Esempio n. 1
 private function contact()
     global $wgEmergencyContact;
     $this->getOutput()->setPageTitle('Contact Us | SettleIn');
     $data = array();
     if ($this->getRequest()->wasPosted()) {
         $name = $this->getRequest()->getVal('name');
         $email = $this->getRequest()->getVal('email');
         $message = $this->getRequest()->getVal('message');
         $reason = $this->getRequest()->getVal('reason');
         $reason = wfMessage('settlein-skin-project-page-contact-field-reason-value-' . ((int) $reason + 1))->plain();
         $to = new MailAddress($wgEmergencyContact);
         $from = new MailAddress($email, $name);
         $subject = "New request from SettleIn website";
         $body = "Reason: " . $reason . "\n\n" . $message;
         UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body);
         return false;
     } else {
         if ($this->getRequest()->getVal('success')) {
             $html = Views::forge('contactpost_new', $data);
         } else {
             $html = Views::forge('contact_new', $data);
Esempio n. 2
 public function execute($subpage)
     global $wgRequest, $wgForceSendgridEmail, $wgForceSchwartzEmail;
     // Don't allow just anybody to use this
     if ($this->mChallengeToken != $wgRequest->getVal('challenge')) {
         header("Status: 400");
         header("Content-type: text/plain");
         print "Challenge incorrect";
     // Make sure we get an email address
     $this->mAccount = $wgRequest->getVal('account');
     if (!$this->mAccount) {
         header("Status: 400");
         header("Content-type: text/plain");
         print "Parameter 'account' required";
     # These two both have defaults
     $this->mText = $wgRequest->getVal('text', $this->mText);
     $this->mConfirmToken = $wgRequest->getVal('token', $this->mConfirmToken);
     $wgForceSendgridEmail = $wgRequest->getVal('force') == 'sendgrid';
     $wgForceSchwartzEmail = $wgRequest->getVal('force') == 'schwartz';
     UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($this->mAccount), new MailAddress('*****@*****.**'), "EmailTest - End to end test", $this->mConfirmToken . "\n" . $this->mText, null, null, "emailtest");
     header("Status: 200");
     header("Content-type: text/plain");
     print $this->mConfirmToken;
Esempio n. 3
  * Send a Notification to a user by email
  * @param $user User to notify.
  * @param $event EchoEvent to notify about.
  * @return bool
 public static function notifyWithEmail($user, $event)
     // No valid email address or email notification
     if (!$user->isEmailConfirmed() || $user->getOption('echo-email-frequency') < 0) {
         return false;
     // Final check on whether to send email for this user & event
     if (!wfRunHooks('EchoAbortEmailNotification', array($user, $event))) {
         return false;
     // See if the user wants to receive emails for this category or the user is eligible to receive this email
     if (in_array($event->getType(), EchoNotificationController::getUserEnabledEvents($user, 'email'))) {
         global $wgEchoEnableEmailBatch, $wgEchoNotifications, $wgNotificationSender, $wgNotificationSenderName, $wgNotificationReplyName, $wgEchoBundleEmailInterval;
         $priority = EchoNotificationController::getNotificationPriority($event->getType());
         $bundleString = $bundleHash = '';
         // We should have bundling for email digest as long as either web or email bundling is on, for example, talk page
         // email bundling is off, but if a user decides to receive email digest, we should bundle those messages
         if (!empty($wgEchoNotifications[$event->getType()]['bundle']['web']) || !empty($wgEchoNotifications[$event->getType()]['bundle']['email'])) {
             wfRunHooks('EchoGetBundleRules', array($event, &$bundleString));
         if ($bundleString) {
             $bundleHash = md5($bundleString);
         MWEchoEventLogging::logSchemaEcho($user, $event, 'email');
         // email digest notification ( weekly or daily )
         if ($wgEchoEnableEmailBatch && $user->getOption('echo-email-frequency') > 0) {
             // always create a unique event hash for those events don't support bundling
             // this is mainly for group by
             if (!$bundleHash) {
                 $bundleHash = md5($event->getType() . '-' . $event->getId());
             MWEchoEmailBatch::addToQueue($user->getId(), $event->getId(), $priority, $bundleHash);
             return true;
         $addedToQueue = false;
         // only send bundle email if email bundling is on
         if ($wgEchoBundleEmailInterval && $bundleHash && !empty($wgEchoNotifications[$event->getType()]['bundle']['email'])) {
             $bundler = MWEchoEmailBundler::newFromUserHash($user, $bundleHash);
             if ($bundler) {
                 $addedToQueue = $bundler->addToEmailBatch($event->getId(), $priority);
         // send single notification if the email wasn't added to queue for bundling
         if (!$addedToQueue) {
             // instant email notification
             $toAddress = new MailAddress($user);
             $fromAddress = new MailAddress($wgNotificationSender, $wgNotificationSenderName);
             $replyAddress = new MailAddress($wgNotificationSender, $wgNotificationReplyName);
             // Since we are sending a single email, should set the bundle hash to null
             // if it is set with a value from somewhere else
             $email = EchoNotificationController::formatNotification($event, $user, 'email', 'email');
             $subject = $email['subject'];
             $body = $email['body'];
             UserMailer::send($toAddress, $fromAddress, $subject, $body, $replyAddress);
             MWEchoEventLogging::logSchemaEchoMail($user, 'single');
     return true;
  * Quickie wrapper function for sending out an email as properly rendered
  * HTML instead of plaintext.
