Esempio n. 1
  * Save Settings
  * @param array $settings
  * @return void
 public function save()
     if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], $this->getPlugin()->getSlug())) {
         return false;
     $message = "Network settings saved.";
     $errors = array();
     $reload = false;
     $logout = false;
     if (isset($_POST['blog']) && is_array($_POST['blog']) && sizeof($_POST['blog']) > 0) {
         foreach ($_POST['blog'] as $blog_id => $setting) {
             foreach ($setting as $key => $value) {
                 if ($key == 'ssl_host' && $value != '') {
                     $blog_url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString(get_site_url($blog_id, '', 'https'));
                     $value = strtolower($value);
                     // Add Scheme
                     if (strpos($value, 'http://') === false && strpos($value, 'https://') === false) {
                         $value = 'https://' . $value;
                     $ssl_host = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString($value);
                     // Add Port
                     $port = $blog_url->getPort() && $blog_url->getPort() != 80 && $blog_url->getPort() != 443 ? $port : null;
                     // Add Path
                     if (strpos($ssl_host->getPath(), $blog_url->getPath()) !== true) {
                         $path = '/' . ltrim(str_replace(rtrim($blog_url->getPath(), '/'), '', $ssl_host->getPath()), '/');
                         $ssl_host->setPath(rtrim($path, '/') . $blog_url->getPath());
                     $ssl_host->setPath(rtrim($ssl_host->getPath(), '/') . '/');
                     $value = $ssl_host->toString();
                 $this->getPlugin()->setSetting($key, $value, $blog_id);
     if (isset($_POST['blog_default']) && is_array($_POST['blog_default']) && sizeof($_POST['blog_default']) > 0) {
         $this->getPlugin()->setSetting('network_defaults', $_POST['blog_default']);
     if ($logout) {
     require_once $this->getPlugin()->getDirectory() . '/admin/templates/ajax_message.php';
  * Save Settings
  * @param none
  * @return void
 public function save()
     if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_wpnonce'], $this->getPlugin()->getSlug())) {
         return false;
     $message = "Settings saved.";
     $errors = array();
     $reload = false;
     $logout = false;
     foreach ($this->getPlugin()->getSettings() as $key => $default) {
         if (!array_key_exists($key, $_POST) && $default == 0) {
             $_POST[$key] = 0;
             $this->getPlugin()->setSetting($key, $_POST[$key]);
         } else {
             if (array_key_exists($key, $_POST)) {
                 if ($key == 'ssl_host') {
                     if ($_POST[$key] != '') {
                         $_POST[$key] = strtolower($_POST[$key]);
                         // Add Scheme
                         if (strpos($_POST[$key], 'http://') === false && strpos($_POST[$key], 'https://') === false) {
                             $_POST[$key] = 'https://' . $_POST[$key];
                         $ssl_host = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString($_POST[$key]);
                         // Add Port
                         $_POST['ssl_port'] = $port = isset($_POST['ssl_port']) && is_int($_POST['ssl_port']) && $_POST['ssl_port'] != 443 ? $_POST['ssl_port'] : $ssl_host->getPort();
                         // Add Path
                         if (strpos($ssl_host->getPath(), $this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getPath()) !== true) {
                             $path = '/' . ltrim(str_replace(rtrim($this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '/'), '', $ssl_host->getPath()), '/');
                             $ssl_host->setPath(rtrim($path, '/') . $this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getPath());
                         $ssl_host->setPath(rtrim($ssl_host->getPath(), '/') . '/');
                         if ($ssl_host->toString() != $this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->toString()) {
                             // Ensure that the WordPress installation is accessible at this host
                             //if ( $ssl_host->isValid() ) {
                             // If secure domain has changed and currently on SSL, logout user
                             if ($this->getPlugin()->isSsl()) {
                                 $logout = true;
                             $_POST[$key] = $ssl_host->setPort('')->toString();
                             /*} else {
                             			$errors[] = '<strong>SSL Host</strong> - Invalid WordPress installation at ' . $ssl_host;
                             			$_POST[$key] = get_option($key);
                         } else {
                             $_POST[$key] = $this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->toString();
                     } else {
                         $_POST[$key] = get_option($key);
                 } else {
                     if ($key == 'ssl_proxy') {
                         // Reload if we're auto detecting the proxy and we're not in SSL
