/** * Wrapper of Var_Dump * @param mixed any kind of eepression * @return void */ function epVarDump($var) { static $vd; if (epIsWebRun()) { include_once 'Var_Dump.php'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Table')); Var_Dump::display($var); } else { var_dump($var); } }
function varDump($var) { $available = HTML_Progress2_Generator::isIncludeable('Var_Dump.php'); if ($available) { include_once 'Var_Dump.php'; Var_Dump::display($var, false, array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Table')); } else { echo '<pre style="background-color:#eee; color:#000; padding:1em;">'; var_dump($var); echo '</pre>'; } }
function dump($var) { $trace = debug_backtrace(); echo "<div style=\"text-align:left\">dump() in {$trace[0]['file']}:{$trace[0]['line']}</div>"; //include_once 'Var_Dump.php'; if (class_exists('Var_Dump')) { Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Table')); Var_Dump::display($var); } else { echo "<pre style=\"text-align:left\">"; var_dump($var); echo "</pre>"; } }
<html> <style> /* style for XHTML_Text */ pre.var_dump { line-height:1.8em; } pre.var_dump span.type { color:#006600; background:transparent; } pre.var_dump span.value { padding:2px; color:#339900; background:#F0F0F0; border: 1px dashed #CCCCCC; } </style> <body> <?php include_once 'Var_Dump.php'; echo '<h1>example5.php : Text displaying modes</h1>'; /* * example5.php : Text displaying modes * */ $fileHandler = tmpfile(); $linkedArray = array(0 => 'John', 11 => 'Jack', 127 => 'Bill'); $array = array('key-1' => 'The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog', 'key-2' => array('long-key' => &$linkedArray, 'file' => $fileHandler), 'long-key-3' => 234); echo '<h2>Compact mode (offset 4)</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Text'), array('mode' => 'compact', 'offset' => 4)); Var_Dump::display($array); echo '<h2>Normal mode (offset 4)</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Text'), array('mode' => 'normal', 'offset' => 4)); Var_Dump::display($array); echo '<h2>Wide mode (offset 4)</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Text'), array('mode' => 'wide', 'offset' => 4)); Var_Dump::display($array); fclose($fileHandler); ?> </body> </html>
if ($opts['example']['display']) { Var_Dump::display($example); } if ($opts['example']['fetch']) { $example->fetchmode = DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC; $result = $example->select('list'); Var_Dump::display($result); } $form =& $example->getForm(null, 'mydata', null); $form->addElement('submit', 'op', 'Submit'); //Var_dump::display($form); echo "<html><head><title>bogotest</title></head><body>\n"; // test recasting $values = $form->exportValues(); $example->recast($values['mydata']); Var_Dump::display($values); // test validation and insert if ($form->validate()) { $values = $form->exportValues(); Var_Dump::display($values['mydata']); $result = $example->insert($values['mydata']); Var_Dump::display($result); } $form->display(); echo "\n<hr />\n"; $example->fetchmode = DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC; $list = $example->select('list'); Var_Dump::display($list); $result = $example->insert(array('xvarchar' => null, 'xchar' => 'a', 'xdecimal' => '', 'xsingle' => null, 'xdouble' => null, 'xint' => 1)); Var_Dump::display($result); echo "\n</body></html>";
/** * Display final results * * Display final results, when data source parsing is over. * * @access public * @return void * @since version 1.8.0b2 (2008-06-03) */ function display() { $o = $this->args['output-level']; $v = $this->args['verbose']; $data = $this->parseData; $src = $this->_parser->dataSource; if ($data === false) { // invalid data source if ($this->driver == 'PHP') { var_export($data); } else { Var_Dump::display($data); } return; } $options = $this->_parser->options; if (isset($this->args['dir'])) { $files = $this->_parser->getFilelist($this->args['dir'], $options); } elseif (isset($this->args['file'])) { $files = array($this->args['file']); } elseif ($src['dataType'] == 'directory') { $files = $src['dataSource']; } elseif ($src['dataType'] == 'file') { $files = array($src['dataSource']); } else { $files = $src['dataSource']; } if ($options['is_string'] == true) { foreach ($files as $k => $str) { $files[$k] = 'string_' . ($k + 1); } } if ($o & 16) { // display Version } else { unset($data['version'], $data['max_version']); } if ($o & 1) { // display Conditions } else { unset($data['cond_code']); } if ($o & 2) { // display Extensions } else { unset($data['extensions']); } if ($o & 4) { if ($o & 8) { // display Constants/Tokens } else { // display Constants unset($data['tokens']); } } else { unset($data['constants']); if ($o & 8) { // display Tokens } else { unset($data['tokens']); } } if ($v & 4 || $options['debug'] == true) { // display Functions } else { unset($data['functions']); } if (count($files) > 1) { if ($this->args['summarize'] === true) { foreach ($files as $file) { unset($data[$file]); } } else { foreach ($files as $file) { if ($o & 16) { // display Version } else { unset($data[$file]['version'], $data[$file]['max_version']); } if ($o & 1) { // display Conditions } else { unset($data[$file]['cond_code']); } if ($o & 2) { // display Extensions } else { unset($data[$file]['extensions']); } if ($o & 4) { if ($o & 8) { // display Constants/Tokens } else { // display Constants unset($data[$file]['tokens']); } } else { unset($data[$file]['constants']); if ($o & 8) { // display Tokens } else { unset($data[$file]['tokens']); } } if ($v & 4 || $options['debug'] == true) { // display Functions } else { unset($data[$file]['functions']); } } } } if ($this->driver == 'PHP') { var_export($data); } else { Var_Dump::display($data); } }
<?php include_once 'Var_Dump.php'; echo '<h1>example6.php : Globals</h1>'; /* * example6.php : Globals * */ Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Text'), array('mode' => 'normal', 'offset' => 4)); Var_Dump::display($GLOBALS);
* */ $fileHandler = tmpfile(); $linkedArray = array(TRUE, 123, 123.45); $array = array('key1' => 'The quick brown' . "\n" . 'fox jumped over' . "\n" . 'the lazy dog', 'key2' => &$linkedArray, 'key3' => NULL, 'key4' => $fileHandler); echo '<h2>Text</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'Text')); echo '<pre>'; Var_Dump::display($array); echo '</pre>'; echo '<h2>HTML4_Table</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Table'), array('show_eol' => '•')); Var_Dump::display($array); echo '<h2>HTML4_Text</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Text'), array('show_eol' => '•')); Var_Dump::display($array); echo '<h2>XHTML_Table</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'XHTML_Table')); Var_Dump::display($array); echo '<h2>XHTML_Text</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'XHTML_Text')); Var_Dump::display($array); echo '<h2>XML</h2>'; Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'XML')); echo '<pre>'; echo htmlspecialchars(Var_Dump::display($array, TRUE)); echo '</pre>'; fclose($fileHandler); ?> </body> </html>
function var_dump2($obj) { Var_Dump::display($obj); }
$updateApp = $admin->perm->updateApplication($data, $filters); if ($updateApp === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } else { echo '<strong>App2</strong> was updated<br />'; $params = array('filters' => array('application_id' => $applications[$id]['application_id'])); $result = $admin->perm->getApplications($params); if ($result === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($result)) { echo 'No applications were found<br />'; } else { Var_Dump::display($result); } } // Get $applications = $admin->perm->getApplications(); if ($applications === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($applications)) { echo 'No applications were found<br />'; } else { echo 'These are our current applications:'; Var_Dump::display($applications); echo '<br />'; } } echo '<hr />';
