Esempio n. 1
 public function isDefaultUserGroup()
     return (bool) (TBGSettings::getDefaultUser()->getGroupID() == $this->getID());
 public static function processCommit(TBGProject $project, $commit_msg, $old_rev, $new_rev, $date = null, $changed, $author, $branch = null)
     $output = '';
     if ($project->isArchived()) {
     try {
     } catch (Exception $e) {
     // Is VCS Integration enabled?
     if (TBGSettings::get('vcs_mode_' . $project->getID(), 'vcs_integration') == TBGVCSIntegration::MODE_DISABLED) {
         $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] This project does not use VCS Integration' . "\n";
         return $output;
     // Parse the commit message, and obtain the issues and transitions for issues.
     $parsed_commit = TBGIssue::getIssuesFromTextByRegex($commit_msg);
     $issues = $parsed_commit["issues"];
     $transitions = $parsed_commit["transitions"];
     // If no issues exist, we may not be able to continue
     //			if (count($issues) == 0)
     //			{
     //				$output .= '[VCS '.$project->getKey().'] This project only accepts commits which affect issues' . "\n";
     //				return $output;
     //			}
     // Build list of affected files
     $file_lines = preg_split('/[\\n\\r]+/', $changed);
     $files = array();
     foreach ($file_lines as $aline) {
         $action = mb_substr($aline, 0, 1);
         if ($action == "A" || $action == "U" || $action == "D" || $action == "M") {
             $theline = trim(mb_substr($aline, 1));
             $files[] = array($action, $theline);
     // Find author of commit, fallback is guest
      * Some VCSes use a different format of storing the committer's name. Systems like bzr, git and hg use the format
      * Joe Bloggs <*****@*****.**>, instead of a classic username. Therefore a user will be found via 4 queries:
      * a) First we extract the email if there is one, and find a user with that email
      * b) If one is not found - or if no email was specified, then instead test against the real name (using the name part if there was an email)
      * c) the username or full name is checked against the friendly name field
      * d) and if we still havent found one, then we check against the username
      * e) and if we STILL havent found one, we use the guest user
     if (preg_match("/(?<=<)(.*)(?=>)/", $author, $matches)) {
         $email = $matches[0];
         // a)
         $user = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getByEmail($email);
         if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
             // Not found by email
             preg_match("/(?<=^)(.*)(?= <)/", $author, $matches);
             $author = $matches[0];
     // b)
     if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
         $user = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getByRealname($author);
     // c)
     if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
         $user = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getByBuddyname($author);
     // d)
     if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
         $user = TBGUsersTable::getTable()->getByUsername($author);
     // e)
     if (!$user instanceof TBGUser) {
         $user = TBGSettings::getDefaultUser();
     $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Commit to be logged by user ' . $user->getName() . "\n";
     if ($date == null) {
         $date = NOW;
     // Create the commit data
     $commit = new TBGVCSIntegrationCommit();
     if ($branch !== null) {
         $data = 'branch:' . $branch;
     $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Commit logged with revision ' . $commit->getRevision() . "\n";
     // Iterate over affected issues and update them.
     foreach ($issues as $issue) {
         $inst = new TBGVCSIntegrationIssueLink();
         // Process all commit-message transitions for an issue.
         foreach ($transitions[$issue->getFormattedIssueNo()] as $transition) {
             if (TBGSettings::get('vcs_workflow_' . $project->getID(), 'vcs_integration') == TBGVCSIntegration::WORKFLOW_ENABLED) {
                 if ($issue->isWorkflowTransitionsAvailable()) {
                     // Go through the list of possible transitions for an issue. Only
                     // process transitions that are applicable to issue's workflow.
                     foreach ($issue->getAvailableWorkflowTransitions() as $possible_transition) {
                         if (mb_strtolower($possible_transition->getName()) == mb_strtolower($transition[0])) {
                             $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Running transition ' . $transition[0] . ' on issue ' . $issue->getFormattedIssueNo() . "\n";
                             // String representation of parameters. Used for log message.
                             $parameters_string = "";
                             // Iterate over the list of this transition's parameters, and
                             // set them.
                             foreach ($transition[1] as $parameter => $value) {
                                 $parameters_string .= "{$parameter}={$value} ";
                                 switch ($parameter) {
                                     case 'resolution':
                                         if (($resolution = TBGResolution::getResolutionByKeyish($value)) instanceof TBGResolution) {
                                             TBGContext::getRequest()->setParameter('resolution_id', $resolution->getID());
                                     case 'status':
                                         if (($status = TBGStatus::getStatusByKeyish($value)) instanceof TBGStatus) {
                                             TBGContext::getRequest()->setParameter('status_id', $status->getID());
                             // Run the transition.
                             // Log an informative message about the transition.
                             $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Ran transition ' . $possible_transition->getName() . ' with parameters \'' . $parameters_string . '\' on issue ' . $issue->getFormattedIssueNo() . "\n";
         $issue->addSystemComment(TBGContext::getI18n()->__('This issue has been updated with the latest changes from the code repository.<source>%commit_msg</source>', array('%commit_msg' => $commit_msg)), $user->getID());
         $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Updated issue ' . $issue->getFormattedIssueNo() . "\n";
     // Create file links
     foreach ($files as $afile) {
         // index 0 is action, index 1 is file
         $inst = new TBGVCSIntegrationFile();
         $output .= '[VCS ' . $project->getKey() . '] Added with action ' . $afile[0] . ' file ' . $afile[1] . "\n";
     TBGEvent::createNew('vcs_integration', 'new_commit')->trigger(array('commit' => $commit));
     return $output;