public function validate($dataspace) { if(!$value = $dataspace->get($this->field_name)) return; $tree = Limb :: toolkit()->getTree(); if(!$tree->isNode($this->parent_node_id)) return; if(!$nodes = $tree->getChildren($this->parent_node_id)) return; foreach($nodes as $id => $node) { if($node['identifier'] != $value) continue; if($this->node_id == self :: UNKNOWN_NODE_ID) { $this->error(Strings :: get('error_duplicate_tree_identifier', 'error')); break; } elseif($id != $this->node_id) { $this->error(Strings :: get('error_duplicate_tree_identifier', 'error')); break; } } }
public function searchAction() { try { $tableName = $this->request->getPost('table'); $field = $this->request->getPost('field'); $search = $this->request->getPost('search'); $modelName = Strings::tableNameToModelName($tableName); $results = array(); if (class_exists($modelName)) { $pri = $modelName::primaryKeyName(); $condition = ''; if ($field) { if ($search) { $condition = "{$field} LIKE '%{$search}%'"; if (is_numeric($search)) { $condition .= " or {$pri}={$search}"; } $results = $modelName::find(array('conditions' => $condition, "limit" => 20)); $results = $results->toArray(); } } // TODO: Merge two parts parent::result(array('results' => $results, 'SQL' => $condition, 'key' => $pri)); } else { parent::error(-2, "{$modelName} does not exists"); } } catch (Exception $e) { parent::error(-3, "{$e}"); } parent::error(-1, "{$modelName} ?"); }
public function validate($dataspace) { $value = $dataspace->get($this->field_name); if(!Limb :: toolkit()->getTree()->getNodeByPath($value)) $this->error(Strings :: get('error_invalid_tree_path', 'error')); }
/** * Get temporary filename */ public static function getTempFilePath($parentDirectory, $extension = '') { do { $tmpPath = $parentDirectory . '/' . Strings::createRandomString(null, Strings::ALPHABET_ALPHANUMERICAL_LOWCASE, 64) . ($extension == '' ? '' : '.' . $extension); } while (file_exists($tmpPath)); return $tmpPath; }
/** * Generate a path to the mercurial repo for the file * * @param string $locale locale code * @param string $repo repository name * @param string $path Entity name representing the local file * @return string Path to the file in remote mercurial repository */ public static function hgPath($locale, $repo, $path) { $url = ''; // remove entity from path and store it in a variable $path = explode(':', $path); $path = $path[0]; $path = explode('/', $path); $entity_file = array_pop($path); $path = implode('/', $path); $exploded_path = explode('/', $path); $base_folder = $exploded_path[0]; if (Strings::startsWith($repo, 'gaia') || in_array($base_folder, ['apps', 'shared', 'showcase_apps', 'test_apps', 'test_external_apps'])) { $locale = Project::getLocaleInContext($locale, $repo); if ($repo == 'gaia') { $url .= '/gaia-l10n/' . $locale . '/file/default/'; } else { $version = str_replace('gaia_', '', $repo); $url .= '/releases/gaia-l10n/v' . $version . '/' . $locale . '/file/default/'; } return $url . $path . '/' . $entity_file; } $en_US_Folder_Mess = ['b2g/branding/official/', 'b2g/branding/unofficial/', 'b2g/', 'netwerk/', 'embedding/android/', 'testing/extensions/community/chrome/', 'intl/', 'extensions/spellcheck/', 'services/sync/', 'mobile/android/branding/aurora/', 'mobile/android/branding/official/', 'mobile/android/branding/nightly/', 'mobile/android/branding/unofficial/', 'mobile/android/branding/beta/', 'mobile/android/base/', 'mobile/android/', 'mobile/', 'security/manager/', 'toolkit/content/tests/fennec-tile-testapp/chrome/', 'toolkit/', 'browser/branding/aurora/', 'browser/branding/official/', 'browser/branding/nightly/', 'browser/branding/unofficial/', 'browser/', 'devtools/client/', 'devtools/shared/', 'layout/tools/layout-debug/ui/', 'dom/', 'webapprt/', 'chat/', 'suite/', 'other-licenses/branding/thunderbird/', 'mail/branding/aurora/', 'mail/branding/nightly/', 'mail/', 'mail/test/resources/mozmill/mozmill/extension/', 'editor/ui/', 'calendar/']; // Destop repos if ($locale != 'en-US') { if ($repo == 'central') { $url .= '/l10n-central/' . $locale . '/file/default/'; } else { $url .