  * Register and enqueue admin-specific JavaScript.
  * @since    1.0
  * @param    string    $hook_suffix The current admin page.
 public function enqueue_admin_scripts($hook_suffix)
     $screen = get_current_screen();
     if (!in_array($hook_suffix, $this->screen_hooks) && !in_array($screen->id, $this->screen_hooks)) {
     $scripts = $this->admin_scripts($hook_suffix);
     foreach ($scripts as $slug => $script) {
         wp_enqueue_script(WPMOLY_SLUG . '-' . $slug, WPMOLY_URL . $script[0], $script[1], WPMOLY_VERSION, $script[2]);
     wp_localize_script(WPMOLY_SLUG . '-admin', 'wpmoly_lang', WPMOLY_L10n::localize_script());
  * Generate a list of all countries used in movies
  * @since    2.0
  * @param    boolean    $count Shall we add count?
  * @return   array   
 public static function get_used_countries($count = false)
     $used_countries = array();
     if (true !== $count) {
         $count = false;
     $countries = self::get_used_meta('production_countries', $count);
     foreach ($countries as $i => $country) {
         $_country = WPMOLY_L10n::get_country_standard_name($country['name']);
         if ($_country != $country['name']) {
             if (!$count) {
                 $used_countries[$country['name']] = __($_country, 'wpmovielibrary-iso');
             } else {
                 $used_countries[$country['name']] = sprintf('%s (%s)', __($_country, 'wpmovielibrary-iso'), sprintf(_n('%d movie', '%d movies', $country['count'], 'wpmovielibrary'), $country['count']));
     return $used_countries;
  * Format a Movie's countries for display
  * @since    2.0
  * @param    string    $data field value
  * @return   string    Formatted output
 public static function format_movie_production_countries($data)
     if (is_null($data) || '' == $data) {
         return $data;
     if ('1' == wpmoly_o('translate-countries')) {
         $format = wpmoly_o('countries-format', array());
     } else {
         $format = array('flag', 'original');
     $data = explode(',', $data);
     foreach ($data as $i => $country) {
         $country = trim($country);
         $value = $country;
         $_value = array();
         foreach ($format as $c => $f) {
             switch ($f) {
                 case 'flag':
                     $country = WPMOLY_L10n::get_country_standard_name($country);
                     $code = WPMOLY_L10n::get_country_code($country);
                     $text = self::movie_country_flag($code, $country);
                 case 'original':
                     $text = $country;
                 case 'translated':
                     $country = WPMOLY_L10n::get_country_standard_name($country);
                     $country = __($country, 'wpmovielibrary-iso');
                     $text = $country;
                 case 'ptranslated':
                     $country = __($country, 'wpmovielibrary-iso');
                     $text = sprintf('(%s)', $country);
                 case 'poriginal':
                     $country = WPMOLY_L10n::get_country_standard_name($country);
                     $text = sprintf('(%s)', $country);
                     $text = '';
             if ('flag' != $f && '' != $text) {
                 $text = apply_filters('wpmoly_movie_meta_link', array('key' => 'production_countries', 'value' => $value, 'type' => 'meta', 'text' => $text, 'title' => sprintf(__('More movies from country %s', 'wpmovielibrary'), $text)));
             $_value[] = $text;
         $data[$i] = implode(' ', $_value);
     $data = implode(',  ', $data);
     $output = self::format_movie_field($data);
     return $output;
 private static function filter_value($value)
     if ('1' == wpmoly_o('rewrite-enable')) {
         $value = WPMOLY_L10n::untranslate_rewrite($value);
     } else {
         $value = WPMOLY_L10n::translate_rewrite($value);
     return $value;
  * Parse grid sorting parameters
  * @since    2.1.1
  * @param    array    $args Query parameters
  * @return   array    Parsed parameters
 public static function parse_query_vars($vars)
     $translate = '1' == wpmoly_o('rewrite-enable');
     $defaults = array('letter', 'paged', 'columns', 'rows', 'order', 'meta', 'detail', 'value', 'view');
     $params = array();
     foreach ($defaults as $default) {
         if (isset($vars[$default])) {
             $var = $vars[$default];
             if ($translate || in_array($default, array('meta', 'detail'))) {
                 $var = WPMOLY_L10n::untranslate_rewrite($var);
             $params[$default] = $var;
     // I can haz sortingz!
     if (isset($vars['sorting']) && '' != $vars['sorting']) {
         $sorting = '/' . $vars['sorting'];
         $regex = array('letter' => '(\\/([0-9A-Za-z]{1}))\\/', 'number' => '(([0-9]{1,})\\:([0-9]{1,})|([0-9]{1,}))\\/?', 'order' => '(asc|desc|ASC|DESC)\\/?', 'orderby' => '(title|year|date|localdate|rating)\\/?', 'paged' => '(page\\/([0-9]{1,}))\\/?');
         // Has letter?
         $preg = preg_match("/{$regex['letter']}/", $sorting, $matches);
         if ($preg && isset($matches[2]) && '' != $matches[2]) {
             $params['letter'] = $matches[2];
         // Has number/columns?
         $preg = preg_match("/{$regex['number']}/", $sorting, $matches);
         if ($preg && (isset($matches[2]) && '' != $matches[2]) && (isset($matches[3]) && '' != $matches[3])) {
             $params['columns'] = $matches[2];
             $params['rows'] = $matches[3];
         // Has sorting?
         $preg = preg_match("/{$regex['order']}/", $sorting, $matches);
         if ($preg && isset($matches[1]) && '' != $matches[1]) {
             $params['order'] = strtoupper($matches[1]);
         $preg = preg_match("/{$regex['orderby']}/", $sorting, $matches);
         if ($preg && isset($matches[1]) && '' != $matches[1]) {
             $params['orderby'] = $matches[1];
         // Has pagination?
         $preg = preg_match("/{$regex['paged']}/", $sorting, $matches);
         if ($preg) {
             $params['paged'] = $matches[2];
     return $params;
  * Initialize the plugin by setting localization and loading public scripts
  * and styles.
  * @since    1.0
 protected function __construct()
     $this->modules = array('WPMOLY_Settings' => WPMOLY_Settings::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Cache' => WPMOLY_Cache::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_L10n' => WPMOLY_L10n::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Utils' => WPMOLY_Utils::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Movies' => WPMOLY_Movies::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Headbox' => WPMOLY_Headbox::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Search' => WPMOLY_Search::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Collections' => WPMOLY_Collections::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Genres' => WPMOLY_Genres::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Actors' => WPMOLY_Actors::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Archives' => WPMOLY_Archives::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Shortcodes' => WPMOLY_Shortcodes::get_instance(), 'WPMOLY_Legacy' => WPMOLY_Legacy::get_instance());
     $this->widgets = array('WPMOLY_Statistics_Widget', 'WPMOLY_Taxonomies_Widget', 'WPMOLY_Details_Widget', 'WPMOLY_Movies_Widget');