  * addFlavorConvertJob adds a single flavor conversion 
  * @param FileSyncKey $srcSyncKey
  * @param flavorParamsOutput $flavor
  * @param int $flavorAssetId
  * @param int $mediaInfoId
  * @param BatchJob $parentJob
  * @param int $lastEngineType  
  * @param BatchJob $dbConvertFlavorJob
  * @return BatchJob 
 public static function addFlavorConvertJob(FileSyncKey $srcSyncKey, flavorParamsOutput $flavor, $flavorAssetId, $mediaInfoId = null, BatchJob $parentJob = null, $lastEngineType = null, BatchJob $dbConvertFlavorJob = null)
     $localPath = null;
     $remoteUrl = null;
     $flavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveById($flavorAssetId);
     if (!$flavorAsset) {
         KalturaLog::err("No flavor asset found for id [{$flavorAssetId}]");
         return null;
     if ($flavor->getSourceRemoteStorageProfileId() == StorageProfile::STORAGE_KALTURA_DC) {
         list($fileSync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($srcSyncKey, true, false);
         $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($flavorAsset->getPartnerId());
         if (!$fileSync) {
             kBatchManager::updateEntry($flavorAsset->getEntryId(), entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING);
             $flavorAsset->setDescription("Source file sync not found: {$srcSyncKey}");
             KalturaLog::err("Source file sync not found: {$srcSyncKey}");
             return null;
         if (!$local) {
             if ($fileSync->getFileType() == FileSync::FILE_SYNC_FILE_TYPE_URL && $partner && $partner->getImportRemoteSourceForConvert()) {
                 KalturaLog::debug("Creates import job for remote file sync");
                 $flavorAsset->setDescription("Source file sync is importing: {$srcSyncKey}");
                 $originalFlavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveOriginalByEntryId($flavorAsset->getEntryId());
                 $url = $fileSync->getExternalUrl($flavorAsset->getEntryId());
                 return kJobsManager::addImportJob($parentJob, $flavorAsset->getEntryId(), $partner->getId(), $url, $originalFlavorAsset, null, null, true);
             throw new kCoreException("Source file not found for flavor conversion [{$flavorAssetId}]", kCoreException::SOURCE_FILE_NOT_FOUND);
         if ($fileSync->getFileType() != FileSync::FILE_SYNC_FILE_TYPE_URL) {
             $localPath = $fileSync->getFullPath();
         $remoteUrl = $fileSync->getExternalUrl($flavorAsset->getEntryId());
     } else {
         $fileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyExternalFileSyncForKey($srcSyncKey, $flavor->getSourceRemoteStorageProfileId());
         if (!$fileSync) {
             kBatchManager::updateEntry($flavorAsset->getEntryId(), entryStatus::ERROR_CONVERTING);
             $description = "Remote source file sync not found {$srcSyncKey}, storage profile id [" . $flavor->getSourceRemoteStorageProfileId() . "]";
             return null;
         $localPath = $fileSync->getFilePath();
         $remoteUrl = $fileSync->getExternalUrl($flavorAsset->getEntryId());
     $wamsAssetId = $fileSync->getWamsAssetId();
     // creates convert data
     $convertData = new kConvertJobData();
     KalturaLog::log("Conversion engines string: '" . $flavor->getConversionEngines() . "'");
     $currentConversionEngine = null;
     // TODO remove after all old version flavors migrated
     // parse supported engine types
     $conversionEngines = array();
     if (!$flavor->getEngineVersion()) {
         $conversionEngines = explode(',', $flavor->getConversionEngines());
         KalturaLog::log(count($conversionEngines) . " conversion engines found for the flavor");
         $currentConversionEngine = reset($conversionEngines);
         // gets the first engine type
     // remove until here
     if (is_null($lastEngineType)) {
         KalturaLog::log("Last Engine Type is null, engine version [" . $flavor->getEngineVersion() . "]");
         if ($flavor->getEngineVersion()) {
             $operatorSet = new kOperatorSets();
             $nextOperator = $operatorSet->getOperator();
             if (!$nextOperator) {
                 KalturaLog::err("First operator is invalid");
                 return null;
             KalturaLog::log("Set first operator in first set");