= '/releases/l10n/mozilla-' . $repo . '/' . $locale . '/file/default/'; } } else { if (in_array($base_folder, ['calendar', 'chat', 'editor', 'ldap', 'mail', 'mailnews', 'suite'])) { $repo_base = 'comm'; } else { $repo_base = 'mozilla'; } if ($repo == 'central') { $url .= "/{$repo_base}-central/file/default/"; } else { $url .= "/releases/{$repo_base}-{$repo}/file/default/"; } $loop = true; while ($loop && count($exploded_path) > 0) { if (in_array(implode('/', $exploded_path) . '/', $en_US_Folder_Mess)) { $path_part1 = implode('/', $exploded_path) . '/locales/en-US'; $pattern = preg_quote(implode('/', $exploded_path), '/'); $path = preg_replace('/' . $pattern . '/', $path_part1, $path, 1); $loop = false; break; } else { array_pop($exploded_path); } } if ($loop == true) { $path = explode('/', $path); $category = array_shift($path); $path = $category . '/locales/en-US/' . implode('/', $path); } } return $url . $path . '/' . $entity_file; }
static function instance() { if (!self :: $_instance) self :: $_instance = new Strings(); return self :: $_instance; }
public function process(array $documents, &$context) { $doc = $documents[self::URL_HISTORY]; $dom = self::getDOM($doc); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); Database::delete('userhistory', ['user_id' => $context->user->id]); $data = []; $nodes = $xpath->query('//table//td[@class = \'borderClass\']/..'); foreach ($nodes as $node) { //basic info $link = $node->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes->item(0)->getAttribute('href'); preg_match('/(\\d+)\\/?$/', $link, $matches); $media = strpos($link, 'manga') !== false ? Media::Manga : Media::Anime; $mediaMalId = intval($matches[0]); $progress = Strings::makeInteger($node->childNodes->item(0)->childNodes->item(2)->nodeValue); //parse time //That's what MAL servers output for MG client if (isset($doc->headers['Date'])) { date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $now = strtotime($doc->headers['Date']); } else { $now = time(); } date_default_timezone_set('America/Los_Angeles'); $hour = date('H', $now); $minute = date('i', $now); $second = date('s', $now); $day = date('d', $now); $month = date('m', $now); $year = date('Y', $now); $dateString = $node->childNodes->item(2)->nodeValue; if (preg_match('/(\\d*) seconds? ago/', $dateString, $matches)) { $second -= intval($matches[1]); } elseif (preg_match('/(\\d*) minutes? ago/', $dateString, $matches)) { $second -= intval($matches[1]) * 60; } elseif (preg_match('/(\\d*) hours? ago/', $dateString, $matches)) { $minute -= intval($matches[1]) * 60; } elseif (preg_match('/Today, (\\d*):(\\d\\d) (AM|PM)/', $dateString, $matches)) { $hour = intval($matches[1]); $minute = intval($matches[2]); $hour += ($matches[3] == 'PM' and $hour != 12) ? 12 : 0; } elseif (preg_match('/Yesterday, (\\d*):(\\d\\d) (AM|PM)/', $dateString, $matches)) { $hour = intval($matches[1]); $minute = intval($matches[2]); $hour += ($matches[3] == 'PM' and $hour != 12) ? 12 : 0; $hour -= 24; } elseif (preg_match('/(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d)-(\\d\\d), (\\d*):(\\d\\d) (AM|PM)/', $dateString, $matches)) { $year = intval($matches[3]) + 2000; $month = intval($matches[1]); $day = intval($matches[2]); $hour = intval($matches[4]); $minute = intval($matches[5]); $hour += ($matches[6] == 'PM' and $hour != 12) ? 12 : 0; } $timestamp = mktime($hour, $minute, $second, $month, $day, $year); date_default_timezone_set('UTC'); $data[] = ['user_id' => $context->user->id, 'mal_id' => $mediaMalId, 'media' => $media, 'progress' => $progress, 'timestamp' => date('Y-m-d H:i:s', $timestamp)]; } Database::insert('userhistory', $data); }
public function testToCamel() { $tests = array('start_middle_last' => 'startMiddleLast', 'simple_xml' => 'simpleXml', 'pdf_load' => 'pdfLoad', 'simple_test' => 'simpleTest', 'easy' => 'easy', 'html' => 'html', 'a_string' => 'aString', 'some4_numbers234' => 'some4Numbers234', 'test123_string' => 'test123String'); foreach ($tests as $value => $expeted) { $this->assertSame($expeted, Strings::toCamel($value)); } }
