Esempio n. 1
 public function onNPCTalk(SR_Player $player, $word, array $args)
     $b = chr(2);
     switch ($word) {
         case 'magic':
             return $this->rply($word);
             // 				return $this->reply('Yeah, I even sell some magic potions and elixirs.');
         // 				return $this->reply('Yeah, I even sell some magic potions and elixirs.');
         case 'alchemy':
             return $this->rply($word);
             // 				return $this->reply('Alchemy is that art of creating potions.');
         // 				return $this->reply('Alchemy is that art of creating potions.');
         case 'chemistry':
             // 				$this->reply("You can buy similar things here for {$b}alchemy{$b} and {$b}magic{$b} potions.");
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Magic');
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Alchemy');
             return true;
         case 'hello':
             $name = $this->getName();
             return $this->rply($word, array($name));
             // 				return $this->reply("Hello, my name is {$name} and I sell items for {$b}chemistry{$b} and similar stuff.");
         // 				return $this->reply("Hello, my name is {$name} and I sell items for {$b}chemistry{$b} and similar stuff.");
             return $this->rply('default', array($word));
             // 				return $this->reply("I don't know anything about $word.");
Esempio n. 2
 public function onNPCTalk(SR_Player $player, $word, array $args)
     switch ($word) {
             // 				$this->reply('Lol I was at a party in Seattle Hotel over there... It was awesome. But now I head back to Redmond.');
             $player->giveKnowledge('places', 'Seattle_Hotel');
             // 				$this->reply('If you are new to Seattle, you might want to know where the Ares is... It\'s just down the road, then left.');
             $player->giveKnowledge('places', 'Seattle_Ares');
             return true;
Esempio n. 3
 public function onNPCQuestTalkB(SR_TalkingNPC $npc, SR_Player $player, $word, array $args = NULL)
     $need = $this->getNeededAmount();
     switch ($word) {
         case 'shadowrun':
             $npc->reply($this->lang('run2', array($need)));
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Temple');
             // 				$npc->reply("We could need help in getting more customers here.");
             // 				$npc->reply("If you could \X02#say temple\X02 to {$need} citizens i will reward you very well, ok?");
         case 'confirm':
             // 				$npc->reply("What do you think?");
         case 'yes':
             // 				$npc->reply('Perfect!');
         case 'no':
             // 				$npc->reply('Ok');
     return true;
Esempio n. 4
 public function onNPCTalk(SR_Player $player, $word, array $args)
     // 		$b = chr(2);
     switch ($word) {
         case 'magic':
             return $this->rply($word);
             // 				return $this->reply('Yeah, I even sell some magic potions and elixirs.');
         // 				return $this->reply('Yeah, I even sell some magic potions and elixirs.');
         case 'chemistry':
             // 				$this->reply("You can buy similar things here for chemistry or even {$b}magic{$b} potions.");
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Magic');
             return true;
         case 'hello':
             return $this->rply($word, array($this->getName()));
             // 				return $this->reply("Hello, my name is ".$this->getName()." and I sell items for {$b}chemistry{$b} and similar stuff.");
         // 				return $this->reply("Hello, my name is ".$this->getName()." and I sell items for {$b}chemistry{$b} and similar stuff.");
         case 'gizmore':
         case 'somerandomnick':
             return $this->rply('brother', array($word));
             // 				return $this->reply(sprintf('Oh you mean my brother %s in Amerindian.', $word));
         // 				return $this->reply(sprintf('Oh you mean my brother %s in Amerindian.', $word));
             return $this->rply('default', array($word));
             // 				return $this->reply("What do you mean with $word?");
Esempio n. 5
 public function onNPCTalk(SR_Player $player, $word, array $args)
     // 		$c = Shadowrun4::SR_SHORTCUT;
     // 		$b = chr(2);
     switch ($word) {
         case 'malois':
             // 				return $this->reply('I do not talk about customers.');
         // 				return $this->reply('I do not talk about customers.');
         case 'heal':
             return $this->rply($word);
             // 				return $this->reply("We can heal you for some nuyen. Just use {$c}heal here.");
         // 				return $this->reply("We can heal you for some nuyen. Just use {$c}heal here.");
         case 'yes':
         case 'no':
         case 'cyberware':
             return $this->rply('cyber');