  * The functions in this class that call this function used to use
  * User::sendMail(), but it was causing the mentioned bug, hence why this
  * function had to be introduced.
  * @see
  * @param User $string User (object) whom to send an email
  * @param string $subject Email subject
  * @param $string $body Email contents (HTML)
  * @return Status object
 public function sendMail($user, $subject, $body)
     global $wgPasswordSender;
     $sender = new MailAddress($wgPasswordSender, wfMessage('emailsender')->inContentLanguage()->text());
     $to = new MailAddress($user);
     return UserMailer::send($to, $sender, $subject, $body, null, 'text/html; charset=UTF-8');
Esempio n. 5
 public function execute()
     $params = $this->extractRequestParams();
     // Validation
     if (!User::isValidEmailAddr($params['email'])) {
         $this->dieUsage('The email address does not appear to be valid', 'invalidemail');
     // Verification code
     $code = md5('EmailCapture' . time() . $params['email'] . $params['info']);
     // Insert
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $dbw->insert('email_capture', array('ec_email' => $params['email'], 'ec_info' => isset($params['info']) ? $params['info'] : null, 'ec_code' => $code), __METHOD__, array('IGNORE'));
     if ($dbw->affectedRows()) {
         // Send auto-response
         global $wgEmailCaptureSendAutoResponse, $wgEmailCaptureAutoResponse;
         $title = SpecialPage::getTitleFor('EmailCapture');
         $link = $title->getCanonicalURL();
         $fullLink = $title->getCanonicalURL(array('verify' => $code));
         if ($wgEmailCaptureSendAutoResponse) {
             UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($params['email']), new MailAddress($wgEmailCaptureAutoResponse['from'], $wgEmailCaptureAutoResponse['from-name']), wfMsg($wgEmailCaptureAutoResponse['subject-msg']), wfMsg($wgEmailCaptureAutoResponse['body-msg'], $fullLink, $link, $code), $wgEmailCaptureAutoResponse['reply-to'], $wgEmailCaptureAutoResponse['content-type']);
         $r = array('result' => 'Success');
     } else {
         $r = array('result' => 'Failure', 'message' => 'Duplicate email address');
     $this->getResult()->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $r);
  * Send email to external addresses
 private function sendExternalMails()
     global $wgNewUserNotifEmailTargets, $wgSitename;
     foreach ($wgNewUserNotifEmailTargets as $target) {
         UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($target), new MailAddress($this->sender), $this->makeSubject($target, $this->user), $this->makeMessage($target, $this->user));
 function sendEmail(&$u, &$content)
     global $wgServer;
     $email = $u->getEmail();
     $userText = $u->getName();
     $semi_rand = md5(time());
     $mime_boundary = "==MULTIPART_BOUNDARY_{$semi_rand}";
     $mime_boundary_header = chr(34) . $mime_boundary . chr(34);
     $userPageLink = self::getUserPageLink($userText);
     $html_text = wfMsg('tn_email_html', wfGetPad(''), $userPageLink, $content);
     $plain_text = wfMsg('tn_email_plain', $userText, $u->getTalkPage()->getFullURL());
     $body = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n--{$mime_boundary}\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n{$plain_text}\n\n--{$mime_boundary}\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n{$html_text}";
     $from = new MailAddress(wfMsg('aen_from'));
     $subject = "Congratulations! You just got a thumbs up";
     $isDev = false;
     if (strpos($_SERVER['HOSTNAME'], "") !== false || strpos($wgServer, "") !== false) {
         wfDebug("AuthorEmailNotification in dev not notifying: TO: " . $userText . ",FROM: {$from_name}\n");
         $isDev = true;
         $subject = "[FROM DEV] {$subject}";
     if (!$isDev) {
         $to = new MailAddress($email);
         UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body, null, "multipart/alternative;\n" . "     boundary=" . $mime_boundary_header);
     // send one to our test email account for debugging
     $to = new MailAddress ('*****@*****.**');
     UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body, null, "multipart/alternative;\n" .