function execute() { $return = new stdClass(); $params = Request::_REQUEST(); Config::set("HideDebugger", true); //comment this out to debug if (isset($params["id"])) { $user = new Member($params["id"]); if (isset($user) && $user->isValid()) { // retrieve account balance based on transactions $user_balance = 0.0; $user_commission = 0.0; /* $Referral_Join = DBObject::collection("Referral"); $Member_Join = DBObject::collection("Member"); $Member_Vendor_Join = DBObject::collection("Member"); $Transactions = DBObject::collection("Transaction") ->applyJoin("LEFT OUTER", $Referral_Join, array("ReferralID", "AutoID")) ->applyJoin("LEFT OUTER", $Member_Join, array("UserID", "AutoID")) ->applyJoin("LEFT OUTER", $Member_Vendor_Join, array("VendorID", "AutoID")) ->applyUserIDFilter($user->getID()); Debugger::log(Var_Dump::display($Transactions->getTransactions(), true)); */ $q = "SELECT\n\t\t\t\tt.`amount`,\n\t\t\t\tr.*,\n\t\t\t\tCONCAT(user.`userFirstname`, CONCAT(' ',user.`userLastname`)) as _from,\n\t\t\t\tCONCAT(vendor.`userFirstname`, CONCAT(' ',vendor.`userLastname`)) as _to\n\t\t\tFROM `transactions` t\n\n\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN `referrals` r\n\t\t\t\tON (t.`ReferralID` = r.`AutoID`)\n\n\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN `user_signup` user\n\t\t\t\tON (r.`UserID` = user.`AutoID`)\n\n\t\t\tLEFT OUTER JOIN `user_signup` vendor\n\t\t\t\tON (r.`VendorID` = vendor.`AutoID`)\n\n\t\t\tWHERE t.`UserID` ='" . $user->getID() . "'"; $user_transactions = DatabaseFactory::passinggreen_db()->query($q); Debugger::log(Var_Dump::display($user_transactions, true)); while ($user_transactions_row = $user_transactions->fetch_object()) { if ($user_transactions_row->UserID == $user->getID()) { $user_balance += $user_transactions_row->amount; //$referrals_passed[] = $row; } else { if ($user_transactions_row->VendorID == $user->getID()) { $user_commission += $user_transactions_row->amount; //$referrals_received[] = $row; } } #else #echo "PG.com +".$row->amount."<br>"; #echo "<pre>".print_r($row, true)."</pre>"; } // referrals $user_referrals_passed = DBObject::collection("Referral", DBObject::CONSISTENCY_ABSOLUTE)->applyUserIDFilter($user->getID())->getReferralCount(); $user_referrals_received = DBObject::collection("Referral", DBObject::CONSISTENCY_ABSOLUTE)->applyVendorIDFilter($user->getID())->getReferralCount(); Debugger::log("refs passed: {$user_referrals_passed}"); Debugger::log("refs recvd: {$user_referrals_received}"); // decrypt cc field if it is not empty $user_crypt_key = CryptKey::findCryptKeyByUserID($user->getID()); if (isset($user_crypt_key) && $user_crypt_key->isValid()) { Debugger::log("User crypt private key: " . $user_crypt_key->getKey()); $decoded_cc_data = unserialize(TwoWayEncryption::decrypt($user->getCC(), $user_crypt_key->getKey())); } else { $decoded_cc_data = null; } $return->id = $user->getID(); // object id $return->user = $user->toArray(); // set the base return, values can be overridden below. $return->user["userCompanyType[]"] = $user->getUserCompanyType(); $return->user["siteAreas[]"] = $user->getSiteAreas(); $return->user["passwd"] = null; $return->user["balance"] = number_format($user_balance, 2); if (!is_null($decoded_cc_data)) { $return->user["ccc"] = $decoded_cc_data["details"]; $return->user["ccc_status"] = $decoded_cc_data["status"]; $return->user["ccc_tcode"] = $decoded_cc_data["tcode"]; $return->user["ccc_name"] = $decoded_cc_data["name"]; $return->user["ccc_ccNum"] = $decoded_cc_data["ccNum"]; $return->user["ccc_MM"] = $decoded_cc_data["MM"]; $return->user["ccc_YY"] = $decoded_cc_data["YY"]; $return->user["ccc_ccCode"] = $decoded_cc_data["ccCODE"]; } $return->user["referralsPassed"] = $user_referrals_passed; $return->user["referralsReceived"] = $user_referrals_received; $return->user["accountBalance"] = number_format($user_balance, 2); $return->user["commissionDue"] = number_format($user_commission, 2); echo json_encode($return); return; } else { $return->error = "ID is invalid."; echo json_encode($return); return; } } else { $return->error = "Missing ID!"; echo json_encode($return); return; } }
