Esempio n. 1
  * @brief auto hash passwords when other plugins use the model with a different alias
  * Auth does not auto has the pw field when the alias is not User, so we 
  * have to do it here so that it seems auto for other plugins.
  * @param array $options see parent::beforeValidate
  * @return parent::beforeValidate
 public function beforeValidate($options)
     if (!empty($this->data[$this->alias]['confirm_password'])) {
         $this->data[$this->alias]['password'] = Security::hash($this->data[$this->alias]['password'], null, true);
     return parent::beforeValidate($options);
Esempio n. 2
  * Called during validation operations, before validation. Please note that custom
  * validation rules can be defined in $validate.
  * @param array $options Options passed from Model::save().
  * @return bool True if validate operation should continue, false to abort
  * @link
  * @see Model::save()
 public function beforeValidate($options = array())
     $this->validate = Hash::merge($this->validate, array('username' => array('notBlank' => array('rule' => array('notBlank'), 'message' => sprintf(__d('net_commons', 'Please input %s.'), __d('users', 'username')), 'required' => true), 'regex' => array('rule' => array('custom', '/[\\w]+/'), 'message' => sprintf(__d('net_commons', 'Only alphabets and numbers are allowed to use for %s.'), __d('users', 'username')), 'allowEmpty' => false, 'required' => true)), 'role_key' => array('notBlank' => array('rule' => array('notBlank'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.')))));
     if (isset($this->data['User']['password']) && $this->data['User']['password'] !== '' || !isset($this->data['User']['id'])) {
         $this->validate = Hash::merge($this->validate, array('password' => array('notBlank' => array('rule' => array('notBlank'), 'message' => sprintf(__d('net_commons', 'Please input %s.'), __d('users', 'password')), 'required' => true), 'regex' => array('rule' => array('custom', '/[\\w]+/'), 'message' => sprintf(__d('net_commons', 'Only alphabets and numbers are allowed to use for %s.'), __d('users', 'password')), 'allowEmpty' => false, 'required' => true)), 'password_again' => array('equalToField' => array('rule' => array('equalToField', 'password'), 'message' => 'Password does not match. Please try again.', 'allowEmpty' => false, 'required' => true))));
     return parent::beforeValidate($options);
  * Called during validation operations, before validation. Please note that custom
  * validation rules can be defined in $validate.
  * @param array $options Options passed from Model::save().
  * @return bool True if validate operation should continue, false to abort
  * @link
  * @see Model::save()
 public function beforeValidate($options = array())
     $this->validate = Hash::merge($this->validate, array('language_id' => array('numeric' => array('rule' => array('numeric'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.'), 'required' => true)), 'user_attribute_id' => array('numeric' => array('rule' => array('numeric'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.'), 'required' => true, 'on' => 'update')), 'name' => array('notBlank' => array('rule' => array('notBlank'), 'message' => sprintf(__d('net_commons', 'Please input %s.'), __d('user_attributes', 'Item choice name')), 'required' => true)), 'key' => array('notBlank' => array('rule' => array('notBlank'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.'), 'required' => true, 'on' => 'update')), 'weight' => array('numeric' => array('rule' => array('numeric'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.')))));
     return parent::beforeValidate($options);
Esempio n. 4
  * Called during validation operations, before validation. Please note that custom
  * validation rules can be defined in $validate.
  * @param array $options Options passed from Model::save().
  * @return bool True if validate operation should continue, false to abort
  * @link
  * @see Model::save()
 public function beforeValidate($options = array())
     $this->validate = Hash::merge($this->validate, array('user_id' => array('numeric' => array('rule' => array('numeric'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.'), 'allowEmpty' => false, 'required' => false, 'on' => 'update')), 'language_id' => array('numeric' => array('rule' => array('numeric'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.'), 'allowEmpty' => false, 'required' => false))));
     return parent::beforeValidate($options);
Esempio n. 5
  * バリデーションのセット
  * - ログインIDとパスワードのバリデーションルールをセットする。<br>
  * その他のUserモデルのバリデーションルールのセットは、
  * [Users.SaveUserBehavior::beforeValidate](../../Users/classes/SaveUserBehavior.html#method_beforeValidate)
  * で行う。<br>
  * また、UsersLanguageのバリデーションも実施する。
  * - 自動登録のバリデーションの初期値のセットは、
  * [Auth.AutoUserRegist::validateRequest](../../Users/classes/SaveUserBehavior.html#method_validateRequest)
  * で行う。
  * @param array $options Model::save()のオプション
  * @return bool
  * @link
  * @see Model::save()
 public function beforeValidate($options = array())
     $this->loadModels(['UsersLanguage' => 'Users.UsersLanguage']);
     if (isset($this->data['UsersLanguage'])) {
         $usersLanguage = $this->data['UsersLanguage'];
         if (!$this->UsersLanguage->validateMany($usersLanguage)) {
             $this->validationErrors = Hash::merge($this->validationErrors, $this->UsersLanguage->validationErrors);
             return false;
     return parent::beforeValidate($options);
Esempio n. 6
  * Called during validation operations, before validation. Please note that custom
  * validation rules can be defined in $validate.
  * @param array $options Options passed from Model::save().
  * @return bool True if validate operation should continue, false to abort
  * @link
  * @see Model::save()
 public function beforeValidate($options = array())
     $this->validate = Hash::merge($this->validate, array('user_id' => array('numeric' => array('rule' => array('numeric'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.'))), 'select_count' => array('numeric' => array('rule' => array('numeric'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.'), 'required' => false)), 'created_user' => array('numeric' => array('rule' => array('numeric'), 'message' => __d('net_commons', 'Invalid request.')))));
     return parent::beforeValidate($options);