     				"     boundary=" . $mime_boundary_header) ;
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
  * Run a SMW_NMSendMailJob job
  * @return boolean success
 function run()
     UserMailer::send($this->params['to'], $this->params['from'], $this->params['subj'], $this->params['body'], $this->params['replyto']);
     return true;
Esempio n. 9
function sendEmail() {
	$from    = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
	$to      = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
	$body    = "Test sendgrid email";
	$headers = array( "X-Msg-Category" => "Test" );
	$subject = "This is a sendgrid test";

	UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body);
Esempio n. 10
 public function execute()
     $fb = $this->getMain()->getVal('feedback');
     $user = $this->getUser();
     $subject = "用户bug反馈";
     $body = json_decode($fb);
     if ($user != '') {
         if ($body->note != '') {
             $trueSubject = $user->getName() . ":" . $body->note;
         } else {
             $trueSubject = $user->getName() . ":" . $body->note;
     } else {
         if ($body->note != '') {
             $trueSubject = $body->note;
         } else {
             $trueSubject = $subject;
     $fs = wfGetFS(FS_OSS);
     $time = microtime();
     $id = HuijiFunctions::getTradeNo('FB');
     $fs->put("Feedback/{$id}.html", $body->html);
     $data = str_replace('data:image/png;base64,', '', $body->img);
     $data = str_replace(' ', '+', $data);
     $data = base64_decode($data);
     $source_img = imagecreatefromstring($data);
     imagepng($source_img, "/tmp/{$id}.png", 3);
     $fs->put("Feedback/{$id}.png", file_get_contents("/tmp/{$id}.png"));
     $trueBody = $this->getSection('Issue');
     $trueBody .= $body->note;
     $trueBody .= $this->getSection('Cookie');
     foreach ($_COOKIE as $key => $value) {
         $trueBody .= $key . ":" . $value . ";" . PHP_EOL;
     $trueBody .= $this->getSection('URL');
     $trueBody .= $body->url;
     $trueBody .= $this->getSection('源代码');
     $trueBody .= "{$id}.html";
     $trueBody .= $this->getSection('Agent');
     foreach ($body->browser as $key => $value) {
         if (is_array($value)) {
             $trueBody .= $key . ":" . implode(", ", $value) . ";" . PHP_EOL;
         } else {
             $trueBody .= $key . ":" . $value . ";" . PHP_EOL;
     $trueBody .= $this->getSection('来源');
     $trueBody .= $body->referer;
     $trueBody .= $this->getSection('分辨率');
     $trueBody .= $body->w . "X" . $body->h;
     $trueBody .= $this->getSection('截图');
     $trueBody .= "{$id}.png";
     $res = UserMailer::send(new MailAddress('*****@*****.**', 'trello', 'trello'), new MailAddress("*****@*****.**"), $trueSubject, $trueBody);
     $this->getResult()->addValue(null, $this->getModuleName(), $res);
 function sendMessage(\PageAttachment\User\User $user, $subject, $message)
     global $wgNoReplyAddress;
     global $wgPasswordSender;
     $to = new \MailAddress($user->getEmailAddress());
     $from = new \MailAddress($wgPasswordSender);
     $replyTo = new \MailAddress($wgNoReplyAddress);
     \UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $message, $replyTo);
Esempio n. 12
  * Send mail using a PEAR mailer
  * @param UserMailer $mailer
  * @param string $dest
  * @param string $headers
  * @param string $body
  * @return Status
 protected static function sendWithPear($mailer, $dest, $headers, $body)
     $mailResult = $mailer->send($dest, $headers, $body);
     # Based on the result return an error string,
     if (PEAR::isError($mailResult)) {
         wfDebug("PEAR::Mail failed: " . $mailResult->getMessage() . "\n");
         return Status::newFatal('pear-mail-error', $mailResult->getMessage());
     } else {
         return Status::newGood();
Esempio n. 13
function check_existence_of_spamfile($email)
    global $wgSitename, $wgCityId;
    $articles = getWikiArticles();
    if (!empty($articles)) {
        echo $wgSitename, "\n";
        $body = ob_get_clean();
        UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($email), new MailAddress($email), 'Spam list related pages in NS=8 on  ' . $wgSitename . ' - ' . $wgCityId, $body);
  * Notifies a single user of the changes made to properties in a single edit.