/** * Debug output * * <code> * Panda_Debug::p * 出力モードを指定して変数を出力します * </code> * * @param mixed $values any values * @param string $ouputMode 'var' | 'export' | 'syslog' | 'fire' dafult is 'print_a' * @param array $options options * * @return void */ public static function p($values = '', $ouputMode = null, array $options = array()) { if (!self::$enable) { return; } if (isset($options['return']) && $options['return'] === true) { ob_start(); } // Roならarrayに if (class_exists('BEAR_Ro', false) && $values instanceof BEAR_Ro) { $values = array('code' => $values->getCode(), 'headers' => $values->header, 'body' => $values->body, 'links' => $values->links); } if ($ouputMode === null && is_scalar($values)) { $ouputMode = 'dump'; } $trace = isset($options['trace']) ? $options['trace'] : debug_backtrace(); $file = $trace[0]['file']; $line = $trace[0]['line']; $includePath = explode(":", get_include_path()); $method = isset($trace[1]['class']) ? " ({$trace[1]['class']}" . '::' . "{$trace[1]['function']})" : ''; $fileArray = file($file, FILE_USE_INCLUDE_PATH); $p = trim($fileArray[$line - 1]); unset($fileArray); preg_match("/p\\((.+)[\\s,\\)]/is", $p, $matches); $varName = isset($matches[1]) ? $matches[1] : ''; $label = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : "{$varName} in {$file} on line {$line}{$method}"; if (strlen(serialize($values)) > 1000000) { $ouputMode = 'dump'; } $label = is_object($values) ? ucwords(get_class($values)) . " {$label}" : $label; // if CLI if (PHP_SAPI === 'cli') { $colorOpenReverse = "[7;32m"; $colorOpenBold = "[1;32m"; $colorOpenPlain = "[0;32m"; $colorClose = "[0m"; echo $colorOpenReverse . "{$varName}" . $colorClose . " = "; var_dump($values); echo $colorOpenPlain . "in {$colorOpenBold}{$file}{$colorClose}{$colorOpenPlain} on line {$line}{$method}" . $colorClose . "\n"; return; } if (Panda::isCliOutput()) { if (class_exists('FB', false)) { $ouputMode = 'fire'; } else { $ouputMode = 'syslog'; } } $labelField = '<fieldset style="color:#4F5155; border:1px solid black;padding:2px;width:10px;">'; $labelField .= '<legend style="color:black;font-size:9pt;font-weight:bold;font-family:Verdana,'; $labelField .= 'Arial,,SunSans-Regular,sans-serif;">' . $label . '</legend>'; switch ($ouputMode) { case 'v': case 'var': if (class_exists('Var_Dump', false)) { Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Text')); print $labelField; Var_Dump::display($values); } else { ob_start(); var_export($values); $var = ob_get_clean(); print $labelField; echo "<pre>" . $var . '</pre>'; } print "</fieldset>"; break; case 'd': case 'dump': $file = "<a style=\"color:gray; text-decoration:none;\" target=\"_blank\" href=/__panda/edit/?file={$file}&line={$line}>{$file}</a>"; $dumpLabel = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : "in <span style=\"color:gray\">{$file}</span> on line {$line}{$method}"; echo self::dump($values, null, array('label' => $dumpLabel, 'var_name' => $varName)); break; case 'e': case 'export': echo "{$labelField}<pre>" . var_export($values, true); echo '</fieldset></pre>'; break; case 'h': case 'header': header("x-panda-{$label}", print_r($values, true)); break; case 's': case 'syslog': syslog(LOG_DEBUG, "label:{$label}" . print_r($values, true)); break; case 'f': case 'fire': if (class_exists('FB', false)) { $label = isset($options['label']) ? $options['label'] : 'p() in ' . $trace[0]['file'] . ' on line ' . $trace[0]['line']; FB::group($label); FB::error($values); FB::groupEnd(); } break; case null: case 'printa': case 'print_a': default: $options = "max_y:100;pickle:1;label:{$label}"; print_a($values, $options); } if (isset($options['return']) && $options['return'] === true) { return ob_get_clean(); } }
PEAR::setErrorHandling(PEAR_ERROR_PRINT); $id = $_REQUEST['id']; $type = $_REQUEST['type']; if (!$id) { $id = 1; } if (!$type) { $type = 'folder'; } //$node = new node(2, 'article'); $module = new module($id, $type); echo '<h1>' . $module->getTitle() . '</h1>'; $parents = $module->getParent(); if ($parents) { foreach ($parents as $parent) { echo '<li>..<a href="module.test.php?id=' . $parent->getId() . '&type=' . $parent->getType() . '">' . $parent->getTitle() . '</a>'; } } $childs = $module->getChild(); if ($childs) { foreach ($childs as $child) { echo '<li><a href="module.test.php?id=' . $child->getId() . '&type=' . $child->getType() . '">' . $child->getTitle() . '</a> '; if ($child->get('locale')) { echo '(locale : ' . $child->get('locale') . ')'; } } } echo $module->debug(); Var_Dump::display($_REQUEST); //$test_module = new module(5, 'folder'); //$module->addParent($test_module);
