public function checkSetup($page = false) { global $pagenow; // check if cURL is loaded if (!self::isCurlLoaded()) { return false; } // check for windows server // if ( self::isWindowsServer() ) return false; self::isWindowsServer($page); // create folders if neccessary // if ( self::checkFolders() ) return false; // check for updates self::checkForUpdates(); // check if cron is working properly self::checkCron(); // check if PHP, WooCommerce and WP are up to date self::checkVersions(); // check for multisite installation // if ( self::checkMultisite() ) return false; // setup wizard // if ( self::getOption('amazon_token') == '' ) { if ('1' == self::getOption('setup_next_step') && $page != 'settings') { $msg1 = __('You have not linked WP-Lister to your Amazon account yet.', 'wpla'); $msg2 = __('To complete the setup procedure go to %s and follow the instructions.', 'wpla'); $link = '<a href="admin.php?page=wpla-settings">' . __('Settings', 'wpla') . '</a>'; $msg2 = sprintf($msg2, $link); $msg = "<p><b>{$msg1}</b></p><p>{$msg2}</p>"; wpla_show_message($msg); // update_option('wpla_setup_next_step', '0'); } // db upgrade WPLA_UpgradeHelper::upgradeDB(); // clean db // self::cleanDB(); }
public function upgradeTablesUTF8MB4() { global $wpdb; // get list of our tables $tables = $wpdb->get_col("SHOW TABLES LIKE '{$wpdb->prefix}amazon_%'"); if (empty($tables)) { wpla_show_message('no tables found.', 'error'); return; } // convert all tables foreach ($tables as $table) { $converted = WPLA_UpgradeHelper::convert_custom_table_to_utf8mb4($table); if ($converted) { wpla_show_message('Table <i>' . $table . '</i> was converted.'); } else { wpla_show_message('Table <i>' . $table . '</i> was not converted.', 'error'); } } }