/** * Method exports zipped theme * @param string $themeName Theme name * @param bool $full Set true to dump data and media files */ protected function _exportTheme($themeName = '', $full = false, $noZip = false) { if (!$themeName) { $themeName = $this->_configHelper->getConfig('currentTheme'); } $themePath = $this->_websiteHelper->getPath() . $this->_themesConfig['path'] . $themeName . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR; $websitePath = $this->_websiteHelper->getPath(); if ($full) { /** * @var $dbAdapter Zend_Db_Adapter_Abstract */ $dbAdapter = Zend_Registry::get('dbAdapter'); // exporting themes data for the full theme // init empty array for export data $data = array('page' => array()); // and for media files $mediaFiles = array(); // fetching index page and main menu pages $pagesSqlWhere = "SELECT * FROM `page` WHERE system = '0' AND draft = '0' AND (\n\t\t\turl = 'index.html' OR (parent_id = '0' AND show_in_menu = '1') OR (parent_id = '-1' AND show_in_menu = '2')\n\t\t OR (parent_id = '0' OR parent_id IN (SELECT DISTINCT `page`.`id` FROM `page` WHERE (parent_id = '0') AND (system = '0') AND (show_in_menu = '1')) )\n\t\t OR id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT `page_id` FROM `page_fa` )\n\t\t OR id IN ( SELECT DISTINCT `page_id` FROM `page_has_option` )\n\t\t ) ORDER BY `order` ASC"; $pages = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($pagesSqlWhere); if (is_array($pages) && !empty($pages)) { $data['page'] = $pages; unset($pages); } // combining list of queries for export others tables content $queryList = array(); $enabledPlugins = Tools_Plugins_Tools::getEnabledPlugins(true); foreach ($enabledPlugins as $plugin) { $pluginsData = Tools_Plugins_Tools::runStatic(self::PLUGIN_EXPORT_METHOD, $plugin); if (!$pluginsData) { continue; } if (isset($pluginsData['pages']) && is_array($pluginsData['pages']) && !empty($pluginsData['pages'])) { $data['page'] = array_merge($data['page'], $pluginsData['pages']); } if (isset($pluginsData['tables']) && is_array($pluginsData['tables']) && !empty($pluginsData['tables'])) { foreach ($pluginsData['tables'] as $table => $query) { if (array_key_exists($table, $this->_fullThemesSqlMap)) { continue; } $queryList[$table] = $query; unset($table, $query); } } if (isset($pluginsData['media']) && is_array($pluginsData['media']) && !empty($pluginsData['media'])) { $mediaFiles = array_unique(array_merge($mediaFiles, $pluginsData['media'])); } } unset($enabledPlugins); // getting list of pages ids for export $pagesIDs = array_map(function ($page) { return $page['id']; }, $data['page']); // building list of dump queries and executing it with page IDS substitution $queryList = array_merge($this->_fullThemesSqlMap, $queryList); foreach ($queryList as $table => $query) { $data[$table] = $dbAdapter->fetchAll($dbAdapter->quoteInto($query, $pagesIDs)); } unset($queryList, $pagesIDs); if (!empty($data)) { $exportData = new Zend_Config($data); $themeDataFile = new Zend_Config_Writer_Json(array('config' => $exportData, 'filename' => $themePath . self::THEME_DATA_FILE)); $themeDataFile->write(); } // exporting list of media files $totalFileSize = 0; // initializing files size counter $previewFolder = $this->_websiteHelper->getPreview(); $pagePreviews = array_filter(array_map(function ($page) use($previewFolder) { return !empty($page['preview_image']) ? $previewFolder . $page['preview_image'] : false; }, $data['page'])); $contentImages = array(); // list of images from containers if (!empty($data['container'])) { foreach ($data['container'] as $container) { preg_match_all('~media[^"\']*\\.(?:jpe?g|gif|png)~iu', $container['content'], $matches); if (!empty($matches[0])) { $contentImages = array_merge($contentImages, array_map(function ($file) { $file = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file); if ($file[2] !== 'original') { $file[2] = 'original'; } return implode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file); }, $matches[0])); } unset($matches, $container); } } $mediaFiles = array_merge($pagePreviews, $contentImages, $mediaFiles); $mediaFiles = array_unique(array_filter($mediaFiles)); if (!empty($mediaFiles)) { clearstatcache(); foreach ($mediaFiles as $key => $file) { if (!is_file($websitePath . $file)) { $mediaFiles[$key] = null; continue; } $totalFileSize += filesize($websitePath . $file); } } if ($totalFileSize > self::THEME_FULL_MAX_FILESIZE) { $this->_error('Too many images'); } else { $mediaFiles = array_filter($mediaFiles); } } // if requested name is current