echo '<br />'; } $user = array_rand($users); echo 'Test fetching auth_user_id AND perm_user_id with PERM getUsers()<br />'; echo 'Auth<br />'; $params = array('filters' => array('auth_user_id' => $users[$user]['auth_user_id'])); $user = $admin->auth->getUsers($params); if ($user === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($user)) { echo 'No user was found.'; } else { Var_Dump::display($user); echo '<br />'; } unset($user); echo 'Perm<br />'; $params = array('filters' => array('perm_user_id' => '3')); $user = $admin->perm->getUsers($params); if ($user === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($user)) { echo 'No user was found.<br />'; } else { Var_Dump::display($user); echo '<br />'; } } echo '<hr />';
echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } else { echo '<b>' . $users[$user]['name'] . '</b> was removed from group <b>' . $groups[$group]['group_id'] . '</b><br />'; } // Remove user from all his groups $user = array_rand($users); $filters = array('perm_user_id' => $users[$user]['perm_user_id']); $removed = $admin->perm->removeUserFromGroup($filters); if ($removed === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } else { echo '<b>' . $users[$user]['name'] . '</b> was removed from <b>ALL</b> his groups<br />'; } // Get users from all groups foreach ($groups as $group) { $params = array('filters' => array('group_id' => $group['group_id'])); $usersGroup = $admin->perm->getGroups($params); if ($usersGroup === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($usersGroup)) { echo 'No users were found for the group id <strong>' . $group['group_id'] . '</strong>'; } else { echo 'Perm ID\'s of the users in group <b>' . $group['group_id'] . '</b><br />'; Var_Dump::display($usersGroup); echo '<br />'; } } echo '<hr />';
function debug_var($var) { @(include_once 'Var_Dump.php'); if (class_exists('Var_Dump')) { Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Text'), array('mode' => 'normal', 'offset' => 3, 'before_type' => '<font color="#006600">', 'after_type' => '</font>', 'before_value' => '<font color="#000088">', 'after_value' => '</font>')); Var_Dump::display($var); } else { echo "<pre>\n"; print_r($var); echo "</pre>\n"; } }
/** * Dumps a var with PEAR::Var_Dump. * * @param mixed $var The variable to dump * @param string $title An optional title * * @return void */ public static function varDump($var, $title = '') { echo $title ? '<h3><tt>' . $title . '</tt></h3>' : ''; $debug_type = JComponentHelper::getParams('com_easycreator')->get('ecr_debug_type', 'easy'); if ($debug_type == 'krumo') { ecrLoadHelper('krumo_0_2.krumo'); krumo::dump($var); return; } include_once 'Var_Dump.php'; if (class_exists('Var_Dump')) { Var_Dump::displayInit(array('display_mode' => 'HTML4_Table'), array('show_caption' => FALSE, 'bordercolor' => '#ccc', 'bordersize' => '2', 'captioncolor' => 'black', 'cellpadding' => '8', 'cellspacing' => '5', 'color1' => '#000', 'color2' => '#000', 'before_num_key' => '<span style="color: #fff; font-weight: bold;">', 'after_num_key' => '</span>', 'before_str_key' => '<span style="color: #5450cc; font-weight: bold;">', 'after_str_key' => '</span>', 'before_value' => '<span style="color: #5450cc;">', 'after_value' => '</span>')); Var_Dump::display($var); } else { echo '<pre>' . print_r($var, true) . '</pre>'; } }
