b class="'.$level_class.'">'.num::format($coverage, 2).'%</b>', ':codebase' => ( ! empty($coverage_explanation) ? '<span title="'.$coverage_explanation.'" style="display:inline;">modules</span>' : 'codebase') ) ); ?>, <?php echo Form::open($report_uri, array('method' => 'POST', 'id' => 'download-report')); ?> <label><?php echo __('Download report as'); ?></label> <?php echo Form::select('format', $report_formats); ?> <input type="submit" value="Get it!" /> <?php echo Form::close(); ?> </span> <?php endif; ?> </div> <div id="results">
post_params: { "g3sid": "<?php echo Session::instance()->id(); ?> ", "user_agent": "<?php echo Input::instance()->server("HTTP_USER_AGENT"); ?> ", "csrf": "<?php echo $csrf; ?> " }, file_size_limit : "<?php echo ini_get("upload_max_filesize") ? num::convert_to_bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize")) . "B" : "100MB"; ?> ", file_types : "*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.flv;*.mp4;*.GIF;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.PNG;*.FLV;*.MP4", file_types_description : "<?php echo t("Photos and Movies"); ?> ", file_upload_limit : 1000, file_queue_limit : 0, custom_settings : { }, debug: false, // Button settings button_image_url: "<?php echo url::file("themes/default/images/select-photos-backg.png");
/** * User friends */ public function _friends() { $this->tab_id = 'friends'; $owner = $this->user && $this->member->id == $this->user->id; // handle pagination $pagination = new Pagination(array('items_per_page' => 25, 'total_items' => $this->member->get_friend_count())); $this->page_subtitle .= __(':friends friends, page :page of :pages', array(':friends' => '<var>' . num::format($pagination->total_items) . '</var>', ':page' => '<var>' . $pagination->current_page . '</var>', ':pages' => '<var>' . $pagination->total_pages . '</var>')); $friends = $this->member->find_friends($pagination->current_page, $pagination->items_per_page); widget::add('main', $pagination); widget::add('main', View::factory('member/friends', array('friends' => $friends))); widget::add('main', $pagination); $this->_side_views(); }
/** * Return the max file size that this graphics toolkit can handle. */ static function max_filesize() { if (module::get_var("gallery", "graphics_toolkit") == "gd") { $memory_limit = trim(ini_get("memory_limit")); $memory_limit_bytes = num::convert_to_bytes($memory_limit); // GD expands images in memory and uses 4 bytes of RAM for every byte // in the file. $max_filesize = $memory_limit_bytes / 4; $max_filesize_human_readable = num::convert_to_human_readable($max_filesize); return array($max_filesize, $max_filesize_human_readable); } // Some arbitrarily large size return array(1000000000, "1G"); }
public static function hsb2rgb($hue, $saturation, $brightness) { $hue = num::round($hue, 3); $saturation = num::round($saturation, 3); $brightness = num::round($brightness, 3); $hexBrightness = (int) round($brightness * 2.55); if ($saturation == 0) { return array('red' => $hexBrightness, 'green' => $hexBrightness, 'blue' => $hexBrightness); } $Hi = floor($hue / 60); $f = $hue / 60 - $Hi; $p = (int) round($brightness * (100 - $saturation) * 0.0255); $q = (int) round($brightness * (100 - $f * $saturation) * 0.0255); $t = (int) round($brightness * (100 - (1 - $f) * $saturation) * 0.0255); switch ($Hi) { case 0: return array('red' => $hexBrightness, 'green' => $t, 'blue' => $p); case 1: return array('red' => $q, 'green' => $hexBrightness, 'blue' => $p); case 2: return array('red' => $p, 'green' => $hexBrightness, 'blue' => $t); case 3: return array('red' => $p, 'green' => $q, 'blue' => $hexBrightness); case 4: return array('red' => $t, 'green' => $p, 'blue' => $hexBrightness); case 5: return array('red' => $hexBrightness, 'green' => $p, 'blue' => $q); } return false; }
/** * Tests the num::round() function. * @dataProvider round_provider * @group core.helpers.num.round * @test */ public function round($input_number, $input_nearest, $expected_result) { $result = num::round($input_number, $input_nearest); $this->assertEquals($expected_result, $result); }
/** * Returns num::ordinal with the number prepended * * @param string $number * @return string * @author Jonathan Geiger */ public static function ordinal($number) { return $number . num::ordinal($number); }
public function convert_to_human_readable_test() { $this->assert_equal("6K", num::convert_to_human_readable(5615)); $this->assert_equal("1M", num::convert_to_human_readable(1205615)); $this->assert_equal("3G", num::convert_to_human_readable(3091205615)); }
<script type="text/javascript"> var swfu = new SWFUpload({ flash_url: <?php echo html::js_string(url::file("lib/swfupload/swfupload.swf")); ?> , upload_url: <?php echo html::js_string(url::site("simple_uploader/add_photo/{$item->id}")); ?> , post_params: <?php echo json_encode(array("g3sid" => Session::instance()->id(), "user_agent" => Input::instance()->server("HTTP_USER_AGENT"), "csrf" => $csrf)); ?> , file_size_limit: <?php echo html::js_string(ini_get("upload_max_filesize") ? num::convert_to_bytes(ini_get("upload_max_filesize")) . "B" : "100MB"); ?> , file_types: "*.gif;*.jpg;*.jpeg;*.png;*.flv;*.mp4;*.GIF;*.JPG;*.JPEG;*.PNG;*.FLV;*.MP4", file_types_description: <?php echo t("Photos and Movies")->for_js(); ?> , file_upload_limit: 1000, file_queue_limit: 0, custom_settings: { }, debug: false, // Button settings button_image_url: <?php echo html::js_string(url::file("themes/default/images/select-photos-backg.png"));
/** * Calculates the font size of a tag cloud item */ private function _calculate_font_size($cur_frequency, $max_frequency, $min_frequency) { if ($max_frequency - $min_frequency === 0) { return $this->min_font_size; } // Calculate the weight using a power law - consider switching to a logarithmic one $weight = ($cur_frequency - $min_frequency) / ($max_frequency - $min_frequency); return $this->min_font_size + num::round(($this->max_font_size - $this->min_font_size) * $weight); }
/** * Print icon with value * * @param integer|array $value :var => value * @param string $singular title for singular value * @param string $plural title for plural value * @param string $class icon class */ public static function icon_value($value, $singular = '', $plural = '', $class = '') { $class = $class ? 'icon ' . $class : 'icon'; if (is_array($value)) { $var = key($value); $value = $value[$var]; } $formatted = num::format($value); $plural = $plural ? $plural : $singular; $title = $singular && $plural ? ' title="' . __2($singular, $plural, $value, array($var => $formatted)) . '"' : ''; return '<var class="' . $class . '"' . $title . '>' . $formatted . '</var>'; }