             // 				return $this->reply("We have the best Renraku Cyberware available. Use {$c}view, {$c}implant and {$c}unplant to manage your accessoires.");
         // 				return $this->reply("We have the best Renraku Cyberware available. Use {$c}view, {$c}implant and {$c}unplant to manage your accessoires.");
         case 'hello':
             // 				$this->reply("Hello chummer, need some {$b}heal{$b} or {$b}cyberware{$b}?");
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Cyberware', 'Yes', 'No');
             return true;
Esempio n. 6
 public function onNPCQuestTalkB(SR_TalkingNPC $npc, SR_Player $player, $word, array $args = NULL)
     $need = $this->getNeededAmount();
     switch ($word) {
         case 'shadowrun':
             // 				$npc->reply("I am doing \X02alchemic\X02 experiments.");
             $npc->reply($this->lang('sr2', array($need)));
             // 				$npc->reply("As you are here you can bring me {$need} empty bottles.");
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Alchemy');
         case 'confirm':
             $npc->reply($this->lang('confirm', array($need)));
             // 				$npc->reply("Yes I need {$need} empty bottles. Accept the 'quest'?");
         case 'yes':
             // 				$npc->reply('What?');
         case 'no':
             // 				$npc->reply('Meh');
     return true;
Esempio n. 7
 private static function giveKnowB(SR_Player $player, SR_Player $target, $what, $which)
     if (false === $target->hasKnowledge($what, $which)) {
         $target->giveKnowledge($what, $which);
         $player->getParty()->ntice('5117', array($player->getName(), $target->getName(), $which));
         // 			$player->getParty()->message($player, sprintf(' told %s about %s.', $target->getName(), $which));
     return true;
Esempio n. 8
 private function susanChecksYourID(SR_Player $player)
     if ($player->hasConst(self::CONST_ID)) {
         $player->setTemp(self::TEMP_VIS, 1);
         $player->giveKnowledge('places', 'Prison_VisitorsRoom');
         return $this->reply("Alright Mr. Peltzer, please goto the visitors room, we will call for your brother any minute.");
     } else {
         $b = chr(2);
         return $this->reply("Oh ... only family members may visit imprisoners ... unless you have a {$b}fakeid{$b} ^^ just kidding.");
Esempio n. 9
 public function onNPCTalk(SR_Player $player, $word, array $args)
     $key = 'Seattle_Citizen_Hire_' . $player->getID();
     $key2 = 'Seattle_Citizen_Invite_' . $player->getID();
     $b = chr(2);
     switch ($word) {
         case 'shadowrun':
             if ($this->getGender() === 'male') {
                 $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Hire');
             } else {
             return true;
         case 'no':
             return $this->rply('no_' . $this->getGender());
         case 'hire':
             if ($this->getGender() === 'female') {
                 return $this->rply('hire_female');
             $ch = $player->get('charisma');
             $re = $player->get('reputation');
             if ($player->getParty()->hasHireling()) {
             } elseif ($this->hasTemp($key) || rand(0, 32) > $ch + $re) {
                 $this->setTemp($key, 1);
             } else {
                 $time = 400 + $ch * 40 + $re * 20;
                 $p = $this->getParty();
                 $p->kickUser($this, true);
                 $this->onHireC($player, $time);
             return true;
         case 'invite':
             $quest = SR_Quest::getQuest($player, 'Vegas_Voices');
             $quest instanceof Quest_Vegas_Voices;
             $quest->onTryInvite($this, $player);
         case 'hello':
             $this->rply('hello' . $this->getGender());
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Yes');
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'No');
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Shadowrun');
     return true;
Esempio n. 10
 public function onNPCTalk(SR_Player $player, $word, array $args)
     $b = chr(2);
     switch ($word) {
         case 'shadowrun':
             return $this->rply($word);
             // 				return $this->reply("You are looking for a job? You could ask my brother in the Trolls\' Inn. He has some urgent need for spiritouses.");
         // 				return $this->reply("You are looking for a job? You could ask my brother in the Trolls\' Inn. He has some urgent need for spiritouses.");
         case 'cyberware':
             return $this->rply($word);
             // 				return $this->reply('Nobody wants to be a complete robot. When your essence is 0 you are screwed.');
         // 				return $this->reply('Nobody wants to be a complete robot. When your essence is 0 you are screwed.');
         case 'magic':
             return $this->rply($word);
             // 				return $this->reply('I don\'t trust those psychos. ');
         // 				return $this->reply('I don\'t trust those psychos. ');
