Esempio n. 1
  * Saves all relations between products and his attributes
  * @param int $productId The UID of the product
  * @param array $fieldArray Field array
  * @return void
 protected function saveProductRelations($productId, array $fieldArray = NULL)
     $productId = (int) $productId;
     // first step is to save all relations between this product and all attributes
     // of this product.
     // We don't have to check for any parent categories, because the attributes
     // from them should already be saved for this product.
     $database = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
     // create an article and a new price for a new product
     if ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF'][COMMERCE_EXTKEY]['extConf']['simpleMode'] && $productId != NULL) {
         // search for an article of this product
         $res = $database->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_commerce_articles', 'uid_product = ' . $productId, '', '', 1);
         $aRes = array();
         if ($database->sql_num_rows($res) == 0) {
             // create a new article if no one exists
             $pRes = $database->exec_SELECTquery('title', 'tx_commerce_products', 'uid = ' . $productId, '', '', 1);
             $productData = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($pRes);
             $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles', array('pid' => $fieldArray['pid'], 'tstamp' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'], 'crdate' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'], 'uid_product' => $productId, 'article_type_uid' => 1, 'title' => $productData['title']));
             $aUid = $database->sql_insert_id();
         } else {
             $aRes = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($res);
             $aUid = $aRes['uid'];
         // check if the article has already a price
         $res = $database->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_commerce_article_prices', 'uid_article = ' . $aUid, '', '', 1);
         if ($database->sql_num_rows($res) == 0 && $aRes['sys_language_uid'] < 1) {
             // create a new price if no one exists
             $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_article_prices', array('pid' => $fieldArray['pid'], 'uid_article' => $aUid, 'tstamp' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME'], 'crdate' => $GLOBALS['EXEC_TIME']));
     $delete = TRUE;
     if (isset($fieldArray['categories'])) {
         $catList = array();
         $res = $database->exec_SELECTquery('uid_foreign', 'tx_commerce_products_categories_mm', 'uid_local = ' . $productId);
         while ($sres = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
             $catList[] = $sres['uid_foreign'];
         $paList = $this->belib->getAttributesForCategoryList($catList);
         $uidList = $this->belib->extractFieldArray($paList, 'uid_foreign', TRUE, array('uid_correlationtype'));
         $this->belib->saveRelations($productId, $uidList, 'tx_commerce_products_attributes_mm', FALSE, FALSE);
         $this->belib->updateXML('attributes', 'tx_commerce_products', $productId, 'product', $catList);
         $delete = FALSE;
     $articles = FALSE;
     if (isset($fieldArray['attributes'])) {
         // get all correlation types
         $correlationTypeList = $this->belib->getAllCorrelationTypes();
         $paList = array();
         // extract all attributes from FlexForm
         $ffData = GeneralUtility::xml2array($fieldArray['attributes']);
         if (is_array($ffData)) {
             $this->belib->mergeAttributeListFromFFData($ffData['data']['sDEF']['lDEF'], 'ct_', $correlationTypeList, $productId, $paList);
         // get the list of uid_foreign and save relations for this category
         $uidList = $this->belib->extractFieldArray($paList, 'uid_foreign', TRUE, array('uid_correlationtype'));
         // get all ct4 attributes
         $ct4Attributes = array();
         if (is_array($uidList)) {
             foreach ($uidList as $uidItem) {
                 if ($uidItem['uid_correlationtype'] == 4) {
                     $ct4Attributes[] = $uidItem['uid_foreign'];
         $this->belib->saveRelations($productId, $uidList, 'tx_commerce_products_attributes_mm', $delete, FALSE);
          * Rebuild the XML (last param set to true)
          * Fixes that l10n of products had invalid XML attributes
         $this->belib->updateXML('attributes', 'tx_commerce_products', $productId, 'product', $correlationTypeList, TRUE);
         // update the XML for this product, we remove everything that is not
         // set for current attributes
         $pXml = $database->exec_SELECTquery('attributesedit', 'tx_commerce_products', 'uid = ' . $productId);
         $pXml = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($pXml);
         if (!empty($pXml['attributesedit'])) {
             $pXml = GeneralUtility::xml2array($pXml['attributesedit']);
             if (is_array($pXml['data']['sDEF']['lDEF'])) {
                 foreach (array_keys($pXml['data']['sDEF']['lDEF']) as $key) {
                     $data = array();
                     $uid = $this->belib->getUIdFromKey($key, $data);
                     if (!in_array($uid, $ct4Attributes)) {
             if (is_array($pXml) && is_array($pXml['data']) && is_array($pXml['data']['sDEF'])) {