/** * * Loads strings from a .lang file into an array. File format is: * ;String in english * translated string * * @param string $file .lang file to load * @param boolean $reference_locale True if the current locale is the reference locale * @return array Array of strings as [original => translation] */ public static function getStrings($file, $reference_locale) { // get all the lines in an array $f = self::getFile($file); $strings = []; for ($i = 0, $lines = count($f); $i < $lines; $i++) { // skip comments and metadata if (Strings::startsWith($f[$i], '#')) { continue; } if (Strings::startsWith($f[$i], ';') && !empty($f[$i + 1])) { $english = trim(substr($f[$i], 1)); if (Strings::startsWith($f[$i + 1], '#') || Strings::startsWith($f[$i + 1], ';')) { /* String is not translated, next line is a comment or * the next source string. I consider the string untranslated */ $translation = $english; } else { // Next line is an actual translation $translation = trim($f[$i + 1]); } // If untranslated, I need to store an empty string as translation // unless it's the reference locale if ($reference_locale) { $strings[$english] = $english; } else { $strings[$english] = $translation == $english ? '' : $translation; } $i++; } } return $strings; }
public function process(array $documents, &$context) { $doc = $documents[self::URL_MEDIA]; $dom = self::getDOM($doc); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); //chapter count preg_match_all('#([0-9]+|Unknown)#', self::getNodeValue($xpath, '//span[text() = \'Chapters:\']/following-sibling::node()[self::text()]'), $matches); $chapterCount = Strings::makeInteger($matches[0][0]); //volume count preg_match_all('#([0-9]+|Unknown)#', self::getNodeValue($xpath, '//span[text() = \'Volumes:\']/following-sibling::node()[self::text()]'), $matches); $volumeCount = Strings::makeInteger($matches[0][0]); //serialization $serializationMalId = null; $serializationName = null; $q = $xpath->query('//span[text() = \'Serialization:\']/../a'); if ($q->length > 0) { $node = $q->item(0); preg_match('#/magazine/([0-9]+)$#', $node->getAttribute('href'), $matches); $serializationMalId = Strings::makeInteger($matches[1]); $serializationName = Strings::removeSpaces($q->item(0)->nodeValue); } $media =& $context->media; $media->chapters = $chapterCount; $media->volumes = $volumeCount; $media->serialization_id = $serializationMalId; $media->serialization_name = $serializationName; R::store($media); }
function testGetActions() { $j = new ActionsComponent(); $actions = array( 'display' => array(), 'edit' => array( 'JIP' => false, 'action_name' => Strings :: get('edit'), 'img_src' => '/shared/images/edit.gif', ), 'delete' => array( 'JIP' => true, 'action_name' => Strings :: get('delete'), 'img_src' => '/shared/images/rem.gif', ), ); $j->setActions($actions); $j->setNodeId(100); $actions = $j->getActions(); $this->assertTrue(is_array($actions)); $this->assertEqual(count($actions), 1); $action = reset($actions); $this->assertEqual($action['action'], 'delete'); $this->assertWantedPattern('/^\/root\?.+$/', $action['action_href']); $this->assertWantedPattern('/&*action=delete/', $action['action_href']); $this->assertWantedPattern('/&*node_id=100/', $action['action_href']); }
/** * Filter: removes unnecessary whitespace and shortens value to control's max length. * @return string */ public function sanitize($value) { if ($this->control->maxlength && Strings::length($value) > $this->control->maxlength) { $value = Strings::substring($value, 0, $this->control->maxlength); } return Strings::trim(strtr($value, "\r\n", ' ')); }
protected function check($value) { if(empty($value)) $this->error(Strings :: get('error_invalid_tree_node_id', 'error')); elseif(!Limb :: toolkit()->getTree()->getNode((int)$value)) $this->error(Strings :: get('error_invalid_tree_node_id', 'error')); }
public static function allow_page_edit($presenter, $id) { if (!$presenter->user->isInRole('user')) { //probably admin -> allow return true; } //log all changes by users if (count($presenter->request->post)) { $v = PagesModel::getPageById($id); } else { $v = $presenter->request; } $key = Strings::webalize($presenter->user->id); $data = date("Y-m-d H:i:s ") . $_SERVER["REQUEST_URI"] . " " . base64_encode(print_r($v, 1)); file_put_contents(WWW_DIR . "/data/activitylog/{$key}.log", $data, FILE_APPEND); if ($presenter->user->identity->webpages == 'all') { return true; } $allowed = explode(',', $presenter->user->identity->webpages); foreach (PagesModel::getPageById($id)->getParents() as $page) { if (in_array($page->id, $allowed)) { //allowed to edit page? return true; } } return false; }