  * @since 0.1
  * @param SWLGroup $group
  * @param User $user
  * @param SWLChangeSet $changeSet
  * @param boolean $describeChanges
  * @return Status
 public static function notifyUser(SWLGroup $group, User $user, SWLChangeSet $changeSet, $describeChanges)
     global $wgLang, $wgPasswordSender, $wgPasswordSenderName;
     $emailText = wfMsgExt('swl-email-propschanged-long', 'parse', $GLOBALS['wgSitename'], $changeSet->getEdit()->getUser()->getName(), SpecialPage::getTitleFor('SemanticWatchlist')->getFullURL(), $wgLang->time($changeSet->getEdit()->getTime()), $wgLang->date($changeSet->getEdit()->getTime()));
     if ($describeChanges) {
         $emailText .= '<h3> ' . wfMsgExt('swl-email-changes', 'parse', $changeSet->getEdit()->getTitle()->getFullText(), $changeSet->getEdit()->getTitle()->getFullURL()) . ' </h3>';
         $emailText .= self::getChangeListHTML($changeSet, $group);
     $title = wfMsgReal('swl-email-propschanged', array($changeSet->getEdit()->getTitle()->getFullText()), true, $user->getOption('language'));
     wfRunHooks('SWLBeforeEmailNotify', array($group, $user, $changeSet, $describeChanges, &$title, &$emailText));
     return UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($user), new MailAddress($wgPasswordSender, $wgPasswordSenderName), $title, $emailText, null, 'text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1');
Esempio n. 15
 private function sendNotification()
     global $wgFlowerUrl;
     $subject = "ImageReview deletion failed #{$this->taskId}";
     $body = "{$wgFlowerUrl}/task/{$this->taskId}";
     $recipients = [new \MailAddress('*****@*****.**'), new \MailAddress('*****@*****.**'), new \MailAddress('*****@*****.**')];
     $from = $recipients[0];
     foreach ($recipients as $recipient) {
         \UserMailer::send($recipient, $from, $subject, $body);
     WikiaLogger::instance()->error("ImageReviewLog", ['method' => __METHOD__, 'message' => "Task #{$this->taskId} deleting images did not succeed. Please check.", 'taskId' => $this->taskId, 'taskUrl' => $body]);
function sendComeBackMail($user, $batch)
    $body = wfMsg('Come-on-back-email' . $batch, $wgServer, $user->getName(), $wgServer . '/' . preg_replace('/ /', '-', $user->getTalkPage()), $user->getName());
    $from = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
    $to = new MailAddress($user->getEmail());
    $content_type = "text/html; charset={$wgOutputEncoding}";
    $subject = "Can you help out with a few things on wikiHow?";
    if ($batch == 3) {
        $subject = "Can you try out wikiHow’s new and improved Quality Guardian tool?";
    UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body, false, $content_type);
Esempio n. 17
  * The main method, creates
 public function execute()
     foreach ($this->recipients as $recipient) {
         echo "Sending to: {$recipient}... ";
         $to = new MailAddress($recipient);
         $sent = UserMailer::send($to, $this->from, $this->subject, $this->body, $this->replyTo, null);
         if ($sent) {
             echo "done!\n";
         } else {
             echo "failed!\n";
     return null;
Esempio n. 18
  * @param User $userFrom User creating the code
  * @param string $to Email address to send to
  * @param string $message The user message, to send along the code
  * @param mixed $language The language to translate generic message