                         if ($_POST[$key] == 'auto' && !$this->getPlugin()->isSsl()) {
                             $reload = true;
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'ssl_admin') {
                             if (force_ssl_admin() && $this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_host_diff')) {
                                 $errors[] = '<strong>SSL Admin</strong> - FORCE_SSL_ADMIN should not be set to true in your wp-config.php while using a non-default SSL Host.';
                                 // If forcing SSL Admin and currently not SSL, logout user
                             } else {
                                 if ($_POST[$key] == 1 && !$this->getPlugin()->isSsl()) {
                                     $logout = true;
                         } else {
                             if ($key == 'ssl_host_subdomain') {
                                 // Checks to see if the SSL Host is a subdomain
                                 $is_subdomain = $this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->isSubdomain($this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl());
                                 if ($ssl_host->setScheme('http') != $this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl() && $is_subdomain) {
                                     $_POST[$key] = 1;
                                 } else {
                                     $_POST[$key] = 0;
                 $this->getPlugin()->setSetting($key, $_POST[$key]);
     if ($logout) {
     require_once $this->getPlugin()->getDirectory() . '/admin/templates/ajax_message.php';
Esempio n. 3

require_once realpath(dirname(__FILE__) . '/../../../../..') . '/wp-load.php';
// Disable errors
// Set headers
header("Status: 200");
header("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
header('Content-Type: text/html');
header('Cache-Control: no-store, no-cache, must-revalidate');
header('Cache-Control: post-check=0, pre-check=0', FALSE);
header('Pragma: no-cache');
header("Vary: Accept-Encoding");
if (!wp_verify_nonce($_POST['_nonce'], 'wordpress-https')) {
$content = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString($_POST['url'])->getContent();
if ($content) {
    echo $content;
Esempio n. 4
File: Url.php Progetto: bulats/chef
  * Factory object from a string that contains a URL
  * Example of usage:
  * $site_url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString( site_url() );
  * @param string $string
  * @return $url WordPressHTTPS_Url
 public static function fromString($string)
     $url = new WordPressHTTPS_Url();
     @preg_match_all('/((http|https):\\/\\/[^\'"]+)[\'"\\)]?/i', $string, $url_parts);
     if (isset($url_parts[1][0])) {
         if ($url_parts = parse_url($url_parts[1][0])) {
             return $url;
     } else {
         return false;
     return $url;
Esempio n. 5
  * Save Settings
  * @param array $settings
  * @return void
 public function save()
     $errors = array();
     $reload = false;
     $logout = false;
     if (@$_POST['Reset']) {
         foreach ($this->getPlugin()->getSettings() as $key => $default) {
             $this->getPlugin()->setSetting($key, $default);
         $reload = true;
     } else {
         foreach ($this->getPlugin()->getSettings() as $key => $default) {
             if (!array_key_exists($key, $_POST) && $default == 0) {
                 $_POST[$key] = 0;
                 $this->getPlugin()->setSetting($key, $_POST[$key]);
             } else {
                 if (array_key_exists($key, $_POST)) {
                     if ($key == 'ssl_host') {
                         if ($_POST[$key] != '') {
                             $_POST[$key] = strtolower($_POST[$key]);
                             // Add Scheme
                             if (strpos($_POST[$key], 'http://') === false && strpos($_POST[$key], 'https://') === false) {
                                 $_POST[$key] = 'https://' . $_POST[$key];
                             $ssl_host = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString($_POST[$key]);
                             // Add Port
                             $port = isset($_POST['ssl_port']) && is_int($_POST['ssl_port']) ? $_POST['ssl_port'] : $ssl_host->getPort();
                             $port = $port != 80 && $port != 443 ? $port : null;
                             // Add Path
                             if (strpos($ssl_host->getPath(), $this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getPath()) !== true) {
                                 $path = '/' . ltrim(str_replace(rtrim($this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '/'), '', $ssl_host->getPath()), '/');
                                 $ssl_host->setPath(rtrim($path, '/') . $this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getPath());
                             $ssl_host->setPath(rtrim($ssl_host->getPath(), '/') . '/');
                             if ($ssl_host->toString() != $this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->toString()) {
                                 // Ensure that the WordPress installation is accessible at this host
                                 if ($ssl_host->isValid()) {
