public function index() { //SEO $data['title'] = Language::show('title', 'contact', $_SESSION['site_lang']); $data['meta_description'] = Language::show('meta_description', 'contact', $_SESSION['site_lang']); $data['meta_keywords'] = ''; $data['sitename_before'] = "Y"; //title for de hover in navbar $data['title_page'] = "contact"; //contacts $data['contacts'] = $this->_model->fetchContacts($_SESSION['site_lang']); // Envio de correo if (!is_null(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'submit'))) { $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name'); $email_contact = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email_contact'); $email_client = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email_client'); $phone = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'phone'); $comment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'message'); if ($name == '' || !isset($name) || $email_client == '' || !isset($email_client) || $comment == '' || !isset($comment)) { $error = ""; Url::redirect($_SESSION['site_lang'] . "/contact.php?error=1"); } if (!$error) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->setFrom($email_client); $mail->addAddress($email_contact); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_PIERRE); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_INFO); $subject = "Govacationmaya Contact"; $subject .= date("Y-m-d"); $mail->subject($subject); $message = "Language: " . $_SESSION['site_lang'] . "<br><br>"; $message .= "Name: " . $name . "<br>"; $message .= "Email: " . $email_client . "<br>"; $message .= "Phone: " . $phone . "<br>"; $message .= "Comment: " . $comment; $mail->body($message); if (!$mail->send()) { Url::redirect($_SESSION['site_lang'] . "/contact.php?error=2"); } else { Url::redirect($_SESSION['site_lang'] . "/contact.php?send=1"); } } } //tender views View::rendertemplate('header', $data); View::render('contact/contact', $data, $error); View::rendertemplate('footer', $data); }
public function contact_submit($params = array()) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->setFrom(EMAIL_ADDR, SITETITLE); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_ADDR); $mail->subject('[' . SITETITLE . '] A New Contact Form Has Been Submitted.'); $message = '<table style="border:none"><tr><td style="width:200px"><b>Name</b></td><td>' . $params['name'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Email</b></td><td>' . $params['email'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Phone</b></td><td>' . $params['phone'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Best time to call</b></td><td>' . $params['best_time_to_call'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Year of last conviction</b></td><td>' . $params['last_conviction'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Fines/Probation Status</b></td><td>' . $params['fines_status'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Criminal Record</b></td><td>' . $params['criminal_record'] . '</td></tr>' . '</table>'; $mail->body($message); $email_sent = $mail->send(); $db_params = array("name" => $params['name'], "email" => $params['email'], "phone" => $params['phone'], "best_time_to_call" => $params['best_time_to_call'], "last_conviction" => $params['last_conviction'], "fines_status" => $params['fines_status'], "criminal_record" => $params['criminal_record'], "email_sent" => $email_sent); $this->_db->insert('contact', $db_params); return $this->_db->lastInsertId('id'); }
public function noncanadians_submit($params = array()) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->setFrom(EMAIL_ADDR, SITETITLE); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_ADDR); $mail->subject('[' . SITETITLE . '] A New Non-Canadians Form Has Been Submitted.'); $message = '<table style="border:none">' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>Firstname</b></td><td>' . $params['firstname'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>Lastname</b></td><td>' . $params['lastname'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>Email</b></td><td>' . $params['email'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>Phone</b></td><td>' . $params['phone'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>SIN or ITN</b></td><td>' . $params['sin'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>Birthdate</b></td><td>' . $params['birthdate'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>When did you arrive in Canada</b></td><td>' . $params['arrived_at'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>Were you working in Canada</b></td><td>' . $params['worked'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>How much money did you earn in Canada</b></td><td>' . $params['earned'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td style="width:200px;height:24px;"><b>How much rent did you paid during the year</b></td><td>' . $params['rent'] . '</td></tr></table>'; $mail->body($message); $email_sent = $mail->send(); $db_params = array("firstname" => $params['firstname'], "lastname" => $params['lastname'], "email" => $params['email'], "phone" => $params['phone'], "arrived_at" => $params['arrived_at'], "worked" => $params['worked'], "earned" => $params['earned'], "rent" => $params['rent'], "email_sent" => $email_sent); $this->_db->insert('noncanadians', $db_params); return $this->_db->lastInsertId('id'); }