             $currentConversionEngine = $nextOperator->id;
     } else {
         if ($parentJob && $flavor->getEngineVersion() && ($parentJob->getJobType() == BatchJobType::CONVERT || $parentJob->getJobType() == BatchJobType::POSTCONVERT)) {
             // using next oprator
             KalturaLog::log("Adding next conversion operator");
             $parentData = $parentJob->getData();
             if (!$parentData || !$parentData instanceof kConvartableJobData) {
                 KalturaLog::err("Parent job data is invalid");
                 return null;
             $operatorSet = new kOperatorSets();
             $nextOperatorSet = $parentData->getCurrentOperationSet();
             $nextOperatorIndex = $parentData->getCurrentOperationIndex() + 1;
             $nextOperator = $operatorSet->getOperator($nextOperatorSet, $nextOperatorIndex);
             if (!$nextOperator) {
                 KalturaLog::err("Next operator is invalid");
                 return null;
             KalturaLog::log("Moving to next operator [{$nextOperatorIndex}] in set [{$nextOperatorSet}]");
             $currentConversionEngine = $nextOperator->id;
         } else {
             // TODO remove after all old version flavors migrated
             KalturaLog::log("Last used conversion engine is [{$lastEngineType}]");
             // searching for $lastEngineType in the list
             while ($lastEngineType != $currentConversionEngine && next($conversionEngines)) {
                 $currentConversionEngine = current($conversionEngines);
             // takes the next engine
             $currentConversionEngine = next($conversionEngines);
             if (!$currentConversionEngine) {
                 KalturaLog::err("There is no other conversion engine to use");
                 return null;
     if (!is_null($fileSync->getWamsAssetId())) {
         $currentConversionEngine = conversionEngineType::WAMS;
     KalturaLog::log("Using conversion engine [{$currentConversionEngine}]");
     // creats a child convert job
     if (is_null($dbConvertFlavorJob)) {
         if ($parentJob) {
             $dbConvertFlavorJob = $parentJob->createChild();
             KalturaLog::log("Created from parent convert job with entry id [" . $dbConvertFlavorJob->getEntryId() . "]");
         } else {
             $dbConvertFlavorJob = new BatchJob();
             KalturaLog::log("Created from flavor convert job with entry id [" . $dbConvertFlavorJob->getEntryId() . "]");
     if (!is_null($fileSync->getWamsAssetId())) {
         $srcFileSize = kWAMS::getInstance($flavor->getPartnerId())->getFileSizeForAssetId($fileSync->getWamsAssetId());
     } else {
         $srcFileSize = kFile::fileSize($convertData->getSrcFileSyncLocalPath());
     // TODO remove after all old version flavors migrated
     if (in_array(conversionEngineType::ENCODING_COM, $conversionEngines)) {
     // remove until here
     	// Remarked by Dor until Tantan's return.
     	// Code is supposed to get a configuration file from the engine and attach it to the batch job.
     	// Was added for document conversion and is not used for now because of a bug of PDFCreator.
     KalturaLog::log("Calling CDLProceessFlavor with flavor params output[" . $flavor->getId() . "]");
     $config = KDLWrap::CDLProceessFlavor($flavor);
     	$syncKey = $dbConvertFlavorJob->getSyncKey(BatchJob::FILE_SYNC_BATCHJOB_SUB_TYPE_CONFIG);
     	kFileSyncUtils::file_put_contents($syncKey, $config);
     	$fileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFileSyncForKey($syncKey);
     	$remoteUrl = $fileSync->getExternalUrl($flavor->getEntryId());
     	$localPath = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFilePathForKey($syncKey);
     $dbCurrentConversionEngine = kPluginableEnumsManager::apiToCore('conversionEngineType', $currentConversionEngine);
     return kJobsManager::addJob($dbConvertFlavorJob, $convertData, BatchJobType::CONVERT, $dbCurrentConversionEngine);
Esempio n. 2
  * addFlavorConvertJob adds a single flavor conversion 
  * @param FileSyncKey $srcSyncKey
  * @param flavorParamsOutput $flavor
  * @param int $flavorAssetId
  * @param int $conversionProfileId
  * @param int $mediaInfoId
  * @param BatchJob $parentJob
  * @param int $lastEngineType  
  * @param bool $sameRoot
  * @return BatchJob 