                                     // If secure domain has changed and currently on SSL, logout user
                                     if ($this->getPlugin()->isSsl()) {
                                         $logout = true;
                                     $_POST[$key] = $ssl_host->setPort('');
                                 } else {
                                     $errors[] = '<strong>SSL Host</strong> - Invalid WordPress installation at ' . $ssl_host;
                                     $_POST[$key] = get_option($key);
                             } else {
                                 $_POST[$key] = $this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->toString();
                         } else {
                             $_POST[$key] = get_option($key);
                     } else {
                         if ($key == 'ssl_proxy') {
                             // Reload if we're auto detecting the proxy and we're not in SSL
                             if ($_POST[$key] == 'auto' && !$this->getPlugin()->isSsl()) {
                                 $reload = true;
                         } else {
                             if ($key == 'ssl_admin') {
                                 if (force_ssl_admin() || force_ssl_login()) {
                                     $errors[] = '<strong>SSL Admin</strong> - FORCE_SSL_ADMIN and FORCE_SSL_LOGIN can not be set to true in your wp-config.php.';
                                     $_POST[$key] = 0;
                                     // If forcing SSL Admin and currently not SSL, logout user
                                 } else {
                                     if ($_POST[$key] == 1 && !$this->getPlugin()->isSsl()) {
                                         $logout = true;
                             } else {
                                 if ($key == 'ssl_host_subdomain') {
                                     // Checks to see if the SSL Host is a subdomain
                                     $http_domain = $this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getBaseHost();
                                     $https_domain = $this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->getBaseHost();
                                     if ($ssl_host->setScheme('http') != $this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl() && $http_domain == $https_domain) {
                                         $_POST[$key] = 1;
                                     } else {
                                         $_POST[$key] = 0;
                     $this->getPlugin()->setSetting($key, $_POST[$key]);
     if ($logout) {
     if (array_key_exists('ajax', $_POST)) {
         while (@ob_end_clean()) {
         if (sizeof($errors) > 0) {
             echo "<div class=\"error below-h2 fade wphttps-message\" id=\"message\">\n\t<ul>\n";
             foreach ($errors as $error) {
                 echo "\t\t<li><p>" . $error . "</p></li>\n";
             echo "\t</ul>\n</div>\n";
         } else {
             echo "<div class=\"updated below-h2 fade wphttps-message\" id=\"message\"><p>Settings saved.</p></div>\n";
             if ($logout || $reload) {
                 echo "<script type=\"text/javascript\">window.location.reload();</script>";
  * Replaces HTTPS Host with HTTP Host
  * @param string $string
  * @return string $string
 public function makeUrlHttp($string)
     if ((string) $string == '') {
         return false;
     // If relative
     if (strpos($string, '/') === 0) {
         if ($this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($string, $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false) {
             $string = str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $string);
     } else {
         if ($url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString($string)) {
             if ($this->isUrlLocal($url)) {
                 if ($url->getScheme() == 'https') {
                     $updated = clone $url;
                     if ($this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && strpos($updated->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath()) !== false) {
                         $updated->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $updated->getPath()));
                     if (strpos($url, 'wp-admin') !== false && preg_match('/redirect_to=([^&]+)/i', $url, $redirect) && isset($redirect[1])) {
                         $redirect_url = $redirect[1];
                         $url = str_replace($redirect_url, urlencode($this->makeUrlHttp(urldecode($redirect_url))), $url);
                     $string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
             } else {
                 $updated = apply_filters('http_external_url', str_replace('https://', 'http://', $url));
                 $string = str_replace($url, $updated, $string);
     return $string;
Esempio n. 7
  * Blog Info
  * WordPress Filter - get_bloginfo, bloginfo
  * @param string $result
  * @param string $show
  * @return string $result
 public function bloginfo($result = '', $show = '')