$prepared_query = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(?,?,?)'); foreach ($alldata as $row) { echo 'running execute<br>'; $db->execute($prepared_query, $row); } // lets try an prepare execute combo $alldata = array(array(5, 'five', 'cinq'), array(6, 'six', 'six'), array(7, 'seven', 'sept'), array(8, 'eight', 'huit')); $prepared_query = $db->prepare('INSERT INTO numbers VALUES(?,?,?)'); $db->executeMultiple($prepared_query, $alldata); echo 'running executeMultiple<br>'; $array = array(4); echo '<br>see getOne in action:<br>'; echo Var_Dump::display($db->getOne('SELECT trans_en FROM numbers WHERE number = ?', $array)) . '<br>'; // You can disconnect from the database with: echo '<br>see getRow in action:<br>'; echo Var_Dump::display($db->getRow('SELECT * FROM numbers WHERE number = ?', $array)) . '<br>'; echo '<br>see getCol in action:<br>'; echo Var_Dump::display($db->getCol('SELECT * FROM numbers', 1)) . '<br>'; echo '<br>see getAll in action:<br>'; echo Var_Dump::display($db->getAll('SELECT * FROM test')) . '<br>'; echo '<br>see getAssoc in action:<br>'; echo Var_Dump::display($db->getAssoc('SELECT * FROM test', false, null, DB_FETCHMODE_ASSOC)) . '<br>'; echo 'tableInfo on a string:<br>'; echo Var_Dump::display($db->tableInfo('numbers')) . '<br>'; echo '<br>just a simple delete query:<br>'; echo Var_Dump::display($db->query('UPDATE numbers set trans_en = 0')) . '<br>'; echo '<br>affected rows:<br>'; echo $db->affectedRows() . '<br>'; echo '<br>just a simple delete query:<br>'; echo Var_Dump::display($db->query('DELETE FROM numbers')) . '<br>'; $db->disconnect();
} $recursiveObject = new c_parent(); Var_Dump::display($recursiveObject); /* * Displays a classic object */ echo '<h2>Object (Classic)</h2>'; class test { var $foo = 0; var $bar = ''; function get_foo() { return $this->foo; } function get_bar() { return $this->bar; } } $object = new test(); $object->foo = 753; $object->bar = '357'; Var_Dump::display($object); fclose($fileHandler); ?> </body> </html>
function printVar($var, $info = '') { if (ClubBase::isError(ClubBase::loadClass('var_dump', CLUB_CLASS_PATH))) { return false; } if (!empty($info)) { print "<H2>{$info}</H2>"; } Var_Dump::display($var); return true; }
$updated = $admin->perm->updateGroupRight($data, $filters); if ($updated === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } else { echo 'Updated the right level of <strong>' . $groups[$group]['group_id'] . '</strong><br />'; $params = array('fields' => array('right_id'), 'filters' => array('right_id' => $rights_group[$right]['right_id'], 'group_id' => $groups[$group]['group_id']), 'by_group' => true); $result = $admin->perm->getRights($params); if ($result === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($result)) { echo 'Nothing was found with the right id <strong>' . $rights_group[$right]['right_id'] . '</strong> and group id <strong>' . $groups[$group]['group_id'] . '</strong><br />'; } else { Var_Dump::display($result); } } } $params = array('fields' => array('right_id', 'group_id'), 'with' => array('group_id' => array('fields' => array('group_id', 'right_level'))), 'by_group' => true); $allGroups = $admin->perm->getRights($params); echo 'Here are all the group rights after the changes:<br />'; if ($allGroups === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($allGroups)) { echo 'Found no groups<br />'; } else { Var_Dump::display($allGroups); } echo '<hr />';
$warnings = $manager->getWarnings(); if (count($warnings) > 0) { echo 'Warnings<br>'; if (class_exists('Var_Dump')) { Var_Dump::display($warnings); } else { var_dump($warnings); } } if ($manager->db->getOption('debug')) { echo 'Debug messages<br>'; echo $manager->db->debugOutput() . '<br>'; } echo 'Database structure<br>'; if (class_exists('Var_Dump')) { Var_Dump::display($manager->database_definition); } else { var_dump($manager->database_definition); } $manager->disconnect(); } } if (!isset($_REQUEST['submit']) || isset($error)) { if (isset($error) && $error) { echo $error . '<br>'; } echo ' <form action="reverse_engineer_xml_schema.php"> Database Type: <select name="type"> <option value="mysql"';
<?php require_once 'index.php'; ?> <h3>outputRightsConstants</h3> <?php $rights = $admin->perm->outputRightsConstants('array', array('naming' => LIVEUSER_SECTION_APPLICATION), 'php'); Var_Dump::display($rights);