                 $pXml = GeneralUtility::array2xml($pXml, '', 0, 'T3FlexForms');
                 $fieldArray['attributesedit'] = $pXml;
         // now get all articles that where created from this product
         $articles = $this->belib->getArticlesOfProduct($productId);
         // build relation table
         if (is_array($articles) && count($articles)) {
             $uidList = $this->belib->extractFieldArray($paList, 'uid_foreign', TRUE);
             foreach ($articles as $article) {
                 $this->belib->saveRelations($article['uid'], $uidList, 'tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', TRUE, FALSE);
     $updateArrays = array();
     // update all articles of this product
     if (!empty($fieldArray['attributesedit'])) {
         $ffData = (array) GeneralUtility::xml2array($fieldArray['attributesedit']);
         if (is_array($ffData['data']) && is_array($ffData['data']['sDEF']['lDEF'])) {
             // get articles if they are not already there
             if (!$articles) {
                 $articles = $this->belib->getArticlesOfProduct($productId);
             // update this product
             $articleRelations = array();
             $counter = 0;
             foreach ($ffData['data']['sDEF']['lDEF'] as $ffDataItemKey => $ffDataItem) {
                 $attributeKey = $this->belib->getUidFromKey($ffDataItemKey, $keyData);
                 $attributeData = $this->belib->getAttributeData($attributeKey, 'has_valuelist,multiple');
                 // check if the attribute has more than one value, if that is true,
                 // we have to create a relation for each value
                 if ($attributeData['multiple'] == 1) {
                     // if we have a multiple valuelist we need to handle the attributes a little
                     // bit different first we delete all existing attributes
                     $database->exec_DELETEquery('tx_commerce_products_attributes_mm', 'uid_local = ' . $productId . ' AND uid_foreign = ' . $attributeKey);
                     // now explode the data
                     $attributeValues = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $ffDataItem['vDEF'], TRUE);
                     foreach ($attributeValues as $attributeValue) {
                         // The first time an attribute value is selected, TYPO3 returns them
                         // INCLUDING an empty value! This would cause an unnecessary entry in the
                         // database, so we have to filter this here.
                         if (empty($attributeValue)) {
                         $updateData = $this->belib->getUpdateData($attributeData, $attributeValue, $productId);
                         $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_products_attributes_mm', array_merge(array('uid_local' => $productId, 'uid_foreign' => $attributeKey, 'uid_correlationtype' => 4), $updateData[0]));
                 } else {
                     // update a simple valuelist and normal attributes as usual
                     $updateArrays = $this->belib->getUpdateData($attributeData, $ffDataItem['vDEF'], $productId);
                     $database->exec_UPDATEquery('tx_commerce_products_attributes_mm', 'uid_local = ' . $productId . ' AND uid_foreign = ' . $attributeKey, $updateArrays[0]);
                 // update articles
                 if (is_array($articles) && count($articles) > 0) {
                     foreach ($articles as $article) {
                         if ($attributeData['multiple'] == 1) {
                             // if we have a multiple valuelist we need to handle the attributes a little
                             // bit different first we delete all existing attributes
                             $database->exec_DELETEquery('tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', 'uid_local = ' . $article['uid'] . ' AND uid_foreign = ' . $attributeKey);
                             // now explode the data
                             $attributeValues = GeneralUtility::trimExplode(',', $ffDataItem['vDEF'], TRUE);
                             $attributeCount = 0;
                             $attributeValue = '';
                             foreach ($attributeValues as $attributeValue) {
                                 if (empty($attributeValue)) {
                                 $updateData = $this->belib->getUpdateData($attributeData, $attributeValue, $productId);
                                 $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', array_merge(array('uid_local' => $article['uid'], 'uid_foreign' => $attributeKey, 'uid_product' => $productId, 'sorting' => $counter), $updateData[1]));
                             // create at least an empty relation if no attributes where set
                             if ($attributeCount == 0) {
                                 $updateData = $this->belib->getUpdateData(array(), $attributeValue, $productId);
                                 $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', array_merge(array('uid_local' => $article['uid'], 'uid_foreign' => $attributeKey, 'uid_product' => $productId, 'sorting' => $counter), $updateData[1]));
                         } else {
