/** * This setUp function changes the date string to a DateTime object, creates a segment, creates test values for user salt and hash, and then creates user and trail entries to use for testing */ public function setUp() { parent::setUp(); // necessary DateTime format to run the test $this->VALID_CREATEDATE = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->VALID_CREATEDATE); //create points needed for segment $segmentStart = new Point(35.554, 44.546); $segmentStop = new Point(35.554, 48.445); //create new segment to use for testing $this->segment = new Segment(null, $segmentStart, $segmentStop, 7565, 9800); $this->segment->insert($this->getPDO()); //create needed dependencies to ensure user can be created to run unit testing $this->salt = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)); $this->hash = hash_pbkdf2("sha512", "iLoveIllinois", $this->salt, 262144, 128); //create a new user to use for testing $this->user = new User(null, $this->VALID_BROWSER, $this->VALID_CREATEDATE, $this->VALID_IPADDRESS, "S", "*****@*****.**", $this->hash, "george kephart", $this->salt); $this->user->insert($this->getPDO()); // create a trail to own test // Trail(trailId, userId, browser, createDate, ipAddress, submitTrailId, trailAccessibility, trailAmenities, trailConditions, $this->trail = new Trail(null, $this->user->getUserId(), "Safari", $this->VALID_CREATEDATE, $this->VALID_IPADDRESS, null, "y", "Picnic area", "Good", "This trail is a beautiful winding trail located in the Sandia Mountains", 3, 1054.53, "la luz trail", 1, "Mostly switchbacks with a few sections of rock fall", "Heavy", "Hiking", "fpfyRTmt6XeE9ehEKZ5LwF"); $this->trail->insert($this->getPDO()); }
/** * create dependent objects before running each test **/ public function setUp() { //run the default setUp() method first parent::setUp(); $this->VALID_DATE = DateTime::createFromFormat("Y-m-d H:i:s", $this->VALID_DATE); //create browser $this->VALID_BROWSER = "Chrome"; $this->VALID_USERSALT = bin2hex(openssl_random_pseudo_bytes(32)); $this->VALID_USERHASH = $this->VALID_USERHASH = hash_pbkdf2("sha512", "password4321", $this->VALID_USERSALT, 262144, 128); //create and insert a userId to own the trail $this->user = new User(null, $this->VALID_BROWSER, $this->VALID_DATE, "", "S", "*****@*****.**", $this->VALID_USERHASH, "Hyourname.tomorrow", $this->VALID_USERSALT); $this->user->insert($this->getPDO()); $this->VALID_TRAILNAME = "La Luz"; //create and insert a trailId to own the test Trail Relationship //$newTrailId, $newUserId, $newBrowser, $newCreateDate, $newIpAddress, $newSubmitTrailId, $newTrailAccessibility, $newTrailAmenities, $newTrailCondition, $newTrailDescription, $newTrailDifficulty, $newTrailDistance, $newTrailName, $newTrailSubmissionType, $newTrailTerrain, $newTrailTraffic, $newTrailUse, $newTrailUuid $this->trail = new Trail(null, $this->user->getUserId(), "Safari", $this->VALID_DATE, "", null, "y", "Picnic area", "Good", "This trail is a beautiful winding trail located in the Sandia Mountains", 3, 1054.53, $this->VALID_TRAILNAME, 1, "Mostly switchbacks with a few sections of rock fall", "Heavy", "Hiking", "SSEERFFV4444554"); $this->trail->insert($this->getPDO()); $this->segmentStart = new Point(35.554, 44.546); $this->segmentStop = new Point(6, 36); //create and insert a segmentId to own the test Trail Relationship $this->segment = new Segment(null, $this->segmentStart, $this->segmentStop, 1000, 2000); $this->segment->insert($this->getPDO()); }
//preform the a put post or delete if ($method === "PUT") { //verify the xsrf token $segment = Segment::getSegmentBySegmentId($pdo, $id); // verify the segment in question exists if ($segment === null) { throw new RuntimeException("segment must exist", 404); } $segment = new Segment($id, $segmentStart, $segmentStop, $requestObject->segmentStartElevation, $requestObject->segmentStopElevation); $segment->update($pdo); $reply->message = "segment update was successful"; } if ($method === "POST") { // form a mini-constructor to assemble a segmentStart and a segmentStop....????? $segment = new Segment(null, $segmentStart, $segmentStop, $requestObject->segmentStartElevation, $requestObject->segmentStopElevation); $segment->insert($pdo); $reply->message = "segment insert was successful"; } } elseif ($method === "DELETE") { $segment = Segment::getSegmentBySegmentId($pdo, $id); if ($segment === null) { throw new RuntimeException("segment must exist", 404); } $segment->delete($pdo); $deletedObject = new stdClass(); $deletedObject->segmentId = $id; $reply->message = "segment was successfully Deleted"; } else { if (empty($method) === false && $method !== "GET") { throw new RuntimeException("only active users are allowed to modify entries", 401); }
/** * * Decodes geoJson file, converts to string, sifts through the string and inserts the data into the database * * @param string $url * @throws PDOException PDO related errors * @throws Exception catch-all exception **/ public static function readTrailSegmentsGeoJson($url) { $context = stream_context_create(array("http" => array("ignore_errors" => true, "method" => "GET"))); try { $pdo = connectToEncryptedMySQL("/var/www/trailquail/encrypted-mysql/trailquail.ini"); if (($jsonData = file_get_contents($url, null, $context)) !