one we create system file with template types if ($themeName === $this->_configHelper->getConfig('currentTheme')) { // saving template types into theme.ini. @see Tools_Template_Tools::THEME_CONFIGURATION_FILE $themeIniConfig = new Zend_Config(array(), true); foreach (Application_Model_Mappers_TemplateMapper::getInstance()->fetchAll() as $template) { $themeIniConfig->{$template->getName()} = $template->getType(); } if (!empty($themeIniConfig)) { try { $iniWriter = new Zend_Config_Writer_Ini(array('config' => $themeIniConfig, 'filename' => $themePath . Tools_Template_Tools::THEME_CONFIGURATION_FILE)); $iniWriter->write(); } catch (Exception $e) { Tools_System_Tools::debugMode() && error_log($e->getMessage()); } } unset($themeIniConfig, $iniWriter); } //defining list files that needs to be excluded $excludeFiles = array(); if (!$full) { array_push($excludeFiles, self::THEME_DATA_FILE); } if ($noZip === true) { // backup media files to theme subfolder if (!empty($mediaFiles)) { if (!is_dir($themePath . 'previews')) { Tools_Filesystem_Tools::mkDir($themePath . 'previews'); } if (!is_dir($themePath . 'media')) { Tools_Filesystem_Tools::mkDir($themePath . 'media'); } foreach ($mediaFiles as $file) { if (!is_file($websitePath . $file)) { continue; } $path = explode(DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR, $file); if (!is_array($path) || empty($path)) { continue; } switch ($path[0]) { case 'previews': list($folder, $filename) = $path; break; case 'media': $folder = 'media' . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $path[1]; if (!is_dir($themePath . $folder)) { Tools_Filesystem_Tools::mkDir($themePath . $folder); } $filename = end($path); break; default: continue; break; } $destination = $themePath . $folder . DIRECTORY_SEPARATOR . $filename; try { $r = Tools_Filesystem_Tools::copy($websitePath . $file, $destination); } catch (Exception $e) { Tools_System_Tools::debugMode() && error_log($e->getMessage()); } } } return true; } else { //create theme zip archive $themeArchive = Tools_Theme_Tools::zip($themeName, isset($mediaFiles) ? $mediaFiles : false, $excludeFiles); if ($themeArchive) { $body = file_get_contents($themeArchive); if (false !== $body) { Tools_Filesystem_Tools::deleteFile($themeArchive); } else { $this->_error('Unable to read website archive file'); } } else { $this->_error('Can\'t create website archive'); } //outputting theme zip $this->_response->clearAllHeaders()->clearBody(); $this->_response->setHeader('Content-Disposition', 'attachment; filename=' . $themeName . '.zip')->setHeader('Content-Type', 'application/zip', true)->setHeader('Content-Transfer-Encoding', 'binary', true)->setHeader('Expires', date(DATE_RFC1123), true)->setHeader('Cache-Control', 'must-revalidate, post-check=0, pre-check=0', true)->setHeader('Pragma', 'public', true)->setBody($body)->sendResponse(); exit; } }
public function testCanWritePrettyPrintedVersion() { $config = new Zend_Config_Json(dirname(__FILE__) . '/files/allsections-pretty.json'); $writer = new Zend_Config_Writer_Json(array('config' => $config, 'filename' => $this->_tempName)); $writer->setPrettyPrint(true); $writer->write(); $testOutput = file_get_contents($this->_tempName); $this->assertRegExp('/^\\s+/m', $testOutput); }
public function saveAction() { $id = $this->_getParam("id"); $table = new Formbuilder_Formbuilder(); $name = $table->getName($id); $configuration = Zend_Json::decode($this->_getParam("configuration")); $values = Zend_Json::decode($this->_getParam("values")); if ($values["name"] != $name) { $values["name"] = $this->correctClassname($values["name"]); $table = new Formbuilder_Formbuilder(); $table->rename($id, $values["name"]); } if (!is_dir(PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH . "/Zendformbuilder/data/")) { mkdir(PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH . "/Zendformbuilder/data/"); } if (file_exists(PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH . "/Zendformbuilder/data/main_" . $id . ".json")) { unlink(PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH . "/Zendformbuilder/data/main_" . $id . ".json"); } $settings = $values; $settings["mainDefinitions"] = $configuration; $config = new Zend_Config($settings, true); $writer = new Zend_Config_Writer_Json(array("config" => $config, "filename" => PIMCORE_PLUGINS_PATH . "/Zendformbuilder/data/main_" . $id . ".json")); $writer->write(); $builder = new Formbuilder_Builder(); $builder->setDatas($config->toArray()); $builder->buildForm($id); $this->removeViewRenderer(); }