     if ($show == 'stylesheet_url' || $show == 'template_url' || $show == 'wpurl' || $show == 'home' || $show == 'siteurl' || $show == 'Url') {
         if (WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString(get_bloginfo('wpurl'))->getScheme() != 'https') {
             $result = $this->getPlugin()->makeUrlHttp($result);
     return $result;
  * Redirects page to HTTP or HTTPS accordingly
  * @param string $scheme Either http or https
  * @return void
 public function redirect($scheme = 'https')
     if (!$this->isSsl() && $scheme == 'https') {
         $url = clone $this->getHttpsUrl();
     } else {
         if ($this->isSsl() && $scheme == 'http') {
             $url = clone $this->getHttpUrl();
         } else {
             $url = false;
     if ($url) {
         $path = $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         if ($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath() != '/') {
             $path = str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '', $path);
         $path = ltrim($path, '/');
         if ($scheme == 'https') {
             if ($this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() != '/') {
                 $url->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
             } else {
                 $url->setPath(rtrim($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '/') . '/' . $path);
         } else {
             if ($scheme == 'http') {
                 if ($this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath() != '/') {
                     $url->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
                 } else {
                     $url->setPath(rtrim($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '/') . '/' . $path);
         // Redirect
         if (function_exists('wp_redirect')) {
             wp_redirect($url, 301);
         } else {
             // End all output buffering and redirect
             while (@ob_end_clean()) {
             // If redirecting to an admin page
             if (strpos($url->getPath(), 'wp-admin') !== false || strpos($url->getPath(), 'wp-login') !== false) {
                 $url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString($this->redirectAdmin($url));
             header("Location: " . $url, true, 301);
Esempio n. 9
  * Redirects page to HTTP or HTTPS accordingly
  * @param string $scheme Either http or https
  * @return void
 public function redirect($scheme = 'https')
     if (!$this->isSsl() && $scheme == 'https') {
         $url = clone $this->getHttpsUrl();
     } else {
         if ($this->isSsl() && $scheme == 'http') {
             $url = clone $this->getHttpUrl();
         } else {
             $url = false;
     if ($url) {
         $path = isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) ? $_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'] : $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'];
         if (strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?') !== false && isset($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL']) && strpos($_SERVER['REDIRECT_URL'], '?') === false) {
             $path .= substr($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], strpos($_SERVER['REQUEST_URI'], '?'));
         if ($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath() != '/') {
             $path = str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '', $path);
         $path = ltrim($path, '/');
         if ($scheme == 'https') {
             if ($this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath() != '/') {
                 $url->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
             } else {
                 $url->setPath(rtrim($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '/') . '/' . $path);
         } else {
             if ($scheme == 'http') {
                 if ($this->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && $this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath() != '/') {
                     $url->setPath(str_replace($this->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), $this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), $_SERVER['REQUEST_URI']));
                 } else {
                     $url->setPath(rtrim($this->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '/') . '/' . $path);
         // Use a cookie to detect redirect loops
         $redirect_count = isset($_COOKIE['redirect_count']) && is_numeric($_COOKIE['redirect_count']) ? (int) $_COOKIE['redirect_count'] + 1 : 1;
         setcookie('redirect_count', $redirect_count, 0, '/');
         // If redirect count is greater than 2, prevent redirect and log the redirect loop
         if ($redirect_count > 2) {
             setcookie('redirect_count', null, -time(), '/');
             $this->getLogger()->log('[ERROR] Redirect Loop!');
         // Redirect
         if (function_exists('wp_redirect')) {
             wp_redirect($url, 301);
         } else {
             // End all output buffering and redirect
             while (@ob_end_clean()) {
             // If redirecting to an admin page
             if (strpos($url->getPath(), 'wp-admin') !== false || strpos($url->getPath(), 'wp-login') !== false) {