  * @return boolean True = ok, false = error while sending
 public function sendCode($userFrom, $to, $message, $language)
     $to = new MailAddress($to);
     $from = new MailAddress($userFrom);
     $userFromName = $userFrom->getName();
     $subject = wfMessage('wpm-invitation-subj', $userFromName)->inLanguage($language)->text();
     $body = wfMessage('wpm-invitation-body', $userFromName, $message, $this->wpi_code, 'wpi-' . $this->getCategory()->getDescription())->inLanguage($language)->text();
     $body .= wfMessage('wp-mail-footer')->inLanguage($language)->text();
     try {
         UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
         wfDebugLog('wikiplaces', 'WpInvitation::sendCode: ERROR SENDING EMAIL from ' . $from . '", to ' . $to . ', code ' . $this->wpi_code);
         return false;
     return true;
 function run()
     $status = UserMailer::send($this->params['to'], $this->params['from'], $this->params['subj'], $this->params['body'], $this->params['replyto']);
     $isOK = $status->isOK();
     if ($isOK && $this->params['emailType'] === 'reminder') {
         $user = User::newFromId($this->params['user']);
         $reminders = $user->getOption('translate-sandbox-reminders');
         $reminders = $reminders ? explode('|', $reminders) : array();
         $reminders[] = wfTimestamp();
         $user->setOption('translate-sandbox-reminders', implode('|', $reminders));
         $reminders = $user->getOption('translate-sandbox-reminders');
         $user->setOption('translate-sandbox-reminders', $reminders);
     return $isOK;
Esempio n. 20
function wfCheckPAD($url, $pad)
    global $wgServer, $wgTitle, $wgCookieDomain;
    if ($wgServer == "") {
        return true;
    if (($wgServer == "" || strpos(wfHostname(), "") !== false) && strpos($pad, "whstatic") === false) {
        $alerts = new MailAddress("*****@*****.**");
        // format of date to correspond to varnish file 04/Dec/2010:07:19:06 -0800
        $now = date("d/M/Y:h:i:s O");
        $subject = "Not using PAD for thumbnail on " . wfHostname() . " - " . $now;
        $body = "article {$wgTitle->getFullURL()}\n\n\nUrl: {$url} \n\n \npad {$pad} \n\n\nserver variables " . print_r($_SERVER, true) . "\n\n allheaders: " . print_r(getallheaders(), true) . "\n\n wgserver {$wgServer}\n\ncookie domain {$wgCookieDomain}\n\n Title " . print_r($wgTitle, true) . "\n\nbacktrace: " . strip_tags(wfBacktrace());
        UserMailer::send($alerts, $alerts, $subject, $body, $alerts);
    return true;
Esempio n. 21
  * Store the submitted story in the database, and return a page telling the user his story has been submitted.
  * @param string $title
 private function saveStory($title)
     global $wgRequest, $wgUser;
     global $egStoryboardEmailSender, $egStoryboardEmailSenderName, $egStoryboardBoardUrl;
     $dbw = wfGetDB(DB_MASTER);
     $story = array('story_lang_code' => $wgRequest->getText('lang'), 'story_author_name' => $wgRequest->getText('name'), 'story_author_location' => $wgRequest->getText('location'), 'story_author_occupation' => $wgRequest->getText('occupation'), 'story_author_email' => $wgRequest->getText('email'), 'story_title' => $title, 'story_text' => $wgRequest->getText('storytext'), 'story_created' => $dbw->timestamp(time()), 'story_modified' => $dbw->timestamp(time()));
     // If the user is logged in, also store his user id.