public function prepare() { $params = array(); $params['id'] = $this->get('node_id'); $params['action'] = 'order'; $params['rn'] = time(); $params['popup'] = 1; $this->set('order_up_alt', Strings :: get('order_up')); $this->set('order_down_alt', Strings :: get('order_down')); if (!$this->get('is_first_child')) { $params['direction'] = 'up'; $this->set('order_up_href', addUrlQueryItems($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $params)); } else $this->set('order_up_href', ''); if (!$this->get('is_last_child')) { $params['direction'] = 'down'; $this->set('order_down_href', addUrlQueryItems($_SERVER['PHP_SELF'], $params)); } else $this->set('order_down_href', ''); return parent :: prepare(); }
public function create_guid($obj) { if (!$obj->pk()) { $obj->{$obj->pkName()} = Strings::create_guid(); $obj->__new_with_id = 1; } }
protected function _validPerform($request, $response) { $mail_data = $this->dataspace->export(); if (isset($mail_data['sender_name'])) { $sender_name = $mail_data['sender_name']; } else { $sender_name = $mail_data['sender_firstname'] . ' ' . $mail_data['sender_lastname']; } $body = sprintf(Strings::get('body_template', 'feedback'), $sender_name, $mail_data['sender_email'], $mail_data['body']); $body = str_replace('<br>', "\n", $body); $subject = $this->_getMailSubject(); $recipient_email = $this->_getEmail(); $mailer = $this->_getMailer(); $headers['From'] = $mail_data['sender_email']; $headers['To'] = $recipient_email; $headers['Subject'] = $subject; if (!$recipient_email || !$mailer->send($recipient_email, $headers, $body)) { MessageBox::writeNotice(Strings::get('mail_not_sent', 'feedback')); $request->setStatus(Request::STATUS_FAILUER); return; } MessageBox::writeNotice(Strings::get('message_was_sent', 'feedback')); $request->setStatus(Request::STATUS_FORM_SUBMITTED); $response->redirect($_SERVER['PHP_SELF']); }
public function process(array $documents, &$context) { $document = $documents[self::URL_MEDIA]; $dom = self::getDOM($document); $xpath = new DOMXPath($dom); Database::delete('mediarelation', ['media_id' => $context->media->id]); $data = []; foreach ($xpath->query('//table[@class=\'anime_detail_related_anime\']/tr') as $node) { $typeMal = strtolower(Strings::removeSpaces($node->childNodes[0]->textContent)); $type = Strings::makeEnum($typeMal, ['adaptation' => MediaRelation::Adaptation, 'alternative setting' => MediaRelation::AlternativeSetting, 'alternative version' => MediaRelation::AlternativeVersion, 'character' => MediaRelation::Character, 'full story' => MediaRelation::FullStory, 'other' => MediaRelation::Other, 'parent story' => MediaRelation::ParentStory, 'prequel' => MediaRelation::Prequel, 'sequel' => MediaRelation::Sequel, 'side story' => MediaRelation::SideStory, 'spin-off' => MediaRelation::SpinOff, 'summary' => MediaRelation::Summary], null); if ($type === null) { throw new BadProcessorDocumentException($document, 'unknown relation type: ' . $typeMal); } $links = $node->childNodes[1]->getElementsByTagName('a'); foreach ($links as $link) { $link = $link->getAttribute('href'); if (preg_match('#^/(anime|manga)/([0-9]+)/#', $link, $matches)) { $idMal = Strings::makeInteger($matches[2]); if ($matches[1] === 'anime') { $media = Media::Anime; } elseif ($matches[1] === 'manga') { $media = Media::Manga; } $data[] = ['media_id' => $context->media->id, 'mal_id' => $idMal, 'media' => $media, 'type' => $type]; } } } Database::insert('mediarelation', $data); $context->relationData = $data; }
protected function check($value) { $value = "$value"; if(!preg_match("~^[a-zA-Z]\d[a-zA-Z]\s\d[a-zA-Z]\d$~", $value)) $this->error(Strings :: get('error_invalid_zip_format', 'error')); }
public static function formatForTitle($string) { if (!is_string($string) || strlen($string) === 0) { return false; } $string = str_replace('_', ' ', $string); return Strings::titleCase($string); }
