Esempio n. 1
 * Processes (un)subscription requests to multiple lists
 * @param string $address The email address
 * @param array $list_ids The ids of the lists
 * @param bool $subscribe TRUE if addresss should be subscribed to the lists, FALSE if it should be unsubscribed
 * @return bool TRUE if operation was successful, else FALSE
function gu_subscription_process($address, &$list_ids, $subscribe)
    if (!check_email($address)) {
        return gu_error(t("Invalid email address"));
    $succ_list_names = array();
    $fail_list_names = array();
    // For each list we need to load it with all addresses
    foreach ($list_ids as $list_id) {
        $list = gu_list::get($list_id, TRUE);
        // Don't allow subscriptions to private lists
        if ($list->is_private()) {
            $res = FALSE;
        } else {
            if ($subscribe) {
                $res = $list->add($address, TRUE);
            } else {
                $res = $list->remove($address, TRUE);
        if ($res) {
            $succ_list_names[] = $list->get_name();
        } else {
            $fail_list_names[] = $list->get_name();
    // Check if there were any successful
    if (count($succ_list_names) < 1) {
        return FALSE;
    // Work out if we need to send any emails now, and if so create a sender
    if (gu_config::get('list_send_welcome') || gu_config::get('list_send_goodbye') || gu_config::get('list_subscribe_notify') || gu_config::get('list_unsubscribe_notify')) {
        $mailer = new gu_mailer();
        if ($mailer->init()) {
            $subject_prefix = count($succ_list_names) == 1 ? $succ_list_names[0] : gu_config::get('collective_name');
            // Send welcome / goodbye message
            if ($subscribe && gu_config::get('list_send_welcome') || !$subscribe && gu_config::get('list_send_goodbye')) {
                $subject = '[' . $subject_prefix . '] ' . ($subscribe ? t('Subscription') : t('Unsubscription')) . t(' confirmation');
                $action = $subscribe ? t('subscribed to') : t('unsubscribed from');
                $text = t("This is an automated message to confirm that you have been % the following lists:", array($action)) . "\n\n* " . implode("\n* ", $succ_list_names) . "\n\n";
                $text .= t('To change your subscriptions visit: ') . absolute_url('subscribe.php') . '?addr=' . $address . "\n\n";
                $text .= t('Please do not reply to this message. Thank you.');
                $mailer->send_mail($address, $subject, $text);
            // Send admin notifications
            if ($subscribe && gu_config::get('list_subscribe_notify') || !$subscribe && gu_config::get('list_unsubscribe_notify')) {
                $subject = '[' . $subject_prefix . '] ' . ($subscribe ? t('Subscription') : t('Unsubscription')) . t(' notification');
                $action = $subscribe ? t('subscribed to') : t('unsubscribed from');
                $text = t("This is an automated message to notify you that % has been % the following lists:", array($address, $action)) . "\n\n* " . implode("\n* ", $succ_list_names) . "\n\n";
                $mailer->send_admin_mail($subject, $text);
    $action = $subscribe ? t('subscribed to') : t('unsubscribed from');
    return gu_success(t('You have been % lists: <i>%</i>', array($action, implode('</i>, <i>', $succ_list_names))));
Esempio n. 2

 * @project Gutuma Newsletter Managment
 * @author Rowan Seymour
 * @copyright This source is distributed under the GPL
 * @file Generates a CSV version of an address list
/* Gutama plugin package
 * @version 1.6
 * @date	01/10/2013
 * @author	Cyril MAGUIRE
include 'inc/gutuma.php';
// Get id of list to edit from querystring
$list_id = isset($_GET['list']) ? (int) $_GET['list'] : 0;
// Load list data
$list = gu_list::get($list_id, TRUE);
header("Content-type: application/octet-stream");
header("Content-Disposition: attachment; filename=\"" . $list->get_name() . ".csv\"");
foreach ($list->get_addresses() as $address) {
    echo $address . "\r\n";
Esempio n. 3
    case 'unsubscribe':
        $list = is_post_var('list') ? gu_list::get((int) get_post_var('list'), TRUE) : NULL;
        $address = is_post_var('address') ? get_post_var('address') : '';
        gu_ajax_subscribe($list, $address, FALSE);
    case 'list_add':
        $name = is_post_var('name') ? trim(get_post_var('name')) : '';
        $private = is_post_var('private') ? (bool) get_post_var('private') : false;
        gu_ajax_list_add($name, $private);
    case 'list_delete':
        $list = is_post_var('list') ? gu_list::get((int) get_post_var('list'), TRUE) : NULL;
    case 'remove_address':
        $list = is_post_var('list') ? gu_list::get((int) get_post_var('list'), TRUE) : NULL;
        $address = is_post_var('address') ? get_post_var('address') : '';
        $address_id = is_post_var('address_id') ? (int) get_post_var('address_id') : 0;
        gu_ajax_remove_address($list, $address, $address_id);
    case 'newsletter_delete':
        $newsletter = is_post_var('newsletter') ? gu_newsletter::get((int) get_post_var('newsletter')) : NULL;
// If action function hasn't already returned due to error, return now
 * Called when an error has occured. 
 * @param string $msg The error message to send to the client
Esempio n. 4
// Get querystring variables
$list_id = is_get_var('list') ? (int) get_get_var('list') : 0;
$address = is_get_var('addr') ? get_get_var('addr') : '';
$action = is_get_var('action') ? get_get_var('action') : '';
// Check if we've got what we need to do a querystring (un)subscription
if ($list_id > 0 && $address != '' && $action != '') {
    $list_ids = array($list_id);
    gu_subscription_process($address, $list_ids, $subscribe == 'subscribe');
// Check to see if a single valid list was specified
if ($list_id > 0 || count($posted_lists) == 1) {
    if ($list_id == 0) {
        $list_id = $posted_lists[0];
    $list = gu_list::get($list_id, FALSE);
} else {
    // Load all non-private lists
    $lists = gu_list::get_all(FALSE, FALSE);
if ($address == '' && $posted_address != '') {
    $address = $posted_address;

<script type="text/javascript">
/* <![CDATA[ */
	function checkSubmit(form)
		if (form.subscribe_address.value == "" || !gu_check_email(form.subscribe_address.value)) {
Esempio n. 5
  * Loads all of the lists
  * @param bool $load_addresses TRUE if lists addresses should be loaded (default is FALSE)
  * @param bool $inc_private TRUE if private lists should included (default is TRUE)
  * @return mixed Array of lists or FALSE if an error occured
 public static function get_all($load_addresses = FALSE, $inc_private = TRUE)
     $lists = array();
     if ($dh = @opendir(realpath(GUTUMA_LISTS_DIR))) {
         while (($file = readdir($dh)) !== FALSE) {
             if (!is_dir($file) && str_ends($file, '.php')) {
                 $list = gu_list::get(substr($file, 0, strlen($file - 4)), $load_addresses);
                 if ($inc_private || !$list->private) {
                     $lists[] = $list;
     return $lists;