                 $url = WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString($this->redirectAdmin($url));
             header("Location: " . $url, true, 301);
Esempio n. 10
  * Fix links and forms
  * @param none
  * @return void
 public function fixLinksAndForms()
     // Update anchor and form tags to appropriate URL's
     preg_match_all('/\\<(a|form)[^>]+[\'"]((http|https):\\/\\/[^\'"]+)[\'"][^>]*>/im', $this->_html, $matches);
     for ($i = 0; $i < sizeof($matches[0]); $i++) {
         $html = $matches[0][$i];
         $type = $matches[1][$i];
         $url = $matches[2][$i];
         $scheme = $matches[3][$i];
         $updated = false;
         $url_parts = parse_url($url);
         if ($this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->getPath() != '/') {
             if ($this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_host_diff')) {
                 $url_parts['path'] = str_replace($this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->getPath(), '', $url_parts['path']);
             if ($this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getPath() != '/') {
                 $url_parts['path'] = str_replace($this->getPlugin()->getHttpUrl()->getPath(), '', $url_parts['path']);
         if ($this->getPlugin()->isUrlLocal($url) && preg_match("/page_id=([\\d]+)/", parse_url($url, PHP_URL_QUERY), $postID)) {
             $post = $postID[1];
         } else {
             if ($this->getPlugin()->isUrlLocal($url) && ($url_parts['path'] == '' || $url_parts['path'] == '/')) {
                 if (get_option('show_on_front') == 'posts') {
                     $post = true;
                 } else {
                     $post = get_option('page_on_front');
                 if ($this->getPlugin()->getSetting('frontpage')) {
                     $force_ssl = true;
                 } else {
                     if ($this->getPlugin()->getSetting('exclusive_https')) {
                         $force_ssl = false;
             } else {
                 if ($this->getPlugin()->isUrlLocal($url) && ($post = get_page_by_path($url_parts['path']))) {
                     $post = $post->ID;
                     //TODO When logged in to HTTP and visiting an HTTPS page, admin links will always be forced to HTTPS, even if the user is not logged in via HTTPS. I need to find a way to detect this.
                 } else {
                     if ((strpos($url_parts['path'], 'wp-admin') !== false || strpos($url_parts['path'], 'wp-login') !== false) && ($this->getPlugin()->isSsl() || $this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_admin'))) {
                         if (!is_multisite() || is_multisite() && strpos($url_parts['host'], $this->getPlugin()->getHttpsUrl()->getHost()) !== false) {
                             $post = true;
                             $force_ssl = true;
                         } else {
                             if (is_multisite()) {
                                 // get_blog_details returns an object with a property of blog_id
                                 if ($blog_details = get_blog_details(array('domain' => $url_parts['host']))) {
                                     // set $blog_id using $blog_details->blog_id
                                     $blog_id = $blog_details->blog_id;
                                     if ($this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_admin', $blog_id) && $scheme != 'https' && (!$this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_host_diff', $blog_id) || $this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_host_diff', $blog_id) && is_user_logged_in())) {
                                         $this->_html = str_replace($url, str_replace('http', 'https', $url), $this->_html);
         if (isset($post)) {
             // Always change links to HTTPS when logged in via different SSL Host
             if ($type == 'a' && !$this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_host_subdomain') && $this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_host_diff') && $this->getPlugin()->getSetting('ssl_admin') && is_user_logged_in()) {
                 $force_ssl = true;
             } else {
                 if ((int) $post > 0) {
                     $force_ssl = apply_filters('force_ssl', $force_ssl, $post);
             if ($force_ssl == true || WordPressHTTPS_Url::fromString(get_bloginfo('wpurl'))->getScheme() == 'https') {
                 $updated = $this->getPlugin()->makeUrlHttps($url);
                 $this->_html = str_replace($html, str_replace($url, $updated, $html), $this->_html);
             } else {
                 if ($this->getPlugin()->getSetting('exclusive_https')) {
                     $updated = $this->getPlugin()->makeUrlHttp($url);
                     $this->_html = str_replace($html, str_replace($url, $updated, $html), $this->_html);
         // Add log entry if this change hasn't been logged
         if ($updated && $url != $updated) {
             $log = '[FIXED] Element: <' . $type . '> - ' . $url . ' => ' . $updated;
             if (!in_array($log, $this->getPlugin()->getLogger()->getLog())) {