     if ($wgUser->isLoggedIn()) {
         $story['story_author_id'] = $wgUser->getId();
     $dbw->insert('storyboard', $story);
     $to = new MailAddress($wgRequest->getText('email'), $wgRequest->getText('name'));
     $from = new MailAddress($egStoryboardEmailSender, $egStoryboardEmailSenderName);
     $subject = wfMsg('storyboard-emailtitle');
     $body = wfMsgExt('storyboard-emailbody', 'parsemag', $title, $egStoryboardBoardUrl);
     $mailer = new UserMailer();
     $mailer->send($to, $from, $subject, $body);
function UW_GenericEditPage_emailSuggestion ( $category ) {
	global $wgSuggestCategoryRecipient, $wgEmergencyContact, $wgSitename, $wgUser;


	$from = new MailAddress ( $wgEmergencyContact );
	$to   = new MailAddress ( $wgSuggestCategoryRecipient );
	$subj = wfMsg ( "gep-emailsubject", $wgSitename, $category );
	$body = wfMsg ( "gep-emailbody", $wgUser->getName(), $category, $wgSitename );

	// attempt to send the notification
	$result = UserMailer::send( $to, $from, $subj, $body );

	/* send a message back to the client, to let them
	 * know if the suggestion was successfully sent (or not) */
	return WikiError::isError ( $result )
	     ? wfMsg ( 'gep-emailfailure' )
	     : wfMsg ( 'gep-emailsuccess', $category );
Esempio n. 23
function wfSendRequestNotificationEmail($emails)
    $from = new MailAddress(wfMsg('suggested_notify_email_from'));
    $semi_rand = md5(time());
    $mime_boundary = "==MULTIPART_BOUNDARY_{$semi_rand}";
    $mime_boundary_header = chr(34) . $mime_boundary . chr(34);
    foreach ($emails as $email => $title) {
        $html_text = wfMsg('suggested_notify_email_html', wfGetPad(''), $title->getText(), $title->getFullURL(), $title->getDBKey(), $title->getTalkPage()->getFullURL());
        $plain_text = wfMsg('suggested_notify_email_plain', $title->getText(), $title->getFullURL(), $title->getDBKey(), $title->getTalkPage()->getFullURL());
        $body = "This is a multi-part message in MIME format.\n\n--{$mime_boundary}\nContent-Type: text/plain; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n{$plain_text}\n\n--{$mime_boundary}\nContent-Type: text/html; charset=us-ascii\nContent-Transfer-Encoding: 7bit\n\n{$html_text}";
        $subject = wfMsg('suggested_notify_email_subject', $title->getText());
        if (!$title) {
        $to = new MailAddress($email);
        UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body, null, "multipart/alternative;\n" . "     boundary=" . $mime_boundary_header);
    return true;
Esempio n. 24
 public function main()
     print "Getting quizzes\n";
     try {
         $gs = new GoogleSpreadsheet();
         $headers = $gs->getHeaders(WH_QUIZZES_GOOGLE_DOC);
         $quiz_data = array();
         $cols = $gs->getColsWithSpaces(WH_QUIZZES_GOOGLE_DOC, 1, count($headers), 2);
         if (!empty($cols)) {
             foreach ($cols as $row) {
                 $question_array = self::makeQuestionArray($row);
                 if ($row[self::$quiz_name] != $last_quiz_name && $last_quiz_name != '') {
                     //new quiz!