         case 'biker':
         case 'bikers':
             return $this->rply('bikers');
             // 				return $this->reply('Most of my guests are hardcore bikers. They protect my pub and in exchange they can have cheap parties here. They do not annoy the other guests, so all are fine with that.');
         // 				return $this->reply('Most of my guests are hardcore bikers. They protect my pub and in exchange they can have cheap parties here. They do not annoy the other guests, so all are fine with that.');
         case 'punk':
         case 'punks':
             return $this->rply('punks');
             // 				return $this->reply("The punks and the bikers are in kinda clanwar. Better don`t mention them when you like to talk with the {$b}bikers{$b}.");
         // 				return $this->reply("The punks and the bikers are in kinda clanwar. Better don`t mention them when you like to talk with the {$b}bikers{$b}.");
         case 'ork':
         case 'orks':
             return $this->rply('orks');
             // 				return $this->reply('We have not much trouble with orks here. The bikers protect us.');
         // 				return $this->reply('We have not much trouble with orks here. The bikers protect us.');
         case 'beer':
             return $this->rply($word);
             // 				return $this->reply('One beer. Ok!');
         // 				return $this->reply('One beer. Ok!');
         case 'hello':
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Punks');
             return true;
             // 				return $this->reply("Hello chummer. Better don`t annoy the bikers. They are pissed because of the {$b}punks{$b}");
         // 				return $this->reply("Hello chummer. Better don`t annoy the bikers. They are pissed because of the {$b}punks{$b}");
             $msg = array('def1', 'def2', 'def3');
             $msg = Shadowfunc::randomListItem($msg);
             $msg = $this->langNPC($msg);
             return $this->rply('default', array($msg));
             // 				$msg = array('anything new?', 'the usual stuff?', 'how can I serve you?');
             // 				return $this->reply('Hello chummer, '.Shadowfunc::randomListItem($msg));
     return false;
Esempio n. 11
 public function onNPCTalk(SR_Player $player, $word, array $args)
     $key = 'Seattle_Citizen_Hire_' . $player->getID();
     $b = chr(2);
     switch ($word) {
         case 'shadowrun':
         case 'yes':
             $this->reply("I am looking for a job. Would you like to {$b}hire{$b} me?");
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Hire');
         case 'no':
             $this->reply("Sure, you are not a runner... Though you look like a runner to me.");
         case 'hire':
             $ch = $player->get('charisma');
             $re = $player->get('reputation');
             if ($player->getParty()->hasHireling()) {
                 $this->reply('You already have a hireling. So I say no anway.');
             } elseif ($this->hasTemp($key) || rand(0, 32) > $ch + $re) {
                 $this->reply('You don\'t look very skilled. I better follow my own way.');
                 $this->setTemp($key, 1);
             } else {
                 $time = 400 + $ch * 40 + $re * 20;
                 $p = $this->getParty();
                 $p->kickUser($this, true);
                 $this->onHireC($player, $time);
                 $this->reply("Ok, let's go!");
         case 'invite':
             $quest = SR_Quest::getQuest($player, 'Seattle_Barkeeper');
             $quest instanceof Quest_Seattle_Barkeeper;
             $quest->onTryInvite($this, $player);
         case 'temple':
             $quest = SR_Quest::getQuest($player, 'Redmond_Temple');
             $quest instanceof Quest_Redmond_Temple;
             $quest->onMerchandize($this, $player);
         case 'hello':
             $this->reply("Hello chummer. Are you on a {$b}Shadowrun{$b}?");
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Yes');
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'No');
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Shadowrun');
Esempio n. 12
 public function onNPCQuestTalkB(SR_TalkingNPC $npc, SR_Player $player, $word, array $args = NULL)
     switch ($word) {
         case 'shadowrun':
             $npc->reply("Oh my husband was working for Renraku, but he got lost. Maybe you have heard from him?");
             $npc->reply("He was last seen in Seattle and was not officially working for them ... so don't get into trouble.");
             $npc->reply("His name is Malois Peltzer. Can you please look for him?");
             $player->giveKnowledge('words', 'Malois');
         case 'confirm':
             $npc->reply("Can you please ask for him?");
         case 'yes':
             $npc->reply('Thank you very much.');
         case 'no':
             $npc->reply('Oh, ok.');
     return true;