                             // if the article has already this attribute, we have to insert so try
                             // to select this attribute for this article
                             $res = $database->exec_SELECTquery('uid_local, uid_foreign', 'tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', 'uid_local = ' . $article['uid'] . ' AND uid_foreign = ' . $attributeKey);
                             if ($database->sql_num_rows($res) > 0) {
                                 $database->exec_UPDATEquery('tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', 'uid_local = ' . $article['uid'] . ' AND uid_foreign = ' . $attributeKey, array_merge($updateArrays[1], array('sorting' => $counter)));
                             } else {
                                 $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', array_merge($updateArrays[1], array('uid_local' => $article['uid'], 'uid_product' => $productId, 'uid_foreign' => $attributeKey, 'sorting' => $counter)));
                         $relArray = $updateArrays[0];
                         $relArray['uid_foreign'] = $attributeKey;
                         if (!in_array($relArray, $articleRelations)) {
                             $articleRelations[] = $relArray;
             // Finally update the Felxform for this Product
             $this->belib->updateArticleXML($articleRelations, FALSE, NULL, $productId);
             // And add those datas from the database to the articles
             if (is_array($articles) && count($articles) > 0) {
                 foreach ($articles as $article) {
                     $thisArticleRelations = $this->belib->getAttributesForArticle($article['uid']);
                     $this->belib->updateArticleXML($thisArticleRelations, FALSE, $article['uid'], NULL);
     // Check if we do have some localized products an call the method recursivly
     $resLocalised = $database->exec_SELECTquery('uid', 'tx_commerce_products', 'deleted = 0 and l18n_parent = ' . $productId);
     while ($rowLocalised = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($resLocalised)) {
         $this->saveProductRelations($rowLocalised['uid'], $fieldArray);
     * Creates an article in the database and all needed releations to attributes
     * and values. It also creates a new prices and assignes it to the new article.
     * @param array $parameter Parameter
     * @param string $key The key in the POST var array
     * @return int Returns the new articleUid if success
    protected function createArticle(array $parameter, $key)
        $database = $this->getDatabaseConnection();
        // get the create data
        $data = GeneralUtility::_GP('createData');
        $hash = '';
        if (is_array($data)) {
            $data = $data[$key];
            $hash = md5($data);
            $data = unserialize($data);
        $database->debugOutput = 1;
        $database->store_lastBuiltQuery = TRUE;
        // get the highest sorting
        $sorting = $database->exec_SELECTgetSingleRow('uid, sorting', 'tx_commerce_articles', 'uid_product = ' . $this->uid, '', 'sorting DESC', 1);
        $sorting = is_array($sorting) && isset($sorting['sorting']) ? $sorting['sorting'] + 20 : 0;
        // create article data array
        $articleData = array('pid' => $this->pid, 'crdate' => time(), 'title' => strip_tags($this->createArticleTitleFromAttributes($parameter, (array) $data)), 'uid_product' => (int) $this->uid, 'sorting' => $sorting, 'article_attributes' => count($this->attributes['rest']) + count($data), 'attribute_hash' => $hash, 'article_type_uid' => 1);
        $temp = BackendUtility::getModTSconfig($this->pid, 'mod.commerce.category');
        if ($temp) {
            $moduleConfig = BackendUtility::implodeTSParams($temp['properties']);
            $defaultTax = (int) $moduleConfig['defaultTaxValue'];
            if ($defaultTax > 0) {
                $articleData['tax'] = $defaultTax;
        if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/class.tx_commerce_articlecreator.php']['preinsert'])) {
				is deprecated since commerce 1.0.0, it will be removed in commerce 1.4.0, please use instead
            foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/class.tx_commerce_articlecreator.php']['preinsert'] as $classRef) {
                $hookObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classRef);
                if (method_exists($hookObj, 'preinsert')) {
        if (is_array($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/Classes/Utility/ArticleCreatorUtility.php']['createArticlePreInsert'])) {
            foreach ($GLOBALS['TYPO3_CONF_VARS']['EXTCONF']['commerce/Classes/Utility/ArticleCreatorUtility.php']['createArticlePreInsert'] as $classRef) {
                $hookObj =& GeneralUtility::getUserObj($classRef);
                if (method_exists($hookObj, 'preinsert')) {
        // create the article
        $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles', $articleData);
        $articleUid = $database->sql_insert_id();
        // create a new price that is assigned to the new article
        $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_article_prices', array('pid' => $this->pid, 'crdate' => time(), 'tstamp' => time(), 'uid_article' => $articleUid));
        // now write all relations between article and attributes into the database