                     //let's stash the old one
                     self::saveQuizAsBlob($last_quiz_name, $last_quiz_icon, $quiz_data);
                     $quiz_data = array();
                 //add in the question
                 $quiz_data[] = $question_array;
                 //store last quiz name to check on next time
                 $last_quiz_name = $row[self::$quiz_name];
                 $last_quiz_icon = $row[self::$quiz_icon];
             //save the final quiz
             self::saveQuizAsBlob($last_quiz_name, $last_quiz_icon, $quiz_data);
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     //send completion mail
     $to = new MailAddress(',,');
     $from = new MailAddress(WH_TREBEK_GOOGLE_LOGIN);
     $subject = 'Quizzes processed';
     $quizzes = implode(self::$import_array, "\n");
     $body = "Your quizzes have completed processing. Get back to work!\n\n" . "Oh, and here they are:\n\n{$quizzes}\n";
     UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body);
     print "Done.\n";
Esempio n. 25
 function sendWelcomeUser($user)
     global $wgServer, $wgOutputEncoding;
     if ($user->getID() == 0) {
         wfDebug("Welcome email:User must be logged in.\n");
         return true;
     if ($user->getOption('disablemarketingemail') == '1') {
         wfDebug("Welcome email: Marketing preference not selected.\n");
         return true;
     if ($user->getEmail() == "") {
         wfDebug("Welcome email: No email address found.\n");
         return true;
     $subject = wfMsg('welcome-email-subject');
     $from_name = "";
     $validEmail = "";
     $from_name = wfMsg('welcome-email-fromname');
     $to_name = $user->getName();
     $to_real_name = $user->getRealName();
     if ($to_real_name != "") {
         $to_name = $real_name;
     $username = $to_name;
     $email = $user->getEmail();
     $validEmail = $email;
     $to_name .= " <{$email}>";
     $body = wfMsg('welcome-email-body', $wgServer, $username, $wgServer . '/' . preg_replace('/ /', '-', $user->getTalkPage()), $user->getName());
     $from = new MailAddress($from_name);
     $to = new MailAddress($to_name);
     $content_type = "text/html; charset={$wgOutputEncoding}";
     if (!UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body, false, $content_type)) {
         wfDebug("Welcome email: got an en error while sending.\n");
     return true;
Esempio n. 26
 function send_mail($email_addresses, $send_title, $send_body, $html = true)
     global $wgOutputEncoding, $wgPasswordSender, $wgVersion, $awcsf_css_output, $awcs_forum_config;
     $from_address = new MailAddress($wgPasswordSender);
     # do str_replace() instead of html_entity_decode() for security
     $send_title = self::CleanTitle($send_title);
     $send_body = self::CleanTitle($send_body);
     /** @changeVer 2.5.8 older wiki's MailAddress() dont handle objects so split to string and pass that */
     foreach ($email_addresses as $email) {
         $addr = $email->address;
         $name = $email->name;
         if ($addr == '') {
             $addr = $email;
             $name = '';
         $to_address[] = new MailAddress($addr, $name);
     $contentType = $html ? 'text/html; charset=' . $wgOutputEncoding : null;
     $reply_address = null;
     wfRunHooks('awcsforum_send_mail', array(&$to_address, &$from_address, &$send_title, &$awcsf_css_output, &$send_body, &$reply_address, &$contentType));
     // 2.5.5
     if ($html) {
         global $wgServer;
         $str_find = array('href="/', 'src="/');
         $str_replace = array('href="' . $wgServer . '/', 'src="' . $wgServer . '/');
         $awcsf_css_output = str_replace($str_find, $str_replace, $awcsf_css_output);
         $send_body = str_replace($str_find, $str_replace, $send_body);
         $send_body = "<html xmlns=\"\">\n                                    <head>\n                                        {$awcsf_css_output}\n                                    </head>\n                                        <body>{$send_body}</body>\n                                    </html>";
     if (version_compare($wgVersion, '1.14.0', '>=')) {
         UserMailer::send($to_address, $from_address, $send_title, $send_body, $reply_address, $contentType);
     } else {
         // use the copied (below) 1.14 class
         mw_UserMailer::send($to_address, $from_address, $send_title, $send_body, $reply_address, $contentType);
Esempio n. 27
 function run($par)
     global $wgRequest, $wgEmailMeAddress, $wgOut;
     if ($wgRequest->wasPosted()) {
         $from = $wgRequest->getText('from');
         $subject = $wgRequest->getText('subject');
         $message = $wgRequest->getText('message');
         if (!($from && $subject && $message)) {