head("\$ftp->get({$singleTestFile}, {$baseDir}{$singleTestFile}, true)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->get($singleTestFile, $baseDir . $singleTestFile, true)); head("\$ftp->chmod({$singleTestFile}, 700)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->chmod($singleTestFile, 700)); head("\$ftp->ls(null, NET_FTP_FILES_ONLY)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->ls(null, NET_FTP_FILES_ONLY)); head("\$ftp->cd('../')"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->cd('../')); head("\$ftp->chmodRecursive({$baseDir}, 777)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->chmodRecursive($baseDir, 777)); head("\$ftp->ls(null, NET_FTP_DIRS_ONLY)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->ls(null, NET_FTP_DIRS_ONLY)); head("\$ftp->putRecursive({$baseDir}{$testUpDir}, {$baseDir}{$testUpDir})"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->putRecursive($baseDir . $testUpDir, $baseDir . $testUpDir)); head("\$ftp->putRecursive({$baseDir}{$testUpDir}, {$baseDir}{$testUpDir})"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->putRecursive($baseDir . $testUpDir, $baseDir . $testUpDir, true)); head("\$ftp->cd({$baseDir}:{$testUpDir})"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->cd($baseDir . $testUpDir)); head("\$ftp->ls(null, NET_FTP_DIRS_FILES)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->ls(null, NET_FTP_DIRS_FILES)); head("\$ftp->cd(../../)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->cd('../../')); head("\$ftp->getRecursive({$baseDir}{$testUpDir}, {$baseDir}{$testDownDir})"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->getRecursive($baseDir . $testUpDir, $baseDir . $testDownDir, true)); head("\$ftp->rm({$baseDir}, true)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->rm($baseDir, true)); head("\$ftp->ls(null, NET_FTP_DIRS_ONLY)"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->ls(null, NET_FTP_DIRS_ONLY)); head("\$ftp->disconnect()"); Var_Dump::display($ftp->disconnect());
function echoQuery(&$db, $scope, $message) { Var_Dump::display($scope . ': ' . $message); }
echo '<h3>Translation</h3>'; $groups = $admin->perm->getGroups(array('fields' => array('group_id'), 'select' => 'col')); if (empty($groups)) { echo 'Run the <strong>Group</strong> test first<br />'; exit; } $admin->perm->removeTranslation(array('section_type' => LIVEUSER_SECTION_GROUP)); foreach ($groups as $group_id) { $data = array('section_id' => $group_id, 'section_type' => LIVEUSER_SECTION_GROUP, 'language_id' => 'de', 'name' => 'Name of ' . $group_id . 'is ' . md5(uniqid(rand())), 'description' => 'Description of ' . $group_id . 'is ' . md5(uniqid(rand()))); $translation_id = $admin->perm->addTranslation($data); if ($translation_id === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } else { echo 'added translation for group <strong>' . $group_id . '</strong> with the translation id <strong>' . $translation_id . '</strong><br />'; } } // Get echo 'All the groups with translation:<br />'; $groups = $admin->perm->getGroups(array('fields' => array('group_id', 'name', 'description'))); if ($groups === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($groups)) { echo 'No groups were found<br />'; } else { Var_Dump::display($groups); echo '<br />'; } echo '<hr />';
$upArea = $admin->perm->updateArea($data, $filters); if ($upArea === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } else { echo '<strong>Area2</strong> was updated<br />'; $params = array('filters' => array('area_id' => $areas[$id]['area_id'])); $result = $admin->perm->getAreas($params); if ($result === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($result)) { echo 'No areas were found<br />'; } else { Var_Dump::display($result); } } // Get $areas = $admin->perm->getAreas(); if ($areas === false) { echo '<strong>Error on line: ' . __LINE__ . '</strong><br />'; print_r($admin->getErrors()); } elseif (empty($areas)) { echo 'No areas were found<br />'; } else { echo 'These are our current areas:'; Var_Dump::display($areas); echo '<br />'; } } echo '<hr />';