 public static function addFlavorConvertJob(array $srcSyncKeys, flavorParamsOutput $flavor, $flavorAssetId, $conversionProfileId = null, $mediaInfoId = null, BatchJob $parentJob = null, $lastEngineType = null, $sameRoot = true, $priority = 0)
     KalturaLog::debug('Add convert job for [' . $flavorAssetId . ']');
     $flavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveById($flavorAssetId);
     if (!$flavorAsset) {
         KalturaLog::err("No flavor asset found for id [{$flavorAssetId}]");
         return null;
     $partner = PartnerPeer::retrieveByPK($flavorAsset->getPartnerId());
     $srcFileSyncs = array();
     $waitForImportComplete = false;
     foreach ($srcSyncKeys as $srcSyncKey) {
         $srcFileSyncDescriptor = new kSourceFileSyncDescriptor();
         $addImportJob = false;
         $fileSync = self::getFileSyncForKey($srcSyncKey, $flavor, $flavorAsset, $partner, $addImportJob);
         if (!$fileSync) {
             return null;
         $srcFlavorAsset = assetPeer::retrieveById($srcSyncKey->getObjectId());
         if ($addImportJob) {
             KalturaLog::debug("Creates import job for remote file sync");
             $flavorAsset->setDescription("Source file sync is importing: {$srcSyncKey}");
             $url = $fileSync->getExternalUrl($flavorAsset->getEntryId());
             kJobsManager::addImportJob($parentJob, $flavorAsset->getEntryId(), $partner->getId(), $url, $srcFlavorAsset, null, null, true);
             $waitForImportComplete = true;
         } else {
             if ($flavor->getSourceRemoteStorageProfileId() == StorageProfile::STORAGE_KALTURA_DC) {
                 if ($fileSync->getFileType() != FileSync::FILE_SYNC_FILE_TYPE_URL) {
             } else {
             $srcFileSyncs[] = $srcFileSyncDescriptor;
     if ($waitForImportComplete) {
     // creates convert data
     $convertData = new kConvertJobData();
     $dbCurrentConversionEngine = self::getNextConversionEngine($flavor, $parentJob, $lastEngineType, $convertData);
     if (!$dbCurrentConversionEngine) {
         return null;
     // creats a child convert job
     if ($parentJob) {
         $dbConvertFlavorJob = $parentJob->createChild(BatchJobType::CONVERT, $dbCurrentConversionEngine, $sameRoot);
         KalturaLog::log("Created from parent job");
     } else {
         $dbConvertFlavorJob = new BatchJob();
         KalturaLog::log("Created from flavor convert job");
     KalturaLog::log("Job created with entry id [" . $dbConvertFlavorJob->getEntryId() . "]");
     $mediaInfo = mediaInfoPeer::retrieveByPK($mediaInfoId);
     if ($mediaInfo === NULL) {
         // in case we don't know the estimatted info, we will set it to a big number.
         $estimatedEffort = kJobData::MAX_ESTIMATED_EFFORT;
     } else {
         $estimatedEffort = max($mediaInfo->getVideoDuration(), $mediaInfo->getAudioDuration(), $mediaInfo->getContainerDuration());
     return kJobsManager::addJob($dbConvertFlavorJob, $convertData, BatchJobType::CONVERT, $dbCurrentConversionEngine);
Esempio n. 3
  * addFlavorConvertJob adds a single flavor conversion 
  * @param FileSyncKey $srcSyncKey
  * @param flavorParamsOutput $flavor
  * @param int $flavorAssetId
  * @param int $mediaInfoId
  * @param BatchJob $parentJob
  * @param int $lastEngineType  
  * @param BatchJob $dbConvertFlavorJob
  * @return BatchJob 
 public static function addFlavorConvertJob(FileSyncKey $srcSyncKey, flavorParamsOutput $flavor, $flavorAssetId, $mediaInfoId = null, BatchJob $parentJob = null, $lastEngineType = null, BatchJob $dbConvertFlavorJob = null)
     list($fileSync, $local) = kFileSyncUtils::getReadyFileSyncForKey($srcSyncKey, true, false);
     $localPath = null;
     $remoteUrl = null;
     if ($fileSync) {
         if ($fileSync->getFileType() != FileSync::FILE_SYNC_FILE_TYPE_URL) {
             $localPath = $fileSync->getFullPath();
         $remoteUrl = $fileSync->getExternalUrl();
     // creates convert data
     $convertData = new kConvertJobData();
     KalturaLog::log("Conversion engines string: '" . $flavor->getConversionEngines() . "'");
     $currentConversionEngine = null;
     // TODO remove after all old version flavors migrated
     // parse supported engine types
     $conversionEngines = array();
     if (!$flavor->getEngineVersion()) {
