Esempio n. 1
 function index()
     $this->template->content = new View('admin/sharing');
     $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.settings');
     // What to display
     if (isset($_GET['status']) && !empty($_GET['status'])) {
         $status = $_GET['status'];
         if (strtolower($status) == 's') {
             $filter = 'sharing_type = 2';
         } elseif (strtolower($status) == 'r') {
             $filter = 'sharing_type = 1';
         } else {
             $status = "0";
             $filter = '1=1';
     } else {
         $status = "0";
         $filter = "1=1";
     // setup and initialize form field names
     $form = array('action' => '', 'sharing_id' => '', 'sharing_url' => '', 'sharing_email' => '', 'sharing_color' => '', 'sharing_limits' => '', 'sharing_type' => '');
     //  copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys corresponding to the form field names
     $errors = $form;
     $form_error = FALSE;
     $form_saved = FALSE;
     $form_action = "";
     $sharing_id = "";
     if ($_POST) {
         // Add Site Variables that need to be validated before submission
         $site_vars = array("sharing_email" => Kohana::config('settings.site_email'));
         $post = Validation::factory(array_merge($_POST, $site_vars));
         //  Add some filters
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         if ($post->action == 'a') {
             // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order
             $post->add_rules('sharing_url', 'required', 'url');
             $post->add_rules('sharing_email', 'required', 'email');
             $post->add_rules('sharing_color', 'required', 'length[6,6]');
             $post->add_rules('sharing_limits', 'required', 'between[1,4]');
             $post->add_rules('sharing_type', 'between[1,2]');
             $post->add_callbacks('sharing_url', array($this, 'url_exists_chk'));
         if ($post->validate()) {
             $sharing_id = $post->sharing_id;
             $sharing = new Sharing_Model($sharing_id);
             if ($post->action == 'd') {
                 // Delete Action
                 $form_saved = TRUE;
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.deleted'));
             } else {
                 if ($post->action == 'v') {
                     // Active/Inactive Action
                     if ($sharing->loaded) {
                         if ($sharing->sharing_active == 1) {
                             $sharing->sharing_active = 0;
                         } else {
                             // Make Share Active
                             $sharing->sharing_active = 1;
                         $form_saved = TRUE;
                         $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.modified'));
                 } else {
                     // Save Action
                     $sharing_save = TRUE;
                     // If this is a new share request, we'll connect to remote instance
                     if (!$sharing->loaded) {
                         // Generate 30 Character Sharing Key
                         $sharing_key = text::random('alnum', 30);
                         // Verify that the instance we're connecting to is indeed
                         // an Ushahidi Instance.
                         $sharing_connect = new Sharing();
                         // Use sharing library to connect
                         if (!$sharing_connect->share_notify($post->sharing_url, $sharing_key, 'notify')) {
                             $sharing_save = FALSE;
                             $post->add_error('sharing_url', 'valid');
                         $sharing->sharing_key = $sharing_key;
                         $sharing->sharing_url = $this->_clean_urls($post->sharing_url);
                     // Save Actions dependent on Share Type
                     if ($sharing->loaded && $sharing->sharing_type == 2) {
                         $sharing->sharing_type = 2;
                         // Pushing Data
                         $sharing->sharing_limits = $post->sharing_limits;
                     } else {
                         $sharing->sharing_type = 1;
                         // Pulling Data
                         $sharing->sharing_color = $post->sharing_color;
                         $sharing->sharing_limits = $post->sharing_limits;
                     if ($sharing_save) {
                         $form_saved = TRUE;
                         $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.created_edited'));
                     } else {
                         // repopulate the form fields
                         $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
                         // populate the error fields, if any
                         $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('sharing'));
                         $form_error = TRUE;
         } else {
             // repopulate the form fields
             $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
             // populate the error fields, if any
             $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('sharing'));
             $form_error = TRUE;
     // Pagination
     $pagination = new Pagination(array('query_string' => 'page', 'items_per_page' => $this->items_per_page, 'total_items' => ORM::factory('sharing')->where($filter)->count_all()));