public function contact_submit($params = array()) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->setFrom($params['email']); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_ADDR); $mail->subject($params['subject']); $message = '<table style="border:none"><tr><td style="width:80px"><b>Name</b></td><td>' . $params['name'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Email</b></td><td>' . $params['email'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Phone</b></td><td>' . $params['phone'] . '</td></tr>' . '<tr><td><b>Message</b></td><td>' . $params['message'] . '</td></tr></table>'; $mail->body($message); $email_sent = $mail->send(); $db_params = array("name" => $params['name'], "email" => $params['email'], "phone" => $params['phone'], "subject" => $params['subject'], "message" => $params['message'], "email_sent" => $email_sent); $this->_db->insert('contact', $db_params); return $this->_db->lastInsertId('id'); }
public function newsletter() { $action = $_GET['action']; $newsletter_model = new \models\newsletter(); $user_model = new \models\users(); $this->data['subscribers'] = $newsletter_model->byGroup(); $this->data['title'] = 'Newsletter'; if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { $group = $_POST['subscribers']; $content = $_POST['content']; $subject = $_POST['subject']; //$slug = \helpers\url::generateSafeSlug($pagename); $subscribers = $newsletter_model->get(array('group' => $group)); $mail_helper = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); foreach ($subscribers as $item) { $mail_helper->template('newsletter'); $mail_helper->newsletter($item->email, $subject, $content); } $this->data['success'] = 'Mails Sent!'; } View::rendertemplate('home_header', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('sidebar', $this->data); View::render('crm/newsletter', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function signup($slug = null) { $this->data['title'] = 'Join Us'; // $module_slug = $slug[0]; $role = new \models\userrole(); $user = new User(); $this->data['user_role'] = $role->all(); //PULL DATA FROM SITESETTINGS $document = new \Helpers\Document(); $details = $document->siteSettings(); //GET NEW USER STATUS ID $this->model->table('user_status'); $user_status = $this->model->get_row(array("title" => "inactive")); $this->data['reg_form'] = $details['reg_form']; if (isset($_POST) && !empty($_POST)) { if ($_POST['password'] == $_POST['password2']) { $encrypted = md5($_POST['password']); $row_count = $user->get(array("email" => $_POST['email'])); if (count($row_count) >= 1) { $this->data['error'] = 'Email exists in our records, please use a different email'; } else { $insert_array = array('firstname' => $_POST['fname'], 'lastname' => $_POST['lname'], 'email' => $_POST['email'], 'password' => $encrypted, 'role' => $_POST['role'], 'status' => $user_status->id); $hash = $user->register($insert_array); if ($hash != '') { //SEND ACCOUNT DETAILS TO USER $fullname = $_POST['fname'] . ' ' . $_POST['lname']; $subject = 'New Account'; $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->template('welcome'); $mail->generalEmail($_POST['email'], $subject, $fullname, $hash); $this->data['success'] = 'A link has been sent to your email, please click to activate your account'; } else { $this->data['error'] = 'Operation Fails, Please contact admin'; } } } else { $this->data['error'] = 'Password does not match!'; } } View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::render('account/signup', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function forgotpassword() { $this->data['title'] = 'Retrieve Password'; $hash_model = new \models\hash(); if (isset($_POST['email']) && !empty($_POST['email'])) { $user_details = $this->user_model->getColRow('user_email', $_POST['email']); if ($user_details->user_email != '') { $get_status = $this->status_model->getColRow('status_title', 'active'); $uniqid = uniqid(); $insert = $hash_model->create(array('hash_user_id' => $user_details->user_id, 'hash_value' => $uniqid, 'hash_status_id' => $get_status->status_id)); //SEND ACCOUNT DETAILS TO USER $fullname = $user_details->user_firstname . ' ' . $user_details->user_lastname; $subject = 'Reset Password'; $content .= "You have requested for a new password, please click the link below to reset"; $content .= '<a href="' . DIR . 'account/resetpassword/' . $uniqid . '" target="_blank">Get Password </a>'; $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->general($user_details->user_email, $subject, $fullname, $content); $this->data['success'] = "Congrats!, A reset link has been sent to your email"; } else { $this->data['error'] = 'This email does not exist in our records!'; } } View::rendertemplate('header', $this->data); View::render('account/forgotpassword', $this->data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $this->data); }