         $conversionEngines = explode(',', $flavor->getConversionEngines());
         KalturaLog::log(count($conversionEngines) . " conversion engines found for the flavor");
         $currentConversionEngine = reset($conversionEngines);
         // gets the first engine type
     // remove until here
     if (is_null($lastEngineType)) {
         KalturaLog::log("Last Engine Type is null, engine version [" . $flavor->getEngineVersion() . "]");
         if ($flavor->getEngineVersion()) {
             $operatorSet = new kOperatorSets();
             $nextOperator = $operatorSet->getOperator();
             if (!$nextOperator) {
                 KalturaLog::log("First operator is invalid");
                 return null;
             KalturaLog::log("Set first operator in first set");
             $currentConversionEngine = $nextOperator->id;
     } else {
         if ($parentJob && $flavor->getEngineVersion() && ($parentJob->getJobType() == BatchJobType::CONVERT || $parentJob->getJobType() == BatchJobType::POSTCONVERT)) {
             // using next oprator
             KalturaLog::log("Adding next conversion operator");
             $parentData = $parentJob->getData();
             if (!$parentData || !$parentData instanceof kConvartableJobData) {
                 KalturaLog::log("Parent job data is invalid");
                 return null;
             $operatorSet = new kOperatorSets();
             $nextOperatorSet = $parentData->getCurrentOperationSet();
             $nextOperatorIndex = $parentData->getCurrentOperationIndex() + 1;
             $nextOperator = $operatorSet->getOperator($nextOperatorSet, $nextOperatorIndex);
             if (!$nextOperator) {
                 KalturaLog::log("Next operator is invalid");
                 return null;
             KalturaLog::log("Moving to next operator [{$nextOperatorIndex}] in set [{$nextOperatorSet}]");
             $currentConversionEngine = $nextOperator->id;
         } else {
             // TODO remove after all old version flavors migrated
             KalturaLog::log("Last used conversion engine is [{$lastEngineType}]");
             // searching for $lastEngineType in the list
             while ($lastEngineType != $currentConversionEngine && next($conversionEngines)) {
                 $currentConversionEngine = current($conversionEngines);
             // takes the next engine
             $currentConversionEngine = next($conversionEngines);
             if (!$currentConversionEngine) {
                 KalturaLog::log("There is no other conversion engine to use");
                 return null;
     KalturaLog::log("Using conversion engine [{$currentConversionEngine}]");
     // creats a child convert job
     if (is_null($dbConvertFlavorJob)) {
         if ($parentJob) {
             $dbConvertFlavorJob = $parentJob->createChild();
             KalturaLog::log("Created from parent convert job with entry id [" . $dbConvertFlavorJob->getEntryId() . "]");
         } else {
             $dbConvertFlavorJob = new BatchJob();
             KalturaLog::log("Created from flavor convert job with entry id [" . $dbConvertFlavorJob->getEntryId() . "]");
     // TODO remove after all old version flavors migrated
     if (in_array(conversionEngineType::ENCODING_COM, $conversionEngines)) {
     // remove until here
     	// Remarked by Dor until Tantan's return.
     	// Code is supposed to get a configuration file from the engine and attach it to the batch job.
     	// Was added for document conversion and is not used for now because of a bug of PDFCreator.
     KalturaLog::log("Calling CDLProceessFlavor with flavor params output[" . $flavor->getId() . "]");
     $config = KDLWrap::CDLProceessFlavor($flavor);
     	$syncKey = $dbConvertFlavorJob->getSyncKey(BatchJob::FILE_SYNC_BATCHJOB_SUB_TYPE_CONFIG);
     	kFileSyncUtils::file_put_contents($syncKey, $config);
     	$fileSync = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFileSyncForKey($syncKey);
     	$remoteUrl = $fileSync->getExternalUrl();
     	$localPath = kFileSyncUtils::getLocalFilePathForKey($syncKey);
     $dbCurrentConversionEngine = kPluginableEnumsManager::apiToCore('conversionEngineType', $currentConversionEngine);
     return kJobsManager::addJob($dbConvertFlavorJob, $convertData, BatchJobType::CONVERT, $dbCurrentConversionEngine);