        $relationBaseData = array('uid_local' => $articleUid);
        $createdArticleRelations = array();
        $relationCreateData = $relationBaseData;
        $productsAttributesRes = $database->exec_SELECTquery('sorting, uid_local, uid_foreign', 'tx_commerce_products_attributes_mm', 'uid_local = ' . (int) $this->uid);
        $attributesSorting = array();
        while ($productsAttributes = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($productsAttributesRes)) {
            $attributesSorting[$productsAttributes['uid_foreign']] = $productsAttributes['sorting'];
        if (is_array($data)) {
            foreach ($data as $selectAttributeUid => $selectAttributeValueUid) {
                $relationCreateData['uid_foreign'] = $selectAttributeUid;
                $relationCreateData['uid_valuelist'] = $selectAttributeValueUid;
                $relationCreateData['sorting'] = $attributesSorting[$selectAttributeUid];
                $createdArticleRelations[] = $relationCreateData;
                $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', $relationCreateData);
        if (is_array($this->attributes['rest'])) {
            foreach ($this->attributes['rest'] as $attribute) {
                if (empty($attribute['attributeData']['uid'])) {
                $relationCreateData = $relationBaseData;
                $relationCreateData['sorting'] = $attribute['sorting'];
                $relationCreateData['uid_foreign'] = $attribute['attributeData']['uid'];
                if ($attribute['uid_correlationtype'] == 4) {
                    $relationCreateData['uid_product'] = $this->uid;
                $relationCreateData['default_value'] = '';
                $relationCreateData['value_char'] = '';
                $relationCreateData['uid_valuelist'] = $attribute['uid_valuelist'];
                if (!$this->belib->isNumber($attribute['default_value'])) {
                    $relationCreateData['default_value'] = $attribute['default_value'];
                } else {
                    $relationCreateData['value_char'] = $attribute['default_value'];
                $createdArticleRelations[] = $relationCreateData;
                $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', $relationCreateData);
        // update the article
        // we have to write the xml datastructure for this article. This is needed
        // to have the correct values inserted on first call of the article.
        $this->belib->updateArticleXML($createdArticleRelations, FALSE, $articleUid);
        // Now check, if the parent Product is already lokalised, so creat Article in
        // the lokalised version Select from Database different localisations
        $resOricArticle = $database->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_commerce_articles', 'uid=' . (int) $articleUid . ' and deleted = 0');
        $origArticle = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($resOricArticle);
        $resLocalizedProducts = $database->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_commerce_products', 'l18n_parent = ' . (int) $this->uid . ' AND deleted = 0');
        if ($resLocalizedProducts && $database->sql_num_rows($resLocalizedProducts) > 0) {
            // Only if there are products
            while ($localizedProducts = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($resLocalizedProducts)) {
                // walk thru and create articles
                $destLanguage = $localizedProducts['sys_language_uid'];
                // get the highest sorting
                $langIsoCode = BackendUtility::getRecord('sys_language', (int) $destLanguage, 'static_lang_isocode');
                $langIdent = BackendUtility::getRecord('static_languages', (int) $langIsoCode['static_lang_isocode'], 'lg_typo3');
                $langIdent = strtoupper($langIdent['lg_typo3']);
                // create article data array
                $articleData = array('pid' => $this->pid, 'crdate' => time(), 'title' => $parameter['title'], 'uid_product' => $localizedProducts['uid'], 'sys_language_uid' => $localizedProducts['sys_language_uid'], 'l18n_parent' => $articleUid, 'sorting' => $sorting['sorting'] + 20, 'article_attributes' => count($this->attributes['rest']) + count($data), 'attribute_hash' => $hash, 'article_type_uid' => 1, 'attributesedit' => $this->belib->buildLocalisedAttributeValues($origArticle['attributesedit'], $langIdent));
                // create the article
                $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles', $articleData);
                $localizedArticleUid = $database->sql_insert_id();
                // get all relations to attributes from the old article and copy them
                // to new article
                $res = $database->exec_SELECTquery('*', 'tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', 'uid_local = ' . (int) $origArticle['uid'] . ' AND uid_valuelist = 0');
                while ($origRelation = $database->sql_fetch_assoc($res)) {
                    $origRelation['uid_local'] = $localizedArticleUid;
                    $database->exec_INSERTquery('tx_commerce_articles_article_attributes_mm', $origRelation);
                $this->belib->updateArticleXML($createdArticleRelations, FALSE, $localizedArticleUid);
        return $articleUid;