public function detailVente($url) { //send of mail if (!is_null(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'submit'))) { $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name'); $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); $phone = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'phone'); $comment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'comment'); if ($name == '' || !isset($name) || $email == '' || !isset($email) || $comment == '' || !isset($comment)) { $error = ""; Url::redirect("?error=1", true); } if (!$error) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->setFrom($email); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_PIERRE); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_INFO); $subject = "Govacationmaya Contact Rentals "; $subject .= date("Y-m-d"); $mail->subject($subject); $message = "Language: " . $_SESSION['site_lang'] . "<br><br>"; $message .= "Name: " . $name . "<br>"; $message .= "Email: " . $email . "<br>"; $message .= "Phone: " . $phone . "<br>"; $message .= "Comment: " . $comment; $mail->body($message); if (!$mail->send()) { Url::redirect("?error=2", true); } else { Url::redirect("?send=1", true); } } } //URL $urlExplode = explode("/", $url); if ($urlExplode[0] == "print") { $item_id = $urlExplode[1]; } else { $item_id = $urlExplode[0]; } //detail $data['item_id'] = $item_id; $data['item_result'] = $this->_model->fetchSalesDetails($item_id, "Y", $_SESSION['site_lang']); //title for de hover in navbar $data['title_page'] = "vente"; //type of search in form, default selected: rentals $data['searchtype'] = 'rentals'; //URL change lang $data['lang_var'] = "detail"; //change tipe text to capital letter switch ($data['item_result'][0]->type) { case 'condo': $data['item_result'][0]->type = 'Condo'; break; case 'house': $data['item_result'][0]->type = 'House'; break; case 'hotel': $data['item_result'][0]->type = 'Hotel'; break; case 'lot': $data['item_result'][0]->type = 'Lot'; break; case 'commercial': $data['item_result'][0]->type = 'Commercial business'; break; case 'other': $data['item_result'][0]->type = 'Hotel'; break; } switch ($data['item_result'][0]->bathrooms_details) { case 'private': $data['item_result'][0]->bathrooms_details = 'Private'; break; case 'shared': $data['item_result'][0]->bathrooms_details = 'Shared'; break; case 'both': $data['item_result'][0]->bathrooms_details = 'Private and Shared'; break; } switch ($data['item_result'][0]->pool_type) { case 'private': $data['item_result'][0]->pool_type = 'Private'; break; case 'shared': $data['item_result'][0]->pool_type = 'Shared'; break; } //SEO $data['title'] = "Sales - " . $data['item_result'][0]->name . " " . $data['item_result'][0]->location; $data['meta_description'] = strip_tags($data['item_result'][0]->highlights); $data['meta_keywords'] = $data['item_result'][0]->name . ", " . $data['item_result'][0]->location . ", " . $data['item_result'][0]->type; $data['sitename_before'] = "Y"; //Comments $data['comments'] = $this->_model_c->fetchSalesComments($item_id, 0, 0, 'Y'); $data['replys'] = $this->_model_c->fetchSalesReply(0, 0, 'Y'); // send of comment if (!is_null(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'submitComment'))) { $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name'); $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); $comment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'comment'); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($name == '' || !isset($name) || $email == '' || !isset($email) || $comment == '' || !isset($comment)) { $error = ""; Url::redirect("?error=1", true); } if (!$error) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->setFrom($email); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_PIERRE); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_INFO); $subject = "Govacationmaya Sale Comment " . $data['title'] . " "; $subject .= date("Y-m-d"); $mail->subject($subject); $message = "Language: " . $_SESSION['site_lang'] . "<br><br>"; $message .= "Name: " . $name . "<br>"; $message .= "Email: " . $email . "<br>"; $message .= "Comment: " . $comment; $mail->body($message); // insert table $dataComments = array('sales_id' => $item_id, 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'comment' => $comment, 'date_submit' => $date, 'online' => 'N'); $this->_model_c->insert_comments('sale_comment', $dataComments); if (!$mail->send()) { Url::redirect("?error=2", true); } else { Url::redirect("?send=1", true); } } } // send of reply if (!is_null(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'submitReply'))) { $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name'); $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); $comment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'comment'); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $id_reply = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'id_reply'); $email_reply = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email_reply'); if ($name == '' || !isset($name) || $email == '' || !isset($email) || $comment == '' || !isset($comment)) { $error = ""; Url::redirect("?error=1", true); } if (!$error) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->setFrom($email); $mail->addAddress($email_reply); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_PIERRE); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_INFO); $subject = "Govacationmaya Sale Reply Comment " . $data['title'] . " "; $subject .= date("Y-m-d"); $mail->subject($subject); $message = "Language: " . $_SESSION['site_lang'] . "<br><br>"; $message .