/** * Returns a detailed error message. * * The error message contains: * 1. Error Number (only if greater than zero) * 2. Error Message * 3. File Name * 4. Line Number of the file * 5. Executed SQL Query (optional) * * @return string All error details as string */ public function __toString() { $error = parent::__toString(); if (empty($this->query) == false) { $query = Strings::replaceLineBreaks($this->query, "\t"); $error .= "\r\nQuery: {$query}"; } return $error; }
public function redirect($path) { include_once(LIMB_DIR . '/class/i18n/Strings.class.php'); $message = Strings :: get('redirect_message');//??? $message = str_replace('%path%', $path, $message); $this->response_string = "<html><head><meta http-equiv=refresh content='0;url={$path}'></head><body bgcolor=white><font color=707070><small>{$message}</small></font></body></html>"; }
/** * Método que define a tabela * @param string $tabelas Define como a tabela ou tabelas. */ public function into($tabelas) { if (!\Strings::validar($tabelas)) { throw new SqlException("Query mal formada. A tabela é inválida"); } $this->tabela = $tabelas; return $this; }
public function filter($var) { $var = parent::filter($var); if (!preg_match($this->options['regex'], $var)) { return null; } return $var; }
public function testCamel() { $this->assertEquals('hereIAm', Strings::camel('Here I am')); $this->assertEquals('hereIAm', Strings::camel('Here-I am')); $this->assertEquals('hereIAm', Strings::camel('Here I am!')); $this->assertEquals('hereIAm', Strings::camel(',Here I am')); $this->assertEquals('meVoila', Strings::camel('Me voilà')); }
/** * Método que defien a tabela alvo da interação * @param string $tabela A tabela alvo */ public function setTabela($tabela) { if (!\Strings::validar($tabela)) { throw new SqlException("A tabela definida é inválida"); } $this->tabela = $tabela; return $this; }
/** * @func void * @return void */ public function __construct() { echo 'tss1 controller works<br/>'; /* load::service('validator'); $rules = array ( 'name' => 'alpha|required', 'year' => 'num|required', ); $Validation = new Validator(); $Validation->validate($_POST, $rules); if (!$Validation->passed()) { $Validation->goBackWithErrors(); } if (!empty($Validation->getErrors())) { print_r($Validation->getErrors()); } */ load::library(SF::STRINGS); load::library(SF::NETWORK); #$test_string = Strings::generate_password(4); $test_string = Strings::generatePassword(4); var_dump($test_string); $numeric_test = (int) '-abc12.3edf'; // this SHOULD FALL AND THROW AN ERROR #var_dump(Strings::strip_to_numeric($numeric_test)); var_dump(Strings::StripToNumeric($numeric_test)); #var_dump(Network::get_client_lang()); var_dump(Network::getClientLang()); exit; // database testing $data = Entries::getData(); var_dump($data); /* load::library(SF::DEBUG); //load::library(SF::DEBUG)->func('pr'); // will only load clean_str() ExecuteTime::start(); $parameters = array ( 'key' => '1e46165dsa5ds4a', 'action' => 'push', 'userid' => 1234998, 'keywords' => 'test' ); ExecuteTime::end(); echo ExecuteTime::display(); */ }
public function validate($dataspace) { $value = $dataspace->get($this->field_name); if (!isset($value) || $value === '') { $this->error(Strings :: get('error_required', 'error')); } }
/** * Transforms path to class name with namespaces. * * Example: * <code> * $string = 'api/multiple_ns'; * $namespace = ClassName::pathToFullyQualifiedName($string); * </code> * Result: * <code> * Api\\MultipleNs * </code> * * @param $string * @return string */ public static function pathToFullyQualifiedName($string) { $parts = explode('/', $string); $namespace = ''; foreach ($parts as $part) { $namespace .= Strings::underscoreToCamelCase($part) . '\\'; } return rtrim($namespace, '\\'); }
/** * @dataProvider providerReplaceLineBreaks */ public function testReplaceLineBreaks($param_string, $param_replace, $expected) { $result = Strings::replaceLineBreaks($param_string, $param_replace); $this->assertEquals( $expected, $result, "Could not properly replace line breaks with ".var_export($param_replace, true). " in string ".var_export($param_string, true) ); }