     $shares = ORM::factory('sharing')->where($filter)->orderby('sharing_site_name', 'asc')->find_all($this->items_per_page, $pagination->sql_offset);
     $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
     $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
     $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action;
     $this->template->content->pagination = $pagination;
     $this->template->content->total_items = $pagination->total_items;
     $this->template->content->shares = $shares;
     $this->template->content->errors = $errors;
     // Status Tab
     $this->template->content->status = $status;
     // Site Contact Info
     $this->template->content->site_email = Kohana::config('settings.site_email');
     // Sharing Limits Array
     $this->template->content->sharing_limits_array = array("1" => Kohana::lang('ui_admin.hourly'), "2" => Kohana::lang('ui_admin.every_six_hours'), "3" => Kohana::lang('ui_admin.every_twelve_hours'), "4" => Kohana::lang('ui_admin.daily'));
     // Javascript Header
     $this->template->colorpicker_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->template->js = new View('admin/sharing_js');
Esempio n. 2
 function index()
     $this->template->content = new View('admin/sharing');
     $this->template->content->title = Kohana::lang('ui_admin.settings');
     // What to display
     if (isset($_GET['status']) && !empty($_GET['status'])) {
         $status = $_GET['status'];
         if (strtolower($status) == 's') {
             $filter = 'sharing_type = 2';
         } elseif (strtolower($status) == 'r') {
             $filter = 'sharing_type = 1';
         } else {
             $status = "0";
             $filter = '1=1';
     } else {
         $status = "0";
         $filter = "1=1";
     // setup and initialize form field names
     $form = array('sharing_name' => '', 'sharing_url' => '', 'sharing_color' => '', 'sharing_active' => '');
     //  copy the form as errors, so the errors will be stored with keys corresponding to the form field names
     $errors = $form;
     $form_error = FALSE;
     $form_saved = FALSE;
     $form_action = "";
     $sharing_id = "";
     if ($_POST) {
         $post = Validation::factory($_POST);
         //  Add some filters
         $post->pre_filter('trim', TRUE);
         if ($post->action == 'a') {
             // Add some rules, the input field, followed by a list of checks, carried out in order
             $post->add_rules('sharing_name', 'required', 'length[3,150]');
             $post->add_rules('sharing_url', 'required', 'url', 'length[3,255]');
             $post->add_rules('sharing_color', 'required', 'length[6,6]');
             $post->add_callbacks('sharing_url', array($this, 'url_exists_chk'));
         if ($post->validate()) {
             $sharing_id = $post->sharing_id;
             $sharing = new Sharing_Model($sharing_id);
             if ($post->action == 'd') {
                 // Delete Action
                 $form_saved = TRUE;
                 $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.deleted'));
             } else {
                 if ($post->action == 'v') {
                     // Active/Inactive Action
                     if ($sharing->loaded) {
                         if ($sharing->sharing_active == 1) {
                             $sharing->sharing_active = 0;
                         } else {
                             // Make Share Active
                             $sharing->sharing_active = 1;
                         $form_saved = TRUE;
                         $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.modified'));
                 } else {
                     // Save Action
                     $sharing->sharing_name = $post->sharing_name;
                     $sharing->sharing_url = $this->_clean_urls($post->sharing_url);
                     $sharing->sharing_color = $post->sharing_color;
                     $form_saved = TRUE;
                     $form_action = strtoupper(Kohana::lang('ui_admin.created_edited'));
         } else {
             // repopulate the form fields
             $form = arr::overwrite($form, $post->as_array());
             // populate the error fields, if any
             $errors = arr::overwrite($errors, $post->errors('sharing'));
             $form_error = TRUE;
     // Pagination
     $pagination = new Pagination(array('query_string' => 'page', 'items_per_page' => (int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page_admin'), 'total_items' => ORM::factory('sharing')->where($filter)->count_all()));
     $shares = ORM::factory('sharing')->where($filter)->orderby('sharing_name', 'asc')->find_all((int) Kohana::config('settings.items_per_page_admin'), $pagination->sql_offset);
     $this->template->content->form_error = $form_error;
     $this->template->content->form_saved = $form_saved;
     $this->template->content->form_action = $form_action;
     $this->template->content->pagination = $pagination;
     $this->template->content->total_items = $pagination->total_items;
     $this->template->content->shares = $shares;
     $this->template->content->errors = $errors;
     // Status Tab
     $this->template->content->status = $status;
     // Javascript Header
     $this->template->colorpicker_enabled = TRUE;
     $this->template->js = new View('admin/sharing_js');