= "Name: " . $name . "<br>"; $message .= "Email: " . $email . "<br>"; $message .= "Reply: " . $comment; $mail->body($message); // insert table $dataComments = array('sale_comment_id' => $id_reply, 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'comment' => $comment, 'date_submit' => $date, 'online' => 'Y'); $this->_model_c->insert_comments('sale_reply', $dataComments); if (!$mail->send()) { Url::redirect("?error=2", true); } else { Url::redirect("?send=1", true); } } } //images if ($data['item_result']) { $data['images_result'] = $this->_model->fetchSalesPhotos($item_id, 0, 0); // Images for a property $array = array(); $i = 0; foreach ($data['images_result'] as $images_row) { $array[$i] = $this->_model->fetchSalesPhotoDetails($images_row->photo_id); $i++; } $data['images_details_result'] = $array; if ($urlExplode[0] == "print") { View::rendertemplate('header_print', $data); View::render('sales/sales_print', $data); View::rendertemplate('footer_print', $data); } else { View::rendertemplate('header', $data); View::render('sales/sales', $data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $data); } } else { // not found rental header("HTTP/1.0 404 Not Found"); $data['title'] = '404'; $data['error'] = 'No routes found.'; View::rendertemplate('header', $data); View::render('error/404', $data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $data); } }
public function detailActivities($url) { //title for de hover in navbar $data['title_page'] = "activity"; //URL $urlExplode = explode("/", $url); $item_id = $urlExplode[0]; //detail $data['item_result'] = $this->_model->fetchActivitiesDetails($item_id, "Y", $_SESSION['site_lang']); //SEO $data['title'] = $data['item_result'][0]->name; $data['meta_description'] = strip_tags($data['item_result'][0]->description); $data['meta_keywords'] = $data['item_result'][0]->name; $data['sitename_before'] = "Y"; //Comments $data['comments'] = $this->_model_c->fetchActivityComments($item_id, 0, 0, 'Y'); $data['replys'] = $this->_model_c->fetchActivityReply(0, 0, 'Y'); // send of comment if (!is_null(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'submitComment'))) { $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name'); $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); $comment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'comment'); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); if ($name == '' || !isset($name) || $email == '' || !isset($email) || $comment == '' || !isset($comment)) { $error = ""; Url::redirect("?error=1", true); } if (!$error) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->setFrom($email); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_PIERRE); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_INFO); $subject = "Govacationmaya Activity Comment " . $data['title'] . " "; $subject .= date("Y-m-d"); $mail->subject($subject); $message = "Language: " . $_SESSION['site_lang'] . "<br><br>"; $message .= "Name: " . $name . "<br>"; $message .= "Email: " . $email . "<br>"; $message .= "Comment: " . $comment; $mail->body($message); // insert table $dataComments = array('activity_id' => $item_id, 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'comment' => $comment, 'date_submit' => $date, 'online' => 'N'); $this->_model_c->insert_comments('activity_comment', $dataComments); if (!$mail->send()) { Url::redirect("?error=2", true); } else { Url::redirect("?send=1", true); } } } // send of reply if (!is_null(filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'submitReply'))) { $name = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'name'); $email = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email'); $comment = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'comment'); $date = date("Y-m-d H:i:s"); $id_reply = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'id_reply'); $email_reply = filter_input(INPUT_POST, 'email_reply'); if ($name == '' || !isset($name) || $email == '' || !isset($email) || $comment == '' || !isset($comment)) { $error = ""; Url::redirect("?error=1", true); } if (!$error) { $mail = new \helpers\phpmailer\mail(); $mail->CharSet = 'UTF-8'; $mail->setFrom($email); $mail->addAddress($email_reply); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_PIERRE); $mail->addAddress(EMAIL_INFO); $subject = "Govacationmaya Activity Reply Comment " . $data['title'] . " "; $subject .= date("Y-m-d"); $mail->subject($subject); $message = "Language: " . $_SESSION['site_lang'] . "<br><br>"; $message .= "Name: " . $name . "<br>"; $message .= "Email: " . $email . "<br>"; $message .= "Reply: " . $comment; $mail->body($message); // insert table $dataComments = array('activity_comment_id' => $id_reply, 'name' => $name, 'email' => $email, 'comment' => $comment, 'date_submit' => $date, 'online' => 'Y'); $this->_model_c->insert_comments('activity_reply', $dataComments); if (!$mail->send()) { Url::redirect("?error=2", true); } else { Url::redirect("?send=1", true); } } } //column lateral $data['search_results_detail_activities'] = $this->_model->fetchActivities($_SESSION['site_lang'], "Y", "rank", 0, 0); //URL change lang $data['lang_var'] = "detail"; //tender views View::rendertemplate('header', $data); View::render('activity/activity', $data); View::rendertemplate('footer', $data); }