== false) { if (($jsonFd = @fopen("php://memory", "wb+")) === false) { throw new RuntimeException("Memory Error: I can't remember"); } //decode the geoJson file $jsonConverted = json_decode($jsonData); $jsonFeatures = $jsonConverted->features; // create array from converted geoJson file $properties = new SplFixedArray(count($jsonFeatures)); //loop through array to get to json properties foreach ($jsonFeatures as $jsonFeature) { $properties[$properties->key()] = $jsonFeature->properties; $properties->next(); } //create an array of trails and a SplObjectStorage for the trail guide $trails = []; $trailGuide = new SplObjectStorage(); //loop through array to get trail name and trail use foreach ($properties as $property) { $trailName = $property->name; $trailUse = ""; //set $trailUse string based on information in geoJson properties field. if ($property->bicycle === "yes") { $trailUse = $trailUse . "bicycle: yes, "; } else { $trailUse = $trailUse . "bicycle: no, "; } if ($property->foot === "yes") { $trailUse = $trailUse . "foot: yes, "; } else { $trailUse = $trailUse . "foot: no, "; } if ($property->wheelchair === "yes") { $trailUse = $trailUse . "wheelchair: yes "; } else { $trailUse = $trailUse . "wheelchair: no "; } //get the trail by name and set the trail use try { $candidateTrails = Trail::getTrailByTrailName($pdo, $trailName); foreach ($candidateTrails as $trail) { $trail->setTrailUse($trailUse); $trail->update($pdo); $trails[] = $trail; } } catch (PDOException $pdoException) { $sqlStateCode = "23000"; $errorInfo = $pdoException->errorInfo; if ($errorInfo[0] === $sqlStateCode) { } else { throw new PDOException($pdoException->getMessage(), 0, $pdoException); } } catch (Exception $exception) { throw new Exception($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception); } } try { $trailIndex = 0; foreach ($jsonFeatures as $jsonFeature) { $jsonCoordinates = $jsonFeature->geometry->coordinates; if ($jsonFeature->geometry->type === "LineString") { $coordinates = new SplFixedArray(count($jsonCoordinates)); foreach ($jsonCoordinates as $coordinate) { $coordinates[$coordinates->key()] = $coordinate; $coordinates->next(); } $trailGuide[$trails[$trailIndex]] = $coordinates; $trailIndex++; } else { if ($jsonFeature->geometry->type === "MultiLineString") { $trailClones = []; $trails[$trailIndex]->delete($pdo); for ($i = 1; $i <= count($jsonCoordinates); $i++) { $trail = clone $trails[$trailIndex]; $trail->setTrailId(null); $trail->setTrailName($trail->getTrailName() . " {$i}"); $trail->insert($pdo); $trailClones[] = $trail; } array_splice($trails, $trailIndex, 1, $trailClones); foreach ($jsonCoordinates as $lineCoordinates) { $trailGuide[$trails[$trailIndex]] = $lineCoordinates; $trailIndex++; } } } } $trailGuide->rewind(); foreach ($trailGuide as $map) { $trail = $trailGuide->current(); $geo = $trailGuide->getInfo(); for ($indexTwo = 0; $indexTwo < count($geo) - 1; $indexTwo++) { $segmentStartX = $geo[$indexTwo][0]; $segmentStartY = $geo[$indexTwo][1]; // $segmentStartElevation = $geo[$indexTwo][2]; $segmentStopX = $geo[$indexTwo + 1][0]; $segmentStopY = $geo[$indexTwo + 1][1]; // $segmentStopElevation = $geo[$indexTwo + 1][2]; $segmentStart = new Point($segmentStartX, $segmentStartY); $segmentStop = new Point($segmentStopX, $segmentStopY); try { $segment = new Segment(null, $segmentStart, $segmentStop, 0, 0); $segment->insert($pdo); $relationship = new TrailRelationship($segment->getSegmentId(), $trail->getTrailId(), "T"); $relationship->insert($pdo); } catch (PDOException $pdoException) { $sqlStateCode = "23000"; $errorInfo = $pdoException->errorInfo; if ($errorInfo[0] === $sqlStateCode) { } else { throw new PDOException($pdoException->getMessage(), 0, $pdoException); } } catch (Exception $exception) { throw new Exception($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception); } } } } catch (PDOException $pdoException) { $sqlStateCode = "23000"; $errorInfo = $pdoException->errorInfo; if ($errorInfo[0] === $sqlStateCode) { } else { throw new PDOException($pdoException->getMessage(), 0, $pdoException); } } catch (Exception $exception) { throw new Exception($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception); } } fclose($jsonFd); } catch (PDOException $pdoException) { throw new PDOException($pdoException->getMessage(), 0, $pdoException); } catch (Exception $exception) { throw new Exception($exception->getMessage(), 0, $exception); } }
/** * test grabbing a segment by SegmentStopElevation **/ public function testGetValidSegmentByStopElevation() { //count the number of rows and save it for later $numRows = $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("segment"); //create a new segment and insert it into the database $segment = new Segment(null, $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTART, $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTOP, $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTARTELEVATION, $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTOPELEVATION); $segment->insert($this->getPDO()); //grab the data from mySQL and verify the fields $pdoSegments = Segment::getSegmentBySegmentStopElevation($this->getPDO(), $segment->getSegmentStopElevation()); $this->assertSame($numRows + 1, $this->getConnection()->getRowCount("segment")); foreach ($pdoSegments as $pdoSegment) { $this->assertSame($pdoSegment->getSegmentStart()->getX(), $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTART->getX()); $this->assertSame($pdoSegment->getSegmentStart()->getY(), $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTART->getY()); $this->assertSame($pdoSegment->getSegmentStop()->getX(), $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTOP->getX()); $this->assertSame($pdoSegment->getSegmentStop()->getY(), $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTOP->getY()); $this->assertSame($pdoSegment->getSegmentStartElevation(), $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTARTELEVATION); $this->assertSame($pdoSegment->getSegmentStopElevation(), $this->VALID_SEGMENTSTOPELEVATION); } }