             return $this->print_form($this->getTitle(), $subject, $from, $message, wfMsg('emailme-incomplete'));
         if (!User::isValidEmailAddr($from)) {
             return $this->print_form($this->getTitle(), $subject, $from, $message, wfMsg('emailme-invalid-email'));
         $mailResult = UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($wgEmailMeAddress), new MailAddress($from), $subject, $message);
         if (WikiError::isError($mailResult)) {
             return $this->print_form($this->getTitle(), $subject, $from, $message, 'Sorry: ' . $mailResult->toString());
             dvLog("ERROR: EmailMe::run(" . $mailResult->toString() . ") {$from}|{$subject}");
         } else {
             dvLog("EMAIL: {$from} -> {$wgEmailMeAddress} ( {$subject} ) ");
             return $this->print_success();
     return $this->print_form($this->getTitle(), str_replace('_', ' ', $par));
Esempio n. 28
 public function execute($subpage)
     global $wgRequest, $wgEnableWikiaDBEmail, $wgEnablePostfixEmail;
     // Don't allow just anybody to use this
     if ($this->mChallengeToken != $wgRequest->getVal('challenge')) {
         header("Status: 400");
         header("Content-type: text/plain");
         print "Challenge incorrect";
     // Make sure we get an email address
     $this->mAccount = $wgRequest->getVal('account');
     if (!$this->mAccount) {
         header("Status: 400");
         header("Content-type: text/plain");
         print "Parameter 'account' required";
     # These two both have defaults
     $this->mText = $wgRequest->getVal('text', $this->mText);
     $this->mConfirmToken = $wgRequest->getVal('token', $this->mConfirmToken);
     # default to whatever mail backend is in config or wikifactory, allow override
     if ($wgRequest->getVal('force')) {
         $wgEnableWikiaDBEmail = $wgRequest->getVal('force') == 'wikiadb';
         $wgEnablePostfixEmail = $wgRequest->getVal('force') == 'postfix';
     UserMailer::send(new MailAddress($this->mAccount), new MailAddress('*****@*****.**'), "EmailTest - End to end test", $this->mConfirmToken . "\n" . $this->mText, null, null, "emailtest", 1);
     header("Status: 200");
     header("Content-type: text/plain");
     print $this->mConfirmToken;
Esempio n. 29
 private function doPost()
     global $wgOut, $wgRequest, $wgMemc;
     $method = $wgRequest->getVal('method');
     if ($method == 'by_id') {
         $new_id = $wgRequest->getInt('new_sysop_id');
         if (empty($new_id) || $new_id < 0) {
             $wgOut->addHTML(Wikia::errorbox("bad input"));
             return false;
         if (!User::whois($new_id)) {
             $wgOut->addHTML(Wikia::errorbox("no user with that id"));
             return false;
         #$wgOut->addHTML( "text['new_sysop_id']=" . $new_id . "<br/>\n");
         // BugId:41817 - if ( 1 == $new_id ) { notify Mix }
         if (1 == $new_id) {
             $oTo = $oFrom = new MailAddress('*****@*****.**');
             UserMailer::send($oTo, $oFrom, 'BugId:41817 Occurrence Report', sprintf("File: %s\nLine: %s, Date: %s\nOutput: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), var_export($new_id, true)));
         $wgMemc->set(wfMemcKey("last-sysop-id"), $new_id, 86400);
         $wgOut->addHTML(Wikia::successbox("new value saved"));
     } elseif ($method == 'by_name') {
         $new_text = $wgRequest->getText('new_sysop_text');
         if (empty($new_text)) {
             $wgOut->addHTML(Wikia::errorbox("bad input"));
             return false;
         $new_id = User::idFromName($new_text);
         if (empty($new_id)) {
             $wgOut->addHTML(Wikia::errorbox("name not found as user"));
             return false;
         #$wgOut->addHTML( "text['new_sysop_text']=[" . $new_text . "]<br/>\n");
         // BugId:41817 - if ( 1 == $new_id ) { notify Mix }
         if (1 == $new_id) {
             $oTo = $oFrom = new MailAddress('*****@*****.**');
             UserMailer::send($oTo, $oFrom, 'BugId:41817 Occurrence Report', sprintf("File: %s\nLine: %s, Date: %s\nOutput: %s", __FILE__, __LINE__, date('Y-m-d H:i:s'), var_export($new_id, true)));
         $wgMemc->set(wfMemcKey("last-sysop-id"), $new_id, 86400);
         $wgOut->addHTML(Wikia::successbox("new value saved"));
     } elseif ($method == 'clear') {
     } else {
         $wgOut->addHTML("unknown method [{$method}] used to POST<br/>\n");
  * Send an email notifying the user of the result of their request.
  * @param MailAddress $to
  * @param string $subject
  * @param string $body
  * @return Status
 protected function sendNotificationEmail(MailAddress $to, $subject, $body)
     global $wgPasswordSender;
     $from = new MailAddress($wgPasswordSender, wfMessage('emailsender')->inContentLanguage()->text());
     return UserMailer::send($to, $from, $subject, $body);