Esempio n. 1
 public function testMain()
     $frm = new SpoonForm('name', 'action');
     $frm->addButton('submit', 'submit');
     $frm->addCheckbox('agree', true);
     $frm->addDate('date', time(), 'd/m/Y');
     $frm->addDropdown('author', array(1 => 'Davy', 'Tijs', 'Dave'), 1);
     $frm->addHidden('cant_see_me', 'whoop-tie-doo');
     $frm->addMultiCheckbox('hobbies', array(array('label' => 'Swimming', 'value' => 'swimming')));
     $frm->addPassword('top_sekret', 'stars-and-stripes');
     $frm->addRadiobutton('gender', array(array('label' => 'Male', 'value' => 'male')));
     $frm->addTextarea('message', 'big piece of text');
     $frm->addText('email', '*****@*****.**');
     $frm->addText('now', date('H:i'));
Esempio n. 2
 * Client Manager
 * Login Page to the system.
 * @package Client Manager
 * @author Jin Cong<*****@*****.**>
define('LOAD_TEMPLATE', true);
define('LOAD_HEADER', true);
define('IN_LOGIN', true);
require 'loader.php';
//create new SpoonForm
$frm = new SpoonForm('login');
//create form element
$frm->addButton('submit', 'Submit');
if ($frm->isSubmitted()) {
    if ($frm->getField('adminname')->getValue() == ADMINNAME && $frm->getField('adminpw')->getValue() == ADMINPASSWORD) {
        $_SESSION['logined'] = true;
        $_SESSION['adminname'] = $frm->getField('adminname')->getValue();
        $_SESSION['adminpw'] = $frm->getField('adminpw')->getValue();
        $_SESSION['expired'] = time() + ADMINEXPIRED;
        header('Location: ' . BASE_URL . '/');
        $tpl->assign('tooltip', 'Login Success! System will auto redirect you to front page, <a href="' . BASE_URL . '/index.php">click here if not</a>.');
    } else {
        $tpl->assign('tooltip', 'Admin name or Admin password is not correct!');
$tpl->display(ROOT_PATH . '/' . TEMPLATE_PATH . '/login.tpl.php');
Esempio n. 3
  * Adds a single password field.
  * @param string $name The name of the field.
  * @param string[optional] $value The value for the field.
  * @param int[optional] $maxlength The maximum length for the field.
  * @param string[optional] $class Class(es) that will be applied on the element.
  * @param string[optional] $classError Class(es) that will be applied on the element when an error occurs.
  * @param bool[optional] $HTML Will the field contain HTML?
  * @return SpoonFormPassword
 public function addPassword($name, $value = null, $maxlength = null, $class = null, $classError = null, $HTML = false)
     $name = (string) $name;
     $value = $value !== null ? (string) $value : null;
     $maxlength = $maxlength !== null ? (int) $maxlength : null;
     $class = $class !== null ? (string) $class : 'inputText inputPassword';
     $classError = $classError !== null ? (string) $classError : 'inputTextError inputPasswordError';
     $HTML = (bool) $HTML;
     // create and return a password field
     return parent::addPassword($name, $value, $maxlength, $class, $classError, $HTML);