public function __construct($userId, $testRefId)
     * Send notifications	 
     * @access	public
    public function send()
        global $ilDB;
        if (count($this->getRecipients())) {
            $res = $ilDB->queryf("SELECT u.usr_id,u.gender,u.firstname,u.lastname,u.login,,u.last_login,," . "u.time_limit_unlimited, " . $ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_from") . ", " . $ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_until") . "," . "CASE WHEN = 0 THEN '0001-01-01' ELSE CASE WHEN u.time_limit_unlimited=1 THEN '9999-12-31' ELSE " . $ilDB->fromUnixtime("u.time_limit_until") . " END END access_until," . " CASE WHEN " . $ilDB->unixTimestamp() . " BETWEEN u.time_limit_from AND u.time_limit_until THEN 0 ELSE 1 END expired," . "rq.role_disk_quota, system_role.rol_id role_id, " . "p1.value+0 user_disk_quota," . "p2.value+0 disk_usage, " . "p3.value last_update, " . "p5.value language, " . "CASE WHEN rq.role_disk_quota>p1.value+0 OR p1.value IS NULL THEN rq.role_disk_quota ELSE p1.value+0 END disk_quota\t" . "FROM usr_data u  " . "JOIN (SELECT u.usr_id usr_id,MAX(rd.disk_quota) role_disk_quota " . "FROM usr_data u " . "JOIN rbac_ua ua ON ua.usr_id=u.usr_id " . "JOIN rbac_fa fa ON fa.rol_id=ua.rol_id AND fa.parent=%s  " . "JOIN role_data rd ON rd.role_id=ua.rol_id WHERE u.usr_id=ua.usr_id GROUP BY u.usr_id) rq ON rq.usr_id=u.usr_id " . "LEFT JOIN rbac_ua system_role ON system_role.usr_id=u.usr_id AND system_role.rol_id = %s " . "LEFT JOIN usr_pref p1 ON p1.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p1.keyword = 'disk_quota'  " . "LEFT JOIN usr_pref p2 ON p2.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p2.keyword = 'disk_usage'  " . "LEFT JOIN usr_pref p3 ON p3.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p3.keyword = 'disk_usage.last_update'  " . "LEFT JOIN usr_pref p5 ON p5.usr_id=u.usr_id AND p5.keyword = 'language'  " . 'WHERE (((p1.value+0 > rq.role_disk_quota OR rq.role_disk_quota IS NULL) AND p2.value+0 > p1.value+0) OR 
					((rq.role_disk_quota > p1.value+0 OR p1.value IS NULL) AND p2.value+0 > rq.role_disk_quota)) ' . 'AND ( AND (u.time_limit_unlimited = 1 OR ' . $ilDB->unixTimestamp() . ' BETWEEN u.time_limit_from AND u.time_limit_until)) ', array('integer', 'integer'), array(ROLE_FOLDER_ID, SYSTEM_ROLE_ID));
            $users = array();
            $counter = 0;
            while ($row = $ilDB->fetchAssoc($res)) {
                $details = ilDiskQuotaChecker::_lookupDiskUsage($row['usr_id']);
                $users[$counter]['disk_quota'] = $row['disk_quota'];
                $users[$counter]['disk_usage'] = $details['disk_usage'];
                $users[$counter]['email'] = $row['email'];
                $users[$counter]['firstname'] = $row['firstname'];
                $users[$counter]['lastname'] = $row['lastname'];
            if (count($users)) {
                foreach ($this->getRecipients() as $rcp) {
                    $usrId = ilObjUser::_lookupId($rcp);
                    $this->setBody(ilMail::getSalutation($usrId, $this->getLanguage()));
                    $first = true;
                    $counter = 0;
                    $numUsers = count($users);
                    foreach ($users as $user) {
                        if (!$first) {
                        $this->appendBody($this->getLanguage()->txt('fullname') . ': ' . $user['lastname'] . ', ' . $user['firstname'] . "\n");
                        $this->appendBody($this->getLanguage()->txt('email') . ': ' . $user['email'] . "\n");
                        $this->appendBody($this->getLanguage()->txt('disk_quota') . ': ' . ilFormat::formatSize($user['disk_quota'], 'short', $this->getLanguage()) . "\n");
                        $this->appendBody($this->getLanguage()->txt('currently_used_disk_space') . ': ' . ilFormat::formatSize($user['disk_usage'], 'short', $this->getLanguage()) . "\n");
                        $this->appendBody($this->getLanguage()->txt('usrf_profile_link') . ': ' . ilUtil::_getHttpPath() . '/goto.php?target=usrf&client_id=' . CLIENT_ID);
                        if ($counter < $numUsers - 1) {
                        $first = false;
                    $this->sendMail(array($rcp), array('system'), false);
  * Constructor
  * @access	public
 public function __construct()
     $dqs = new ilSetting('disk_quota');
     $rcpt = $dqs->get('summary_rcpt');
     $rcpt = explode(',', $rcpt);
     $loginnames = array();
     foreach ($rcpt as $loginname) {
         $loginname = trim($loginname);
         if (ilObjUser::_lookupId($loginname)) {
             $loginnames[] = $loginname;
  * Add language module crs
  * @param object $a_usr_id
  * @return 
 protected function initLanguage($a_usr_id)
  * Send a update booking notification to the participants.
  * @param string $a_user_id          = userid of creator
  * @param array  $a_participants_ids = userids of participants
 public function sendUpdateBookingMailToParticipants(array $a_participants_ids)
     foreach (array_unique($a_participants_ids) as $participant_id) {
         parent::sendMail(array($participant_id), array('system'), is_numeric($participant_id));
 public function __construct()
  * Send notification to single recipient
  * @param mixed $a_rcp
  * @param string $a_goto_additional
  * @param string $a_permission
  * @return bool
 protected function composeAndSendMail($a_user_id, $a_goto_additional = null, $a_permission = "read")
     if ($this->compose($a_user_id, $a_goto_additional, $a_permission)) {
         parent::sendMail(array($a_user_id), array('system'), is_numeric($a_user_id));
         return true;
     return false;